AG SALES OPPORTUNITY Salary - Expenses - Commission Professional sales training provided. Ag sales experience or ag background desirable. Submit resume in confidence to ' Lancaster Farming P.O. Box 366,0-145 Lititz, PA 17543 Experienced Help Wanted on general crops farm with some steers and hogs. Located in Berks County. Must know farm machinery. This would be a permanent job with opportunity for the right person to become manager. Good salary, house and benefits. Work and character references required. Call: 215-682-6161 Dairy Farm Help Wanted Milking positions with some field work available on large dairy farm. Housing and good salary with profit sharing plan provided. Some experience preferred. Send resume' to: Lancaster Farming Box 366 0-148 Lititz, PA 17543 WANTED Aggressive, self-starting individual for retail feed & animal health safes in south central Pa. Farm background necessary. Base salary & commission plus many benefits. Opportunity for advancement and a chance to present new ideas. We want to grow. Lancaster Farming, Box 366, R-10, Lititz, PA 17543 SUMMER OPPORTUNITY Help Wanted: Seed Cleaner Operator. Excellent Earnings, Must Be Reliable, Full Time From Mid-July . Thru Mid-Sept. Help Needed In § Following Counties: York, I Lancaster, Berks, Lebanon, Dauphin, 1 Schuylkill. Pickup Truck Necessary. I - Call Or Write For Application - HEIST SEED CO. Box 155 Mt. Joy, PA 17552 (717) 653-8078 DAIRY FARM EXPERIENCE WANTED Strong dtmond lor dairy (arm rmployanl Good opportunity! and Intonating location! Employara pay ua-to find tha people thoy naod Recant dairy farm enporienca, good teierencat and willing to relocate required Since 1968 Now nationwide Cali or write today AGRlcaners, Inc. 515-3*4-3145 (Nancy or Sandy) New Hampton, lowa 50659 NEEDED IN AG RELATED OFFICE CHESTER COUNTY Jack of all trades (Typing, mineograph, reception, P.R. writing, audio visual, creative), Master Of Some Jack P.O. Box 6 Exton, PA 19341 HELP WANTED Jj <sg)*> LITITZ TEMPORARY WAREHOUSE WORKER/ TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVER • Unload and load trucks. Make local deliveries. Must be able to lift 80 pounds. Fulltime hours through July and August. TEMPORARY FLORAL DESIGNER - Organized individual able to interpret customer ideas. Experience with silks, dried and preserved flowers required. Experience with wedding bouquets helpful. LEOLA TEMPORARY LANDSCAPE WORKMAN • Must be able to lift 80 pounds. Must be available weekdays and Saturdays. ROHRERSTOWN F/T TURF & SUPPLY SALES - Knolwedge of herb/fung/pesticides required. Ability to identify insect., pest Sf plant diseases necessary. APPLY WITHIN!! STAUFFER'S OF KISSEL HILL 813 Lititz Pike. Lititz, PA 17543 717-626-4771 Wanted: Puppies, all breeds. Jack's Dog Farm, Rt. 611 PipersviTle, PA 18947.215-766-8802 Wanted - puppies (or pets. AKC purebred mixed, litters, 717-442-4259. Charles Hackett Puppy Buyer. Needs pups star ting early August. Call 215-924-8882. Try Before You Buy. Working Software Demos. Available. Farm Software Services, Bernville, PA 215-926-3167. Suzuki 400, very fine, $800.215-356-5305. I BUSINESS I OPPORTUNITIES I WANTED - Condemned Poultry House. We wilt lease our joint venture for breed™ rabbits. Call John. 215-343-9020. Operating feed mill in farming town. All Sprout Waldron Equipment. Two 5 ton mixers, dryer, roller mill, 3 dump pits, 62,500 bushel storage, scales, rolling stock, good buildings, on Railroad siding with 1.1 acres. $180,000.00 Plus In ventory (301) 756-6666. For Sale By Owner - 8 units, Motel and Lun cheonette with living quarters. Good hunting and recreation area. Clinton Co. Immediate possession. Excellent opportunity at $40,000. Call 717-229-2500. SITUATIONS WANTED cow dairy farm. True interest in cows. Full room and board, salary, other benefits for right person. 