C46—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 7,1984 FEED b SEED Wanted - Ear corn, good ‘ quality only Will pickup at ■ your farm Ken Miko. RD 3, Schuylkill Haven, Pa 717-739-4586 For Sale - Oyster shells. Contact Nelson Weaver & Son, Inc., Lititz, PA 717- 626-8538 FERTILIZER Wanted - chicken litter out of silo, will pick up, 301- 833-1847 Chicken manure- $2 00 to $4 00 per ton, Jonathan E, Lantz 215-593-5676 LIME Calko™ = Lime plus Potash and Sulfur. Compare our analysis! 77% calcium carbon ate 40% calcium oxide 75 ENP (Effective Neutralizing Power) 3% Potash (K2O) 45% Sulfate USD A Tested & Proven Only $4.60 per ton FOB. ■ We Deliver 1 Agri-Dynamics Box 318 ’ Martin's Creek, PA 18063 (215)588-8150 MUSHROOM SOIL Trailer 900 bu. * 10(5 Delivered Large Load 450 bu. *75 Delivered Small Load 225 bu. *5O Delivered *l5 Loaded On Your Pickup West and South Lancaster Costs More Also Poultry Manure MAHLON H. MARTIN & CO. 717-859-3348 or 215-267-6400 ti ATTENTION FARMERS &£/ SURE-CROP LIQUID PLANT FOOD You Can Now Purchase Your Plant Food Direct From The Manufacturer 7-14-7 *2 .70 Per Gallon FOB. Other Analysis, Delivery, And Tanks Available Take this opportunity to lower your costs and in crease your yeilds and profits. As always Sure-Crop is produced with the highest quality raw materials available using all white phosphoric acid, potassium hydroxide, aqua am monia, and urea, which is blended to form a high quality product. Coll Today To Placo Your Order For Spring Planting And Foliage Feeding. To Order Or For More Information Call Or Write The Manufacturer KELMANADA INC. RD «2 Box 4210 Grantville, PA 17028 717-469-2864 Distributors Welcome ■ FERTILIZER BROILER & TURKEY MANURE FOR SALE Delivery anywhere in 23 ton loads 717-582-2352 MUSHROOM SOIL 1000 bu. load @ *9O per load Poultry Manure Also Available 215-376-0938 after 6 P.M. Wanted To Buy - Very large amount of Penn Crisp celery plants. Will consider other varieties - Hodecker Celery Farm, 5496 Manheim Pike, East Petersburg, PA 717-569- 9961 Cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cut dill, statica and cut flowers Wholesale and retail 717-872-7182 PLANTS FOR SALE Cabbage Cauliflower Broccoli and Red Cabbage Paul Breneman 717-859-1662 FRUITS AND VbGfclAßLkb Size B Katadm seed potatoes from 1983 crop, certified seed, 215-286- 9510. NURSERY (2) Super Light Truss Greenhouses 30'x96’ tree standing, all equipment and benches included; (1) Pipe Greenhouse 24'x96' free standing, all equip ment and benches includ ed. Call 717-532-3572. SERVICES OFFERED DANIEL S. SMUCKER BUILDER AGRICULTURAL - RESIDENTIAL Specializing in Pole Bldg's R.D 2 Narvon, PA 17555 HESS'S Custonv Catering Spieitlamg in Rif Ratf # Reunions • Fundßafeers //'fCompany Parties • Ope nJfe uses LARGE CALL 464-3374 CROP SPRAYING ALL TYPES Soybean - Corn - Hay Will Travel For Large Acreage Hodecker's Crop Spraying RD 3 Lititz, Pa. 17543 717/569-4762 SERVICES OFFERED Bradford's Cattle Hoof Trimming 301-452-8574 or 301-838-5105 (ans ser) Ivan Zook and Co. Hauling hay, straw, corn, manure, equipment, lumber; skid loader rental; will haul to auctions R.D. 1, Gap, PA 17527. Call anytime, 717-768-3052. Unloved? Unhappy 7 Specializing in all matters of love. Often you find yourself confused, unable to cope with your problems such as love, marriage, family affairs. At times you feel you have failed! You want to know why. I can help you! Call or write - (919)977-6633 Roxanne Johnson Box 1274 Sharpsburg. NC 27878 Wood planed (ointed and cut to your specs. 12'/*' mx. Lititz. 717-626-7981 HOOF TRIMMING M.D. Herr 717-665-2718 Lancaster and Surrounding Counties CATTLE HOOF TRIMMING Donald Schock 717-244-6007 Lancaster & Surrounding Counties - N.. 717-768-8606 717-768-8614 SERVICES OFFERED J C Ehrlich Co., Inc. Termite, Pest, Rodent and Smoke Control Lawn and Shrubbery Spraying Free estimates 1278 Loop Road, Lancaster, Pa Phone 717-397-3722 Soybean roasbng on your farm. Dale L Schnupp RD 6 Lebanon, PA 17042. 717-865-6611 CATTLE HOOF TRIMMING David Eckman Lancaster & surrounding counties 717-284-2388 or 284-4706 Somerset & surrounding counties 814-798-3209 Custom Liquid Manure Hauling Manuro Agitator York, Harford & Surrounding Counties 717-382-4881 DIVERSIFIED ROOFING CO. Re-Roofing Specialists Shingles, Painted Steel, Hot Build-Up Roofing. Siding & Spouting End your painting worries and install barn siding. Galen Smoker 215-593-2887 ATTENTION FORD TRACTOR OWNERS Repairing and servicing of Ford Tractors. Experienced. Low Overhead, Low Rates. Will do other makes as time permits Luther R. Patches 135 Spangler Rd. Lebanon, Pa. 17042 273-3679 CUSTOM WORK Ag Bag custom filling. Ernest Kocher, Jr.. R D. 2, Birdsboro, PA 215- 689-5387. No-till •' ing dnllii 'bean after barley and wheat Call 717-898-8691 after 5 30 PM Christian person to work on dairy farm Single Board included. Must give reference. Lancaster Co 215-445-6008. *Side dressing nitrogen on corn and foliar spraying with JD 6000 high cycle Berks and surrounding counties Call 215-944- 7325 CUSTOM COMBINING $17.50 Per Acre Plus Fuel 717-665-5683 CUSTOM COMBINING MF 860 -15’ flex w/“Tiger Jaw" Trucking Available Douglas E. Rohrer 717-464-5296 or 717-464-2398 Gardening maintenance position offered on estate in Princeton. NJ, with separate living quarters provided References requested. Write P O. Box 348, Princeton, NJ 08540. Opportunity for responsi ble farm worker on a 50 acre vegetable and small fruit farm. Full time, year round work with an established business. Ap plications available at Ashcombe Vegetable Farm, 906 Grantham Rd.. Mechanicsburg, PA. 17055 15 miles SW of Harrisburg Just off Rt. 15. Pay commensurate with experience and abili ty. Phone 717-766-7611. Experienced, dependable person to milk 250 Hols teins in double 10 parlor in Eastern North Carolina Must be able to practice good dairy husbandry. Responsibilities include sanitizing heat detection. 919-935-5130 or 919- 935-5009. Help Wanted for Susquehanna County dairy farm. Must be ex perienced milker and field work, house provided. References required. 717- 434-2048. Wanted - Reliable couple or single man to manage and work small (150 acres) farm. Must know farming and be meticulous with animals and equipment. Salary, house, benefits. Write P.O. Box 176, Harleysville, PA 19438. Full-time farm help wanted. Experienced with large farm equipment and mechanical ability. Potter Co. 814-848-9753. Responsible person to take care of broiler operation in York Co Salary, bonus and house Some additional farm work Reply to Lancaster Farming, Box 366, R-9, Lititz, PA. 17543. Assistant Herdsman on large registered Holstein dairy Duties to include milking, some feeding and Al Must be able to apply good herd health prac tices. Send resume-, to Hickory Hill Farm Inc., 17011 Pleasant Meadow Rd.. Upperco, MD 21155. or Call 301-239-7326 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Person to work with laying hens and general farm work. House gyailable 717-786-3740. Unusual opportunity Herdsman and part-time manager 814-445-8054. CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM GOSSETT PREMIXES CUSTOM BAGGING Professional Service ■ We stay with the machine to save you TIME & MONEY (Our aim is to keep your chopper IN the field chopping, not at the endrow idling) For prices and scheduling call 717-665-7471 We have liquid preservative avail able tor hay baling We have dry mnoculant for ryelage. haylage. & silages These Items Are Priced Right E Farm Equipment Shop Mechanic, experience required Phone 717- 397-5179 for appoint ment. Lancaster County Farm Equipment Salesperson - farm ex perience required. Phone 717-397-5179 for ap pomtment Lancaster County Experienced Help For Dairy Farm. 80 cows with milking parlor. Wife to help part time. 1 bedroom house provided. Call after 7 PM. 717-529-6640. DEALERS wanted to sell QUALITY minerals, milk replacer and other dairy products. Large company Strong growth potential 609-784-0839 Wanted - Male or Female, fulltime dairy farm help Must like Jersey cows and milking. Hospital in surance and housing in cluded. Call Monday thru Friday 8-11 a.m. 215- 562-3242 Organic vegetable & fruit farm needs non-smoker in terested in working & liv ing on farm. Call 301-276- 4764 on Friday or Sunday Help wanted-person to woik on dairy farm full time or part-time. House available call 215-488- 6816. Milker Wanted - 50 cow dairy. Prefer single per son. Position open im mediately. Pleasant work ing conditions 201- 832-2214. Ambitious worker for corn and dairy farm in north Harford County, 301-452- 5650 Dairy (arm help wanted Milking position with some field work available on large dairy farm. Trailer and salary provided. Some experience preferred Send resume' to Box 394- Barto, PA 19504. Help Wanted- Single per son to work on dairy farm Give reference Board in cluded Lancaster Co 215-445-6008. WANTED I Experienced I Construction { Carpenters Backhoe Operators I Cement Finishers I 717-392-6756 Man and Wife Herdspersons To totally care for Holstein herd. House, electric, salary or percentage. Lancaster Co Reply to Lancaster Farming, Box 366 K-21, Lititz. PA 17543 Sales & Service Position Available Poultry Service Experience Required For application Form Contact: Moyer's Chicks, Inc. 266 E Paletown Rd Quakertown, PA 18951 , 215-536-3155 WANTED , Ambitious, hard working, family or couple to take over operation of small 50 cow dairy Shares,' I partnership or eventual' ownership for right person. Some cashl would be helpful I 'located central part of| 'western Pa. Reply to { I Lancaster Farming | I P.O. Box 366 D 147 , I Lititz, PA 17543 ,
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