D26—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 25,1984 Public Auction Register Closing Date - Monday. 5 00 P M of each week's publication THURS MARCH 1 - Mon thly Cow Sale at Mel Kolb, Inc Lancaster Farm, 2220 Dairy Road, Lan caster, PA THURS MARCH 1 930 AM Public Auction of a Full line of Modern Farm Machinery, 9 Tractors, Produce, Etc Located in Muncy, PA Mr & Mrs Floyd Metzger, Owners Fraley Auction Co , Auc tioneers THURS MARCH 1 - Public Auction of Farm and Ir ngation Equipment Located 8 miles west of Shippensburg, PA 1 mile nortn of Lurgan Paul Bert, Owner Ralph W PUBLIC SALE MULES - MACHINERY • TOOLS SOME FURNITURE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28,1984 At 10:00 A.M. Located in Centre Co., 1 Mile South of Rebersburg, PA., and Vi Mile East of Smullton. 4 MULES 3 Dark Colored Mules And 1 Sorrell. These Are Good Work Mules, 1 Real Good Leader, Others Used On The Off Side. 5 Sets Of Harness, 2 Sets Check Lines, 5 Collars, Jockey Sticks, Bridles, Halters, 2,3, and 4 Hitches, Etc. FARM MACHINERY Frick Com Husker Shredder, 44 Ft.-6 In. Belt, Wisconsin 4 Cyl. Engine w/Starter, Clutch And Pulley Mounted On Wheels, N.I. No. 10 Manure Spreader, I.H. Ground Driven Com Binder, PAPEC 16 In. Silo Filler, 2 N.H. Com Shelters, Hochstetler 14 In. Riding Plow Like New, 2 Way 14 In. Riding Plow w/Radex Bottoms, Syracuse Walking Plow, J.D. 7 Ft. Disk, I. No. 401-8 Ft. Harrow, 8 Ft. Cultipacker, 2 I.H. Horse Cultivators, hochstetler Wagon w/15 Ft. Flat Bed, Two Wheel Turn Cart, I.H. Com Planter, I.H. No. 9 Mower 9 Ft. Cut For Parts, Some Used Tin Roofing, Some 2 x 6,2 x 4 And 1 In. Board Lumber, Litter Carrier And Track, 8 And 12 Hole Hog Feeders, 3 Pig Creep Feeders, Pig Water Bowls, 8 Gas Heaters, Wooden Nail Kegs, Hand Tools And The Usual Wagon Load Misc. Farm Items. Some Misc. Household Items: Kettle Furnace, Metal Cabinet Bases, Etc. Sale Will Start w/Some New Tools, No. 14 Aluminum Shovels, Dirt Shovels, Forks, Scrappers, Brooms, Digging Irons, Splitting Mauls, N.H., I.H. And J. 7 Ft. Mower Knives, Pipe Fittings, Clamps, All Kinds Hand Tools And Some Citrus Fruit Approx. 20 tons of ear com. TERMS-CASH LUNCH AT SALE EPHRAIM E. BEILER Star Route Rebersburg, PA. Mark Click Auctioneer Reedsville, PA. PENNSYLVANIA WORLD RELIEF HEIFER SALE THURSDAY, MARCH 8,1984 ham Guernsey Sales Pavilion, Lincoln Hwy. East 5 miles, Lancaster, Pa 100 - HEAD HOLSTEIN SELL -100 60 REGISTERED • 40 GRADES 30 bred, due March October, 35 yearlings, 30 under Iyr a few milking, and some real nice project calves for 4-H and FFA SPECIAL MENTION. Very Dau Dam 3yr 251 da me 17,885 m 3 8 685 F Persuader Dau 2yr Milking 305 da pro) 20 308 m 4 1 810 F from an EX & EX Mammary net profit, 23,571 m -GDamDutchoe 35,000 m An Ace Dau - Dam 22,183 m A New Hope Dau Dam VG-21,922m A very dau Dam 20,000 m due Sept G Dam VGBB also dtrs selling from Valiant, Market, Superior, Wileeda, Sexation Jemmi and others 2 Registered service age bulls Semen from top quality sires Animals eligible for interstate shipment Tested within 30 days of sale Vaccinated for shipping fever Catalogs at ring side or contact sales manager Donations will be accepted of hay, straw, corn gram, fire wood, farm supplies seeds, gift certificate, etc All animals, items, and services are donated, and all proceeds will go tor World Relief and will be channeled thru the Penna Relief Sale to the Mennomte Central Comm Akron, Pa to help clothe the needy and feed the hungry of the world m the Name of Christ Sale Time-Hay-Straw 10:30 A.M. Heifers 11;A.M. . .. Sale Manager Atalon Pa WILMER G. KRAYBILL John Umble - Atglen, Pa. D n t p. i-i 215-593-5756 d t ocon Lee Kurtz - 215-593-5387 q?