PUBLIC AUCTION CONSIGNMENT SALE TUESDAY, OCT. 23,1984 9:30 A.M. Located on Rt. 472 in Kirkwood, Pa., Lane. Co., at Shaub's Auction Ground. Consigning of hay, stray, grain & firewood, horses & mules, tractors, mechanical & horse drawn farm machinery, new & used tools, building materials, load of fruits, vegetables, fish & oysters. Cousin w/dry goods receiving October 22 & 23 until sale time. Here you can turn your unneeded items into cash. Free coffee & donuts from 8 to 9 A.M. For advertising arrangements contact Bennie King or Call. No out of state checks. Sale by KING'S AUCTION Auctioneers: Kreider & Kline AU-000513L Good & Shirk Auction Service 717-786-3394 . . . .. Lunch Available f a PUBLIC 1 \V AUCTION I fan 120 ACRE DAIRY FARM I I SAT., OCT. 27,1984 | ; AUCTION TIME: 2 P.M. J I LOCATION; Take Route 322 East of I [ Blue Ball 4 miles to Narvon Road (in | I Beartown), turn south on Narvon Road 1 I I mile to Red Hill Road. Turn left 8/10 mile I | to Mast Road, turn left, go Vi mile to | | Evans Road, turn right, go Vz mile to farm | |on right. Salisbury Township, Lancaster | I County, Pa. | I I IKm 'lt k.' j ) 2H STORY STONE DWELLING f (containing on first floor: eat-in kitchen with | built-in cabinets, family room with wall to wall | t carpet, living room. Second floor: 4 bedrooms, * I full bath. Concrete basement; cold cellar; oil I J fired hot water baseboard heat. * I LARGE BANK BARN I I with 10 stanchions, loafing area attached, * | concreted barn yard with bunk feeder, scaffold A | for tobacco, dampening cellar and stripping f Iroom. | NEW CEMENT BLOCK MILK HOUSE | Iwith 300 gal. Esco milk tank and water heater. 2 LARGE CORN BARN | (with conveyor and implement storage; 2nd 1 com bam with tobacco scaffold and storage I area; ROUND CORN CRIB. 5 | 12x50 FT. STAVE SILO I « Well with pressure system; mature shade; £ I orchard with apple, peach and apricot trees; 82 A I ACRES TILLABLE; 29 ACRES PASTURE; 7 | J ACRES WOODLAND; PEQUEA CREEK runs | I through property, plus another small stream I and pond on this farm with a very gentle slope. . Inspection at OPEN HOUSE Saturday, I October 13th and 20th from 12:00 noon to 3:00 I p.m. or by appointment, call 717-354-0644. | Balance of farm can be seen any time. I TERMS: 10% down day of Auction, balance « at settlement on or before April 1, 1985. All I herein information is believed to be accurate f (but is being used for advertising purposes only. | NOTE: This farm located in an Amish | community. For transportation to inspect this x farm, or if in need of assistance to obtain I financing, call Paul E. Martin, Auct. at 717-733- * 3511. I AUCTION BY: MRS. VERNAL MARTIN j ROBERT WEAVER. ATTORNEY I AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: | pa; martin, auct. au-ooisoi-l ! AJLE. JVK ... EPHRATA, PA. 717-733-3511 JOHN D. STAUFFER, AUCT, AU-001509-L UTITZ. PA. 717-665-5099 MAILBOX MARKET For Sale 1972 Ford L6QO truck w/14’ wooden flat bed w/hoist Also wheat from 1983 Leb Co 717 866 2702 or 717 866 2441 For Sale 1 row 323 Ml cornpicker for parts, John R Ebersol Box 461 Stumptown RD, Bird-in Hand Pa 17505, Lane Co PUBLIC SALE OF FARM EQUIPMENT, BUTCHER EQUIPMENT, TOOLS H.H. GOODS, ANTIQUES SATURDAY, OCT. 13,1984 9:00 A.M. Located along Mt. Pleasant Rd. R.D.#2 Mt. Joy, Pa. Route 283 get off at Rheems Exit turn north on Coverleaf Rd. to Mt. Pleasant Rd. Watch for Sale Signs. 65 Chevy Impala 4D, 3 tractors, Farmall Super A & Two way Plow, Snowßlade, cult., Grass Mower, Saw Buck, Farmall 720, A.C. C w/Wide front End, AC 810 Riding Mower, Two Wheeltrailer, Weeder, Bean 200 gal. Sprayer w/new Pump, Roller & Spring Harrow, Disc, Manure Spreader, Running Gear, Wagon Box, Tob. Ladders, 7Ms H.P. Motor, 7 H.P. Generator, 35-20’ 3xB Rails, 250 Gal. Gas Tanks w/pump, Shapen, Table Saw, 2 Wood Planers, Wood Lathe, Bench Grinder, Sm. Tools, Grindstone, Tool Chest, Platform & Pee Scales, Forks, Corn Shellers, Wheelbarrow, Ext. Ladder, Feed Chests, Apple Crates, Iron Troughs, Butcher Furnaces, Scolding Trough Iron Kettles, Wooden Tpbs, Ladles Meat Bench, Crocks, Toledo Meat Grinder Sausage Staffers, 4 Barrel of Vinegar, Crider Pressed, 3 Frame Bee extractor, 15 Colony of Bees & Equipment. Flower Chest, Old Record Player, 15 Cu. Kel Deep Freeze, R.C.A. Elect. Dryer, Kel. Refrigerator, Norge Elect. Stove, Maytag Washer, 10 Pc. Dining Room Suite, 2 Bedroom Suites, Stereo, R.C.A. Colored T.V., Sofa, Dishes, Glassware, Linens, 12 ga. Shot Gun, Quilting Frame, Geographical Books 1940 up, and many other items too numerous to men tion. Tools Sold First, H.H. Good, Farm Equipment. WALTER T. BECKER ESTATE Harold (Abe) Shaffner AU 829-L 653-5689 C.H. Wolgemuth Aucts. Food by Florin Church of the Brethren PUBLIC AUCTION TRACTORS, RIDING MOWERS, GREENHOUSE SUPPLIES, HOUSEHOLD OCT. 13th, 1984 10:00 A.M. Sharp Location; Penn Green Rd.. 2 mi. off Rt -41 Avondale, Pa. Follow signs from Rt -41 & Penn Green Rd. Household & Antiques: Wicker Sofa & chair, Wicker Planter, Wicker Doll buggy, square oak table, pot belly stove, studio couch, coffee & end tables, Maytag wringer washer, Flat Top Trunks, etc! Tractors & Equipment: Massey Harris 30 w/Loader & Manure Fork, Farmall Super C w/cultivator & com planter, Farmall H., (Farmall H for Parts), (2) Lilliston Bush Hogs, Small Manure Spreader, International Mounted 4 Bottom Plow, 16’ Low Down Wagon, Tomato Planter, New Holland Blower w/Pipe, Feed Mill, Wagon on Rubber, Cultipacker, (2) 300 Gal. Gas Tanks w/Pumps, Cora Sheller, Gravely Tractor w/Sulky (New) 16 H.P. White Twin Cyl. Hydrostatic Riding Mower, 1964 G.M.C. Pickup Truck, 1952 Chev. Sedan Good Condition, 12’x60’ Trailer Frame, B’x4o’ Trailer For Storage or Chicken House, 60 Laying Hens, Rabbit Pens, Wire, Fence Posts, Lot Random Width Oak Flooring, Lot Lumber, 100’s of Alum. Doors & Windows, Ladders, Fans, Traps, Clay Pots, Greenhouse Supplies and More! Above List for Adv. Purposes Only, No Guarantee or Recourse, Not Responsible For Accidents, Terms Cash or Check w/I.D. By Order of Owners: (RAY) REGINOLD & ESTHER MORTIMER 215-857-2149 Wright's Auctions - Auctioneers AU-1041-L For Sale 300 barman w . row mounted NL corn picker in good cond , Leb Co (717)865 6836 For Sale ■ JD 227 corn picker for parts stored inside, Perry Co 717 834 4576 eves For Sale AC Combine No 60 power take off ‘ good cond " one last built series 717 665 4434 eves Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 