PUBLIC SALE OF FARM EQUIPMENT AND RAY TUESDAY, MARCH 6,1984 At 10:OOA.M. Located I mile south of New Holland off Rt. 23 between Kinzer Ave. and Brimmer Avenue, Lancaster County, PA. TRACTORS - Oliver 1365 Diesel P.S. Hyd. new rubber on rear; Oliver 77 Diesel Hyd. and Cultivator; Int. 12 h.p Riding mower 48 in. cut; Brillion 12 ft. Seeder with Hyd.; N.H. 717 Harvestore with Com Head and Pickup; Gehl Hi-throw Blower; N.H. No. 8 Forage Wagon with Roof and Two Beaters; Gehl #9lO Forage Wagon with roof and three beaters; N.H. 56 Rake; N.H. 36 Flail Chopper; N.H. 327 Spreader; Zimmerman 32 ft. Elevator; Hesston PTIO Hay Bine; J.D. 494 Com Planter. IN.I 323 Corn Picker; Gravity Bin Wagon; 12 ton Running Gear with bed; Oliver 3 B 14 in. Plow; 9’ Bniiion Cultipacker; 3 pt. Cultivator; 300 gallon P.T.O. Crop Sprayer; 3 pt. Large Platform; Pittsburg Transport Disc; Oliver 10 ft. Transport Disc; Oliver 7 ft. 3 pt. Mower; 15 K.W. Generator; 6 ft. 3 pt. Scraper Blade; 2 & 10 Ton Feed Bin; 2 - 40 ft. Conveyor with driving units and chain; 8 New DeLaval Water Bowls, 5 unit DeLaval milkers, pipe and pump, Sputnik, Fly Gon 20/20 like new, Lumber, Plywood; Tools; 30 TON OF ALFALFA, and many other articles not mentioned. Auction Note: Not many small items before equipment. TERMS BY RAY & LINDA GEISSINGER Auctioneers Jeffrey R. & Robert E. Martin 656-7770 NO-OUT-OF-STATE CHECKS Refreshments Available PUBLIC SALE DAIRY COWS, HEIFERS, MULES FARM EQUIPMENT TUESDAY, MARCH 20,1984 9:30 A.M Located at the corner of Peters Rd. and Hollander Rd. across from Zettenreich Church, 2 miles south of New Holland, Lancaster County. 34 HEAD GRADE HOLSTEIN COWS 8 Fresh January, February, March; 10 due April, May, July, August, September. Balance in all stages. 7 heifers from 3 mos. to 6 mos., 2 bred heifers, 8 heifers 6 mos. to breeding age. 1 grade service age bull, 1 registered bull, 2M> mos. Red & white bull,-grade. 30 day test. 12 head heifers are vaccinated. 1 pair Sorrel Molly Mules, 10 yrs. old; 1 pair Sorrel Molly Mules, 8-9 yrs. old; 1 pair Black Molly Mules. FARM EQUIPMENT 271 New Holland Baler; 2 Farm Bill Wagons; 16 ft; J.D. K.B.A. 20 Disc; JD #999 Com Planter; J.D. Cultivator; 2-Way Oliver Plow 14” with steel bottoms; N.H. 56 Hay Rake; 206 New Idea Manure Spreader; New Idea Rake; 8 ft. McDeering Double Cultipacker; Pittsburg 9 ft. Harrow; 2 - Fore Carts, 1 auto, turn; J.D. #4 Grass Mower 7 ft.; Wisconsin VF4 Engine with reduction gear, good shape; Wisconsin VF4 Engine without reduction gear, good shape; New Idea Tobacco Planter; Syracuse Walking Plow; 275 gallon Gas Tank with pump; Market Wagon; Horse Sled; 6 Calf Hutches; 2 Minnich Tobacco Bale Boxes; Air Compressor lf 2 to % h.p. Silage Cart; Feed Cart; Pony Cart; Pony harness; baler Twine; Binder Twine; Tobacco Lath; 6 Collars; 6 Sets Harness; 1-2-3-4-6 Horse Hitches; 2 Steel 4 Horse Hitch; Halters; Herdex Breeding Chart; 3 Universal Milkers with DeLaval Pulsators; Extra Pail; 2 Stainless Steel Buckets; 2 Stainless Strainers; Perfection Vacuum Pump; Wheelbarrow; Milk Cans; 36 Cow Trainers; Forks; Shovels; Corn; Hay; Straw; Corn