" Is The as I. (It’s hard to get a 6-6 V2’ bale in a mnts of feed that the strength of a the Feed Saving Edge? rER and feed saving edge means it are Adjustable and fSTED, the extra high panels cut ling (higher protein means higher •OARDS as required for feeding ARDS to regulate the flow of feed sand feed waste. Steel? len feeding green chopped feed on in winter because of the insula- ird Side Panels? the building industry, waferboard svere weather and moisture condi- dwill. ective in resisting deterioration of nd years and years. Columbie Crossroads DLUMBIA CROSSROADS EQUIP Creston HINES EQUIP Greenville _ CurryyHte LARIMES FORDTF SON SHAFFER FARM EQUIP Du boi» MUTH FARM EQUIP I equip Dttthore Honeedale SAXE IMPLEMENT MARSHALL MACHINERY farm Edinboro Keenewllle Myerttown Saxonbun SID KUHN & SONS HOUGHTALINGS GARAGE SWOPE & BASHORE ALDERSON FARM EQUP EFFICIENTLY FEEDS GREEN FEED ROUND BALES SQUARE BALES SILAGE HAYAGE CHOPPED HAY GROUND FEED SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER TODAY Everett MORRIS INTERNATIONAL ls { y y —' - LENGTHS '■ •10 FOOT •15 FOOT •20 FOOT •25 FOOT •30 FOOT •40 FOOT QUESTION: Why Paint the Underside of the Wagon? ANSWER: (1) ALTHOUGH YOU CAN’T SEE IT, it protects the quality and value of your Schoessow wagon. QUESTION: Why a 10 Ton Integral Running Gear? ANSWER; (1) THE T WIDE WAGON with high side boards will hold that much feed to save you trips. (2) THE 2” LARGE SPINDLE and 5000# capacity hub work hard to save you the time and money you would spend repairing our competitor’s 15/8” spindles and 3500# capacity hubs. (3) THE SCHOESSOW DESIGNED gooseneck front hitch was the first and is still the strongest front hitch on the market today. QUESTION: Why Offer a Non-Oscillating Tandem Axle (Optional)? ANSWER; (1) IN LONG ROAD TRAVEL SITUATIONS, there is less tire heat build up. . (2) INCREASED FLOTATION in wet or soft ground situations. (3) IN CASE OF A FLAT TIRE, you can reduce your speed and continue to the feed lot the remaining wheels with their 2” spindles and 5000# hubs will carry the loads. Evan City LOWEREY'S lACTOR Grove City McDOWELL FARM IMPLEMENT CO UESTION US Patent No. 4-258-663 Lacwille PARY’S FARM EQUIP Lititz BINKLEY & HURST PEOPLI Lovtvtlle GUTSHALLS Marion Center DILTS Mercer Ouarryville RALPH KYLE GRUMELLI FARM SERV 4 ~ >¥ New Berlinville ERB& HENRY Oafclai dwipf Somerset , KVll^t SOMERSET BARN EQUIP ;s SALES & SI Orangeville YOUNG'S FARM SUPPLY Perrvonolls JOHN BROWN EQUIP CO ~ * .4 . . V Silverdale 5 AG SALI Wwhintfon Columbus BULL INTERNATIONAL REED BRQS Willismspoft CLARKS FARM SUPPLY MARYLAND Hagerstown NgWYORK TRI STATE FARM Clymer AUTOMATION CLYMER FARM SUPPLY Rising Sun BIGGS EQUIP Woodboro LEROY HILDEBRAND! NEWJERI Ringoes D&R
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers