El6—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 6,1984 MAILBOX MARKET For Sale Model 270 GT gram dryer $l2OO Mifflin Co 717 667 2019, no Sun calls For Sale AC table silo blower w/40’ 9" pipe w/elbow $5O Leb Co 717 949-3243 For Sale Behlen FXL 15 corn crib 2 yrs old, 865 bu Berks Co 215 845 7736 after spm For Sale 1 6600 gal oil tank like new $5OO Mifflin Co 717 899 7773 For Sale 8' JD offset transport disk, field ready cond , $350, Fox 2 row corn head model 2055 $2OO 717 532-7030 Notice Stud Service Reg Nubian bucks, 2 magnum line, 1 Camel Vista-Belle Terre $25/up White Hall, MD 301 343- 0026 For Sale - Alfalfa & mixed hay, pickup or del Evan Andrews, Box 111, Loganton, Pa 17747, Clinton Co 717 725- 3115 For Sale ■ Hampshire Ram $5O, Montour Co 717 437-3386 For Sale American Saddlebred horse, 5 yrs old, sound, safe, good horse Edwin Hoover Box 324 A, Stevens #2, Pa 17578 For Sale 13 hole JD disk drill $2OO, aeromotor wind mill w/tower (standing), York Co 717 235 1855 For Sale Tox-Wic auto cattle head gate, good cond , Lane Co 215-445 4764 For Sale Rye $4/bu JD 34 harvester $4OO John M Sauder, R# 1, East Earl Pa 17519, Lane Co For Sale Fine rye for cover crop Lane Co Phares Hurst near Bowmansville 215-445 6186 Wanted 3pt hitch arms & wide front end for JD 730, Steuben Co Bath NY 607 776-4465 at 8 a m PUBLIC SALE OF 14 ACRE FARMETTE 2 ACRES WITH BUILDINGS -12 ACRES OF PASTURE & WOODLANQ. To be offered separately and as an entirety SATURDAY, NOV. 3,1984 @2:00 P.M. Directions: From Ephrata take Rt. 272 N., turn left at Schoeneck Rd., go thru Schoeneck to property approx. Vz mile on left. West Cocalico Township, Lancaster County, Pa. OPEN HOUSE: Saturday, October 20, 1984 from 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM 2 ACRE PARCEL IVz story brick dwelling with large porch in front, porch and large balcony in rear. Ist floor: Eat-m kitchen w/pantry, formal dining rm., liv. rm. w/open stairway, rec. room. 2nd floor; 3 bedims, w/closets; full bath. Rooms all w/hardwood or linoleum floors. Full basement w/outside entrance; shingle roof; OHW heat. OUTBUILDINGS: 2 story 3 car garage; 34’ x 57’ 2 story bank barn. Ist floor mostly open stables, one end has cold storage and walk-in freezer. 2nd floor has 2 drive-in doors. 20’ x 115’ one story building w/OHA heat. Also 3 other small buildings. 12 ACRE PARCEL 12 Acres of pasture and woodland with very gentle southern slope. Stream and spring fed pond. SCHOOL DISTRICT: Cocalico ZONING: R3OO WATER SUPPLY: Well and pressure system. INSPECTION: Anytime by appointment. Call 717-738-2005 or 215-286-5183. TERMS: 10% down day of sale; settlement within 15 days. TERMS BY HORNING FARM AGENCY, INC. Agents for Owners Alvin Horning, Auctioneer AII-00043T-I HORNING FARM AGENCY. INC. For Sale - Rye seed Lane Co, Pa 717 354-6310 For Sale Pygmy goats, 2 yr old doe $6O 00 1 yr old Castrated buck $25 00, Lane Co /17 284-4936 For Sale Rye combine run $3 00 bu 717 356 2528 eve or early morning Col Co For Sale 323 Nl pickers kool recutter for Oliver gram drill, Elias S Beiler 601 Musser School Rd , Leola, Pa 17540 For Sale 8 ewes all young & also 9 lambs weight from 50 to 100 lbs Lane Co 717 733-8579 For Sale ■ Shultz flail chopper A-l cond , $495 Corn drag w/gasolme motor $lB5, Big corn bin wagon, $895 717-354 0266 For Sale Leopard app mare born 4-30-82, 12’ Pittsburg harrow 3 sec Union Co , 717-966-2720 eves or 717-837-2221 For Sale - 2 gal stock tanks for water, 717 393 0931 Wanted To Buy - Concrete culvert pipe 36” to 42" diameter, 717-345-4882 Wanted Old poultry mags, & poultry books pub prior to 1930 For sale, small Perfection kerosene stove, Adams Co (717)624-2347 For Sale Reg Bluetick Coonhound pups, Sire Gr N Ch Ch Germans Blue Shadow, Dam Finleys Blue Chip, Lane Co (717) 284-2827, Kevin For Sale- Outside calf hutches, $75 each, David B Stoltzfus, Rd 2, Box 2828, Nottingham, PA, take Brown Rd at Little Bntian, second road right For Sale- Spring wagons & buggies & horse related items 301-398 5696 after 7 30 P M Wanted Old metal toys 1925-1930 Buddy “L” or Keystone For Sale- Metal cab for military jeep Montg Co 215-933-2469 For Sale Gehl 95 Mixei ennder new cond $3OOO Hunterdon Co 201 996 2459 For Sale Cockatiels 5 mths old $35 ea Lane Co 717 464 5273 after 5 p m For Sale - English Setter puppies reg exc hunters six wks old $lOO ea Carbon Co 215 826 4838 For Sale Suffolks Reg ewe lambs ready to breed Chester Co 215 793 1131 For Sale Int 2 ME picker $2OO, JD 227 picker $5O, York Co 717 382 4308 after 6pm For Sale - 10' Starline silo unloader, works good, 5 HP, complete w/switches, winch, tripod, knives, PUBLIC AUCTION CONSIGNMENT SALE TUESDAY, OCT. 23,1984 9:30 A.M. Located on Rt. 472 in Kirkwood, Pa., Lane. Co., at Shaub's Auction Ground. Consigning of hay, stray, grain & firewood, horses & mules, tractors, mechanical & horse drawn farm machinery, new & used tools, building materials, load of fruits, vegetables, fish & oysters. Cousin w/dry goods receiving October 22 & 23 until sale time. Here you can turn your unneeded items into cash. Free coffee & donuts from 8 to 9 A.M. For advertising arrangements contact Bennie King or Call. No out of state checks. Sale by KING’S AUCTION Auctioneers: Kreider & Kline AU-000513L Good & Shirk Auction Service 717-786-3394 . . . .. .. Lunch Available YOUR INVESTMENT! You Have A Considerable Investment In Your Dairy Herd... In Your Milking Parlor, In Modern Milking and Cooling Equipment And All The Other Tools Necessary For Modern Dairying... Protect Your Investment With /^v WOLGEMUTH BROS., INC. MOUNT JOY, PA PH: 717-653-1451 $575,717 627 2075 For Sale 1966 Cadillac fleetwood Brougham 59,000 mile all perfect ong cond , sold to settle estate, $3,200 215 678 4394 For Sale ■ Goat herd 4 Alpine Bucks, 4 Nubian does (2 milking), Make offer, Churchville, Md (301) 734-6526 For Sale 1980 Plymouth Volaier station wagon six cy low mileage ex cond air PB-PS, Berks Co, Frank, 215-488-6826 For Sale ANGUS STEERS - (Six), wormed and shots, 850-900 lbs 63 cents/lb MF Belt pulley $175 00, Carroll Co 301-756-2710 For Sale 1975 Ford diesel 5000 ex shape PROTECT price $7 200 00, Mott For Sale - Wood saw on am Mower ex shape steel wheels, w/2 cl , Wis For Sale - Rve spoh —- 575C100 Sussex Co ,N J engine calf shelter for 4 amount up V to 20 d Q 201 772-7626 Lane Co 717-354-0702 $3 90 Lane u For Sale Tractor & For Sale - Black Walnuts, 6978 Trailer 69 Int , Gas, SA pick up your own for 50 SmEle~iTrf 7, /2 7 8 fiQ9^lo er Dau C ° r„ n 7i7 p r^ b fils7 UnC w/s P n "g & ™ttress 717-692 2422 Co 717 656-6397 85 00 o ld wardrobe For Sale Rye seed, For Sale Nice Gentle 3’B”x6' 75 00, typewriter cleaned $4 75 per bu , Simmental cow polled - desk 75 00, York Co 7n Lane Co 717 367 2747 (717) 292-4584 after 10 755-1187 WE DARE YOU Don't Cut Corners By Feeding Less Than Top-Quality Feeds To Your Cows. Tested, Proven And Fortified FLORIN FEEDS May Make The Difference In Whether Your Investment Pays Off In Bigger Profits! IT MAKES DOLLARS AND SENSE TO CALL US NOW! o 7 7 1 '0 3( ie; i 7 I
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