FORRESTER FARMS 1337 Lincoln Highway East Chambersburg, PA 17201 Phone; 717-263-0705 Sales - Parts - Service Ford 541 1959, offset Ford 860 1957 (3) Ford 2000 Ford 3000 PS, 1972 Ford 3910, new Ford 4000 (2) Ford 4000 1972, Ford 4600 1976 Ford 1 g5J53975, dual power Ford 50001969, SOS Ford late Ford air & dual power, 1977 Ford 66001976 Ford 6610, 10 hours Ford 7000 1974 w/cab Ford 7000 1973 Ford 7600 (2) Ford 7600 1976 w/cab, DP Ford 8600 1972 w/dual power Full Line of Tiscu and Vapormatic Parts V* Mile East of Exit 61-81 on U.S. 30 Hours; 8:30 - 5:00 Mon. - Fri. 8:30 -12:00 Saturdays FIELD tMhiiim CASE 94 Thursday, May 3, 1984 - n a.m..4p.m. (in Case of Mud: Tuesday, May Bth) Location: From Quarryville take Rt. 472 South approx. 2 Miles. Located on Left at E.M. Herr's Truck Terminal. From Oxford take Rt. 472 North approx. 11 miles, on Right. high-tech, high performance — field power Meet the all-new Case 2-WD line - 10 models featuring new styling., the most advanced in strumentation . the most advanced human engineering.. and the ruggedest Case con struction, ever 43-180 hp* (32-134 kW i Strong tractors from a strong company * Mfr's PTO rating SEE THEM AND DRIVE THEM Also See The Undoll & Ameo Tillage Equipment In Action • tractors MF6S w/Loader HEW IDE* ACDIS/Loader " IPEA Case 870 325/314 Picker Sheller Case 1370 323 Pickers Heat 24.5*32 3 ? 5/^ 2 J P,ck f, rs Radio 702 G Power Unit Case 1390 702 D Power Unit Case 1090 18 4*38 710 Combine (New) Power Shift I*l Head Case 1170 Cab-Heat 8 767 Ha ™ e , ste ' Spd 20.8*38 73 ® l Rf l Head Case 900 w/Pulley 272 CutD.t.oners Case 2090 Cab 763 Head Agn Power 9000 Ford 861 AC-B, plow, cultivators SPREADERS . MF 205 NI2IB Nl 206 Nl 224 206 Ground Dr,ve Nl 213 NH 371 Flail Spreaders in Stock " A.L.HERR& PARK AVE., QUARRYVILLE, PA 17566 PHONE: 717-786-3521 [{S3 z2AVCO NEW IDEA GEEHL ffl ■ f Gwt* mro yo*jf ayatmm HHHH Ford 9700 cab w/air, dual power JD4IO Backhoe JD 1030 hi-10, w/cab JD 1120 1969 hi-lo (3) JD 2130 1975 2 w/cab JD 2130 1974 (2) JD 3120 1969 JD 3130 JD4040 w/cab & air JD 4230 w/cab & air IF) 784 w/cab IH 966 1974 w/cab 'FI 1066 w/cab MF 1150 w/cab Universal (Long 445) 4 wheel drive Long 560 DT AC 190XT David Brown 990 USED EQUIPMENT FORAGE USED EQUIPMENT Skid Loaders- Case 1830 1537 Case 440 Gehl NH L 325 Forage Boxes (2) l-H Kasen Badger Flesston PTIO JD 1209 mower cond Brillion 14' Field Cultivator Planters- AC 4 row Liquid Feet IH 400 Cycle Plows- Oliver 2 pull Ac 4x3 pt USED TRACTOR! AC Dl7 w/Loud*r AC 185 ACDIS AC Dl4 AC 170 Peterman Farm Equipment 717-249-5338 or 249-2150 Farm & Lawn Equipment - A Chain Saws 225 York Road .Ib» Carlisle, PA 17013 DAY SERIES TRACK) Quarryville^ The Case 94 Senes has an electronic read-out each time you put your finger on the instrument touch panel for engine RPM, ground speed, PTO speed or total area worked to mention just a few. Highly advanced digitalization teams with new styling., new “Silent Guardian” cab. new easy-operating controls new Case deluxe seat, 12-speed electrically actuated power shift.. to make a new Case the tractor you should try before you buy Kasten Box IH 56 Blower Grove box Fox HA Harvester JD 3800 Harvester JO 115 Forage Box Farmhand Rake Gehl 920 - no roof Gehl RC 800 Recutter LOADERS Case 737 Umloader MF 2200 Industrial Uni Loader Broom 1845 G White Backhoe Hough HFH BRO. NEW EQUIPMENT SPECIALS Bush Hog- 9 shank Soil Hog $5795 3 pt. 8' Chosel $1875 Glenco' $1095 3 pt. 5' Chisel 12V4' Field Cult. $2395 7 shank Soil Saver No-Til Planters- AC 2 row 3 P AC 6 row Air Hay Equipment MF 925 $5795 $3650 $9990 Haybine $4995 Gehl 1080 demo mower conditioner Gehl Baler's 30% OH List AC 190XT w/cab AC 7040 CAb P.D Trans AC 6060 JD 2030 Rt 896 E M HERR Truck Terminal Rt 472 I To Oxford MISCELLANEOUS JD1240 4RN 2 Row Hershey T ransplanter 2 Row 3 pt. Mechanical Transplanter Case 12' Disc Harrow Wetmore 878 Grinder Mixer Arts Way 420 Grinder- Mixer JD 4 Bot Plow Mondge 400 Gram Dryer PZ 2 Swath Tedder BUSH-HOG ;••••••••••••••••••••••£ •S.G. LEWIS AND SON, INC. A 352 N. Jennersville Rd., West Grove, Pa. 2 215-869-2214 or 215-869-9440 • SPECIALS ON NEW E FORAGE HAY • • Harvesters • Balers (Round and • Plows # • Blowers Square) • Disc Harrows £ • Crop Carriers • Rakes • Mowers J • Spreaders • Rotary Cutters • • Wagons • Bale Carriers # • Bale Throwers 0 • Haybines 1 ’ £ NEW EQUIPMENT gfli Kubota L 355 Tractor w/1722 Loader * 13,900 Kubota M 4050 Tractor. 2 WD, 40 PTO h.p * 12,500 JD 950 Roller Harrow 10' & 12' Models JD 215 Dura-Cushion 11’5" Disc Harrow Call for Special Price JD 215 Disc Harrow 11’5” USED EQUIPMENT MF 760 Combine w/4 row wide and 6 row narrow corn heads, 15’ grain platform *35,000 JD 1440 No-til 4 row corn planter w/dry fert. and monitor *2,400 JD 4 Row 7000 Conservation planter w/dry fert. and monitor *BOO Garwood Crawler w/10' Dozer Blade *5,500 JD 300 B Loader/Backhoe * 17,500 JD 4440 Tractor w/cab, SG Body, PS, 20.8x38 tires, nice *29,800 JD 4430 Tractor w/SG body, new 20.8x34 tires, new paint, nice *21,000 JD 6620 combine w/6 row cornhead 215 flex platform US. VEARSLEV t SONS, BC. 110-120 E. Market Street Westchester, Pa. 19380 XMC Nothing likt i! i>n ianh " 215-696-2990 -rmmum Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 28,1984—C23 UIPMENT TILLAGE Also specials on used equipment and parts.
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