TRUCKS b TRAIURS NEED CASH? We buy un wanted trucks and parts, scrap aluminum of any kind. Wrecked dumps, vans, flats, tank trailers, etc. Call 215-944-9871 (evenings). For Sale - 2 1976 45' Budd dry freight vans. Fixed tandem 11x24.5 Budd wheels, $4250 each. Call 215-948-7900. Ask for Dave Skipper or Rhonda Bertolet. For Sale - Roll Back and Grain Dumps, 1 ton through tandem, 45 ft. and 48 ft. roll back and combine trailers, ex pandable sides. All priced to sell. 814-623-9696. 1970 Gas International 210, live tandem axle with 20' steel flat dump. 301- 775-2562. 3 Fruehauf flat trailers with 8' bulk heads. Suitable for hauling hay and straw - 1964, 38' long; 1962, 40' long; 1968 43' long. 717-285-3628 or 285-5298 after 6 PM. FOR SALE - 1972 Chevy C-50, 18' flatbed, good condition. 1962 In ternational 10' dump set of three house trailer axles with electric brakes. Chester Co. 215-932- 2767. FOR SALE -1971 Morgan 28' dump trailer; 1973 40' flat trailer w/grain sides 301-778-0935. '54 Chevrolet 60 series Truck, very good 6 cubic yards dump bed, heavy duty hoist used for hauling semi liquids, good running condition, $1,250. 717- 483-6475. Blazer 1978, new paint, new brakes, 6 cyl., three speed hurst, dependable, good mpg., 92,000 miles, 14695.215-495-7372. 1980 Chevrolet Step Van - aluminum body, engine and electric unit, like new, $14,000.215-723-7158. For Sale - Cattle racks for 16' Omaha Standard Box includes rear tailgate. 717-398-1854. STORAGE TRAILERS FOR RENT - 40 ft., nice, available immediately, delivered. Office trailers also available. 301-771- 4529. For Sale - 20’ stake body. (1) 2 speed rear end. Various International parts for 1600 and 1700 series. 215-377-4549. Call evenings. 1978 GMC Window Van, 8 passenger, 400 engine, auto., 79,000 miles, heavy duty trailer package, black, nice, $4,950. 717- 733-0623 or 717-733- 0633. 78' White, big cam, 350 Cummings, 40,000 miles on overhaul, Jake brakes, 9 speed, 10x22 radial tires, 38,000 lb. rears, 4.11 ratio, 4 spring suspension. Truck in real good shape. Also 10' Stoltzfus lime spreader with sowers, excellent condition. Also lime trailer available. Good condition. Pup trailer. 717-524- 7204. Forklift truck 4000 lbs. cap with side shift, sold tires, $2300; power generator 110-220 28 KVA diesel powered on four wheel trailer, $l7OO. 717-652-1957. 1977 F 350 Stake Dump, auto., VB, good rubber, new paint. 717-692-2086. Coleman's Auto Sales. 1974 F 350 Stake Dump, 4 speed, VB, good rubber. 717-692-2086. Coleman s Auto Sales. For Sale 100 10x22.5 nb design and lug design tubeless truck tires Brand new Also used 10x22 5 rims. These tires fit straight trucks and class 6 vehicles. Equivalent to tube type tires 9.00x20 Call for quantity pricing: 215-948-7900 ask for Dave Skipper or Rhonda Bertolet For Sale - 13.9 acres zoned agricultural. Close to Middlecreek wildlife area. Modern 3 bedroom, 2 bath log home, $120,000. A. Clark Burkholder RE. 717- 866-5550. Wanted/Needed - in Lebanon County. Farm with 110-150 tillable acres. Stone farmhouse, barn and silo. Call Now! A. Clark Burkholder R.E 717-866-5550. Prime Kent County Farmland - 126 acre farm w/108 acres tillable, yielding 140 bu./acre. Large gunning pond. Prime area - Outstanding buy at $280,000. Call Bonnie Willard, Wyble Enterprises, Chester town, Maryland. 301-778- 3050. Lebanon County, PA. farms and farmettes tor sale; 5 acres w/owner financing, 2 'A story home with outbuildings. Near Schaefferstown, $85,000. 5 acre farmette with cultured orchard. Stately 2 Vz story home. Price $85,000. Sale needed to settle Estate North Ann ville Two. 115 acre beef farm, $245,000. 47 acre Limestone farm with stone home and barn, $240,000. 155 acre beef farm, eighty acres is fenced, stone home. Write or call for descriptive brochure: Realtor-Aucti oneer: Nelson Ebersole. 717-867-4487. Suburban Realty, 30 West Main Street, Amwille, PA. 17003. Phone 717-273- 9358. FOR SALE - 30 acre farm in Perry county. House & Barn, $59,900. Call Fran cis Ulishney. 717- 272-2989. Suburban Real ty. 717-867-4487. Huntingdon County -338 A Commercial Dairy Farm; 50 Holstein cows; 32 heifers; full line of machinery and equipment; sell as package or any combination of land and buildings, livestock, equip ment. Rob Schrack and Associates, Realtors, Hun tingdon, PA. 814- 643-6600. 