29,1984—P33 For Sale JD 1207 bin 30 x 6 gram auger haybme $2lOO Berks Co John M Stoltzfus RD #2 215 775 1091 Box 280 Narvon Pa FoTlaie 3,000 bu gram 17E > 55 Lan iP_? _ _ Wanted 159 to 200 , 32 Acre Farm, Tractors, Implements, Automobile, Tools, Antiques, Appliances and Household Goods of Luther W. Tome and Elda M. Tome, who are in poor health and residents of a nursing home. SATURDAY, OCT. 13,1984 9:00 A.M. On the premises of R.D. #9, York, PA. Located Approx. V* mi. off Rt. 124 at the village of Yorkanna. Exit #7 off Route 1-83 and go east on Rt. 124 approx. 6 miles to Mt. Pisgah Rd. Go approx. 1/8 mi. to lane on left, just before cemetery. Go to last place on left. REAL ESTATE 32-plus acres of good agricultural land. Im proved with a 3 bedroom frame dwelling, a large L-shape bank bam set up for hogs and/or steers, a bank machinery shed with basement, a summer house and a wash house. Dwelling has walk-in basement, oil hot water heat, and is a very nice liveable home. Terms on Real Estate: 10% cash down-payment on day of sale. Balance in 60 days at settlement. To Inspect, Ph: 252-2251, 252-2505 or 244-6282. Real Estate will be offered at 1 ;00 P.M. FARM IMPLEMENTS, AUTOMOBILE, ANTIQUE TOOLS, ETC. VAC Case tractor w/cultivators; 1983 Wheel Horse C-145 14hp lawn tractor w/automatic transmission & 42” mower - like new; 1966 Buick Special 4-door w/58,000 miles-new State Inspection; Haban 4-ft. mounted sickle mower; single John Deere mtd. plow; 3-section spring harrow; disc harrow; two-wheel trailer; one horse cultivator; one-horse spike cultivator, one-horse fertilizer spreader; hog feeder; platform scales; 32 ft. extension ladder; mower knife grinder; set of pick-up racks; many metal gates of all sizes; rolls of poultry & yard fence; wheelbarrow; hand truck; push mower; fence posts; milk cans; antique boring machine; straw cutter; hay knife; single & double trees; iron hog trough; grindstone; cyclone seeder; lots of chicken equip; many hand tools, etc. ANTIQUES, APPLIANCES, FURNITURE, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Wards 19 cu. ft frostless refrig - nearly new; Hotpoint elec, range; Speed Queen wringer washer; pie safe w/punched tin panels - super condition; 2 oak tables; pine table; 4 bentwood chairs; 2 kitchen rockers; plank bottom rocker; kerosene range w/top shelf; dinette set w/6 chairs; bow-front china closet; maple hutch; RCA XL-100 25” color TV; Large an tique Victrola; 78 RPM records; oak double bed; oak chest-of-drawers w/mirror; 2 oak washstands; fancy oak dresser; oak cradle; rope bed; single iron bed; spool stand; Vic torian BR suite w/bed, dresser, vanity & stool, chifferobe, side chair & rocker; elec, sewing machine; oak stand; other stands; floor lamps; antique radio; ornate oak paper rack; many antique lamps; Ig. sewing basket; unusual kerosene lamp w/handle for whole hand; decorated milk glass kerosene lamp; butter chum; butter crock; sofabed; 3-piece LR suite; iron bed; drum pedestal stand; mission bookshelf; pillar clock; wooden; clothes tree; Ig. cabinet radio; Ig. blanket chest; cuckoo clock; elec, heater; Electrolux sweeper w/attachments; Ig. agateware kettles & canner; iron skillets; market basket; iron butcher