D34—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 29,1984 Sale Reports A Public Sale of farm machinery was held September 21 by Mrs. Chester M. Craley, 6 miles southeast of Red Lion, along the New Bndgeville Rd., York., Pa. There was good attendance at the sale. Some prices included. A.C. 185 D tractor $9500, M.F. 135 tractor $5550, 2 A.C. WD tractors $lOlO each, Ford chisel plow $940, N.H. 273 baler $2465, N.I. 310 corn picker $1920, N.I. #213 manure spreader $lBOO, 1951 GMC “T" tag truck $lOlO, 1969 GMC “W” tag truck $1750 and Ingersol Rand #3O air compressor $450. Reynold Burke was the auctioneer. The 3rd Annual Gordonville Fire Co. and Ambulance Association Quilt Sale was held September 22 10 miles east of Lan caster on Route 30 at the fireball. More than 153 quilts made by local people were auctioned on consignment to the fire company. Some quilts sold were: laurel leaf $4OO, giant dahlia $315, lone star pattern $340, 2 starlites $315 & $3lO, center diamond $235, churn dash $2lO, cross stoch $290, Amish diamond $325, fan quilt $255, trip around the world $3OO, sunshine and shadow $175, block pattern $l4O, Holly Hobby crib quilt $45, 2 horse pillows $4O ea., bride’s quilt $l5O, star log cabin $315 and a Grandma’s flower garden $l4O. Auctioneers were Ron Funk, Gordon Ressler, Jeff Knosp and Sam Stoltzfus. A Public Auction for the benefit of Fairview Christian School was held Sept. 22 at Fivepointville Fire Hall along Rt. 897 in the village of Fivepoint ville, Pa A hand made walnut Grandfather's clock with a brass pendulum and German Clock works was sold for $l3OO. Other prices in cluded: Quilts-carpen ters wheel $320, Dresden plate $3lO, double wedding ring $260, schoolhouse quilt $220, love ring quilt $220, log cabin quilt $230, home made Cabbage Patch dolls $52 & $4O, used 3 pc. Maple bedroom suite $590, sofa bed $240 and 2 large metal swing sets $175 each. Auctioneers were Roy Good, Jr., Elvin Seigrist, Paul Martin, Merle Eberly and John Stauffer. A Public Auction of real estate was held September for the estate of Rena M. 5435 Road, Stambaugh, Bowers Taneytown, Md, The 35.67 acres on both sides of Bowers Road also included a 2 1/2 story house, large barn, attached hog pen w ith corn crib and wood sile and it was sold for $76,500. The auctioneer was Calvin Amoss. XXX A Public Auction of farm equipment was held September 22 by Mr. and Mrs. Einor C. Norman, 351 Speelman Klmgler Rd., Get tysburg, Pa. The sale was well attended. Some prices were: A.C. D-19 tractor w/4 bottom plows $3225, M. 135 D tractor $2025, N. 275 baler w/kicker $9OO, 2-bottom plows Q PUBLIC h AUCTION 168 ACRE DAIRY FARM MON., OCT. 22,1984 AUCTION TIME; 2:00 P.M. LOCATION; Take Route 501 North from Myerstown toward Bethel, where Route 501 makes a sharp turn to the left, go straight on Rehrersburg Road, toward Rehrersburg, to first road Right, Win tersville Road. Turn right, go 1 mile to farm on right. Tulpehocken Township, Berks County. Pa. 2Vz STORY BRICK DWELLING containing kitchen, living room, dining room, family room, laundry, on first floor, 4 bedrooms and bath on second floor. Well with pressure system; on lot sewer. SPECIAL EXTRAS: 3 fireplaces in house; screened porch; open stairway. LARGE BANK BARN with new attached dairy barn, having 44 stanchions, barn cleaner, dry cow & heifer area; MILK HOUSE with 500 gal. Girton bulk tank. LARGE CORN BARN other outside buildings; concrete trench silo; underground fuel tank. 115 ACRES TILLABLE, 20 ACRES PASTURE, BALANCE IS WOODLAND; SWATARA CREEK runs entire length of farm, also small stream through both pastures. Inspection at OPEN HOUSE Saturday, October 13th and 20th from 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m. or by appointment call 717-933-5263. Balance of farm can be seen any time. TERMS: 10% down day of Auction, balance April 1, 1985. OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE BY PRIOR APPROVAL. To discuss financing call Paul E. Martin, Auc tioneer, at 717-733-3511. NOTE: This fine dairy farm is ready to operate, cow stable has been renovated in recent years. If in need of a farm do not miss this Auction! All