MAILS X MARKET B For Sale - Red & White Holstein heifer just fresh, small m size Franklin Co 717 263-9091 For Sale - Top buggy w /hyd brakes in good cond, paint like new, Lane Co 717-733-1009 For Sale 180 MF tractor on steel, ready to go $4500 215-445-4786 For Sale - NH 328 manure spreader, w/wide spread & top beater, exc cond , Bedford Co 814 793 4640 Wanted - 1000 to 540 PTO gear reduction unit For Sale - Parts for JD 45 combine, Bucks Co 215- 249 3623 Wirtiil Unit OnDisplay K ESHLAND Wood • Eliminitßi Creosote Build-up • Lower Fuel Consumption • 84% Wood, 85% Oil Efficiency • Available in sizes from 80,000 to 500,000 BTU/hr with auto, oil backup. By using dense refractory material, com plete combustion occurs at temperatures exceeding 2000'F No smoke... No creo sote build-up) ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SYSTEMS Allen Lawyer 504 E. Main St., New Holland, PA 17557 PH: 717-354-0412 ★ FREE HEATING SURVEY & ESTIMATE * *»! % hi Shop direct by phone or moil and save Save on hundreds of animal health needs for cows, swine, horses and poultry. Send for your free catalog today, and start enjoying the quality, convenience and sav ings of buying direct from Agway Catalog Service, Inc. For Sale - Reg & grade angus cows, reg polled Hereford bull, York Co 717 292 2245 For Sale AC blower 50" auger reconditioned $375 also rye seed $4 50 bu 215-267-4827 For Sale Case 220 baler w/bale launcher, $4OO Tobacco bale box, no handle, $6O Lane Co 215-593-5721 For Sale McCormick WD 9 diesel tractor 60 HP Henry S Stoltzfus, RDI, Box 218, Farmdafe Rd Christiana, Pa 17509 For Sale - 2 part Sad dlebred horses, 3 yr greenbroke $lOOO Gideon S King, RD# 1, Center Square Rd , Leola Pa 17540 tin iFREE! I Mail to: Agway Catalog Service, Inc., | P.O. Box 306, Elizabethtown, PA 17022 ■ Or call toll-free, 1-800-441-6007 (in PA | call 1-800-222-3509). I Name I Address I City. »■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■! Working for people who woHi the tand CATALOG (AGWAY) SERVICE INC V««biii i < For Sale - Ford NAA Jubilee w/sauder loader, fair cond $2,150 00 cleaned rye $4 50/bu Lane Co 215-445-5359 For Sale Stage coach good working cond $3500 York Co 717-229- 2500 For Sale SHP 230 volt single phase elec motor $125 Joe H Zimmerman, RDI, Leola, Pa 17540 Lane Co For Sale • 2 row mtd Ml cornpicker on 300 Far mall in good cond Leb Co 717 865-6836 For Sale - Feeder pigs (good stock) mix Yorkshire and Duroc, 25 pigs $25/head York Co 717 432 9056 NEW! Agway Animal Health * Catalog From Agway Catalog Service, Inc. State Zip. For Sale - Reg Nubian buck, dehorned & very gentle, ready for fall breeding, $75 w/papers, $5O w/o papers 215 987- 6098 For Sale - Purebred Guernsey cow, first calf, from my family cow, mother is good milker, $6OO Berks Co 215 683 6141 For Sale - AC 6060 low hours, Cumberland Co 717-243-4590 For Sale - 7’ Inf sickel bar #2OO mower, hyd , lift, 7' AC hay crusher Cecil Co 301 658-6447 Wanted Used greenhouse, any size or type, didn't take it last yr, try again Lane Co 717 397-4360 after 4 30 p m Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Stptember 15,1984-D3l Wanted To rent, dairy farm 50 cows or more for spring of 1985 717 627 0961 For Sale JD 13 hole disk drill, good fert box on rubber tractor