B2o—lancisttr Farming, Saturday, June 2, 1984 Lancaster Society 3 Lancaster Society 3 recently met . . , , at the home of Barbara Stauffer. re u Uri l. l^to Extension Service During a business meeting the when they are finished with it. members approved the purchase Jane L - Eee presented a of a crib which wiU be given to the p ™f a ™ on Band Boxes. “Expanded Foods and Nutrition Jhe June meeting will be a tour Education Program” of the Penn J the “ Hope Estate and State Extension Service. The crib Winery. The group wiU leave from wiU be lent to a mother or family in Hl e “n United Church of need, with the stipulation that they Chnst at 12: 30 P m ' on June 16 - JUNE DAIRY MONTH SP’ OALS I ■June is daiir numth I • hauling. digging. tilling. _ sweeping. planting. EXCEPTIONAL SELECTION OF GUARANTEED USED TRACTORS j NEW TOLL FREE NO. 1-800-822.2152 Rt. 419 Between Schaefferstown & Cornwall, Lebanon County I Societies j Stocky new Fords mowing. plowing. loading. PARTS ★ SALES ★ SERVICE—* scraping . trenching . Lancaster Society 5 Society 5 met recently The June meeting will be on June for their May meeting. 30 at the home of Thelma Debord Pat Grube spoke on “The Cookie Lititz. Story.” Lancaster Society 27 Lancaster Society 27 was en- . f _ tertained Monday evening bv phreyfrom Gnome Countryside. Society 34 in the United Methodist Society 27 will have a vacation Church in Quarryville. month in June. July 15 will be an The evening featured a excursion to Raystown Lake with nrp«onfit. on hv Richard Hum- husbands and friends. Lancaster Society 34 The members of Farm Women spoke on Gnomes and nature, Society 34 met on May 21 at the The next meeting will be on June Memorial United Methodist 18 at the home of Denise Young Church in Quarryville. with Elaine Knight as co-hostess. Richard Humphreys from the The program will be 1983 Dairy Gnome Countryside in Kirkwood Princess Bonnie Gochenaur. for many jobs...they can do New Ford 1000 Series compact tractors do many of those jobs you need done. And a whole lot more. Consider: £5aS; FREE!! Mower Attachment With The Purchase Of □ Six models 11.5 to 28.5 PTO horsepower □ Fuel efficient three-cylinder diesel power □ 10 or 12-speed transmission □ Optional front-wheel drive □ Live hydraulics □ 540 rpm PTO □ Cat. I 3-point hitch Come see the stocky new Ford 1000 Series tractors for yourself. Then start thinking of the jobs they could do for you. FORD UNVEILS THE CUTTING fffGf/ POWER AND STRENGTH AT A GREAT LOW PRICE! Any LT f YT, LOT Offer Good Thru June 30th Berks Society 6 recently met at the home of Mrs. Earl Hoffman for their May meeting. Michele Harley showed slides of the cheerleading competition in Dallas, Texas, in which she par ticipated. The picnic for members and their families will be held on July 15th. The June 19th meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Carl Herbem. Society 11 York Society II of Potosi, recently presented $5O to each of the six community fire companies of the areas in which members live. The $5O checks went to fire companies in Shrewsbury, Win terstown, Glen Rock, Seven Valleys, Loganville, and Jacobus. Gd-Spurs and Burrs a Berks Society 6 York M month k it!
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