a CORN PICKERS I N 1323 2 Row Narrow Heads • FARM MACHINERY • JD 24 Diesel Skid Steer • IH 544 Low Profile ; Oliver 1850 WF Dual PTO & Z J Hydraulic Z ; Oliver 1755 WF Dual Hydraulic Z 2 olverl7oo • 2 JD 720 Diesel, Widefront, 3 Pt. • • INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY; 2 JD 440 Dozer 2 ; Case 530 Backhoe & Loader Z Z IH 4414 Loader Z Z IH 15 Crawler Loader Z 2 Ford 5550 Diesel Backhoe & Z S Loader • • MF 304 Backhoe & Loader • • c arl’w.k’ensinger • : FARM MACHINERY S : RD 2 Box 522 A ; J Duncansville, Pa. 16635 • 1 814/696-0868 ; Z South of Altoona on Rt. 220 ; 2 or 25 Miles North of Bedford T/P Exit • SAVE YOUR HAY WITH SLANT BAR FEEDERS SPECIAL PRICE ON STEEL WHEELS All Metal Construction PURPOSE FEED TRAILER BARTVILLE WELDING SHOP Rt. 1 Christiana, PA (at Bartville) 17509 MF 1155 2500 hrs '11,500 IH 766 1500 hrs 9 8,500 18 Holes 3 Section Feeder $135.00 Priced At 24 ft. *695 30 ft. *825 Feeders on Skids 12 ft. $290.00 16 ft. $360.00 NEW 4610; 530 A; 445-TL; 555A-T.L.8., 4WD USED TW3O; 5600 w/cab; 4600 w/cab* 3000; 2100; 800; (2 ) 5000; $5500. & up; 8N; 9N; 5000 w/loader; 4000 w/fork lift; 555 T.L.8., 600 hrs. w/cab; 340 T.L. w/canopy. USED Farmall Super H; L 305 Kubota, 4WD; McCormick Chopper; New Ford Blower; JD 407 7’ rotary mower, pull type; New Woods offset rotary mower, 80”; New Kasten spreader; New Ford no-till planter, (discounted); NI 2 row com sheller; 20 Used garden tractors, JD, Gravely, Ford, Kubota, Int. Cubs, 8 to 16 h,p. $595 & up; (10) snow blowers; Gardener Denver compressor; 2 ton General black top roller; JD Crawler 350 C, 4 in 1 bucket: 706 Int.; 3600 Ford w/cab & 300 amp Lincoln welder, run by power take off & mounted; LBOOO Truck Tractor, Cat. Engine, 5 speed, 2 speed; L9OOO 290 Cummins engine, 10 speed. • HAY BUSTER DRILL : : MOORE NO-TILL DRILL : • FOR RENT OR SALE $6,900 • Kubota [4WBlii| Finance 8 i /i% inßßi STRALEY FARM SUPPLY, INC. Farm - Industrial Ford. IHC. Kubota. Equipment Woods, Bush Hog, Sales 4 Service Danuser, Little Giant Dover, Pa, 17315 717-292-4443 FOR SALE Auto turn carts and five angle scrapers Reassemble with two bolts Servers $175 Carts $285 with brake Carts $245 without Scraper good for barn yards, stones &snow 18 ft $318.00 24 ft. $399.00 30 ft. $470.00 36 ft. $540.00 MF 2705 8 speed trans 1900 hrs. *12,000 MF 550 Combine 1143 Corn Head *25.000 Complete TA assemblies for 706-1586 are priced at $595 and come with a Dana Co Heavy Duty Sprag instead ot the usual IH sprag The Dana sprag is guaranteed tor 2 years against failure. Sprag Kits (includes sprag gear, Dana sprag, and piston carrier) and all items tor rebuilding your own TA are available to qualified persons Ramps and carriers for the older style TA's (as in SMTA, 340, 560) are priced at $l5O each and carry a 90 day guarantee We have all the parts needed to rebuild your TA in stock at prices that will save you money We also have a shop available for complete TA installation Or, you may split your own tractor and bring the center housing to us, which we can rebuild while you wait (approx 4-6 hrs) We also stock New and Rebuilt Water Pumps, Dynlife Clutches, Pressure Plates, and PTO Drive Gears, (Spline-tit into pressure plates) tor most IH tractors and combines Dealers • Welcome S trans 1300 hrs, *14,000 New Holland. L 35 Skid Loader Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 15,1984—C23 TORQUE AMPLIFIERS, ETC. Serving Customers in 20 States Coast to Coast. QUALITY USED PARTS We buy and sell used parts and parts tractors We have a good selection of quality used parts at competitive prices Please have part no when calling, if possible LEAMAN TRACTOR PARTS *4,900 Dealer Discounts Available Box 250 Willow Street. PA 17584 717-464-2874 FOR SALE NH 27 Forage Blower 200 Bushel Gravity Bin w/8 ton running gear Brady 12’ Field Cultiva tor Int. 766 MF 2705 NHL3S Skid loader JD2440 JD wide front MF 1135 w/duals, cab & air MF 1155 w/cab & air IH 3200 Skid Loader MF 550 combine w/1143 com head Bushhog 12’ Chisel plow 4 irrigation pumps 8,000 feet 6 inch irrigation pipe 6 field cultivators from 10’-24’ NI2IB Manure Spreader MF 43 com head MF 321 com head L&M BURKHOLDER R.D. #2 Ephrata. Pa. 17522 717-859-2960 717-859-2712
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers