B42—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 4,1984 NEED CASH? We buy un wanted trucks and parts, scrap aluminum of ary kind. Wrecked dumps, vans, flats, tank trailers, etc. Call 215-944-9871 (eve rings). STORAGE TRAILERS FOR RENT • 40 ft., nice, available immediately, delivered. Office trailers also available. 301-771- 4529. For Sale • 6 cylinder Perkins 354 Diesel, GM 478 Diesel. $875. Wanted - al wheel drive truck with 10x20 rubber. 717-866- 2091. For Sale - 22 x6' steel gooseneck, '77 GMC 4 wheel drive, taking offers. Phone 717-354-4971. For Sale - 69' IHC cab over, 26' straight bed. Good hay truck. 717-366- 2308. 1979 Chevy C5O steel body dump, 4 speed, VB, PS, PB, new point, load rubber. 717-692-2066. Coleman's. 1974 Tibrook 28' aluminum dump trailer, 10x22 tires, food condi tion. 717-998-8831 or 717-998-2057. 1974 Chevy C6S 18' dump body, VB, PS, PB, nice. 717-692-2086. Col eman's. 1977 Ford F-750 dump truck. 5 +2sp„ 391, V-8, air brakes, power steering, new paint, $6,500. Bucks Co. 215- 297-8354. U6OO Model Mack single axle dump 673, Duplex, good rubber. 717-692-2086. Col eman's. 'B3 Ford F3SO dual wheel 1 ton pickup, 4604 speed, PS, PB, air, AM-FM, radial tires, 2 tone paint, gooseneck hookup, 8,000 miles, like new, $11,900. 717-733-2873. 1977 Ford F3SO Stake dump, auto., PB, good rubber. 717-692-2086. Coleman’s. 'B3 Chevy heavy duty V« ton 4x4 pickup, 350 4 speed, PS, PB, radial tires, 8600 GVW, regular gas, 18,000 miles, $9,350.717-733-2873. 1978 Chevy C 60,4 speed, VB. PS. PB, 18'Van body, new paint, good rubber. 717-692-2086. Col eman's. 'B3 CMC heavy duty V* ton 4x4 w/Morrysvide utilty body, 350 4 speed, PS. PB, 8600 GVWTS9,3OO. 717-733-2873. 'B2 Dodge V« ton 4 WD Chib Cab pickup, 360 4 speed, PS, PB, lockout hubs, sliding rear window, 8500 GVW, $9,500. 717- 733-2873. w r // • CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-248-6000 ! PA 1-800-842-4000 71 IHC Diesel Tandem 20 ft. Flat Bed, 5 & 4 Trans., $6900 Curry Supply Curryville, Pa. • STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY • QUALITY CONSTRUCTION • DESIGN INNOVATION IS-Z JEIZR-IIAIV CORF. 1 080 HVKIS ROAD, ORBBNCABTUt, RA. 1 7888 I 1950 Reo Army Truck 6x6 6 cyl. gas $2OOO Curry Supply Curryville, Pa. 814-793-2829 * w ,* I «* t P ■mH^^HMHHßlilinMl^V*3*«t' r «wt * aMHRIRIir^MIOTMMUI^BHHI 5500 Gallon Stainless Tanker $4500 3500 Gallon Rubber Lined AciJ Trailer, $3900 Curry Supply Curryville, Pa. 814.793-2829 1984 CONVERSION VANS • We Cannot Be Under Sold On Quality THE SALE IS ON! 1981 FORD F 250 UTILITY BODY, 8 Cyl., Auto., PS, PB, Air, Like New.. $8995 1981 CMC 2500 UTILITY BODY, 8 Cyl., Auto., PS, PB, Factory Air, White Paint, Sharp $8,995 1980 CHEVROLET SILVERADO CREW CAB, C-30, 4x4, Auto., PS, PB, Crusie Control, Air, AM-FM, 29,000 Orig. Miles, Free Wheeling Hubs 510,995 JEEPS - 1982, 1981, 1979 Soft Tops (One With P10w)... Call For More Information! 