30 sow-feeder pig operation looking to expand buy or lease with option. 814-259-3703. FOR RENT - Two-story chicken house, 13,000 sq. ft., west of Lancaster 717-392-1949. Beef fr 202.4 Jeef farm - .. acres with 112 tillable acres. 2 story home, bank barn and miscellaneous buildings. Somerset Coun ty. $169,900. (LF9O9). Beef farm - 296 acres with 120 tillable acres, easily converted to dairy farm. Ranch home, bank barn and miscellaneous buildings. Somerset Coun ty. $250,000. (LF9B6). RITA HALVERSON, REALTOR Phone-814-443-4858 814-445-6339 “RETIRED" Supplement Your Income. 8 room guest home w/2 apart ments, 7 rooms & one apt. Completely furnished. 2 stone fireplaces, 5 baths, large garage, well in sulated, low utilities, new roof & good location, 5,000 + cash flow after debt, debt service. Call 814-367-2305. Lycoming Co., PA. - 221 acre egg farm in operation. Fully automated in line production and processing. Equipment and buildings in excellent condition. Certified processing plant and egg marketing business also available. 717-324-3594. FOR SALE - 100 acre, prime farm land, beef & grain farm, 12 miles north of Lancaster. Owner Retiring. Financing Available. Lancaster Far ming, P.O. Box 366, R-8, Lititz, PA. 17543. 175 acre farm in operation. Jefferson Co., iJy 40 tie stalls, silo, heifer barn, new milkhouse. woodland. I OOP. 315-628-5722. FOR SALE • 45 acres M/L large turkey house in York Co. Tel. 717-862-3372. Lovely Gentleman's Farm - 40 minutes north of Harrisburg on 23 acres. Five bedrooms, two full bathrooms and three half baths, very large kitchen, dining room, living room, family room, laundry. House is comfortably modern with oil and wood heat, excellent water. New barn is equipped for horses and 4-H projects. Pleasantly private halfway between Millersburg and Elizabethville. Inquire at Drifting Thyme Farm RD 1 box 370 Millersburg, PA. 17061. Phone 717-692- 3060 for specifications. Price $139,000. 91 Acres of Woodland. Southern Bedford County. Frontage, Mountain stream, good fishing and hunting - deer and turkey. Near state lands. 814- 847-2404. Poultry Farm For Sale By Owner. 90 acres, two layer houses, 103,000 capacity, two pullet houses, 22,000 floor birds, 60 acres tillable. Barn and machinery shed. Home and tenant house. Possible owner financing. 301-374-2966. Country properties ad joining Penn State's Stone Valley Lands. Huntingdon County. Spectacular views. Electricity, all season road. Reasonably priced. Example - 7.4 acres for $ll,OOO. Financing available. 814- 237-0559 evenings. Bedford County - 50 cow dairy farm, 240 acres, 96 tillable limestone soil, will divide. For details call 814-847-2833. FARM FOR SALE - 50 acres, 10 miles south of Dundee, New York, 4 bedroom home, large barn, $29,900.00. John Fell, Tyrone, New York 14887. North of Sadsburyville - Chester Co. 258 Acres Level land, Old Stone House, $2BOO per acre. Coates Realtor. (717) 442-4134, after hours (717)354-9534. South of Honey brook - 91 acres stone and log house under $2200 per acre. Coates Realtor (717) 442- 4134 after hours (717) 354-9534. 42 acre farm near Gap, large house, barn and outbuilding; 2,000 ft. frontage, $170,000. Owners live out of state. Call ARA Real Estate, Inc. 215-857-2141. Top Notch Lewis County, NY Farm. Owner retiring. 400 acres, 109 stanchion barn, large high producing dairy. Excellent buildings and machinery. 4 perfect seasons with no floods or other disasters. Pictures and details on request. Priced to sell at $335,000.00. Rozan Farms. 315-376-3994 or write to Michael Rozanski, R.D. 2, Box 186, Lowville, NY 13367. 15 acre meadow for rent with pole barn and stream. Wakefield area. Southern Lancaster Co. 717-687-8883. For Lease - Dairy barn including comfort stalls with pipeline, free stalls including sealed corn unit and pasture. OR SALE! All above facilities plus 208 acres with 135 a. tillable, machine shed, and newly remodeled 4 bedroom house, financing through FmHA available. Mercer Co. 814-425-7237 evenings. Madison County. N.Y. - 280 acre Dairy Farm, 84 stall barn, pipeline bulk tank, two 20x50 silos, outbuildings, two homes, excellent condition, $235,000. 315-662-7708. Year round camp ground 17 camp sites with new sewer, water and in dividual electric meters. Approx. 