GET THE BEST DEALS ON SPERRY NEW HOLLAND EQUIPMENT • WAIVER OF FINANCE ON HAY EQUIPMENT • WAIVER OF FINANCE ON FORAGE Till July 1,1985 EQUIPMENT Till September 1,1985 OR LOW RATE FINANCING ON NEW & USED EQUIPMENT • 4.9% Financing * 7.9% Financing • 9.9% Financing • 11.9% Financing • 13.9% Financing ForlYr. ForlSMos. For24Mos. For36Mos. For SOMos. (Self Propelled Units Only) OR BIG CASH REBATES (1) N.H. 495 MOWER CONDITIONER With Lateral The Model 495 has 12 feet of cutting power with a unique sweeping header that won’t let your down or tangled hay escape. The 495 also gives you a nine-foot swath, something the narrow rolls of other brands cannot do. Of course, changing to big windrows requires only a slight adjustment to the baffle... and that’s made without tools. N.H.ODIOO (I)N.H. 230 FARM WAGON OFFSET DISK (i-Ton w/U>iu; Fixed Tongue. ir>xfr Hirn-s $875.00 Tires Extra .9 ft. 0 in. Cutting Width * • 24 Blades, 24” Plain duty reach pole is the same used on • Blade Spacing 9’-* Front 10% ’ ’ dkofrrwbltl b ' sger Model 234 The 230 ’ has an A s A F WrnWF^mm Rear on 1%" High Strength T loadratmBot6lons • Approx. Operating Weight 5081 * /q\ XT O 004 lbs., 210 lbs. per Blade K 604 aw a aa • Dual Wheels S' Farm Wagon, 8 Ton w/Long $1,070.00 • Hydraulic Leveling Adjustable Tongue 15x8” „ List Price $10,300.00 Rims Tires kxtra The heavy-duty Model 234 is a good companion for the Model 8 Crop-Carrier IC*/ II I 1111 The front axle assembly is reinforced to withstand stress imposed by heavy DEMOd Only) y • jiwViW toads and big tractors It has an A S A F load rating of 6 tons 984 NH L-35 Skid Steer Loader, 2 buckets, 800 hours, International 84 diesel row crop, 850 hours, Farmall Super H, Farmall 560 gas, As is AC WC, AC B with cultivator, Ford 9N, Yanmac tractor w/mower IH 710,4x18 auto IH 550,5x14 semi mount plow, IH 420,3 bottom, 16” plow, IH 453 cultivator, 4x38 trip shovel, 6 ft. 3 pt. hitch disc, IH 37 disc, 10’ with cylinder, IH 412,4 bottom, 14” plow, 2 pt. semi mount, Ontario single disc drill, JD grain drill, 13x7 single disc, AC 500,4 row planter as is, ... IH 249,2 row, JD 494-A, 4x38, IH 1190 mower conditioner IH 990 9’ mower conditioner IH 1190 mower conditioner, MF m baler AC 303 baler with thrower, NH 67 baler with thrower, Hesston PT 12,12’ mower conditioner Fox blower, IH 110 Forage box on 330, 8 ton wagon Grove 14’ forage box on 10 ton chassis Grove 14’ forage box on 10 ton chassis IH 56 blower, IH 76 combine, IH 540 Spreader, Gehl grinder mixer, 120 bushel, Hesston forage harvester, 1 row head and pickup, excellent, Gehl CB 600 forage harvester, 2 row corn and pickup head, Gehl RBI6OO Big Round Baler, (Demo.) Massey Ferguson 510 Combine Diesel, Hydro, Air Cond. Cab Quick Attach Header, 4x30 Corn Head, 13’ Grain Platform INCH EQUIPMENT CO. East Main St. Box 247 McAllisterville, PA 17049 717-463-2191 Bale Thrower Wagon 8 ton gear Sides well braced Side Holes - End Gate - Painted We will also repair your wagon or build on your gear. Also Hay Racks of Many Styles Bell Road Wagon Shop Box 280 Bell Road Christiana #l, PA 17509 1 mile south of Ninepoints off 896 take Noble Rd. to Bell Rd. 8 mi. N. of Oxford Dealers Welcome Answering Service 717-529-2614 $12,500 ...*513,450 $1,375 $1,175 52,200 ...$BOO $650 sB7s 51650 53,450 53,500 sB7s 5695 sBso s3so s7so $475 $550 $795 $2,475 $1,075 $1,200 ..$B5O ..$4OO $1,750 $2,475 $4,350 $3,800 $B,OOO $20,350
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