ElG—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 2,1984 Dairy mgt. course (Continued from Page El 5) Science Center and each Dairy Herd Management student will be instructed in the practical ap plication of computers in the dairy industry. Classes in which com puters will be used include Dairy Feeding and Management, Financing Dairy Enterprises; and Farm Records and Analysis. Field Trips Not only do students learn in the classroom and on the farm, they also go,on field trips and hold special events. Students par ticipated in the Annual Penn sylvania Farm Show this past winter and were included in an arrangement whereby a number of calf brains were obtained at Wyalusing Meat Packing Plant and shipped to Harvard University to be used in experimentation. Graduates of the Dairy Herd Management program have ex pressed their satisfaction with the program and the practical ex perience obtained at the Farm. The arrangement has been pleasing to the Danville State Farm personnel as well and Marlin McClellan, regional director for the State Agriculture Department feels Pennsylvania needs programs such as the two offered by The Williamsport Area Com munity College because JUNE National Hairy Farmers Month A Proud Part Of Our Farming Heritage agriculture is a major business in the State. Ranking fifth in the nation, 15,000 Pennsylvania farms produce more than a billion dollars worth of dairy products yearly. “Modern dairying is also a highly technical business with a slim profit margin, therefore, good management is crucial,” McClellan says. As a liaison between the College and the State for the Dairy Herd Management program, McClellan is pleased with the success the program has had this year. On Thursday, June 21, the Danville State Farm will have an open house and conservation demonstration from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tours highlighting the bam facilities and conservation practices in the field will be con ducted for anyone wishing to at tend. The open house is sponsored by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, The Williamsport Area Community College, the Montour Extension Office, the Montour County Conservation District and the Montour County Commissioners. For those interested in entering either the Dairy Herd Management or Agribusiness programs, openings still exist. For information about either one, call Glenn Spoerke at the Earth tUIBBM I&TIOIU “Your Local, Independent Bank” Open House MM Science Center of The William sport Area Community College. Phone 717-547-1661. Mr. Spoerke can also provide information on the open house. I ii. iii | • Liquid Manure Pumps Ifijn M I U • ELECTROMIX • Bam Cleaner Chains luic ||£ AGRI UO SYSTEMS 800-222-2948 (301-398-2948) loca! ( jfymdity Building Systems MERVIN MILLER YOUR RELIABLE BUILDER • DAIRY • BEEF • SWINE • POULTRY • HORSE BARNS • ALL PURPOSE BUILDINGS WHEN YOU SEE THIS ®ZWXFARIR& CENTER WE ARE A DISTRIBUTOR OF Central Tractor Farm & Family Center, Inc. • In most cases when Central Tractor Farm & Family Center has a sale, We have the SAME Sale on the SAME Dates. • We have FULL access to all New and Used Tractor Parts available at Central Tractor Farm & Family Center • We stock nearly as many items as the Central Tractor Farm & Family Center stores We are an independently-owned store. We have items that Central Tractor Farm & Family Center does not stock. We have a complete line of Hardware, Plumbing, Lawn & Garden, Housewares, and many hard-to-find items long discontinued by other stores. IF WE DON'T HAVE IT • Bedding Choppers • Silage Carts • Manure Tanks Available From ERNIE FINCH & SONS 607-467-2002 US TOO! THEREFORE: THE CLASSIFIED LIVESTOCK SECTION HAS BEASTLY SELECTIONS! 7 KEENER RD.. LITITZ. PA. 17543 PH: (717) 626-5204 YOU CAN ALSO THINK THIS WEAVERS HARDWARE CO. WE WILL TRY TO GET IT FOR YOU I'M NOT L10N... SKID LOADER BACKHOE SERVICE INSTALLATION WATER SEWER LINES
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