LONG’S 610 Tractors Deliver! The Long 610 Tractors are precision-engineered for outstanding quality, performance and economy. Standard features include: In dependent PTO, 8 forward and 2 reverse speeds, differential lock, hydrostatic steering, plus more. A demonstration of the Long 610 2- wheei drive and the 610-DTC 4-wheel drive model will prove that Long DOES deliver quality at an affordable price! COST’S CONTRACTOR EQUIPMENT Absecon NJ 08201 609/641-0750 L.D. SHEELY CO. Wanamassa NJ 07712 201/531-8511 E.R. CALDWELL LAND CLEARING Ligomer PA 15658 412/238-9588 WILLED MACDONALD, INC. Clifton NJ 07014 201/471-0244 More Horses Per Dollar! LONG 61 64 PTO H. 4-Cyl. Diesel Models. Long delivers. ADDISON FARM SUPPLY Addison PA 15411 814/395-3521 CLAPPER FARM EQUIPMENT Alexandria, PA 16611 814/669-4465 FUNNER IMPLEMENT Prospect PA 16052 412/865-2600 FORRESTER FARMS Chambersburg, PA 17201 717/263-0705 GIROLAMI TRACTOR SALES Colver PA 15931 814/748-7765 4-Wheel Drive With Center Drive 10 .el <eel ve KAFFERLIN SALES & SERVICE Union City, PA 16438 814/438-2056 MAIDEN CREEK FARM SUPPLY Blandon PA 19150 215/926-3851 WENGER’S FARM MACHINERY Myerstown PA 17067 717/866-2138 BENCE FARM EQUIPMENT Bedford PA 15522 814/623-8601 Lancaster Farming, September 15,1984—D15 Big bargain at bester-Del. banquet WEST CHESTER - “Buy one - get one free” is the invitation extended to Chester/Delaware Farmer’s Association members when they attend the Association’s fall banquet and policy develop ment meeting Sept. 27 at the West Fallowfield Christian Day School, near Atglen. “Each member who attends will receive a free ticket for his/her spouse," said President Albert Bartels, West Grove. “Farm women are a part of the farm family and should be recognized,” Bartels explained. Reservations should be made by Sept. 20 with Denise Wilkinson (274-8171). Directors will also take reservations. Local Legislators and the County Commissioners have been invited to attend. “Local, county, state and national policies affecting agriculture have been discussed at local policy development meetings,” Clint Blackwell, Toughkenamon, Policy Committee Chairman, said. Any member unable to attend a local meeting may submit his suggested policy or policies to Blackwell (Box 131, Toughkenamon) by September 20. Bartels appointed Stanley Guest, Spring City, as membership chairman for 1985. Co-chairman appointed are Clint Blackwell, Hokessm and Richard Breckbill, Oxford. Laurie Dobrosky, Ephrata, Region 1 Organization Director said, “any Farmer’s Association member can bring in new members. Signing two new members will entitle the old member to a hat. A jacket will be given for fifteen new members. Twenty five new members will mean a watch for the person’s efforts.” Bartels announced that a drawing would be held at the banquet for those whose mem berships had been paid by that time. OLEY FAIR Routes 73 & 622 Oley, PA SEPT. 20,21,22 Thurc., Sepl 20 Apple Peeling Contest 5:00 PM Lamb Trimming and Blocking Contest after 8:00 AM judging FOX BROTHERS 7:00-10:00 PM Friday, Sept 21 Farm Tractor Pulling Contest 12 Noon Log Sawing Contest EAST SIDE DAVE and the PINE RIDGE MOUNTAIN BOYS 7:00-10:00 PM Saturday, Sept 22 Bale Throwing Contest 10:00 AM Antique Auto Show 9:00-3:00 PM GARDEN TRACTOR PULLING CONTEST 12 Noon Pie Eating Contest 3:00 PM STROLLING DUTCH BAND OLEY VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL BAND 7:00 PM 9:30 P.M. Auction of Fair Exhibits Live Broadcasting WEEU WBYO Entertainment Rain or Shine UNDER OUR NEW BANDSTAND-PAVILION (BRING YOUR OWN CHAIRS)
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