1974 GMC MOTOR HOME, 260, Painted Desert, Self-Contained, Hot & Cold Water, Air Conditioning, Generator, Sleeps 6, Formerly Owned & Meticulously Maintained By General Motors Executive. Priced To Sell $23,900 Rhodes Oldsmobile Gilbertsville, PA Call toll free: 1-800-362-7655 llliillPlSK® DUMP UNIT FOR PICKUP TRUCKS SAVE TIME....LABOR....MONEY The E-Z DUMPER is hydraulically | operated and is powered by the 12 volt i truck battery. The safe removable key I switch is standard equipment. The dump I angle of 47° assures quick and clean ■ unloading. The removable tailgate can be 1 opened from the top or bottom for easy J flow control. j Designed for do-it-yourselt installation - ! the E-Z DUMPER comes ready to install, J including hydraulic fluid. Most pickup J trucks require no alterations. Just slide | the E-Z DUMPER and secure with clamps ( using existing bolts and holes. Installation | is fast and simple. Dump over 4,000 lb. of | firewood, gravel, topsoil, coal, corn, mulch, i etc. in seconds. I 1978 Chevy pick-up short bed, 6 cylin der, with cap 1972 IH Scout - REAL NICE, only 60,000 miles, 4x4. (2) 1979 Diplomats, 4 doors w/air. 1978 Ford Fairmont Coupe, 4 speed, SPECIAL $2795. 1980 Champ Coupe hatchback, automatic. SPECIAL- Brand new 'B4 Rampage pick up, $6995. (2) Colt wagons. (2) 1983 Aries 4 door w/air, low miles. © Platforms and Bulkheads Ideal tor lumberyards, contractors, utilities, oil beM operations and fork hit applications involving heavy loading Ttie Omaha Standard platform is a full 96" wide and available in standard lengths from to 26'6" Floor options include wood, steel or steel over wood Heavy duty structural steel channel through out. with 6" outrail and 4" cross sills Stake pockets of 3/16" steel placed on 24" centers and sized to fit 2 x 4" stakes, wftti a sted banding rail welded to the outside of the stake pockets tor securing the heaviest loads Steel stake racks are also available The full clearance bulkhead is constructed with 4" channel stakes and 10 gauge steel and features a full width steel mesh window Tackle the tough jobs, team up with Omaha Standard's Super Duty Platform and Bulkhead FARMERSVIUE EQUIPMENT INC. RD 4, East Farmersville Road Ephrata, PA 17522 Located in the Village of Farmersville, Lancaster County 717-354-4271 —pnaw 83 Chevy CIO 4x4 pickup, 305 4 speed, PS, re, radial tires, $8,750. 717-733-2873. 'B2 Toyota D pickup, lona bed, 9 speed, AM/FM, sliding rear window, $4,450.717-733-2873. FORD FACTORY TRUCK CAP, $350/offer. 717- 235-7416. Dump Trailer - Flat bed 7’xl2’ on Knowles runhing gear, new 1983 never used, $1,500. 717-235- 7416. For Sate • 1974 CMC. 22' flatbed, rebuilt engine, excellent condition. Call evenings. 717-943-2258. Two IH 1970 Loadstar 1600 and 1700 Series trucks. Both (or $lOOO. Carbon Co. Call evenings. 215-377-4549. P Super Dufy 97 acre (arm in SulHvan County. Large bark barn, (arm shop, 2 car garage and other outbuildings. 8 room (armhouse with wood, oil, hot water heat. 2 ponds and stream, $98,000. Additional acreage and equipment available. 717-924-3293. Dairy Farm For Rent. Equpped (adKties (or 42 cows. 4 bedroom house available, brick. 155 acres Of land. 301-686-8082 or 717-677-9590. Fulton Co., PA. 96.4 acre (arm with stream, great (or (idling. Barn equipped (or milking or would be great (or beef cattle. Has new house which is Vt finished. Call Owner, 717- 987-3647.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers