ElB—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 6,1984 Sale Reports A Public Sale of real estate and printing and machine shop equip ment was held Sep tember 29 by George D. Kegel at 229 Beaver St. m Lancaster, Pa. The 2 story com mercial buiiding of brick and concrete block with refrigeration room with compressor, gas heat and 220 Amp service was sold to William A. McGinley, Riverside Ave., Lan caster for $12,450. Other prices received were: storage chest of drawers $290, 14 h.p. engine $350, air com pressor $l4O, large Nu- Ar-Vic camera $750, paper folder $l5O, drill press $95, ice machine $275, metal cutter $95, portable hack saw $95, tire changer $55 and welder $B5. Auctioneers were Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Martin and Frank L. Steller. A Public Auction of estate and real household goods was held September 29 for the Earl and Elsie Hostetter estate at 204 Eisenhower Blvd. 1 mile west of Maple Grove, Lancaster, Pa. The ranch dwelling was sold for $55,200 to Harry Miller of Bailsman. Other prices in cluded: cherry drop leaf table $l7O, 6-leg drop leaf table $l5O, 2 end tables $l6 each, 6 dining room chairs $25 each, desk $l2O and rocking chair $75. The auctioneer was J, Everett Kreider. XXX The Washington County Holstein Sale was held September 28 at the Hagerstown Speedway on Rt. 40 five miles west of Hager stown, Md. The average of the 25 head of young registered Holsteins sold was $B7O. The top animal sold for $1750 with the second high at $l7OO. One buyer from Virginia purchased 10 head. The sale was managed by Remsburg Sale Service. XXX A Public Auction of real estate was held September 26 for Paul Bute at Valley View Farms, Schoolhouse Rd., Northampton Co., Pa. The 140 acre dairy farm with jugging facilities, slaughter house, butcher shop, retail store, 5 Har vesters, grain bin, frame barn, loafing bam and milking parlor was sold for $353,000. Sanford A. Alderfer, Inc. were the auc tioneers. The Lanchester Christian Schools held a heifer sale on Sep tember 29 at the Guernsey Sales Pavillion, Rt. 30 & 896. Lancaster, Pa. The top cow was consigned by John Umble and sold for $2200. The second high cow was consigned by Mowery Frey and brought $2125. The average of the 54 head sold was $732. An Angus steer was sold for $750. The auctioneers were Leon Kurtz and Steve Petersheim. XXX A Public Sale of farm machinery and butcher equipment was held September 29 by Raymond E. Bloser, 3 miles east of Newville or 8 miles west of Carlisle. There were 255 registered bidders at the sale. Some prices were; J.D. 3020 tractor $BB5O, PUBLIC SALE SAT., OCTOBER 27,1984 I'OO P M VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Located 12 miles south of Strasburg, 3Vz miles south of Nine Points. Vz mile east of Route 896 along Windy Top Road 36081, SadsburyTwp., Lane. Co., Penna. 53 ACRE FARM, more or less Frame house with siding. Five bedrooms, living room, kitchen, enclosed porch, bath, attached washhouse. Remodeled in 1980. Bank Barn - 30 chain tie stalls, with sweep in troughs; box stalls; horse stalls; bam scaf folded to hang tobacco. Two 12’ x 50’ concrete stave silos; milk house; tobacco shed 32’ x 75’; room to hang 9000 lath in shed and bam. Cora bam - carriage shed. Concrete black building 200’ x 20’. Approximately 200’ of road frontage. Eight acres of pasture with stream. Three acres of woodland. Balance in high state of cultivation. Owners, JOHN B. & LYDIA S. STOLTZFUS 10% down. Balance at possession Feb. Ist, 1985. Ken Covelens, Atty. Diffenbach’s Aucts.