hitch York Co 717 235-1855 For Sale Old Case manure spreader, 65 bu needs repair, you buy, you have $95 Lane Co 717 665-6196 after 9 p m For Sale - Full line of farm equip , also Triumph PTO corn shelter, quit farming, good Cambria Co 814- 674-3719 or 814 946 3741 Wanted To buy, used beddmg chopper, Delaware Co 215-459 3262 For Sate Outstanding QH yearling gelding good size, exc conformation, definite show prospect $2OOO firm, Berks Co 215-385-6138 For Sate 30 KW army surplus generator set skid mtd, no engine, used 15 hrs $5OO Schuylkill Co 717-345 8179 eves For Sale Backhoe attach 3 pt hitch, 18" bucket, presently operating on JD 950 Luzerne, 717-822 3704 after 6 30 PENN DIESEL SERVICE CO. Diesel Fuel Infection & Turbocharger Sales & Service | AGRICULTURAL I AUTOMOTIVE ‘ CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIAL MARINE-TRUCK * Authorized sales & service for most manufacturers * Service on all makes 717-545-4207 Exit 27, Interstate 81 Harrisburg, PA 17112 PAUL B. M DuD SO 3 OODDDD GALVANIZED "T" LOOP STALLS With EASY LIFT TRAINING BAR Which Prevents Trapped Cow Problems Stall tubing 2-3/8 inches outside diameter, 12 ga. (. 109) wall thickness, high yield steel. ALSO AVAILABLE • Standard Free Stalls • Fencing • Gates (38" - 48" - 54” • Automatic Head Gates high) • Automatic Gate Latches PAUL Hardware * Farm Supplies Box 128 R.D. #4, Lititz, PA 17543 Custom Manufacturing Wood Corner Rd. Crane Service 1 Mile West of Ephrata Phone:7l7-738-1121 For Sate Nl 2 row wide row corn picker, exc working cond $6,500 neg Dauphin Co 717 367 3814 For Sate - 12 hole round hog feeder holds 1200 lb feed $lOO Jacob P Beiler RD#l, Box 319 Kirk wood, Pa 17536 For Sate 4 Hereford bulls, 3 Hereford cows w/calves, 2 steers, 2 Heifers Cumb Co, must sell' 717 776-6427 For Sate Rye seed cleaned & bagged, 475 bu Lane Co 717 285 4847 For Sate Hance Vac a way 75 S 4 screen cleaner, hopper & charging elev wraught iron fence, beef cows Columbia Co 717 784 8885 For Sate 75 locust posts, 7'sl ea 5 gal heavy-duty plastic buckets $1 Mifflin Co 717 935 5282 For Sale 1971 Ford Pinto w/many almost new parts great to keep your Pinto in parts $199 Lane Co 717-872 5263 For Sale 36' King Wyze elevator, PTO $4OO Huntingdon Co 814 447 3383 We support the ADS Technician Certification program * Pick up & delivery * UPS service * Wholesale & Retail * Competitively priced * Since 1952 * Parts & Equipment Dist. B. ZIMMERMAN, INC. For Sate 12x40 Marietta air cell silo, w/good roof & outside ladder. Glenn Herr, 820 Storm Store Rd , Gettysburg, Pa 717- 637 9632 For Sate Snapperhead, like new, used 30 acres, for NH 770 or 782, also feed cart Susquehanna Co 717 222 4432 For Sate Corn crib, like new, approx 1000 bu , you move $5OO Adams Co 717-334-1903 For Sate Nl 2 row narrow corn picker, also has shelter unit, $3500 Berks Co 215-488 1436 For Sate Model 763, 3 row narrow chopper head for Nl Uni-harvester, like new $2,000 Fulton Co 717 294 3434 For Sate McFlail chopper w/65 hp engine Moses B Zook #1 Box 377 New Holland Pa 17557 Lane Co For Sale Inter 350 corn harvester like new #6 clipper seed cleaner in goodcond Lane Co 717 291 9786 For Sale 250 Kawasaki 3 wheeler w/elec start good cond Lane Co 215 267 6593
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