Silage; many more articles not mentioned. Saleat9;3oA M TERMS: No Out Of State Checks Terms by JOHN M. & MARY B. EBERSOL Frank and Paul Snyder, Auctioneers 717-859-2688 - 717-733-7052 Fasnachts, Clerks Refreshments Not Responsible for Accidents PUBUC AUCTION OF FARM EQUIPMENT SATURDAY, MARCH 10,1984 ll:OOA.M. (rain or shine) Location: Take Payne Rd. off of Rt. near Preston, Md. Having discontinued grain farming, the un dersigned will offer the following equipment: Combine: Int. 1460 w/15’ 820 flex head table (cab fully equipped) low hrs., excellent con dition. Equipment: Int. 756-w-cab., Int. 560, J.D.-B, Blaton 11’ chisel plow, Int. 6x16 plow, Clark sprayer, 4 section rotary hoe, 14’ springtooth, cultipacker and carrier, Int. 4 row planter, 6 tow 30” cultivator 3 section spike drag, con veyor, 2 bottom plow and 2 row cultivator. Trucks; 1968 Chevy 50-w-grain body, 1961 Chevy 60-w-grain body. Inspection of trucks responsibility of pur chaser. Note: Not small items Terms of Sale: Cash or approved check, (letter from bank) OWNERS MR. & MRS. ROBERT DIETRICK 673-7976 A. CURTIS ANDREW AUCTION INC Auctioneers A. Curtis Andrew Mike Row 479-0756 PUBUCSAIf SATURDAY, MARCH 3,1984 9:00 A.M. Located 6 miles northeast of Millersburg, 2 miles east of Route 147, in the village of Malta, Pennsylvania. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Hepplewhite Splay Leg Stand with Ex ceptionally Fine, Tapered Legs; 3-Pc. Walnut Victorian Marble-Top Bedroom Suite; 2-Pc. and 3-Pc. Oak Bedroom Suite, 3-Pc. Depression Era Bedroom Suite; Walnut Victorian Marble- Top Dresser; Grained Blanket Chest with Bracket Feet; Square Oak Extension Table; 9- Pc. Dining Room Suite; Oak Sideboard; Oak Library Table; yam Winder; Cradle; Crib; Ivers & Pond Upright Piano; Piano Bench; Piano Stool; Square Oak Stand; Plank Bottom Chairs and High Chair; (2) Pressed Back Rockers; (4) Oak Pressed Back Chairs; Oak Rocker; Pine Bench - Morticed Through Top; Potty Chair; “White” Treadle Sewing Machine; Buck for Butter Churn; Easel; Zither; Cast Iron Dinner Bell, Butcher Kettle and Waffle Iron; Assorted Crocks and Jugs - some Cowden & Wilcox; Lg. Assortment of Picture Frames; Ingraham Round Drop Wall Clock with Calendar; Black Mantel Clock with Open Escapement; Hooked Rug with Owl; Quilt; Crazy-Patch Comforter; 40-PCS. OF WESTMORELAND STERLING SILVER FLATWARE; Pitchers & Bowls - Including Ironstone Wheat & Clover Pattern (some damaged); Roseville; Ruby Red; Assorted Pattern & Depression Glass; Assorted pressed Glass Goblets; Setting for 12 Moss Pattern German China; Bennington-Type Spittoon; Etc. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Fngidaire Automatic Washer; Fngidaire Chest-Type Freezer; Two 2-Pc. Living Room Suites; Sofa; Duncan Phyfe Stand; Misc. Upholstered Chairs; Bird Baths; (2) Metal Porch Chairs; Aluminum Porch Glider; Misc. Dishes, Pots and Pans; Etc. TERMS: CASH. PERSONAL CHECKS AC CEPTED ONLY FROM PERSONS HAVING AN ESTABLISHED ACCOUNT WITH AUC TIONEER OR APPROVAL PRIOR TO DAY OF SALE. iALE ESTATE OF C.E. WITMER Kermit L. Witmer & Carl M. Witmer, Co-Executors Wm, Harvey