kettles; many nice dishes such as Germany; Japan; pressed glass; Depression glass; etc; many dishes & glassware packed away in attic - unable to list; fancy cookie tins; lots of cookware; several new hand-stitched quilts; lots of other linens; bedding, etc; and much more. Not Responsible For Accidents. WILSON M. TOME AUCTIONEERS: 808 & TOM SECHRIST Lie. Nos. 820 & 821 Clerks; Andersons & Sechrist REFRESHMENTS BY YORKANNA U.M. CHURCH Clip & Save This Ad |= « ETC. Powers of Attorney: ROY E. TOME & bushel hi moisture shelled corn around Oct 10 Lower North Co 717 758 2136 For Sale 60 1984 Hatch Pheasants red golden yellow golden silver reeves lady amherst rm gnecks Frank Co (717) 349 7436) eves Notice Cash for all types feathered poultry turkeys guineas roosters, (owl, ducks silkies chuckers ban tans, etc Free pickup 301 734 7856 For Sale Sausage stuffer water powered connect to 35 PS I line, E F Zuber 100 lb portion control $l2OO 00 Lane Co 717 656 7270 Wanted Ground driven McCormick Deenng corn binder good cond , state price Luke M Hoover RR # 1 Woodlyn Dr Denver, Pa 17517 For Sale New Horizontal shaft eng 3 hp Briggs 98 00, 6 hp tec 145 00 Used spring wagon, Lane Co 717 354-5060 For Sale MMG 1000 Vista L P 110 hp m good cond $3900, Bedford Co 814 766 3436 or 2614 For Sale IH 2 row 227 corn head, 35' flat belt conveyor John Bean 500 gal sprayer, Leh Co 215 767-2234 For Sale Reg Black Angus cows, calves bulls Luz Co 717 752-4040 Wanted Straw or crop chopper for white 73 00, combine, Leh Co 215 767 5497 after 3 30 Must Sell 3 doe kids, 3 milkers All Reg Nubians $5O 00ea Lane Co (717) 548-3764 For Sale AKC Samoyed pups shots papers Amos Martin R 1 East Earl Pa Conestoga Creek Rd South Terre Hill Lane Co For Sale Onan Generator 18 KVA 3 phase 10 KVA single phase L N w/control panel trade for fast hitch 215 257 7491 For Sale 1973 World book Encyclopedia w/bookshelf good cond Snyder Co 717 539 2711 For Sale Red Sex Link yearling hens in perfect health 100 ea John 1 Lapp 250 A Centerville Rd Gordonville Pa 17529 Notice Free stones from barn foundation RD #3 Hummelstown, Pa Dau Co 717 566 2782 For Sale 3 row wide Hesston Field Queen Corn Head $l7OO Cumber Co 717 258 6282 For Sale Ashley Console airtight wood heater good cond , heavy duty industrial Delta radial arm saw, $7OO. Berks Co 717 933-8862 For Sale Nl Model 329 suppler sheller unit for pull type picker also Gehl 100 mix all feedmill, Bedford Co 814 847 2851 For Sale 203 Inter combine 10' cut w/corn hd 2 row, 36 to 40" rows $2500 Ebensburg, Cambria Co 814 472 5692 For Sale 12' silo roof, Boumatic parlor feeders, 16” JD 4-B trip plow, 430 IH baler #lO thrower 717 253-5924 For Sale 3 yr old standard bred driving mare, good broke $7OO 00, Lane Co Aaron F Stoltzfus Gap Rffl Box 119 For Sale Nice Fox ternor pups, J K King, 1 mile N Georgetown, Rt 896 For Sale 7yr saddlebred driving horse, depen dable, fast traveler Flarvey Z Hoover, Star Route Therre Hill, Pa E Mam St For Sale McCormick Deenng Ground drive corn binder #lO Nl spreader rebuilt Wanted Papec 13" Hammermill Perry Co 717 789 4569 For Sale 12 ft liq manure pump, fair cond , $775, Chester Co 215 269-3442
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