NAME EClair Fisher Percy S&R Glen Yoder John A Peachey Bradstead Farm Joshua D Yoder Moses J Zook David T Flostetler SylvanusS Peachey James L Flostetter Charles L Forgy MarkS Yoder John B Peachey John L King Robert Stayrook G Sheldon Peachey Paul FI Yoder Marvin E Peachey Ei LOMBARDI Ml <!l , Diesel ,^ o e rD^,lry ■ , The Powerhouse ond Equ,pment v>Wl vi %y# . pr Model *. 't L4O y. For years Lombardini has been Europe’s largest supplier of small, air-cooled diesel engines. Now, after several years in this country Lombardini is the fastest growing line of air-cooled diesels in North America. Lombardini specializes in small air-cooled diesels. DIESELS OUR SPECIALITY CALL FOR USED DIESELS Distributor: HOOVER DIESEL SERVICE PH: 717-656-6133 2998 West Newport Rd., Ronks, Pa. 17572, 2 y h mile East of Leola Along 772 Authorized Dealers Hoover Diesel Tim's Diesel Boiler Engine Sensenig Diesel Service Service Service Service 717-786-2173 Star Rt Box 2 IBox 245 D Pennsy Rd RD3 RD3, Box9lA Rebersburg, Pa 16872 New Providence, Pa Selinsgrove, Pa 17870 Quarryville, Pa 17566 17560 DEALERS INQUIRIES INVITED i I Fiberdome Storage Bin Fiberdome Forage Funnel Fiberdome Feed Cart Fiberdome Calfhutch MADE TO LAST WITH FIBERGLASS —from FIBERDOME Fiberglass is practically dent proof Stands up to long periods of hard use • Contents stay fresh because fiberglass ab sorbs little or no heat • Because there is very little condensation on the inside moisture cannot •Iter the contents of material being stored • Fiberglass is rust resistant Acids and salts cant hurt it DEVRIEZEFARM EQUIPMENT Milanville, PA 717-729-7988 THOMAS DUNLAP Rt 220, Jersey Shore, PA 717-398-1391 Mifflin County DHIA Monthly Report March Report scow NO. no cows DAYS IN LIS LIS MILK MILK FAT 19,817 19,019 20 143 18,841 18,912 19,435 18 782 19,054 17 830 19,115 17,525 18,339 17,678 17 891 18,625 17 998 18 030 We have the right size, weight, shape, price and engine available. LOMBARDINI DIESEL USES V 4 OR LESS FUEL THAN GAS ENGINES LESS DOWNTIME THAN GAS ENGINES TAKE ADVANTAGE OF: 1 12 month warranty or 4. Price per horsepower 2,000 hours 5. Easy starting 2. Low fuel consumption 6 100% back-up with 3. Low maintenance parts and service '"'"'''""'"l / Economical to Use • Simple to install • Easy to Operate • Eliminates Dirty Chutes • Directs Flow of Feed • Saves Wear on Silo Chutes • Adapts to Any Make Silo For more information contact your nearest dealer PHILLIPS FEED SERVICE INC. Germansville, PA 215-767-3819 Bath. PA 215-837-6061 FARM BUREAU Souderton, PA 215-723-4355 Milflinburg, PA 717-966-1047 JAMES L GOOD Sales & Service Box 1398 Clarksburg, PA 412-459-8052 James G Laughlm Peachee Farms Louis S Peachey Jr John M Byler Jr Fred C Myers Louis S Yoder David R Spicher Aquilla I Yoder Kore J Peachey Johy Y Bawel Marvin R Kanagy Merle E Yoder OWNEN NAME 01 NO Merle E Yoder Lila Peachee Farms Nancy Moses J Zook Rae Brenda Sylvanus S Peachey Flo Percy S&R Glenn Yoder Gloria Marge Nicole Jonas B Kauffman Jr Lou Kore J Peachey Bernadn Dorcas Nelson J Bradford Margie David L Mitchell Marvis Nissy 4 to 68 H.P, Mg % 6 The only all fiberglass feed cad • Buff exterior white gell coat interior • 14 bushel capacity (4 93 Hectoliter) • Immune to silage acids does not rust • Easy to load unload and sanitize