D3o—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 15,1984 MAILB X MARKET E Wanted Pony cart w/wooden wheels For Sale 4 driving bridles horse size Leb Co 717 272 6819 Wanted Steel wheels for Farmall M 34 centers 2L« shaft David E Bontrager R#2 Box 138 A, Dover Del 19953 Kent Co For Sale Giant vac rototiller 8 hp Briggs & Stratton reverse, depth tilling $495 after 3pm Northampton Co 215 252 8844 For Sale Spatz silo unloader for 14 or 16' silo & 1 NH forage wagon Berks Co 215 285 6525 For Sale Int 650 pull type harvester w/2 row wide corn head, & pick up head, Frederick, Co , MD 301 371 7421 For Sale Potato equip seed cutter 4 row planter, (FMC) harvester Boggs grader $4500 Ocean Co NJ 609 758 2085 For Sale Small grain rye seed $4/bu 4 yr old standerdbred, traffic safe & sound Lane Co 717 733 2584 DBrushcutters. Tools Not Toys, Underpowered trimmers just won’t cut it when you’re up against heavy weeds and brush. That’s when you need a Stihl FS-80E Brushcutter with a high-powered engine and exclusive Polycut “head When you have work to do, don’t play around. Get a Stihl Brushcutter. And get the job done , See a demonstration at f'i “* FSBOE STOLTZFUS WOODWORK A& B SALES & SERVICE RDGap PA Box 183 I Mile North Rt 897 From Gap WES STAUFFER SALES & SERVICE RO 3 Ephrata PA Phone (717) 738 4215 Ephrata Exit New Rt 222 '/? Mile West on Rt 322 Turn left onto Pleasant Valley Rd THE WORLD’S LARGEST SELLING CHAIN SAW You'll Be Singing The Same Tune... "I Never Knew Running A Tractor Was So Simple Until I Worked With My New YANMAR TRACTOR" YANMAR Shuttle Power Shift FROM 14 HP to 33 HP 2 WD or 4 WD For Sale Warm Morning 400 A heater, large size thermostat control exc cond $450 best offer Lane Co 215 445 5631 For Sale Cable control unit on Cat D 8 $l5OO Dozer for sale in approx 1 month $B5OO Atl Co 609 965 2884 For Sale Morso black air tight wood stove, will heat large area, perfect cond $325 Chester Co 215 286 5560 For Sale Ford 1 row mtd corn picker Ford com bine power take off, Ferguson 16" 2 btm plow Dauphin Co 717 362 8962 For Sale Rye for cover crop $4 25/bu , also Martin gravity bin on 8 ton gear $750 Cum berland Co 717 423 6188 For Sale 1963 recon structed bus, exc mechanical cond , recent engine overhaul, 21,000 GVW, 5 speed $l5OO (neg) Dauphin Co 717 367 2637 Wanted Pulley gear for TD6 or TD9 crawler, for parts, Franklin Co John L Stoltzfus, 19180 v Back Rd , Doylesburg, Pa 17219 BOMBERGER’S STORE, INC. Newport Rd Elm PA 717 665 2407 STIHL For Sale at David Goods Auction 9/19, Nl 324 picker super sheller aluminum 20' elevator LG corn drag Lane Co 717 665 3229 For Sale 12" wide weathered barn boards, approx 500' Ivan Z Fisher, 98 Loop Road Quarryville, Pa For Sale JD hyd dump gram wagon 7'xl4' w/30" sides on 1064 running gear $l6OO Berks Co 215 926 5118 after 4 p m For Sale Rye seed $4/bu bagged Leb Co 717 865 4725 For Sale 1 building lot near Schubert nearly 1 5 acres, level open land, best offer, Northern Berks Co 717 933 5368 For Sale 2 elec heaters ceiling mount, never used Holstein feeder steers Aerovent 18+ 24" exhaust fan Berks Co 215 589-4083 For Sale 4 bull calves from reg herd, sires Cavalier, Shamrock, Jonas S Lapp, Jr 3550 Barnsley Chrome Rd Oxford, Pa 19363 Wanted Geographical magazine April 1984 issue, 215-445-7191 2 Miles South of Rt 23 Along 772 Thru Monterey RD 1 Ronks PA GOOD’S STORE * At the Country Mart RD2 East Earl Route 23 Just East of Blue Ball 717 354 4026 