™° Omar Stoltzfus 717-529-6301 Ph 215 ' 286 ' 9576 Pedigree - Dale Hoover - Lebanon, Pa. 717-867-2489 Semen - Galen Martin - 717-665-9352 Note - Lunch by the Penna. Relief Sale Food Comm. Cash donations accepted Horst, Auctioneer THURS MARCH 1 9AM Public Auction of Holstein Dairy Dispersal and Farm Machinery Located along Bowmanville Rd, from Bowmansville take Rt 625 north under turnpike to second road left, to first road left, approx '/« mile to auction on Rt Brecknoch Township, Lancaster Co , Clarence K & Susan I Weaver Owners Kline and Kreider, Auctioneers THURS MARCH 1 - 9 AM Public Sale of hi grade Holstein herd, farm machinery, horses, mules milking equipment household antiques, guns, Sputnick2 ewe sheep Located in Lan caster County, PA on Paradise Lane 2 miles southwest of Paradise. I 1 7; miles east of Strasburg From Rt 30 go south at traffic light onto South Ronks Road to Paradise Lane Gideon F and Elizabeth L Lapp, Owners Steve Peter sheim, auctioneer THURS MARCH 1 9 AM Public Auction of Hols tem Dairy Dispersal & Modern Farm Machinery Located on the farm, Brecknock Two, Lane Co Take Rt 625 north under turnpike bridge to 2nd Rd . turn left to Ist Rd Turn left, travel Vt mile to auction on right Watch for signs Clarence K & Susan I Weaver, Owners Roy Good, Jr & Ca’lDiller Auuioneeis THURS MARCH 1 - 930 AM Public Auction of Farm Machinery, Horses, Mules, Hi Grade Holstems & Antiques Located 2 miles east of Strasburg on Paradise Lane Gidean F & Elizabeth F Lapp, Owners Steve Peter sheim, Auctioneer THURS MARCH 1 10 AM Public Auction of Dairy Cattle, Farm Machinery, Hay & Straw Located along McKmstry's Mill Rd , just south of Lmwood, (off Rt 75 between Union Bridge & New Windsor) Carroll CONSIGNMENT AUCTION OF FARM MACHINERY, TRUCKS, TOOLS AND FARM RELATED ITEMS MONDAY, MARCH 5,1984 Located at the Auction Barn in American Corner, Md. on highway 621 between Federalsburg, Md. and Denton, Md. 8:30 a.m. Tractor trailer load of new tools. 10:00 a.m. Regular sale. Early listings: 1160 Case combine, J.D. 3020 diesel, J.D. 2510, Int. A-W-cultivators, A.C. Dl7 diesel, A.C. Dl7 gas, A.C. WD 45, Oliver 77, J.D. no till planter, J.D. #4O spreader, J.D. #7l no till planter (20’’ rows), Int. 454 planter -w- fert., 4 row -S-tine cultivator, 4 flatbed wagons, funnel wagon, 30’ elevator, New Idea #l7 spreader, New Idea #l2 spreader, Int. 10’ disc, Brillion packer, J.D. 13 tine drill, Int. lime spreader, Sillage cart, 2 ton hog feeder, lumber, 3 lard potts, platform scales, Heavy duty pull type grader, Milk cans, Fencino. , NEW EQUIPMENT: 16 2 & 3 axel trailers, 3 pt. Soinners, Disc, Rotary mowers, Plows, Post hole diggers, 3pt. Booms. HORSE RELATED ITEMS: Riding Cultivator, Corn planter, Com binder, Walking