For Sale Norwegian Elkhounds, puppies & adults, AKC, also pheasants, silvers, goldens, yellow goldens & nngnecks Harford Co, MD 301-836-1213 For Sale 5-M H tires, Runted, 8, 14 5 “E” 1, 714 5 "D” 5180 1 ton on 40' lift 5200, Lane Co 717 687-7386 Modern brick ranch 13‘/? acres 2800 sq t building, appraised 140 00. 1 19,000 secluded Lyc Co 717- ?fifl-8624 before spm Sate Border Collie nuppies, polled purebred, Chafolais heifers breeding age, Orchard grass seed, Leh Co 215- 756 6618 KTSaii NH 270 baler w/kicker, 3 pt, 2 btm plow, flat bed wagon, New locust posts, Leb Co 717 865-7081 - United Farm Tools running gear w/9 5 LX 15” tires asking 5600, Wise VP4 w/rebuilt magneto 5175, Montg Co 215-539-5045 Profits with Hess’ CUSTOM FORMULATED PRE-MIXES FOR LIVESTOCK FEEDS BUILT TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS AVAILABLE IN BULK DELIVERY LOCAL MANUFACTURER = BETTER PRICES PROGRESSIVE BREEDING WITH UNEAR-MATE LINEAR—MATE An Exciting System To Analyze And Correct Your Cows Most Serious Weakness - VALUE THE ATLANTIC TRADITION For Sale - Kleen Leen stock gilts, pick out your own, reasonable price, 1 sheep buck 215-267- 7381 For Sale - Bnllion IS 1 /?' field cultivator w/midwest harrow, Brady 12’ field cultivator Lane Co 717 354-5092 For Sale • Nl 323 corn picker, fine Daniel Miller, 28228 Stumptown Rd , Bird-m-Hand, Pa 17505 For Sale - Purebred Saanen goats, doe kids, yearlings & several milking does, prices reasonable Montg Co 215-323-0816 For Sale ■ Int 91 combine, Oliver 88 w/Oliver 74H mtd cornpicker, Oliver 1800 tractor Dauphin Co 717-469-0033 HESSFMM sumviNC. R.D.2, New Holland, PA 17557 Phone: 717-354-7972 • Best available system for applying genetic potential of Atlantic sires to improve your herd. • Designed to produce longer-lasting, higher-producing cattle. • Detailed information available on 15 basic traits for each proven sire. • Trained Atlantic Linear-Mate Specialists do on-the-farm evaluation and make two sire recommendations for each cow. • Additional selection factors such as test, pedigree and price can be considered in making matings. • Low cost to member dairymen ($l.OO per cow) • Sire information is continuously updated. • Entire herd breeding program on one handy reference list. ■fl-tlantic BREEDERS COOPERATIVE 1575 Apollo Drive Lancaster, PA 17601 Toll-Free, 24-Hour Phones PA (800) 732-0391 DE, MD & NJ (800) 23&4216 Lancaster area 569-0411 Member NAL Affiliated Breeders 'ntroved by Certified Semen Services LIVESTOCK SERVICES For Sale - 1974 Ford pickup, topper mag wheels, headers, 51300/best offer Lane Co 717-949 2536 For Sale - Purebred Nubian buck, 3 yrs old, will also trade on another purebred buck Cumb Co 717-243-4375 For Sale - JD model 40 crawler dozer, new pins, bushings in exc cond 53000 Lacka Co 717- 563-2913 Wanted - 3000 lb plat form scale, good cond Lane Co 215-445-4547 or 445-6500 For Sale - Certified Tyler seed wheat, 7 75 bu 717 426 1654 For Sale - 8’ insulated camper/topper for small pickup York Co 717-244- 5536 For Sale - Farm, 35 acre dairy, beet, tobacco, Martmdale, Lane Co 215-445-5834 , m For Sale - AQHA mare, in foal to grandson of Diamond Duro & grand daughter of Joe Cody, Lane Co 717-653-5327 For Sale - 1975 Datsun 280 Z, 4 spd, mag wheels, great shape, best offer Berks Co 215-488-1476 eves For Sale - Large gram rye 400 bu quan discounts 2 Smidley 12 hole hog feeders w/lids Berks Co 215-756-6756 or 215 756-4316 For Sale ■ Badger forage wagons 14’ boxes-8 ton running gear-3 beaters w/roof exc cond , Sch Co 717-682-3812 Wanted - AC 780 har vester for parts, need mam gear, box shaft For Sale 5000 watt generator, like new Berks Co 215-683-5688 For Sale - 7 heifers due Nov & Dec $BOO ea 7 open heifers, 1 yr old $5OO ea Lane Co 717 653-4470 For Sale Very Son B 8 11-83 dam 85 pt Ivanhoe Star, first 5 lactations 106,528 m 4016 f Chester Co 215-486-0460 eves For Sale - Timber eye wood & coal stove w/hot water attach Abner F Stoltzfoos, Route 3, Box 418, Lamparter Rd , Quarry ville, PA 17566 For Sale - 30 KW 3 or 1 phase brushless generator, food cond $1250 Joe H Zim merman, RDI, Leola, Pa 17540 For Sale - Cast iron Kalamazoo wood & coal stove $l3O Reuben L Pefersheim, Box 373 A, R#3, Quarryville, Pa 17566 Lane Co Wanted - To feed approx 12 heifers for this winter, references avail Henry Leid Lane Co 215-445 4092 For Sale - 125 Red Sex Link pullets. 