We want you to Compare the Yan- mar tractor with the Kubota. We can show you features they wish they had! For Sale Rye cleaned &in bags, $5/bu Lane Co 717-653 4470 For Sale Female Beagle black, tan & white, AKC reg Z'h yrs old $45 cash only, Quarryville, Pa 717 786 3963 For Sale Ford plow 3 18" fully mtd auto reset $2lOO Lane Co 717 442 8564 For Sale Case 1737 uniloader, good cond $3500 Lane Co 215 445 5046 For Sale 41’x7” tran sport auger $9OO IH 656 D, 3 pt dual hyd $5lOO Cumb Co 717 776 5672 For Sale AKC reg Rottweiler pups bred for intelligence & size, known for devotion to family $350 Montg Co 215 287-8668 For Sale Rockford honz milling machine 11x50" table all feeds work, no motor $275 Lehigh Co 215-756 6661 after 4 p m For Sale 13' Blizzard ensilage cutter, 3 sets of knives, shedder bais, 40’ pipe, gooseneck, 40’ belt, food cond Lane Co 717 72 5850 eves For Sale 1975 Chrysler Cordoba 318, air, PB, PS, black, new radiator, rebuilt transmission, rust repaired, $l5OO Lane Co 717 529 6345 For Sale 40 font Cardinal corn & hay elevator $6OO Montg Co 215 754 7115 For Sale 12 cows, 5 reg , late winter freshening Union Co 717 966 2357 For Sale Gehl narrow corn head for 600 har vester, Berks Co 215- 856 7842, no Sun calls please For Sale ■ Chianma cows & heifers bred mostly to Walco Ky Colonel cer titled & accredited Montgomery Co 215 887 0409 For Sale Rye seed, cleaned or uncleaned, tobacco lath 717 653 1716 Wanted Special Ed teacher wants to buy ditto machine 215 926 3167 early morn or late eves OK Wanted Old cigarbox labels, old photographs, stock certificates, documents deeds, business receipts, ledgers, sheet music magazines, valentines Lane Co 717 5600639 afternoons For Sale 20 A corn $250 A JD flail chopper $595 Little Giant corn drag $395 323 cornpicker $2795 717 354-0266 For Sale 1000 tobacco lath 11/lath Lititz, Lane Co 717-626 5995 For Sale SPF Fox 2 row corn & 8' pickup heads in good cond , base unit Col Co 717 458 6629 For Sale - 1500 bushel round wire corn crib, Columbian cookstove Lane Co Ben Stoltzfus, 55 Gnest Rd , Not tingham, Pa 19362 WHITE WASHING with DAIRY WHITE • DRIES WHITE • DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY • NO WET FLOORS • IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT & FLY SPRAYS • WASHES OFF WINDOWS & PIPELINES EASILY BARN CLEANING SERVICE AVAILABLE WITH T COMPRESSED AIR To have your barn cleaned with air it will clean off dust, cob webs & lots of old lime This will keep your barn looking cleaner & whiter longer We will taka work within 100 mile radius of Lancaster MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 Bam Spraying Our Business, not a sideline. Spraying since 1961. High Pressure Washing & Disinfecting Poultry Houses And Veal Pens For Sale - AKC Alaskan Malamutes born 7 15-84 Wakon & Uyak champion bloodlines, shots & wormed Adams Co 717 624 7362 « For Sale Border Collie mixed pups $5 Lane Co 717 627 6473 For Sale Orange belly David Brown 990 w/Case 60 loader w/6' bucket 1800 hrs , Franklin Co 717 532 3706 For Sale 4yr Speed Queen W/D $lOO 300 Winchester Magnum rifle 3/12 Redfield scope & sling $350 Berks Co 215 944 0773 For Sale 20 T Ist cutting clover, exc quality $7O, 50'9" blower pipe w/ad) gooseneck Montg Co 215 754 7012 For Sale Cookstoves l Add warmth & charm to your country kitchen restored, ready to use, reasonably priced Schaeff erst own 717 949 2195
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