SOLLENBERGER SILO TROY AGWAY CO-OP, INC. Chambersburg, PA Troy PA 717-264-9588 71 7-297-2880 High Cows and Heifers 750 Lbs Fat & Over MEED ME H 5 7 H 66 H 4 11 H 4 10 H 48 H 8 1 H 48 H 36 H 4 7 H 80 H 7 10 H 5 7 H 7 7 H 59 Let Us Know Your Service Problems 24 Hour Service - Check Our Prices Iberdome. Lake Mills, Wl 53551 P. o. Box 11 Insulation value provides warmth in winter while remaining cool in summer • Hutches may be nested tor compact storage • Hutches are easily moved by use of firmly imbedded I bolts • Studies show respiratory prob 'ems disease and calf mortality are reduced when hutches are properly used 18 093 17 841 17 550 18,355 16,063 17,855 18 027 17 540 17 635 17 43? 17 639 17 958 IDS. MILK 21 295 750 21 661 817 21 909 22 067 881 805 18 700 766 21 562 21,521 20 512 799 908 780 21 084 802 806 939 20,153 21 975 20 428 785 22 539 20 846 773 762 (Continued from Page E 10) only take proportionate accurate curate milk fat sampling, samples of the milk pumped into The time has come for Delmarva the hauler’s truck, but also save to join this modern dairy industry the driver waiting time. And they development, in order to ensure do away with disagreements over producers as well as processors improper payment due to mac- their just compensation. "I LOST 170 POUNDS" in about 6 months, and I am still losing Nothing ever worked for me like the All Natural Herbal Weight Loss Program does I feel great ” , You Looe 10-20 Lbs. Excess Weight In The First 30 Days With The 129.95 Herbal Slim-Une Kit or your money back. Natural Organic HERBAL Products For A Better LIFE „ • Digestive Problems? i • Sinus Problems & Allergies? T X J • High Blood Pressure? > • Need To Gain Weight? ■»- Smith . Got Inches « Cellulite? (, PA • Skin Care Problems 7 (We Have A PH Balanced Program) GO NATURAL ON HERBAL PRODUCTS! Herbal Slim-Line Kit (Delivered To Your Door) Plus $2.75 Delivery Charge JOHN OR GINNY FULLER (JAG FOODS) 93 W Main St., Leola, Pa 17540 -Phone 1-717-656-6408 Located on Rt. 23 - 6 Mi. E of Lane., same bldg, as Leola Fireplace ...madttbfa&t >i r * Fiberdome Cattle Waterer Get a cool, clean and constant water supply using no energy. With the MIRAFOUNT Waterer from Fiberdome you II have the finest operating lowest cost energy and money saving hv estock waterer on the market today The thermal engineering and special design of the seal corks enables MIRAFOUNT to work in all kinds of weather TERRE HILL SILO CO., INC. Terre Hill, PA 215-445-6736 " Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 2,1984—E1l Fred C Myers Verna Julia A King Milly Joshua D Yoder Elaine Janie Louis S Voder Regina John K Kauffman #49 Simon & Allen Peachy #6l John B Peachy #ll4 E Clair Fisher Beth Robert Stayrook *5 David W Yoder #59 John M Byler Jr Martina J D Click Monica Joseph T Hartzler Julie Aquilla I Yoder #95 #3 Bill & Karol Wmgert Janme A Fred King Gwen Milk (at test. GO NATURAL ♦29.95 18,019 20 263 7 10 20 624 20,520 19 850 18 569 21,557 21,602 6 10 23 081 21,360 20 421 21 142 23,050 16,837 H 14 3 H 00 H 3 7 21 875 18 574 H 6 7 19 902 H 69 24 379 DISTRIBUTORS WANTED! UNDER *32.00 TO START Indudes Dist. Kit with Products, Manual And Sales Helps 781 767 787 774 872 773 824 751 923 766 812 803 814 762 818 826 773 839
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