plows, 2 - grain drills. TRUCKS: 1974 Chevy pickup (39,300 mi. original), 1973 CMC 10 wheeler. TERMS OF SALE: Cash or approved check (letterfrom bank) This is only partial listing. For more in formation or advertising your equipment call 479-0756. Receiving equipment Frl. March 2, Sat., March 3, up until sale time Monday. A. CURTIS ANDREW AUCTION, INC. Auctioneers Curtis Andrew Mike Roe PUBLIC AUCTION OF TRACTORS-COMBINE FARM EQUIPMENT - TRUCKS Location; 1 mile north of St. Georges, Del. Turn north on Road 72 going to Newark. Turn left on Ist Rd. (McCoy Rd.), 3rd farm on right. SATURDAY, MARCH 3,1984 ll:OOA.M. Rain or Shine TRACTORS-COMBINE 1066 Farmall Int. diesel tractor with turbo, cab, air; XT one-ninety Allis Chalmers diesel tractor; 340 Int. utility gas tractor with Wagner loader; 880 Oliver gas tractor; G Gleaner diesel combine with cab 15’ cutting bar w/robot; #A63O com head. FARM EQUIPMENT #3300 A.C. 15’ disc (170 lb. per blade), #6OO A.C. no till air planter 30” row w/dry fertilizer, M-M 6x16” plow, 12’ Taylor chisel plow, M.F. 10 hay baler, Mohawk #B4O 3ph 7’ rotary mower, Oliver #356 7’ 3ph sickel bar mower, 2 pto J.D. manure spreaders (#N), 2 funnel body wagons, flat bed wagon, J.D. rotary hoe, Brillion 18’ gang packer, #FB-A J.D. 17 spout grain drill, 3x14” J.D. pull type plow, J.D. subsoiler, 3ph J.D. 5’ rotary mower, 6 row Lilliston cultivator, 4 row Oliver mounted cultivator, 3 section drag, 18.4x36 duals, 3ph blade, 3 farrowing crates, Toro 36’ riding lawn mower, 50’ hay conveyor, tools, misc. TRUCKS 1967 1600 Loadstar Int. truck w/14’ gram body; 1966 Chevy pickup. TERMS; Cash or Approved Check. Owner JOHN P. WILEY McCoy Rd. Bear, De. Sales Mgr. & Auctioneers C.T. Scuse & Sons 302-653-7530 Co, MD Mr & Mrs Leonard L Waddell, Owners Austin Bohn, Auctioneer THURS MARCH 1-11 AM Public Auction of Farm & Irrigation Equipment, Etc Located 8 miles west of Shippensburg, PA Turn north off Shippensburg Roxburyßd at Lurgan, on Lurgan Rd to McClays Mill Rd Farm is 1 mile north of Lurgan Paul & Ruth Bert, Owners Ralph W Horst, Auctioneer THURS MARCH 1 -11 AM Public Auction of Farm Machinery Located in Castile, just north of the village of Castile on Rt 39, 7 miles south of Perry Zicaw Farms, Owners William Kent, Inc , Auc tioneers THURS MARCH 1 530 PM Public Auction of Clocks Located in the Willow Valley Shopping Mall about 2 miles south of Lancaster along Rt 222 at Willow Valley Square M & E Woodcraft, Inc , Owners Howard Shaub, Auctioneer FRI MAR 2 10 AM Horse Sale at New Holland Sales Stables, Inc 12 miles east of Lan- PUBLIC SALE Public Sale for the Estate of Emerson C. Crissman will be held March 10,1984 starting at 9:30 a.m. Located in Blair Co., Pa. 12 miles west of Water Street or 5 miles east of Hollidaysburg, Pa. off U.S. Rt. 22. Turn at sign to Canoe Creek State Park, approx. 