E2B—Lancaster Fuming, Saturday, Juna 2,1984 NEWARK, Del. In another month area fanners will be har vesting their wheat and barley. Many producers store this grain on the farm, so it’s a good idea to prepare the bins ahead of time, says University of Delaware ex tension county agent Dean Belt. “Before tackling the job, take steps to protect yourself,” the agent advises. “Don’t go into a grain bin without a good particle or dust respirator. The dust especially mold spores poses a serious health hazard.” Also provide as much air circulation through the area as possible while cleaning. Thoroughly clean all ceilings, ledges and walls, removing dust, dirt and old grain. Clean the out side storage area, removing any spilled grain and trash. This will help discourage rodents. “Don’t forget to remove old grain left in the combine and grain-haulm? A PRODUCT OF E C INDUSTRIES INC VERNON NEW YORK La =l , across the country who have discovered their superior performance. ECI is the guaranteed ffTk HpPpK *| inf|a hon . . sold with a no-nonsense money back offer that guarantees faster, cleaner # »C 2 milking. The softer lip means greater comfort II II a 1 and the flexible body gives a more positive massage A funnel shaped interior speeds the flow of milk and makes for easier cleaning. llwK Y y ■ Eliminate problems like falling off —leaking | air —inking off —rapid deterioration. Change It Heat sealed m a plastic 4-pack clearly j \ marked with name and number of your > milking machine Guaranteed good milking or your money back Ask your dealer for the new EC! Mini catalog or write direct to EASTERN?" P.0.80X 216 VERN0N,N.Y.13476 equipment,” Belt says, “though hopefully you’ve already done this.” Next take the necessary repairs to waterproof and rodent-proof the bins. You should now be ready to spray. Spray walls, ceilings, ledges and other surfaces using one of the following treatments: •Methoxychlor 50% WP 1 pound in 3 gallons of water (treats 500 square feet). * Methoxychlor 25% EC 1 quart in 3 gallons of water (treats 500 square feet). •Malathion (premium grade) 1 pint in 3 gallons of water (treats 500 square feet). * Pyrethrins 6% EC plus piperonyl butoxide 60% - in 1 pint in 7 gallons of water (treats 700 square feet). Read the label, follow directions carefully and use an approved chemical respirator GIGANTIC SELKCTION IN Lancaster Farming's CLASSIFIEDS Next time you change inflations change to ECI Soft Designs. Join the dairy farmers Prepare those bins for grain storage DISTRIBUTORS OF QUALITY DAIRY SUPPLIES while mixing and applying any of these materials. The bins are now ready to be filled, but to protect new grain from insects during storage, Belt also recommends using a grain v protectant applied as the grain enters the auger. The only product labeled for direct application to grain is premium grade malathion 57% EC at the rate of 1 pint in 2 to 5 gallons of water per 1,000 bushels Agriculture not only gives riches to a nation, but the only riches she can call her own • Johnson Indeed, farming can be a richly rewarding pro fession. But it can also be a very risky one. For the farmer is subject not only to the changes in the marketplace, but to those of nature as well. We at Bank of Lancaster County salute all of you who have made farming your chosen field. We know that from time to time you may need help in keeping your operation operating At such times, you need a banker who understands farming from the ground up That banker is Bob Badger, head of our Agricultural Loan Division For years now, Bob has been helping area farmers “grow ’ with loans for machinery, livestock, construction, mortgages and other operating expenses Visit Bob at our Strasburg office, or give him a call and he’ll visit you Agricultural Loan Division Center Square Strasburg 299-4306 Member FD I C grain storage fe® 8 " 15 & />« n «*\ AUGERS IT'S YOUR BEST BUY of grain. When the bin is full, spray 1 to 2 gallons of this mixture on the surface to protect the top layer. Repeat whenever the surface is disturbed. “A few precautions taken early can save you from many problems later,” Belt concludes. “Sanitation before filling is a must. Store grain at the proper moisture level, and store only clean grain. If you apply Jr GET THE BEST FROM: aFs automatic farm systems ifilfTlH 6 °B Evergreen Rd, Lebanon, PA 17042 (717)274-5333 insecticides, use only labeled products. And wear recommended safety equipment. If you do all this, you and your grain should be hi good shape.” The Delaware Cooperative Extension Service has published a new fact sheet, “Controlling Stored Grain Pests,” available at county extension offices in Newark (451- 2506), Dover (736-1448) and Georgetown (856-5230). Bank of Lancaster Courty Ihe better trank because we live here too
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