301-357-8466 after 8:00 p.m. Couple looking for a job on livestock farm with house.' Experienced, honest and hard working. Call after 6 p.m. 703-360-5597. Attention Agricultural Firms- young aggressive male desires position in agricultural sales/man agement and or merchan dising. Masters in agriculture economics from PSU. Currently working as grain trader for an international grain company. References/ resume available upon re quest. call 215-793-1131. AKC St. Bernard puppies. Born 4-26-84. Bedford County. 814-276-3157. Quality golden retriever guppies, excellent loodlmes. Whelped 5/29/84. Will have shots and wormed. No Sunday cals, please. Lewisburg 717-524-4631 Registered Australian Shepherd; Female, Black Tri, 4 months old, $5O. 814-847-2869. FOR SALE - Boarder Collie pups, $125. 215- 869-3688. FOR SALE - Puppies, Airedale, German Shephard, Siberan Husky, Old English Sheep Dog, Cairn, Pitßull, Fox Terrier, Schnauzer, ML Airy Kennels, Ephrata. 717-733-7751. Keeshund pups for sale. Harvey Weaver. RD 2, Ephrata. Lane. Co. 717-859-3926. Registered Border Collie pups, 6 weeks old, Lan caster County, 717- 656-6160. Welsh Corgi pups. Pem broke AKC reg. Excellent pets. 315-539-9016. AKC Collie puppies. Beautiful whites and sable & whites. Whelped 6/6/84. Will have shots and worm ed. No- Sunday sales, please. Lewisburg. /17-524-4631. Wolves (3) Purebred. 1 Timber female, 1 Artie male and their son. Reasonable 215-933*3600 FOR SALE Reg. Southbound Ewes Started Border Collie Dogs Also 6 week old Puppies. These dogs will work all types of livestock. Sheen Hill Ranch 717-285-5338 PUPSWANTED July 30 and 31 by Jo Jo I will pick up pups in Terre Hill area - 12 Noon, New Holland -1 PM Georgetown - 3 PM Kirkwood-4 PM on Monday, July 30 and on Tuesday, July 31 - at Root's Farm Market off Rt. 72, Manheim, PA, From 8-10 PM New Summer < Hours For details contact JoJo after July 25,1984 at 609-452-8903 or 301-778-6666 For best results call early mornings Keep trying. P.S. Pup stand closed at Root's until July 31st AUTOMOBILES '4l Chevy Coup, basket case, $BOO.OO. 215-646-9057 or 215-542-7980 1973 Eldorado con vertible. Very fine, $5,700.215-356-5305. Dual post car lifts in good condition, $6OO. Complete Units. 215-542-7980 or 215-646-9057. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE - Columbia black enamel cook stove w/hot water tank & pipe shelf, good condition. 215- 593-5754. MISCELLANEOUS For Sale - Pole length firewood. Cal after 7 PM. 717-374-8965. Wanted Japanese Samurai swards, German and Japanese war oiHts also purchased. Cash paid. Dan McCauley. 215-265-6942. Collect cals accepted. For Sale - Rubber Matting, 100 sheets. 1 ”x24"xl(f; (3) high volume fans from Navy; 250 gal. SS tank, in sulated w/manhole; 3 bucket elevators. 201- 938-3342. Rex Rabbits, good selection of colors, from show-winning, blood lines. 717-349-7456. 100+ year old, two seat antique surry. Mint condition, like new. 717- 374-8490. FOR SALE' 2 stainless Surge milkers & strainer, $5O; Hammond church Model organ, speaker & chimes, $5OO. Wood and metal cutting bandsaw blades made to order. Can be mailed. 717-733-0511. Martin's Sharpening RDI Ephrata. PA. 17522 Air dried rough cut lumber walnut, $1.50 ft., cherry, $l.OO ft. Carlisle. PA. 717-258-6639. Needed - portable sewing machines and sewing equipment for youth to learn sewing. Fleetwood 4-H Club (Berks). 