A24—iancastar Farming, Saturday, July 21,1984 - GenetJCS Unlimited •• 2 Mr and Mrs Raymond Angus show MT,t (Continued from Page A2l) Class 2 (Intermediate Oiv) 1 Lee E Miller and Ed Rishei * 2 Joel W Stivers and Circle G • • Class 3 (Junior Div) 1 Huntingdon Farm and Northcote * 2 Huntingdon Farm and Genetics Unlimited ** 3 Erdenheim Farm Class 4 (Senior) 1 Berry Patch Greg Krueger and Family Chief cook Fred Frey rounded out the meal with a peanut oil fondu of potatoes and mushrooms, a whole basket of diced spuds requiring only a 15-minute bath in the bubbly broth. After sampling Frey’s peanut cookery, we submit that the beef industry could do no better than Fred Frey as promotional director. We also suspect that chef Frey may find himself called upon to cater more cook-outs than he'll be able to handle. Area Field Consultants John Peachy Harold Eby RD 2, Box 73 Rt 3, Box 159 Mifflmburg, PA 17844 Clearville, PA 15535 PH: 717-966-0465 PH: 814-767-9651 Dan Martin Casey H. Small RD 1, Box 395-8, Black Creek Dev RD 4 Box 437 East Earl. PA 17519 Blaimlle, PA 15717 PH: 215-445-7161 PH: 412-459-5008 Regional Field Consultant Leslie Yoder RD 2, Parksburg, PA 19365 PH; 215-857-3744 Star Rt.-Millersburg, Ohio 44654 Telephone 215-893-2732 Class 5 1 Rocky Forge Farm * 2 Summit View Farms Grand Champion Bull Huntingdon Farm and Northcote Reserve Grand Champion Bull LeeE Miller and Ed Rishel Open Heifer Classes Class 6 (Caff Oiv) 1 LaVern Krueger Family and Genetics Unlimited* 2 Chris Jordan ** 3 Wilhelmina L Cash Class 7 (Intermediate Div) 1 Diane S Krause ** 2 Debra A Krause 3 Eric Ligo ► * % W i/? -• JL * y '4s\ / ‘ Why Farmers Like Silo Sym On Baled Hay: allows you to bale less problems with tougher Gandy Applicator a definite hedge non-toxic to live agamst the weather stock saves more leaves non-corrosive to the higher protein con baler tent it really works on enhances palat square bales, round ability of hay bales and stacks easy to apply with Gandy Applicator Silo Sym can also be applied on haylage. For more information and special early order prices on Silo Sym and Gandy Applicators, write or call us collect. Symo-Life, Inc. Home Office Class • 1 Erica McClellan * 2 Dale Rams 3 Brandon Groves 1 Huntingdon Farm and Northcote 2 William Conley Burt Rice Greg Krueger and Family 3 LeeE Miller Class 10 1 Robert J Miller •• 2 Guy McKean 3 Indian Creek Farm Class 11 1 South Branch Farms 2 Eric Ligo 3 Donald Cairns Class 12 1 George Parker Greg Krueger and Family * 2 South Branch Farms 3 Fritz Frey Class 13 1 Dottie and Dennis Byrne 2 Diane S Krause 3 James Huber 1 Genetics Unlimited 2 Jan M Waltz 3 Joel W Stivers Grand Champion Open Heifer George Parker Greg Krueger and Family Reserve Grand Champion Open Heifer Robert J Miller Denotes division champion * * Denotes division reserve champion Junior Heifer Classes Class 6 (Call Oiv) 1 Chris Jordan 2 Wilhelmina Cash 1 Diane S Krause 2 Debra A Krause 3 Eric Ligo Class 8 1 Erica McClellan 2 Brandon Groves 3 Brian K Hoerner 1 Brian K Hoerner Class 10 1 Guy McKean 2 Ernest R Frey II 3 Robin Shive Class 11 1 Erie Ligo 2 Donald Cairns 3 James Eisenhour 1 Fntz Frey 2 Ken Walker 3 Catherine White 1 Diane S Krause 2 James Huber 3 Sandra Eisenhour Class 14 1 JanM Waltz 2 Fritz C Frey 3 Kelly Rohrer Grand Champion Junior Heifer *%► , - '*** Class 9 (Junior Dtv) Class 14 Class 7 Class 9 Class 12 Class 13 Eric LlgO Reserve Grand Champion Junior Heifer Erica McClellan Grand Champion Bred and Owned Heifer DianeS Krause Reserve Grand Champion Bred and Owned Heifer Cathy Shive (Turn to Page A 25) I H US. HOLLINGER & SON, DK. PARTS A SERVICE 113 W. Main St. Store Hours: Mountville, PA Mon., Wed., Fri. 7 AM - 8 PM; Ph: 717-285-4538 Tues Vaw’AM^PM 30 PM: Judge Wayne Strawn congratulates Robert Miller of Woodsboro, Maryland, on his reserve grand champion win in open heifer show competition. 0336334, an April, 1983 son of Pine Drive Big Sky. Owned by Huntingdon Farm and Northcote, of Alexandria, the bull was bred by Hun tingdon. PARTS INTERNATIONAL HARVE! ivings thermometer Fever week! Catch )n the total amount just so they add up . Your rebate check rnational Harvester sral. Be sure to act. THROUGH 28 )
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