21 wks $3/pc Levi Lembach, RD#l, East Earl, Lan caster, Pa 17519 For Sale 2290 Case 140 hp cab air front weights hydraulic drive, forage wagon, 12 ton gear 1225 Leb Co 717 866-2091 For Sale 2 tractor tires 15 5x38", less than ‘/? tread $3O each, Montg Co 215 723 7646 For Sale Dressed Muscovy ducks, $1 20/lb 10’ Gandy fertilizer drill, $750 Joseph E Fisher, Loop Road Quarryville #4 Pa For Sale Glencoe field cultivator 13 ft 3 pt or pull $5OO gravity wagon w/gears $6OO Lane Co 215 267 6547 For Sale Siegler 50,000 BTL) gas heater w/thermostat, blue sofa bed, $lOO ea Isaac S Fisher, 80A N Souder sburg Rd , Gordonville, Pa For Sale Enterprise coal or wood range in real good cond Levi S Fisher, RDI, Box 364, Strasburg, Pa 17579 I □ Yes, I would like my herd Linear-Mated | Breed I □ Yes, Please send me information Name Address City Phone Clip and mail this coupon today! Lancaster farming, Saturday, October 6,1984-Els For Sale High moisture ear corn in the field, Amos M Fisher, Box 124, Twin Elm Rd , Strasburg, Pa Lane Co For Sale • 6x20" wood planer, good cond $6OO Jacob B Zook Shop, 4021 A Old Phi la Pike, Gordonville, Pa 17529 Lane Co For Sale Hoi & Angus family cow, calves & hand milk, due 1-24-85, Sherman M Grove RD 2 Dillsburg, Pa 17019 For Sale - 4 used 750-16 truck tires, 6 ply for wagon $lO/ea take all York Co 717-235-2032 For Sale - 1961 FlOO w/new engine, runs good, best offer over $5OO Young Angus cow w/heifer calf York Co 717-428- 3732 For Sale - Cornheads, two JD combine cornheads, Model 210, 2 row Franklin Co 717-423 6216 For Sale - Dairy goats, reg Nubian & Toggenburg does, spring kids & milking doe, exc con formation & bloodlines, reasonable 717 673 5644 For Sale - 6000 Ford Commander good motor needs transmission work $BOO Doberman pups, purebred, tails docked Cumberland Co 717 423 5534 For Sale 17’ Flercules Unloader, can be con verted to 20'. 800 hrs good cond, best otter over $3,000 717 733 3903 after 6 For Sale - Reg Purebred Togg Doe good milker $65 00, Alpine Buck $3O 00. York Co 717 382-4440 Wanted Small coal/wood burning kitchen range, also a coal/wood burning heater for living room Lane Co (717)426-3992 For Sale Livestock bodies Eby built 8' for pickup & 12’ cattle type Make offer, Jo Jo, 609 452-8903 before 9am For Sale - 12" Hendey Lathe Q C Geared w/Chuck & Colletts, V G Cond 1600 00, Joseph Homko, Oxford, N J 201- 453-2088 October is Co-op Month Herd Size Wanted - JD 54 manure spreader for parts 215 445-4910 For Sale • MH Self propelled corn picker, 6 cyl engine, running cond make offer, Berks Co 215-683-3238 or 215 683-8439 For Sale - 45’ 8" silo pipe w/goose neck, $5O, Lane Co 717-367-3242 For Sale - One horse buggy repainted last yr in good cond , $325 00, Berks Co 717-933-5307 For Sale - 2 row corn head for JD 40 combine $2OO 00, Garrett Co , Md 301-387-6530 For Sale - #227 IH cor nhead fits #9l-93-105 203-205-315 IH com bines, 814-735-4685 call after 6 00 For Sale • 600 lb holstem bull $450 00. Israel Martin RD #1 Port Trevorton, Pa 17864, Snyder Co For Sale - Ceramic Molds, equip, greenware, colors, & supplies Buy all or part Leh Co 215-298-8707 For Sale -1979 Ford F 350 pickup Club Cab 460 ci auto clean no rust $4500 00, Bradford Co 717-364-5144 or 717 364-5741 For Sale Kalamazoo kitchen range $175 00, or best offer, also apples & cider, at Martins Fruit Farm Lane Co 733 3438 For Sale Charolais bulls & heifers purebred Reg stock, herd certified, Salem Co , N J 609 358 8507 For Sale- Reg Angus bulls and heifers. Orange Gate Angus Farm, Maurertown, VA 22644, 703-459 3414 Used Bee Equipment, Inverbrook Apiaries, R D #2 Box 230, West Grove, Pa 19390, 215-869 3353 Build your own pig feeders for under $lO 100# capacity Easy plans, $2 00 Rt 1, Box 742, Mardela, MD 21837 MINI LOP RABBITS with papers $25 00 Very Loveable pets N2W Rabbits with papers, $lO 00 Cecil Co, Md 301-885-2134 State Zip
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