215- 944-9434 or 215-926- 1058. Old Cider Mill Wanted - Complete or partial. Call collect. 201-735-5813 or 201-782-4331. For Sale - Timbers and other lumber from large barn. Also brand new 60 h.p. Perkins gas engine. 717-726-3659. Good used storm front carriage with hydraulic brakes. 717-656-2846. Copper 40 gal. apple but ter kettle with stank, ex cellent condition, $450.00. 301-694-9527. FARM EQUIPMENT CARS TRUCKS COMPUTER FEEDERS - OUR SPECIALITY - LEASING Phone for rates and information ON ALL MAKES ft MODELS FARM COMPUTERS - EQUIPMENT «£heundifwim company 215-388-1727 0 r 215-525-7751 KENNETT • WILMINGTON PIKE (ROUTE 52) MENDENHALL PA. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 7,1984—C47 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE - New and used automatic washers, dryers, gas and electric refrigerators, ranges, us ed wringer-engine washers, new bedroom furniture. Open 7:30 to 4:30; Saturday, 7:30 to 12:00; evenings by anoint ment. Washer- Dryer, Rt. 772, between Brownstown and Leola. 717-656-7169 2" new boiler flue pipe, exc. for gates or fencing. 717-872-9152 days, 872- 2579 eves, and weekends. One hive or 50, some with honey crop. Call 301-838-7648. Bought and sold new and used cardboard boxes: drums, plastic scrap. Reliable Recyclers. 178 Greenfieid Road, Lane. PA, 17601, 717-397- 7695. Locust post, fully seasoned for fencing, landscaping, etc. Wholesale quantities. 717-755-5587, evenings. Wood shavings with some dust. 5 ton loads. Keller Sensenig. 215-445-6164. Front End Wheel Align ment Machine, Bear Model 624, $250.00. 215-646-9057 or 215- 542-7980. Wanted - Good used 36" or 48" hydraulic cider press. David M. Swarey, Star Rt.. Box 224, Atlensville, PA. 17002. Wisconsin air-cooled VF4 baler engine, very good condition, electric start, $225.00 near Elkton, MD. 301-398-1348. WANTED - Grist milt stones and other mill equipment for restoration. York Co. 717-755-8884. Wisconsin air-cooled VF4 baler engine, very good condition, electric start, $225.00. Near Elkton, MD. 301-398-1348. WANTED - Log cabin or timberframe barn, disassembled, to be reconstructed on new site. York Co. 717-755-8884. Weaver Insulators Blow in Cellulose Rock Woll or Fiberglass insulation. Ivan Weaver, Lititz (717) 627-1724 D.L. Weaver, Mt. Aetna (717) 933-8818 ATTENTION FARM MARKETS Kuntzelmcm's Penn Dutch Ice Cream Premium Lancaster County Ice Cream ELIZABETHTOWN CREAMERY CO., INC. Rear 519 S. Market St. 717-367.1389 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED BUTCHER SHOP EQUIPMENT- Dehairer, Power saw. grinder, scales etc. Please state size, price and condi tion. Wyoming, Del. Herman E. Yoder RO 2. Box 454 Wyoming, Del. 19934 Old Barn, wind damaged roof, timbers hand hewn, wood pegged. Call 301- 398-2164. For Sale- 2 Biro power meat saws, $9OO each. Jay's Market, Inc. 717-843-8816. Three antique gasoline engines call 717-761- 3408. Rivett tool makers lathe w/Q.C.. 5C collets. 3 and 4 jaw chucks, tooling. $2,500.201-453-2088. THE DRY TOILET. Uses no water or chemicals. Replaces standard septic system. EPA approved. 800-242-3909. Dealer inquiries invited. USED STONE PICKERS Hoppv mdCoMijW typM ndm Worn 1M India* up Mva ttn ktm daily 4-yartthoppar capacity Raadytowerk s299o RafauHts $3900 up Oevey-Jeam's Wimanutown. NY 13493 (915) 944-2394 We Fay Top Prices For Standing Hardwood Saw Timber Weaver Bros. Sawmill Beaver Springs, 717-658-3447 collect after 5 PM
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