-225L PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE MONDAY EVE., OCT. 22,1984 5:30 P.M To be held on the premises located at 466 Laudermilch Road, E. Hanover Twp., Dauphin County, Pa. From Hershey take Route 743 north to last farm on right before Route 22. Real Estate to be offered in 2 tracts and as a complete parcel. TRACT 1: Lot size of 193’ frontage, 267’ depth and 346’ rear width with improvements being a 2V2 story Tex-Brick sided house with Ist floor containing kitchen, dining and living rooms and parlor. 2nd floor has 3 bedrooms and full bath. Other particulars include enclosed rear porch, new plumbing, large front porch, well water, on lot septic system, partial storm windows and home is heated by oil heatrola and coal stove. Other improvements include a small chicken house and 30’x30’ shop and garage. TRACT 2: Lot size of 130’ frontage, 500’ depth, 500’ rear and 230’ side depth which contains 2.83 acres with improvements of a 2 bay-2 mow bank barn with enclosed forebay. Small fenced exercise lot in front of bam. Seperate water system. This tract is zoned boht commercial and R-A. Inspection by calling 717-469-0626 or 717-939- 4053. Terms to be 10% deposit auction day with the balance due within 30 days at settlement. For country living, yet close to major cities and highways and located in the Lower Dauphin School District, don’t miss this opportunity. Conditions by PAUL WERT Harry B. Bachman Auctioneer 717-867-1809 AU-000033-L Shearer, Matte, Woodside Attorneys J.D. 520 tractors $1550 & $l7OO, A.C. WD4S tractor $B5O, J.D. plow $5lOO, N.H. elevator $825, Perry harrows $95 & $l6O, 2 horse wagon w/seat $267, J.D. 45T baler $460, Athens disc harrow $2650, J.D. chisel plow $660, Badger blower $450, Danuser post driver $760, N.H. 38 flail chopper $9lO, N.H. harvester $1350, hydraulic chuck wagons $lOOO & $1075, J.D. self prop combine $lOOO, Hobart 98” band saw $llOO, Hobart 32” meat grinder $1125, chain hoist $825, splitting saws $l3O & $135 and 3 pc. high oak bedroom suite with carving $BOO. The auctioneer was Art Rife. Public Auction Register OCTOBER Rt 462, continue straight SATURDAY OCTOBER 6 - dn Freysville Rd , go Public Auction 10 AM Cor- through underpass, Ist ner of Lykens and Moun- farm on right in lane tain Rds in Mifflin Estate of Ruth Stoner Township, Dauphin Co , Brinkman Blame & Nevm PA, 2nd farm west of Rentzel, Auctioneers Kolu’’' S? - '•'i, l volva’s Sawmill, . mile north of Berrysburg, 36 SATURDAY OCTOBER miles NE of Harr 64 acre 6-830 AM Public Auction farm & Farm Equip Floyd of Real Estate and 100 E Stine, Peter I Stine & yrs Untouched Woodrow W Stine, Household Goods In- Owners Mike Deibert, eludes Antiques Located Auctioneer George 7 miles west of York, Deibert, Realtor, Auc- along Rt 30 in the village tioneer of Thomasville, Jackson SATURDAY OCTOBER 6 - Jwp ■ York Co PA Public Sale of Antiques at Elizabeth E Wehler, 9AM Located Oft Jlt-30 Owner .. . C ' a 1 r R at Hallam Exit, go south to Slaybaugh, Auctioneer PUBI FARM WEDNESDAY, 0 Commencing Af Located Approx. 4 Milf Turn South at Dry Valley uros»..> Stein Lane To County Line Road, Turn East */« Mile, Turn South to Sale. Sale Signs, Snyder County. FARM MACHINERY “986” International WF Diesel Tractor W/Cab, AM/FM Radio & Air, 1,100 Hours; ‘656” In ternational Hydro Tractor With Fast Hitch, Hydraulic Drawbar; “440” International 4-16” Fully Mounted Plow; No. 720 International Harvester With 2 Row Corn Head; No. 82 In ternational Combine; No. 430 International Baler; No. 56 International Silo Blower; No. 416 SF Myers Forage Wagon, New; 1 PR 1 Row International Corn Picker; 200 Gal. Eagle Trailing Field Sprayer, New; No. 10 7-16 In ternational Grain Drill; Staggered Hoe; 7 Ft. International Fast Hitch Blade; No. 40112 Ft. 3 Sec. Spring Tooth Harrow; 12 Ft. Brillion Cultipacker; 2 Row International Fast Hitch Com Planter; 2 Row International Front Mount Cultivator; No. 990-9 Ft. International Haybine; 36 Ft. New Idea Elevator; No. 530 International pto Manure Spreader; No. 33A International Manure Loader & Bucket; 7 Ft. International Belt Driven, Balanced Head Mower; EZ Flow Gravity Box W/8 Ton Run ning Gears; Galv. Gravity Wagon With Grove Running Gears; International Pull Type Side Delivery Rake; 16 Ft. New Holland Flat Bed Wagon; International Belt Driven Com Shelter; 18 Ft. International Flat Bed Wagon. FARM RELATED ITEMS Tractor Pulley for 1,000 rpm Shaft; Cement Mixer; Platform Scales; Steel Wheel Lame Drill; 6 Bates 10,000’ Baler Twine; Electric Fence Wire & Posts; Gasoline Engine Orchard Sprayer; Antique Wagon Box; Log Chains; Screw Jack; Scythe; Burlap Bags; Chicken Feeders; 30 Ft. 6” Endless Belt; Drill Press; Blacksmith Forge. MILKING EQUIPMENT 3 Magnetic DeLaval Milker Units; Stainless Steel Carrying Pail & Strainer; Cream Separator. CROP Approx. 60 Tons Mixed Clover Timothy Hay; Approx. 10 Tons Wheat Straw; 1,500 Bu. Oats. BUTCHER EQUIPMENT % 2 Kettles: Lard Press; Sausage Grinder; Hog $ Hangers; Butcher Tub; Lard Cans; % Miscellaneous. I HOUSEHOLD GOODS | AND ANTIQUES i Antique Oak Side by Side; Antique Dropleaf g Table; Antique Rope Bed; Writing Desk; Small g Room Kerdsene Heater; Occasional Chairs; Round Gold Edge Mirror; Antique Bentwood Stand; Antique Metal Crib; Porch Swing; Antique Walnut Studded Clothes Rack; Mounted Deer Heads; Jars; Crocks; Antique Easel; Wash Boilers; Some Dishes; Dutch Oven; 12 Ga. SB Shot Gun. TERMS: Cash Owners and Auctioneer Not Responsible For Accidents Owners: MR. & MRS. ROBERT LEPLEY (717)374-1301 AUCTIONEER: Wayne M. Hess. 717-922-1206 Lie. #AU-000411-L AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Most Farm Machinery is New or In New Condition Never Set Out In Weather. • SALE ORDER: Household Goods, Wagon Supplies, Machinery At Noon. LUNCHSERVED FRIDAY, OCT. 12 and SATURDAY, OCT. 13,1984 Beginning Each Day At 9:30 A.M. William J. (Bill Jake) KeUer-Estate Located on Virginia Route 623, just south of the Village of Mt. Olive, Shenandoah County, Virginia, and about 3 miles West of Exit 73 at Toms Brook, Virginia. From Exit 73 go West to Route 623, south about Ms mile to sale: 1 Share Sheandoah County Fair Stock 20 OLD FARM TRACTORS FARM MACHINERY, ETC.: The following John Deere Tractors, 19418, incomplete, 1945 A, 1941 H, 1938 A, 1939 AR on steel, 19418, 19398, 1930 GP on rubber, 1932 GP on steel, 19458 R on rubber, Allis Chalmers WD backhoe attached, Minneapohs-Molme Unitractor with corn picker, Mmneapolis-Molme Umtractor, Minneapolis Moline Tractor, International 1928 15-30 on steel, Sheppard, 3 cylinder disel, 1942 D 8 catepillar with blade, Gallon 9 ton road roller, Huber road roller 1928 Chevrolet truck chassis, 1935 Chevrolet car, 1929 Chevrolet truck, 1935 Chevrolet truck chassis, 1929 Chevrolet truck chassis, Dodge Army truck chassis, Dodge truck with spray rig, Dodge truck, Dodge 4WD Army truck, 1935 Hudson car, 1936 Ford truck chassis, GMC Army with hole auger, GMC cab over engine truck, In ternational KB7 truck, International truck, 2 In ternational truck chassis, old truck chassis, steel truck body, International 10-20 power unit, Ready power, power unit, 15KW Army diesel Generator 60H2, 4 cylinder Leßoi Engine, Miscellaneous tractor wheels, steel, 0 Frick saw mill, Frick edger, Concrete mixer, John Deere gram drill, Planer, 2 belt driven wmchs, New Holland wood saw, 2 grist mills,o 1 scientific stone burr mill, scarifier, disc plow, Extra larger John Deere single breaker plow, McKee field chopper, NH super 77 pickup baler International stationary Baler, Ann-Arbor stationary baler. Farquhar stationary baler, bush hog, 6 ft, bush hog, 8 ft, New Idea manure spreader, fork lift, Mmneapolist-Molme corn picker, cultipacker, disc, heavy, front end loader, American road machinery rock crusher, 2 lookout boilers, Jaeger diaphram pump, hydraulic ram, 8 scaffold bucks, several combines, pull type, Gyratory rock crusher, Moline PTO Model 760 pickup baler and parts, parts, parts MISCELLANEOUS: Hillside plow, copper apple butter kettle, vise, acetylene torches, lincoln 180 amp welder, very large vise, hand tools, lot of Myers pumps, air compressor, lot of JD parts, bolt cutters, stokers, boring machine for motors, coil, blacksmith, forge, anvil, arbor press, very large drill press, grinder, misc old car parts, motors, grinder stone, cherry seeders, candle molds, large loom, saddles flax wheel, horse collars, water ram, gram cradle, civil war camp stove, sausage stuffer, sausage grinder, shaker-sifter, broad ax, spool cabinet, seed sower, lot of old tools, wood working hand tools, cigar molds, bicycles, butchering utensils, ladels, dippers, etc , single tree, new cast iron bath tub, feSd mill, cutting boxes, boxes of bolts, all sizes, hand corn sheller, wooden spoke wheels, church pew, Homehte chain saw, window, 1 door, bank vault door, apple grading equipment, old, wheat fan, platform scales, homemade wagon, barrel header, apple boxes, misc lumber, 2 man saw, fence, 2 gas pumps, violin, lot literature, books and manuals, 2 muzzle loaders m poor condition, 2 horse ties, tinners tools, gougers, cylinder standard record player, wall telephone, airplane propeller, shingle cutter, 1921 silver dollar, pump and plumbing supplies, large old medal lathe, set of stack oak bookcases, 6 high, flax hackle, tarring mill, hulling machine, hand grind mills, automobile lights, Model T-kerosene. advertising boxes, apple boxes, horse plows, parts of saw mill, plton wheel, old jointer, hopper cases large centrifugal pump, lot of fire brick, sulphur blocks, safe, saw mill blade, stoker hopper, 3 unit apple peeler, lots of pipe fittings, 4 steam engine governors, Three S Roll Top Oak Desks, flattop desk, globe, woodstoves, trunks, very tall ornate oak bed, rope poster bed, radio, jelly safe, old safe, set of 6 oak kitchen chairs, wicker rockers, oak straight chair, brass bucket, 2 oak dressers, 2 oak beds, fainting couch, lots of oil lamps, pump organ, solid end safe, wooden tub washing machine, small dovetail box, slant top desk, oak bookcase, walnut bed, icebox, dressers, washstands, lot of pictures Lots of crocks, some are Strasburg NOTE. Mr. Keller was an accumulator all of his life There are so many items that two auctioneers will be selling at the same time both days, so bring a friend. The machinery ranges from fair to poor as it was parked outside. Some have parts missing. We will sell the household items on the second day and the Fair stock. We will sell as much of the machinery and tools on the first day as possible TERMS: CASH Executors O.L FRENCH BILLY L HOTTLE Auctioneers: R.F. Pangle, Jr. Mark Pangle Lunch by Toms Brook Fire Department
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