B26— Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, September 29,1984 QAiomen Societies Lancaster Lancaster Society 2 has been holding their recent meetings on wheels. Their annual bus trip on Aug. 18 took them to a pottery outlet and on a tour of the old iron works at Hopewell Village. In lieu of their September meeting, 17 members and seven guests saw Phillips Lancaster County swiss cheese being made, went through the Ebersole Chair Shop and joined in with the crowd enjoying the Harvest Festival at Kitchen Kettle Village, all on Friday, Sept. 14. Vice-president Ada Almodovar will be hostess for the Oct 13 SADDLE UP! To Better Equipment... Find It In Lancaster Farming's CLASSIFIEDS! 52 VALUABLE PRIZES FOR DRAWING November 10.1984,4 p m Winners will be tified Ibersol locking Chair Made in Intercourse 5.00) Framed, uncut sheet of 32 "right oft the press" Genuine Dollar Bills 25 Turkeys 25 Ice Cream Save On AUTUMN APPLES Right Out of the Bin {Sale On ShurfineFood I Products | Oct 2 thru 6 ) BIG FALL SALE Oct. 11 to 15 Bargains in all depts Coke Wagon Eating samples & souvenirs t Music by } Blue Grass Band I Fn.Oct 12 I 7 to 9 p.m. •/ Trr>rrrr»'rrrrrn W.L. ZIMMERMAN A SONS Phone 717-768-8291 Thurs. till 8; Fril till 9 INTERCOURSE, PA Society 2 meeting. Election of officers and payment of dues are two important items on the agenda. Prize winners on the bus trip include: Luella Low, Helen Dennis, Nora McNeilly, Kathryn Smder, Florence Hoffman and Mary Ruhl. The society mourns the passing away of member Anna Capwell. The monthly meeting of I .an- prepare for the Ephrata Fa caster Society 3 was held on Show. Saturday, Sept. 22 at trhe Swamp Lutheran Church. 20 at the home of Alice Trum- This meeting was a work day to baurer. WE CAN SOLVE YOUR BUILDING PROBLEMS A*RB) /' ROSE BUILDING SYSTEM! 2,p _ Phone (Areo Code) Roofing & Siding rolled by McElroy Metal Mill Mail to RED ROSE BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC (Weatherstrong Aluminum Max Rib Steel) PO Box 56 Ephrata PA 17522 Utncasier Society 8 met at the Lutheran Church, Maytown, on Sept. 15. Dr. George Stauffer, a retired professor from Millersville State University, showed slides from Alaska, Iceland and Norway. Grace Bixler was nominated for president and Margaret Heisey for Vir-n preside."* Lancaster Society 3 The next meeting will be on Oct. Red Rose buildings are designed by licensed professional engineers to provide you with maximum useable space. Our buildings are also your assurance of maintenance-free dependability - year after year - because Red Rose Building Systems means the best in materials and workmanship Get in touch with the area's leading farm and commercial builder CALL COLLECT please contact me with f 71 7) Additional Information 738-4248 Nam© „ - Address Town Lancaster Society 8 Lancaster Society 14 Forty-six friends and members of I-ancaster Society 14 took a bus trip to Ocean City, N.J. on Sept. 12. After a breakfast stop at Woodstown, N.J., the group went to the Sea Shell Gallery and then on to the Music Pier where they en jovr.' 4 *1 . “ r Lancaster Society 21 Lancaster Society 21 met at the The next meeting will be at home of Kitty Ambler on Sept. 16. Mechanic Grove Church. The President Linda Kreider called group will entertain Society 15 and the meeting to order and Kitty county officers. AmWor lorf Hpvnfions Slate County Some members sewed at the General Hospital on Sept. 13 Rodney Hershey will show slides at the meeting in the Farm and Home Center on Oct. 14. On Oct. 20 members will meet at the Country Table at 1 p.m. for luncheon. In the afternoon, the group took a two-hour cruise on the "Miss Ocean City” passing by the Margate City and Long Port. The group had supper at Rich monds, then boarded the bus for the homeward trip. F 899 jhl Forage Blower CB 1000 Gehl Forage Harvester w/2 Row Head & Pickup Attachment MX 135 Gehl Mix-All w/Scales DC 1080 Gehl Mower-Conditioner BU 640 Gehl Forage Wagon BU 960 Gehl Forge Wagons DON'T DELAY - CALL TODAY 3% OVER INVOICE Vernon E. Stup Co. 5859 Urbana Pike Frederick. Md. 21701 •a* o ®* °;V To test drivi OMC Must skid-steer I not be convinced that its compact design contains more than enough brute strength for all your tough jobs With more breakout force and a higher lift-height capacity, the 332 Mustang is versatile enough to perform and accept all your challenges. How about you? We dare you to see a demonstration at: MISER'S 3608 Nazareth Pk.. Bethlehem, Pa 215*691-3070 since CEI^jEE) IB6S Owatonna Manufacturing Company, Inc Society 27 1 Lancaster Society 27 met on Sept. 18 at the home of Mrs. Wit mer Sherer, R 4 Manheim. Newly elected to the office of president is Mrs. Harold Gerber, R 1 Bambndge. Mrs. Clair Holhnger, R 1 Mount Joy, is the new recording secretary. Members will be responsible for a salad bar for Christmas in Oc tober at the Farm and Home Center on Oct. 11-13. The next meeting will be on Oct 16 at the home of Mrs. Albert Fry, R 7 Manheim. Members of Lancaster Society 34 met on Sept. 17 at the home of Meldoy Krantz. The program was a slide presentation of local historical sites. Anieta Reed and Esther Graybeal from the Southern Lancaster County Historical Society were the speakers. Nominations for the election, (Turn to P' B2r "The Skid-Steer Specialists" Lancaster Lancaster Society 34 301-663-3185 Owatonna, MN 55060
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