Wiest, Attorney Dockey, Dockey & Deppen, Auctioneers EATHER IN B iOttfy / , Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 25,1984—D27 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5 00 P M of each week s publication FRI MARCH 2-10 30 A M Mrs Curvm High, Public Auction of Holstein Owners Col Keith Reid, dairy cattle, machinery Auctioneer and equipment Located 4 mapThTo —m am miles east on Route 146 FRI MARCH 2-10 AM at 1-57 Anna, 111, exit or Public Auction of Dairy 10 miles west (Route 146) Herd Dispersal, 110 Head of Vienna, 111 to read & 3 Full Line of Farm market 27 30. thence Equipment Located from ss™*:S) (, a“Js & “rKS PLmUCAUCnwT SATURDAY, MARCH 17,1984 At 11:30 A.M. Located in Halifax R.D. 2, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, Approximately V* mile South on Route 147 off Route 225 at the triangle. (Approximately 20 miles NE of Harrisburg on Route 322 and 147) WATCH FOR SALE SIGNS. FARM EQUIPMENT John Deere 4440 Tractor with full cab (air conditioning, heat, radio) with only 500 hours, Oliver 88 diesel tractor, IH International 710-A 5-bottom plow with automatic reset, IH model 310 transport disc with Coneca discs, Brillion 14 ft. transport harrow, John Deere 8200 grain drill with 9 tru V openers, New Holland 479 haybine, New Holland 256 rake, New Holland 456 PTO 7-ft. mower, New Holland 845 round baler, New Holland 273 baler with hydraulic controller and thrower, 2 high rack hay wagon on running gears, 2 high rack hay wagons, beds, New Holland 36 ft. hay elevator, G 515200 bu. grain bin with force air HarvestaU System, MFS 3500 bu. grain bin, 45 ft. 6” transport grain auger, 56 ft. 6” gram auger with 2 HP motor, 21 ft. 6” grain auger, High Cap gram cleaner with 7 ft. auger, John Deere 33 spreader, Hawk belt spreader. New Holland manure fork, Century 300 gal. sprayer on rubber, Schwartz 130 blender box, 1963 Ford 750 Truck Cab and Chassis (running order), 16 ft. fifth-wheel trailer, 14 ft. tandem-axle trailer frame, early 1940’s Ford (F-3) tow truck (parts only), Oshkosh 4’ wheel drive dump truck (parts only), 500 gal. fuel tank with electric pump, approx. 50 ton of turkey manure, and some small farm items. THIS IS A SALE OF A FULL LINE OF NEW MODERN FARM EQUIPMENT. BE SURE TO ATTEND. There are very few small items so be prompt for large equipment. LUNCH WILL BE AVAILABLE CASH OR CERTIFIED CHECKS PLEASE: Personal checks accepted if known by owner or auctioneer. MR. & MRS. DAVID R. RODE Owners Edwin E. Shoop David Deibler Auctioneers 717-896-8305 PUBLIC AUCTION Having decided to retire from farming, I will sell on the farm, located on Bayshore Road, just off Rte. 20, 3 miles from Fairlee, Md., between Chestertown and Rock Hall, Md. Signs posted on Rte 20 and 21, also from Chestertown, Md. MONDAY, MARCH 5,1984 at 11:00 A.M. FARM MACHINERY: MASSEY FERGUSON 1135 Diesel Tractor w/duals, (cab & a/c quick hitch); M.F. 1100 Diesel Tractor; M.F. 180 Diesel Tractor; M.F. #BBO 6x16 Plows; M.F. 3 bot. mounted plows; M.F. #620 Tandem Road Disc; Set of duals for MF 1100; John Deere #7OOO 6 row planter w/fert. auger (no-till plateless); JD #4OO mounted 6 row rotary hoe; JD 6 row RM cultivators; Woods 13’ stalk chopper; IntT. 400 air planter & 6 row w/front spring tooth; IntT 14 disc; 14’ Gandy attachment w/motor; IntT. #lO grain drill; 12’ cultipacker; spike tooth harrow; 300 gal. sprayer on trailer; Midwest harrows; grain wagon; 2 flat wagons; tractor mounted seeder; Rhino grader blade; 16’ cultipacker w/travel wheels; 20’ mounted field cultivators; 11’ chisel plow mounted; 10’ double disc; MF 2 prong HD 36” subsoiler; fuel tank on trailer; platform scales; ditch pump; 2 barrels of oil; hand tools; lots of parts, and misc. items MASSEY FERGUSON 750 Diesel Combine hydrostatic - 4 wheel drive -15’ floating head - #1163 6 row corn head w/reel, 1620 hours.... 1967 IntT grain truck model 16000 MF 17’ mounted chisel plow w/buster bar; MF 13’ mounted chisesl plow w/buster bar; Brady 22’ field cultivator w/rakes HARRY RUDNICK & SONS, INC. Sales Managers & Auctioneers of Galena. MD 301-648-5601 LUNCHSERVED Y 2 miles, bear lett on Harrington Rd Ist farm on left From Rt 273 Center of Rising Sun turn on Rt 274 at Traffic Light Drive to Farmington Garage Turn right past Garage Harrington Rd, 1 4 miles on right 2nd farm, signs posted the day of auction Mrs Margaret Hunt, Owner Norman E Hunter & Parkes T Williams, Auctioneers FRI MARCH 2 & SAT MARCH 3 - 10 AM Public Auction of the 14 Annual Two Day Consignment Sale Tractors will be sold Located at the Donald Scheese Farm, R D 3, Box 288, Elmer, NJ 08318 Donald Scheese, Owner Blaine Rentzel, Auctioneer SAT MARCH 3 - 10 AM Public Auction of Farm Equipment, Truck, Steers & Household Goods Located from Cross Keys, at the (unction of Rt 30 and Rt 94, take 94 south 2/10 mile, first farm on right Sale sign posted William C & Nadine L Myers, Owners Dennis J Runkert, Auctioneer SAT MARCH 3 - 11 AM Public Auction of a 63 Acre Farm Located */■ mile South of the village of Weishample m Deep Creek Valley, 4 miles east of Hegms take Rt 125 to Deep Creek Rd and turn east to Weishample From 1-80, Exit 35, take Rt 901 north to Deep Creek Rd and turn West to Weishample Watch for auction signs Verkie M Shadle, Owner George & Mike Deibert, Auc tioneers SAT MARCH 3 10 30 AM Consignment auction of new and used farm tractors and machinery at Goodrich Auction Service, Rt 38and 38Bon Newark Valley, NY 607 642-8688 SAT MARCH 3 -10 30 AM Public Auction of New Farm & Gram Machinery Located in Lafayette, NJ on the Sanford Farm Rt 15, 2 miles south of Lafayette, NJ, 6 miles nor theast of Newton, take Rt 206 to Rt 94 to Rt 15 south 10 miles north of Rt 80, take Sparta Rt 15 Exit Take Rt 15 north Lance & Martin Owners Col Fred R Daniel Auc tioneers Inc SAT MARCH 3 10 30 AM Public Auction of tractors, machinery, gram bins and hay and straw Located taking Route 34 North of Biglerville PA 1 mile and bear left (at tile plant) go mg through Bendersville and continue 3 miles toward Wenksville Oust past Brysonia Road) Mildred Mcßeth Owner C David Redding Auc tioneer Owner, GEORGE C.STUTZMAN Bayshore Road, 9 miles from Chestertown, Maryland
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