4'/j wooded acres. $59,900. Contact Freda Wentz at CB/MGM Realty. 717-245-2450 or 717-790-9390. Farm For Rent - Im mediate occupancy, can be set up for dairy or sheep. 814-698-2400. R.D. 1, Box 180. Shinglehouse, PA. 16748. Bradford Co. 676 acres farm land, pasture and woods. Sound buildings, lots of road frontage, $299,000. Carter Reafty. 215-639-1770, Monday thru Friday. For Sale - Dairy Farm, Bradford County, 106 acres, 50 tie stalls, 4 silos, bunk feeder, heifer barn, equipment shed, 3 year old stainless steel pipeline, 4 bedroom house, good condition. Additional acres rentable. 5 1 /? F.H.A. transferable mortgage if qualified. 717- 746-1575. Fruit Farm - 85 acres, house, barn, cooler. Immediate possession, $94,000. Wolcott, NY. Dwight Winter, Broker. 315-594-2345. 283 acres operating dairy farm, 155 plus tillable, 3,000’ river frontage, sandy & clay loam soil, 90 cattle, 44 milkers, some machinery ideal for dairy. Investment, retirement near Lake Ontario & St. Lawrence seaway, $156,000. Call 315-628- 5850 between 6-7 a.m.- p.m. EOT. Wanted To Rent - Steer farm in Dauphin, Cum berland or Franklin Counties. Would consider other counties with good growing conditions. Call /17-569-4762 or write Lancaster Farming, Box 366, L-25, Lititz, PA. 17543. 31 acres Bradford Co., $lB,OOO. $B,OOO down, $lO,OOO financed 12%. Beautiful View, creek, woods and open fields. 717-265-3804. 40 acres in Bradford Co. 7 acres cleared, rest wooded. On paved road, septic approved and spring fed. $20,000. 717- 744-2813 or 717-265- 7419. FOR SALE BY OWNER - 200 Acre dairy farm near Brookville, Jefferson Co., PA. with 13S acres tillable (including 50 A. alfalfa), 60 acres pasture, balance buildings and woods. 1- 40 x224’ alt steel tie-stall barn, 73 tie stalls, 4 box stalls. 800 gal. milk tank. Universal pipeline, 1- 20'x60’ cement stave silo. l-20'x70' Cropstone haytage unit, l-20'x34’ Cropstore grain unit. 2 bank barns and 2 machine sheds. 3 2-story dwellings, 2 have large living rooms, dining rooms, 3 bedrooms, forced air heating. 2-car garage. 400,000 cu. ft. free gas. Spring & well water. (814) 328-2511. FARMS FOR SALE - Two adjoining farms on hard road. 1. In green Twp., Indiana County, PA., near Alverda, just off Route 553. Acreage - 132, 80 acres under cultivation. Barn SO'xSO' with at tached milking barn and silo, 8 room house, 2 car garage, truck garage, all in good condition. Pond. Good water in house and barn. Natural gas heat, $155,000. 2. (Adjoining) 51 acre farm, 35 acres under cultivation. 56’x64' barn, large 4 bedroom frame house (oil heat), §arage, all in good con ition, $78,000. Call 814- 749-7649. Four acre tarmette 50’x50''bank horse barn, carriage shed, two car garage two family house, fenced pasture. Ephrata. $89,900. Garden Spot Realty. 717-354-6040. FREE x CATALOG! Describing numerous Pennsylvania farms, camps, acreage tracts, cottages, homes and businesses. Write Dept. LF. WEST REAL ESTATE AGENCY. INC., 5528 William Flynn Highway, Gibsonia, PA. 15044. NOTICE: Would like to rent fifty cow dairy farm, with or without land, within ten mile radius of Seneca Falls. NY. 717- 866-4855. 100 acre Southern NY farm, refurbished house, w/w carpeting, electric heat, wood stove, bank barn, machine shed, out buildings. Picture post card setting. Valley inside a mountain. $69,000. 215-754-7316. Southern Huntingdon County dairy farm. 175 acres with 150 acres tillable, large barn with 44 stanchions, 2 nice homes, stream and good spring on property. Mirny other ex tras, $315,000; Southern Huntingdon County dairy farm. 11l acres, extra good home with 7 rooms and 2 baths. Good barn with 27 stanchions, milk house and wagon shed, $125,000. Colonial Real Estate Agency. 814-447-5511. ft ' 717-569-4264 mmmm >«? Auctioneer ESTATES • APPRAISALS • LIQUIDATIONS PERRY COUNTY 20 acres mostly wooded, nice 2Vi story dwelling, large pond, good for a hunting lodge or retreat, close to Fowler s Hollow, Juniata Co 16 ac , Ig 12+ room home, barn & outbuildings Good price HUNTHWTON COUNTY 130+ acre dairy, excellent farm with private financing Call 717-569- 4264 85 ac woodland near Orbisonia Subdivision possible 191 ac General farm in the Three Springs area Excellent for sub division with good amount of road frontage. •••#••••••«••«••« AUCTION JUNE 30,1964 • Beautiful ranch home near a stream with % ac/e, living room, 2 car * e garage, large roofed patio, & full basement To be offered for AUCTION, • • SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1984 at 12 00 noon OPEN HOUSE JUNE 23, 2-4 • • by Neil Wigenroth Personal property to be sold starting 930 A M See • e AUCTION SEC • »•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••* BRADFORD COUNTY 500 acre dairy, 100 cow capacity, free stall barn, large silos with unloaders, machine shed, 200 acres woodland with some timber, 220 acres tillable, 80 acres pasture A beautiful farm ready for new owner Double six Herringbone Universal milking parlor $620 per acre Call David and Laura Cooley at 717- 744-2587 Operating 345 acre dairy farm with an access of 180 acres tillable plus approx 80 acres or more pasture Balance, woods and timber Beautifully modernized 200 year old home plus a second home 54 tie stalls, milk house, bulk tank, silo with unloader Room for young stock Can be bought with stock and equipment for a turn key operation Call David and Laura Cooley 717-744-2587 CUMBERLAND COUNTY Going dairy farm with quick possession if needed Modern setup and limestone soil in Mennomte area LANCASTER COUNTY 37 acre poultry and general farm with double brick and frame dwelling Other outbuildings Lots of road frontage, excellent soil Fall possession Call 717-569- 4264 Modern dairy with Lg stone farm house in National Register, sm brick home, tobacco shed, corn cribs, silos & unloaders, Limestone soil in a high state of cultivation Available fall 1984 NOT AVAILABLE through any other broker Feeder pig setup with liquid pits, feeo bins, modern crates and nursery pens Tobacco shed and silo on 50 acres limestone farmland Large 4 bedroom modernized farmhouse ready for your inspection STONE FARMHOUSE circa 1800 in West Earl Twp modernized and restored in good taste You must see this fine home with 3 5 acres with barn & silo available so you can have horses etc CALL 569-4264 for details NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY Dairy farm with brick house, 12 cow milk stable, 2 Star silos w/unloaders lg 40' x 132' commercial bldg priced for quick sale and possession 200 acres plus with more land available w/modern free stall dairy operation and double 6 parlor Too many extras and features to describe here A Real Buy PERRY COUNTY 130 ac general farm, 100 ac tillable, stream, 1800’s double stone home Large bank barn, lots of road frontage and owner financing 59 ac with 49 ac farmland bal wooded, no bldgs , only 10 miles from Carlisle JUST REDUCED 68 acres in Blam area with house, ban. and cabin ideal for a sub-division There are approx 10,000 fir trees planted for your future sale & income 717 536-3236 Mountain land in many counties some with cabins, springs, water timber and road frontage Good deer, bear and turkey areas SNYDER COUNTY 135 acre dairy with 25 A woodland balance pasture and farmland An ex cellent farm for the money AVAILABLE FALL 1984 SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY 110 acre dairy with 70 acres tillable, 66 stanchion cow barn, bulk tank, barn cleaner, silos & unloaders A real super buy at $139 500 Call David and Laura Cooley at 717 744 2587 For all your REAL ESTATE needs in any COUNTY call us we're the REAL ESTATE professionals. BRADFORD CO. AREA. MR. DAVID A COOLEY. SR. AND MRS LAURA M COOLEY (717)744-2587. PERRY CO. NEIL WINGENROTH (717) 536-3236. For Sale - 58 acre farm. Juniata County. 40 plus acres tillable. 717-527- 4093. Nice 100 foot lake frontage on west side of Cayuage Lake. Reply to Lancaster Farming. Box 366, K-17, Lititz, PA. 17543. FOR SALE Hog Operation and Farm, 69.5 acres Farmhouse, several bedrooms, IVi baths, large kitchen, barn and modern hog facilities, nice setting, southern York County. $250,000 Phone: 215-353-0553 NEW LISTINGS 101 White Oak Drive Lancaster, Pa. 17601 If you're lookinc (or a (arm, land or have any other real estate needs, you'll find what you want in the Real Estate classifieds. 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164. Farmette, 12.66 shares. for sale by owner. 717-259-9983.
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