SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY Palry-Beef Farm with 151 acres and good set of buildings. Large farmhouse, dairy barn, garage, good silo, to settle estate - $99, 800 37 Acre Dairy Farm with nice rolling fields and dairy barn and garage. cleaner stay. Can you matcliihe price and terms? $89,500. Owner will finance at 10% interest." Gentlem ms Farm - 2 stoi w/nice fireplace, 4 bedrooms, recreation room - heat w/oil or wood, 3 stall garage, workshop, spring water, small pond on 35 plus acres, 2 miles to Rt. 81 and 106. $71,900. For appointment contact WAYNE R. ADAMS REAL ESTATE R.D. 1, Box 116 New Milford, PA 18834 717-465-3620 CENTRAL PENNA. FARMS lERLAND COUNTY 290 acre general, modern 2 story brick house, bank barn, implement shed, silo, creek frontage. Call Mr. Niesley. 122 acre dairy and beef, new beef feeding barn and 24x70 silo, modern 4 bedroom, frame house, 300 ft. setback, 2 streams and farm pond. Call Mr. Niesley. 25 acre farmette, modern brick house, bank barn. Call Mr. Niesley. 20 acre farmette, 2stgn^ j ye house (w/modern bank barrlUWvlmi l. i.iildmgs. Approx. 2000 ft. road frontage. Call Mr. Niesley. 19 acres mountain land, $17,000. FRANKLIN COUNTY 220 acre limestone beef and fruit. 80 acres marketable timber, beef feeding barn & silo for 100 hd., modern 2 story •bouse with character, tenant house, stream. Call Mr. Niesley. lUNIATA COUNTY acres woodland, IVz miles road frontage w/sprmg & stream. Ideal for •hunting camp or recreation, $63,000. Call Mr. Benner 50 acres woodland, $30,000. Call Mr Benner. 5 acres land, 950 feet road frontage, $19,000. Call Mr. Benner. MIFFLIN COUNTY 104 acre limestone dairy, 70 head (tie and free), 3 silos, Ig. imp. shed, new heifer barn, mod. 2 story frame house. Additional option-125 Holsteins w/17,500 herd avg. and adequate line of mod. farm equipment. Call Mr. Crawford. (Price Reduced) 118 acre dairy, 50 freestalls, liquid manure, 3 silos, modern 2 story log & frame house w/swimmmg pool. Call Mr. Crawford. PERRY COUNTY $ wooded lots, 1 acre to 1.7 acres. All with septic permits. Deer country $4600 to $9400. Call Mr. Orris. YORK COUNTY 70 acre general, plush 2 story brick house, bank barn, implement shed, farm Pond, 100 yard setback. Call Mr. Niesley. JOHNB.MESLEV Realestate sWest High Street *wUile, Pennsylvania 17013 *l7-149-8787 ®CHARD B. CRAWFORD - 717-734-3673 «AIR R. BENNER - 717-444-2162 JjARL I. STERN - 717-748-7376 PGGG R. BITTING - 717-786-3368 or 780-4513 •joVE E. ORRIS - 717-780-3868 or 7804177 WARLES D. SMITH - 717-780-3125 colonial home iCit—!-»- NORTHCENTRAL, PA. FARMS & INVESTMENTS DAIRY FARM UNDER >lOO.OOO Approx. 120 acres. 40 cow tiestall barn. 2 rows B/back. Pipeline, pump, milking equip., & bam cleaner. Need bulk tank. 20x7)) Harvestore w/Goliath unloader. 2 story frame house, just $98,500 Federal Land Bank Financing available to any qualified buyer. M-635 ACRE DAIRY FARM Approx. 180 tillable, 66 tiestall bam in 3 rows. Pipeline w/800 gallon bulk tank. 20x60 w/unloader. Mow conveyor. Heifer bam & machinery shed. Remodeled 4 bdrm home. Approx. $130,000 of existing FLB & (FHA 5% int.) farm loans. Spring possession. Priced right at $165,000 M-603 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Over V* million gross, small town grocery store, stocked & equipped, 4 bdrm, 2 baths, apart above. Reduced to $125,000 #1950 Telephone 717-265-3171 or 717-265-8903 ) fvicnv Offices; Area Code - 717 Tioga, Potter & Bradford Counties call or write MANSFIELD, RD 1, Box 41 662-2138 . TOWANDA, Bridge St 265-3171 m OUR #1 AIM IS SERVICE A JUNIATA COUNTY (New Listing) 126 acres, 60 acres tillable, balance wooded & pasture, frame bank barn, corn barn, 3 bedrm dwelling, V« mile Tuscarora Creek frontage secluded, $130,000 LANCASTER COUNTY 77 acre dairy south of Buck Dairy barn 48’x84' 