herein information is believed to be accurate but is being used for advertising purposes only. AUCTION BY: ELAM M. & MABEL H. BURKHOLDER PHONE 717-933-4339 Henry Steiner, Attorney Auction Conducted By J&P Auctions Paul E. Martin, Auct. AU-001601-L Ephrata, Pa. 717-733-3511 John D. Stauffer, Auct. AU-001509-L Lititz, Pa. 717-665-5099 $l5O, N.I. #l4 manure spreader $3lO, 3 pt. 4- section disc $3OO, Oliver 16” disc grain drill $240 and 5’ rotary mower w/3 pt. hitch $350. The auctioneer was Jack Reedy. A Complete Holstein Disperal of the Quaker Hill Farms by William E. and Elizabeth J. McFadden, on Route 219 two miles south of Grampian in Clearfield Co., Pa. was held on September 19th. The top priced animal was $1950 and was sold to Willard J. Yoder of Huntingdon, Pa. The next two top animals were both sold to Bruce Ulmer, Bellefonte, Pa. for $l5OO each. The average of the 110 head of cows, heifers and calves sold was $791. The sale manager was Remsburg Sale Service. XXX ; ijsterer at 14 Main- A Public Auction of sville Road, Ship collectibles was held pensburg, Pa. September 21 and 22 by Some items included; Mary K. Plasterer from tin toy tram car from the collection of John R. New York’s Worlds Fair MOOT! FRIDAY EVE., OCT. 5 [ 5:30 P.M ■ Located off Route 41 - Lancaster Avenue Op _ _ posite Turkey Hill Mmit Market- Cross RR Bridge * I ANTIQUES AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS f I SOLD AT EVERY AUCTION J I Selling household goods & antiques for | | Evelyn Fiester & others. ■ ■ Several shelf, schoolhouse & mantel " J clocks. ■ ■ CONSIGNMENTS ON MONDAYS J " FROM 8:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. ■ i IRA STOLTZFUS & SON, Auctioneers ! ■ 442-4936 or 442-8254 Z a AU000907-L ■ ■ CONDUCTORS ALL TYPES PUBLIC SALES I Farm Machinery and Related Items At PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13,1904 II :OOA.M. Sharp Located 6 miles south of Richfield, Juniata Co., on road from Richfield to Oriental. Follow direction signs off Rt. 35 at Richfield and off Rt. 104. TRACTORS AND MACHINERY Farmall 706 gas, wfe, fast hitch; Farmall H; Farmall M w/N.I. 2 row picker; N.I. com sheller for 2 row picker; J.D. 60; J.D. 45 loader; ACXTI9O gas w/cab, wfe, 3 pt.; J.D. 14” plow; J.D. 3 pt. 14” plow; Ford 2 bottom plow; Ford 3x16” 3 pt. plow; Oliver 365 16”, 3 pt. plow; 3x14” fast hitch plow; I.H. Little Genuis 14” plow; I.H. 504 4x16; semi-mounted plow; I.H. 504 4x14” semi-mounted plow; I.H. 55 7’ chisel plow; I.H. 8’ disc; Ford 7’ 3 pt. disc; J.D. 8’ disc; J.D. 10’ drag disc; J.D. 9’ wheel disc; Oliver 12’ wheel disc; Brillion 14’ wheel harrow; J.D. 8’ harrow; J.D. 12’ spring tooth harrow; J.D. 2 section rotary how; Brillion 10’ cultipacker; Brillion 12’ cultipacker; Leroy 12’ cultipacker; J.D. 3 pt. 4 row cultivator; J.D. 3 pt. 10’ field cultivator; Ford 3 pt. 4 row cultivator; I.H. 4 row, fast hitch cultivator; M.D. riding cultivator; J.D. 290 com planter; I. 2 row, pull type com planter; Ford 302 3 pt. 2 row com planter; J.D. 494 A 4 row com planter; White 5400 5 row air planter; com drag w/elec. motor; com drag w/gas engine; Oliver 76 grain drill; Killbros 165 bu. gravity box; I.H. 80 combine; I.H. 76 combine; Grain O Vaten grain bin; Emca 135 bu. grain bin; J.D. wheel driven manure spreader; 2 new Baltic Matic fertilizer spreaders; J.D. 480 haybine; Oliver crimper; J.D. 32 crimper; I.H. crimper; Oliver 415 trailer mower; new 5’ 3 pt. rotary mower; Brillion pull type rotary cutter; J.D. 896 rake; J.D. 350 A 3 pt. rake; J.D. 14T baler; J. 24T baler; A.C. 303 baler; N.H. bale thrower; 16’ flatbed wagon; Little Giant 36’ elevator; 16’ alum, elevator; I.H. 5 flail chopper; 11” auger w/motor; 3 pt. booms; 2 new 3 pt. 6’ blades; used 3 pt. blade; 250 gal. field sprayer; 6 row wheel sprayer, 100 gal. tank; Sauder manure loader; N.I. loader fits Ferguson 50; Deerborne 3 pt. scoop; tractor roll over scoop; wheel weights for 1.H.; 2 h.p. single phase motor; frame w/conveyor belt; Gehl water pump; 275 gal. oil drum; misc. tractor tires; 3 pt. potato plows; concrete mixer; 14’ gates; 6”, 10”, 14” assorted belting; wagon load of misc. items. Please