BlG— Lancaster Farming, Saturday, lima 2,1984 Bradford Dairy Princess (Continued from Page B 14) Canton Dairy Club, a member of the East Troy Home Ec Club, treasurer of the 4-H County Council, and a member of the local, state, and national Junior Holstein Clubs. Her family owns 40 Holstein cows, and 46 heifers. She owns five cows, and seven heifers. Her father said that he might have to hire a man to replace her this coming year when she is busy with her dairy princess duties. Roy's! Champluvier, chairman of the Dairy Princess Committee, East Berlin Senior Citizens EAST RERUN - The East Berlin Senior Citizens group is making final plans for its annual quilt show, scheduled for Wed nesday, June 13, at the East Berlin Elementary School. “Come see the works of many hands,” is the theme of the annual show, which will run from 11 a.m. through 6 p.m. at the school building, located on Fourth Street. In addition to an array of both old and new quilts, many of them for sale, several special crafting demonstrations will run through the duration of the show. Quilting demonstrations will show visitors the techniques of both quilting in frames and lap quilting, increasingly popular since it does not require a bulky frame, and makes an easy “pick up” craft work. Spinning, rug braiding, rug hooking and decoupage techniques are also planned as part of the educational demonstrations. A bazaar of handmade craft items and a snack comer featuring locally prepared foods round out the offerings of this well-known needlework display, which regularly draws visitors from several surrounding states. East Berlin is located at the junction of Routes 234 and 194, on the border of Adams and York Counties. Newsletter offers canning and freezing lips LANCASTER - Hot off the press is an all new way for “amateur” and professional home canners to keep up-to-date. The “Well Preserved Newsletter” is being made available through the Penn State Extension Service. This newsletter will feature updated techniques, new in formation, recipes and energy efficient methods for canning, freezing and drying. Newsletters will arrive at your home con taining information on food preservation for those foods ready to be picked from your garden or purchased at market. To obtain the newsletter, send your name, address and $1 for postage to: Michelle S. Rodgers, Extension Home Economist, 1383 Arcadia Road, Room 1, Lancaster, PA 17601. Registration deadline is Junel, 1984. Lj |_| | t | • Liquid Manure Pumps ■III LI LL * electromix • Barn Cleaner Chains ■■■ ■ ■■ • Bedding Choppers ■Bl I • Silage Carts • Manure Tanks ||Q AGRI UO SYSTEMS 800-222-2948 l .101-398-29481 local • welcomed the crowd which filled the auditorium, and introduced the father of 1982 Dairy Princess Valarie Moon, David Moon, who moderated the evening show. Miss Anita Wrisley, the 1983-84 Dairy Princess, radiant in crown and red cape, was escorted to the stage by her father, Jacob Wrisley, followed by her first runner-up, Miss LuAnn Crighton. Miss LuAnn Wilcox, second runner-up for last year’s crown was unable to attend. As Moon introduced each of the contestants, he asked her to tell about her favorite activity. Three plan quilt show Available From AARONS. GROFF &SON 717-354-4631 (Qgl) QUALITY BINS MADE IN U.S.A. FIELD DAY'^ You Are Invited To See GEHL MOWING & ROUND BALING EQUIPMENT IN ACTION At The Raymond B. Zimmerman Farm LOCATION; Along Rt. 419, midway between Schaefferstown & Cornwall. 2 Miles West of Buffalo Springs - CUT A WIDER SWAIH. * GEHL CONTINUOUS DEMONSTRATIONS FROM 10 AM. TILL 3 PM. Why HE You II Know After A Demonstration GEHL UMBERGER'S OF FONTANA Lebanon, PA PH: (717) 867-5161 or 867-2613 of the seven girls replied that 4-H was their greatest inspiration and enjoyment while the rest named various school activities. Each girl was also required to act out an original commercial for advertising milk. Miss Finnerty’s skit featured a large paper mache’ cow, and a doll representing a man from outer space to whom she introduced milk, the perfect earth food! Interspersed between ap pearances by the contestants, a 24 member singing group from Troy High School, named the Cob blestones, entertained with several choreographed popular and show numbers. The farewell address by Miss Wnsley, also named the first runner-up in the state dairy princess pageant last year, was packed with emotion. “It has been a very special year • Rescheduled Due To Rain* TUESDAY, CUT DOWN ON LEAF LOSS. GEHL Register For FREE DOOR PRIZES tor me," she said, “I have grown so much and so close to Bradford County and to the people who live in it.” “I wish the new princess the best of luck. I know she will do a good job supporting a real good thing, and that’s milk! ” Judges for the contest were Virginia Beeman of Kingsley, Pa., Clarence Cornman of Newville, Pa., and Lynn Tilton of Harrisburg. The Dairy Princess pageant climaxed an entire day of festivity beginning with a Grand Parade in Wyalusing. Other activities in cluded a foot race, chicken bar becue, milk chugging contest, petting zoo, egg throwing contest, tennis demonstration, and square dance demonstration. Despite threatening showers, Wyalusing was spared any rain and all went on schedule. \ \ \ ' V X UNE 5, 1984 10 AM - 3PM WATCH FOR SIGNS. WE WILL BE PUTTING GEHL BALAGE BAGS INTO HI-DENSITY POLY ROUND BALE BAGS Sponsored By. LEBANON VALLEY IMPLEMENT CO., INC. Richland, PA PH: (717) 866-7518 A dinner on Friday evening, May 25, for the dairy princess con testants, their parents, and the general public at the Frieden shutten Restaurant in Wyalusing was added to the Dairy Festival for the first time in the history of the festival since its inception in 1963. David Moon also acted as emcee at that event and it proved to be most enjoyable for all. Many citizens and groups in the Wyalusing area participated to help make the festival a success, and nearly 200 dairy farmers, dairy-related businesses, and organizations, contributed money and support. A Milk Promotion Association, recently formed in the county “to help the dairy princess and others to promote milk the year around, not just at Dairy Festival time,” were co-sponsors with the Dairy Princess Com mittee. NEW From GSI (The#l Bin Company in the U.S.A.) HEAVY DUTY2y2 M CORRUGATED i jtA *1 i Featuring The New Flex Auger Boot & Straight Auger Boot Absolutely Remarkable! Disc-Cutting! GEHL
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