66 free stalls - bank bar 72'x50' loose housing for 34 cows - implement shed 54'x80’ heifer barn and implement shed- Johanna milk market 5 bedroom frame dwelling, central heat, 2 baths (72 acres tillable) - 2 wells 85 acre dairy south of Buck Dairy barn, 40 comfort stalls, barn cleaner, bulk milk tank, a separate budding for young stock and equipment, free stall barn, implement shed, bulk feed bin, gram bin, 68 acres tillable, wooded, stream & spring in meadow, in a lane with hideaway privacy CHESTER COUNTY New Listing Near Oxford 100 acre general farm, 2 story frame dwelling Barn- stanchions and box stalls 60 acres tillable, 38 acre pasture, 2 acres woodland Land- gentle slope, loam soil, state road frontage West of Oownington near Route 30 Exit at Route 82. 128 acre general farm, Colonial stone house with fireplaces and all conveniences, bank barn and attached 20’x98', 1 Harvestore- 1 cement stave silo, some woodland along Historic West Brandy wine Creek, east of White Horse LEBANON COUNTY 153 Acre Dairy North of Annville. 100 acres tillable, balance pasture and wooded along stream. 85 free stalls - 6 unit 80-Matic - milking parlor 500 gal milk bulk tank 20’x60' silo with unloader - 60' Patz bunk feeder Brick 4 bedroom dwelling - 12'x65’ mobile home 107 Acre Dairy and Hog North of Annville 65 acres tillable, pasture with stream, some woodland - Bank dairy barn 40’x80' with 5 stan chions and pipeline - milk bulk tank 40’x64' hog finishing building with manure pit tor 400 heads Feed Mix Mill and feed bin 4 bedroom dwelling MONTOUR COUNTY North of Danville 157 acre dairy - 135 acres tillable Bank barn with 34 comfort stalls chain ties Calf barn - 4 silos - pole shed 2Vj story frame dwelling with 5 bedrooms & bath CHRISTIAN M. MOSEMANN REALTOR 627-1754 734 Mam St. Akron. Pa. 17501 Phone 717-859-1004 24 hr. service Paul Z. Musser - 717-733-8107 James L. Marsh 717-529-2678 Milton G. Huber - 717-299-5136 June S. Beck - 215-488-6826 “PENNSYLVANIA FARMS" BLAIR & BEDFORD COUNTIES 270 ACRE CLASS A DAIRY with complete |ug milk operation plus a wholesale milk market. Modern dairy store building and business included 88-stall dairy barn with pipeline milking system and barn cleaner Excellent 2'h story dwelling, plenty of fresh water, approximately 125 tillable acres, 50 acres of improved pasture Sale price $325,000 Retiring owners will finance 1 158 ACRE GENERAL, 110 highly productive tillable acres of limestone soil A 30 acres of pasture A good limestone dwelling built in the 1800’s, excellent bank barn & a huge spring feeding run on property Assume low rate mor tgage l Located at Bedford Blair County line Price $194,500 91 ACRE DAIRY FARM, 50+ tillable acres, 24 stall dairy barn with barn cleaner, bulk tank and silo Good 3 bdrm house with a fresh water pond Hurry' $lO5 000 175 ACRE GENERAL, Morrison's Cove area of Blair County with 150 tillable acres House, bank barn, silo & outbuildings Could be converted to dairy $165,000 168 ACRE DAIRY FARM, 140 highly productive limestone acres, 80-cow free stall setup, double 8 herringbone milking parlor, two 20x70 concrete stave silos, spring fed pond and a 4 bedroom brick house Owners want out 1 $375,000 285 ACRE BEEF AND CROP, 120 productive, tillable acres, additional 60 acres of improved pasture Large barns had been used for dairy, machine shop, concrete silo & two frame dwellings Owner will finance 1 $325,000 82 ACRE GENERAL, excellent 2-family dwelling, large bank barn, implement shed and small pond 30 acres tillable & fenced pasture Great for horses or small beef herd $139,00 161 ACRE LIVESTOCK, 2 excellent frame dwellings, bank barn & 3 car garage Near Cum berland, MD A great farm for beef cattle' $185,000 22 ACRE FARM near Shawnee State Park, super renovated house & barn Great value 1 $69,950 • SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY - BIG GAME HUNTING & FISHING PRESERVE, 360± acres, 10 acre lake, 32 stocked warm water ponds, trout stream, hunting lodge, camp sites and wild game including Deer and Big Horn & Dali Sheep All inquiries kept confidential $550,000 Owner financing available 1 ( REALTY CENTER DANIEL K.KNODE, REALTOR (814)946-0466 1801 Valley View Blvd. V_ yj/ Altoona. PA 16602 CUMBERLAND COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 147 Acre Farm, High producing soil, 2 Mi. S. of Carlisle, Pa. 2 Houses, Barn, Hog Pen, Wagon Shed. Main House Beautifully Restored Stone Colonial. Second House Ranch Style, Could be used as tenant house or as Rental unit. 55 Acre Farm - 2 Story House, Alum. Siding, Barn, Wagon Shed. Nice laying Slate Land farm all tillable. 3000 feet frontage on Hard Road, Located in Upper Frankford Twp. $89,500. 39 Acre Farm - 2 Story House, Alum. Siding, Barn, 3 car garage and numerous other buildings. Good Berks soil, Approximately 12 A. Pasture with pond, balance all tillable. Lot of Road frontage on McClures Gap Road, Upper Frankford Twp. 45 Acre Farm - Nicely restored 2 story farm House with inground pool back yard, Wash House, 3 car Garage with openers, Barn and Silo. Limestone Soil, well located for building lots. Middlesex Twp. 35 Acre Farm - Large 2 Story Farm House, 3 Car Garage and work shop, Barn. Limestone Soil, Frontage on Pa. Railroad (Conrail). Possible Industrial or Residential zoning. Silver Spring Twp. / /jack/ L lauanm [Bi Ask for one of the following agents: Harvey Sunday Barbara Cecil Dick Coon Doris Law Uncwtor Fwwhn, Saturday, May 19,1984-843 1068 Harrisburg Pike Carlisle, PA 17013 717-243-8080 717-697-2240 Bill Burkholder Marti Cummings CENTRAL N.Y. FARMS This Week's Special: #ll5 - 300 acre dairy farm with 225 tillable Excellent alfalfa and corn land “alfalfa stays 8 yrs" Modern 130 freestall barn with auto feed from 2 - 24x65 cs silos and drive thru feed Double six parlor, 1000 & 800 gal bulk tanks Large mach shed & 3 car garage Nice insulated 9 room home with hardwood floors Priced to sell at $228,000 including all crops & fodder We have many other farms both large & small, so why don’t you give us a call 7 ""MW 1 Call Boyd or Brian at Tully 315-696-8446 NORTHUMBERLAND CO. Dornsife, Pa. Nice 3 bedroom house, dishwasher, electric range, more than 14,000 sq ft chicken house, Ist floor con crete, ideal for pigs or steers, elevator, heating system in part, frame bank barn, work shop with daylight basement, 2 car garage on 2 acres East of Dornsife Rt 225 Excellent buy at $85,000 ALLENTOWN Available with or with out crops, owner financing 150 free stall housing holds 200 head milk parlor bulk tank, silos, high moisture corn silo dairy store slaughter house coolers, freezers Two houses on 130 tillable acres For information call CENTRE CO. Repersburg Farmland 45 acres along Rt 192 Nice farm ground Also 22 acres woodland at Spring Mills for $15,000 Donald R. Witwer, Broker Ephrata, PA 717-738-1458 STROUT REALTY WORK THE EARTH Large 600 acs M/Lfarm w/400 acs tillable, 60 acs wooded, & 40 acs pasture Estimated capacity for 300-350 cattle Free stall barns for cows, heifers, & calves, hip roof barn & silo Cape Cod home w/4 bdrms , I'h baths, large eat-in kitchen, knotty pine paneling, forced air heat: well, septic, & 3 car garage Close to town & shopping. $750,000, part down, will divide. STROUT REALTY, 201 W Genessee St, Auburn. NY 13021, (315) 252- 1501 FREE! SUMMER 'B4 CATALOG! 266 pages, over 5400 properties, 2300 pic tures 1 Values in every type of real estate, many owner financed 1 From 600 offices in 43 states Get your FREE copy NOW STROUT REALTY PO Box 773 A Dept 6490, Harrisburg, PA 17102 For catalog & more info call TOLL FREE 1-800-641-4266
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