1 mile to farm in the valley known as Turkey Valley. Sale consisting of Farm Real Estate, Antique Household Goods, & Farm Equipment. The following equipment will be sold: Int. 826 diesel tractor w/hydro-drive, duel outlets - 540 & 1000 shaft - 2900 hr., Int. 350 utility tractor w/hyd. loader & hyd. bucket, Int. 350 row crop tractor w/torque amp. - 2 pt. hitch, John Deere 420 dozer w/blade (needs clutch), Int. 2 pt. semi-mt. 4 bottom auto spring reset plow, Int. 2 pt. 5 ft. scrapper blade (like new), Int. 2 row wide 650 harvester w/corn head & pick-up head (like new), Int. 4 row wide corn planter, Grove hydraulic dump wagon (bale sides), w/Int. chassis (like new), New Idea 323 single row com picker (good cond.), Grove 6 T chassis, Fox forage blower (good cond.), New Holland forage wagon, New Idea bale elevator w/motor, Skeleton bale elevator, N.H. 78 baler w/thrower, Wind Power P.T.O. gen. (like new), Brillion 10 ft. cultipacker, New Idea 215 bu. spreader, Hesston 9 ft. haybine (like new), John Deere 15 hoe grain drill, Kuhn hay tedder, New Holland 5 bar rake, John Deere 12A combine w/motor, John Deere 2 bottom pull plow, No. 100 2 pt. mt. 7 ft. mower, Case flat bed wagon, Danuser post hole digger, John Deere 5 ft. flail chopper, Rosenthal husker shredder, oxy. acetylene outfit, 250 diesel tank, approx. 100 bu. wheat, McCulloch Mac 320 chain saw, & many other small items. Lumber - large pile of oak boards - some 2”x6” - kept inside. Antique horse drawn steel wheel Wagon TRUCK & CAR 1955 Dodge T Tag dual wheels - 9 ft. bed w/stock racks. 1972 Chrysler Newport 4 door sedan. (Both in good running condition.) GUNS 12 gauge Batavia Double Barrel Shotgun, J.C. Higgens 12 gauge Shot gun, Model 94 Win chester - 32 Special Carbine. HOUSEHOLD Moore’s family cook stove, dry sink, corner cupboard w/wood doors, kitchen cupboard w/flour chest & por. top, wicker rockers, oak kitchen chairs, oak rockers, child’s sled, child’s rocker, 2 sets of 2 piece each oak high back bedroom suites, fancy oak wardrobe, fancy oak writing desk w/mirror, Edison phonograph, (w/old records), (Ex. Cond.), cedar chest, early 1900 washing machine, crocks, wash broiler, reed flower stand, Weller crock, child’s metal crib, high chair, library table, mantel clock, copper kettle, butchering kettle, sausage grinder, lard press, & many other items too numerous to mention. FARM REAL ESTATE Approx. 140 acres, 120 tillable and 20 pasture. 44’x90’ barn & large concrete silo w/unloader, 2 large brick houses on property w/8 rooms in each, heated w/oil-coal combination, large spring for water - plus well. Zoned Agriculture. Located near Canoe Creek State Park. For Appointment to sell call: 814-695-1324 evenings. Terms of Real Estate: 20% down day of sale - bal. in 30 days upon delivery of deed. Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids on Real Estate. Terms: Cash or Check Owner or Auctioneer not responsible in case of accidents. (Real Estate offered at 12:30 p.m.) Auctioneer: Ron Gilligan, Pa. Lie. & Bonded, State College, Pa. 814-237-0189 Clerks; Harpster & Knepp Sale by Order of Executors LUNCH AVAILABLE caster off Rt 23 in New Holland, Pa Abe Diffen bach, Manager MARCH 2 and 3 FRI and SAT 10 00 AM 14th An nual 2 day consignment sale public auction Donald Scheese Farm, located Cohansey Freisburg Road Elmer NJ Accepting con signments up to March 1 Blame Rentzel and Clyde Wolgemuth, Auctioneers FRI MARCH 2 9 AM Public Auction of the spr mg Machinery Sale Located at the Belleville Livestock Market, Inc
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