Note: Possibly other pcs. of machinery that are not listed at this tune. LAWN A GARDEN EQUIPMENT M.F. 7 h.p. w/mower, Bolens 8 h.p. w/mower, Cadet 7 h.p.; Ford 16 h.p. hydrostatic w/mower; Jacobson 14 h.p. hydrostatic; Ride A Magic 800 w/mower. Rem. 30-06, 760 Game Master w/scope & sling; Win. 30-30; Ithaca 12 ga. old model 37; Savage 12 ga. pump; 303 British; Noble 22 pump; 12 ga. single barrel. Other guns. TERMS: Cash or Good Check Lunch ELWOOD FLOWERS, owner Phone 717-653-4839 Lyter, Clerks Bryan D. Imes, Auctioneer AU-001656-L Owner, Auctioneer Not Responsible For Accidents GUNS $B5, tin toy Jackie $2lO, Remington pocket Gleason “Honeymoon- knife $7O and old movie er’s bus” $52.50, poster? up tos3o each, railroad lantern w/blue Kerry-Pae Au c . shade $325, walnut tioneers conducted the Melodian $250, sword sale. "PUBLIC AUCTION MONDAY, OCTOBER 1,1984 At l:OOP.M. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE 613 Cumberland Street, Lebanon, PA. Former Lebanon Valley Furniture Store * 30,000 Sq. Ft. on Three Floors * 68’x194’ Lot * Downtown Area Commercial Zoned * Investment Opportunity TERMS; Deposit of $3,500.00 by Cash, Certified or Cashier Check payable to Kerry Pae Auctioneers at time of Auction. Balance due in 30 days at settlement. For Info/Inspection please call: 717-236-3752. Terms by HP SMALL BUSINESS Jllae administration AUCTIONEERS 327 N Front Street Harrisburg PA 17101 (7171 236 3752 Lie. No. AU1367 PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6,1984 10:00 A.M. • Sharp” Mifflinville, Pa. Rain or Shine - Bring Chairs Sale Under Tent In the middle of town, right on the main street. The Old Mifflinville Hotel, Exit 37 i-80 (Watch for auction signs.) Many, many years of household ac cumulation, antiques and collectibles, Guns to be sold also. Dresser-Buffet - sq. oak table, 6 Oak chairs, Christmas Decorations, Old Quilts & tops, Handmade Lace, Old Cameras, McHenery Whiskey Bottle, Many Pieces Of Tin Ware, Cast Iron Items, Cast Floor Lamps, Baby Crib, Old Stands, Chairs, Much Milk Glass, 2 Old National Cash Registers, Old Wood Boxes, Tables, Old Clothes, Oak Rockers, Oak library Table, Old Ash Trays, Box Full Of Old 10” Hat Pins & Other Items, Many Old Books, Luggage, Old Car Parts, Wheel Rings, Copier, New Barrel Pump, Many Boxes Of Old Dishes, Pressed Glass, Knick Knacks, Old Advertising Fans, Rulers, School Supplies, Games, Toys, Old, Old Fountain Pens, Foxtails For Cars, Hats, Lamps, Items Never Out Of Boxes, Singer Sewing Machine, Many Hand and Garden Tools, Constantina, Brass Fireplace Screen And Andirons, Copper Tea Kettles, Copper Boilers, Copper Teapot and Sugar & Creamer, Old Silverplate Teapots, Sugar & Creamers, Many Many Other Items, Also 6 Ft. x 4 Ft. Cedar Closet, Glass Lamps, Westinghouse 15 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator-Freezer, Good. And We Have Much, Much More. Guns Winchester Model 1894 rifle, 30-30 half round half octagonal barrel, New 410 bolt action shotgun, new Remington 788-222 cal., Marlin 444 lever with scope, Win. 190 22 semi-auto w/scope, Remington 514 22 rifle, 7.62 Russian Rifle, 6.5 Italian rifle, Stevens m-73-22 rifle, Mossberg single shot 22 rifle, Mossberg semi auto 22 rifle, Colt Officers Model 22 revolver, Ortgies German 25 pistol, H&R 32 revolver. Don’ Miss This Sale. Statements made day of sale take precedence over previously written material NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS. SALE TERMS: Cash Sellers: CURTIS & MARY ELLEN MOORHEAD NEVIUS AUCTION SERVICE Box 187, Mifflinville, Pa. 18631 Pb- 717-752-4214 Auctioneers - Licensed & Bonded Dan Nevius AU-000-679-L 752-4214 OlenKnecht 683-5955 Clerk - Jay Leiby Lunch - Miff-Ridge Bandit's AUCTIONEER’S NOTE - Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Moorhead having recently purchased the old Mifflinville Hotel are offering all of the above items for public auction. Most of the above items have been stored in this building for many, many years. This building is to be renovated to its original condition so it will once again be a historical showplace.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers