C24—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Snumber 15,1984 SIMPLY MORE PRODUCTIVE IN THE FIELD Over the past six years the IH axial-flow combines have proven themselves to be more productive than the combines previously owned by our customers. In tall crops, short crops or down crops; bumper crops or drowth crops the axial-flow combines put more crop in the bin and, therefore, return more market dollars to you. The IH axis I-flow is simply more productive in the field where the bragging stops. HOOBER: Axial i. Every new combine Hoober sells is expertly predeliver ed and started in the field by a professional combine mechanic; experienced in setting and adjusting for all common crops. INCREASE YOUR HARVEST PRODUCTIVITY - TRACTORS DESCRIPTION TAG# W 7821 W 7844 W 8229 IH 4120 Skidloader IH F4SOD IH 966, 18.4x34 Tires IH Farmall M IH Super C, yv/Cultivator, 2 Row-Mtd. W 8536 W 8569 IH F656G Hydr., Fast Hitch W 8863 IH F9B6D, 18.4x38 6P Tires IH F1206D WBB9l W 8934 W 8729 W 8975 W 8759 W 9022 W 9040 W 9064 W 9095 IH FIOB6D w/Rops IH Fafmall H IH F7O6D w/3 Ft. IH 1066 w/Cab IH F1206D w/oCab JD423OH Steiger Cougar II ST3OO w/23.1x34 Duals IH F656G W 9194 W 9260 Versatile 150 w/Loader 111 Axial-Row Combines WITH AN HI. Axial-flow COMBINE FROM C.B. HOOBER & SON, INC. 1HF1466 w/oCab IH F 986 W 9236 W 9240 W 9291 W 8379 W 9446 W 9473 MF 1080 w/o Cab IH 4166 IH F2OO w/Cult. 1HF1466 w/Cab TILLAGE DESCRIPTIO TAG# T 6493 Glencoe SSP, 11 Shank Soilsaver Glencoe 13 Shank Soilsaver T 8693 Deere 110 Disc, 10' w/Duals, 9" Spacing T 8034 Deere BW Disc, 10', 8.5" Spacing IH 710 Plow. 6F, 18" Auto T 8166 T 7892 IH Super-C Plow, 2F, Mounted T 8570 Tebbins 13 Shank Subsoiler, Trailing w/Wings TBlB7 Flow production specialists 2. Hoober’s professional combine mechanics drive fully equipped combine service trucks, stocked with commonly used wearing parts. When called to service or repair an oxial- Fow combine they carry with them the tools and equipment to do the job and get you back to the field fast. USED E IH 470 18’ Disk IH 14 Subsoiler, Auto Reset T 9270 T 8857 Krause 2416 Disk JD 215,12’5” Disk JD 210 Disk w/Trl Hitch T 9020 T 9023 T 9074 Bush Hog 10' Disk IH 4500 20’ Field Cult. T 9109 T 9120 Brillion 10' Packer Krause 1765 Disk IH 760 14’ Disk T 9077 T 9139 T 9134 T 9138 T 9262 T 9155 IH 37 8’ Disk Krause 1578 Disk Wil-rich‘ls’ Field Cult. IH 4500 I6V2' Vibra- Shank T 9184 Brillion 16’ Wing Spring Harrow JD 310 12' Disk IH 37,9’ Disk T 9185 T 9318 T 9408 UIPMENT TAG# U 8457 U8654A U 9037 U 7138 U 7904 U 7158 U 7737 U 9284 U 9292 3. Hoober’s Parts Department has the largest combine parts inventory in the East. Daily pickups at the IH Parts depot help to provide fast emergency parts avail ability. Hoober’s expert combine PARTS service provides you minimum downtime and maximum productivity. COMBINE DESCRIPTION IH 715 Combine. G. Hydro 810,13’ Hdr, MF 750 Combine 23.1x3010P, AC, Hydro, 15' Header 1H715D Combine Diesel, Hydro, 18.4x26 10 IH 915 Combine D 28.1x26, Htr, AC JD 4400 Combine G, 13’ Hdr AC F Combine G, 13' Hdr A 330 CH JD 6600 Combine 0 23.1x26, 444 CH, 14’H IH 1460 Combine 28Lx26, Hydro, AC IH 1460 Combine 28Lx26, Hydro, AC. AHC U 7961 IH 915 Combine D 28Lx26 AC, AM/FM Radio Fan Monitor MF 510 D Combine 23.1x26 BP, 8 Rear Wts., AC, #44W Cornhead 13' Header U 8742 U 7222 MF 510 Combine D 23.1x26 Hydro. 63 CH, 13’ Hd U 7608 IH 815 Combine 743 CH. 13’ H 1460 Combine 67x34x30 U 8771 Tires, AC, AHC, Gain Loss Monitor IH 715 Combine D, Hydro. AC MF 510 Combine D 23.1x26,1143 CH, AC IH 1460 Combine 30.5Lx32, AC, Monitor, AHC, 18.4x16.1 U7BlB UBOlO U 9352 *
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