HORSE DRAWN SPREADS I ~ %t9r F,rminf ’ Febru * r * 25 > 1984 ~ C31 1 Roller Chains on Small Chains Same Size as No. 10A 111 A Ml Sealed Bearings M ' “ \ M for sale Auto Steering Front Axle IH Ira , mf 2005 w/Duais 1 Year Warranty |U| Are you having problems with WjißushHog 12’ chisel I your oldwornchain? W i wiSmoo 6™. com John R. Martin HH We offer a 5 tooth oversize [Ui Planter RD #3 Bjsprocket, to fit Berg, Patz and any HU rd * ol “] d Rfl other hook and eye chain. ffl ” nsole Ephrala, PA 17522 W y , ? ,33 w 6 I ™vjr3^omPl.„ * Also rebuilt Nl Spreaders Wl_ M Case 1570 MF1135, cab & air ■ - "® 3010 N.H. 567 & Ejector, Fair N.H. 68 & Ejector Less Motor JD 80 7 Ft, 3 Ft. Good Red 8 Ft., 3 Pt, Fair JD 1209, Good JO 1209, Good M. 510 Diesel, Cab, 12 Ft Platform, Four Row Corn Head, Fair As Is JO 45,10 Ft. Grain Head 234 Corn Head, Fair As Is N. TR70,13 Ft. Grain Head, 926 Corn, Six Row, Good *31,000 USED CORN PLANTERS J.D. 494 w/Fert. Att, As Is *495 J.D. 1250 Plateless w/Fert J.D. 494 A w/Fert. Att., Att., Good Double Disk, Fair as Is *395 J.D. 7000 Four Row w/No-Till J.D. 1240 Plate w/Fert. Coulters, Like New *5,900 Att., Good *1,295 A.C. 600 Four Row, Air, Dry Fert. No-Till, Good *2,950 USED DISK HARROWS J.D. 163012 Ft., 24 Disks Case 32 Disk Transport, Good *895 Transport, Good *2,850 J.D. 507,7 Ft., 24 Disks, J.D. TW 3616 Ft. Transport, Pull Type, Good Good Ford 23016 Ft. w/Mid-West Harrow, Good J.D. FB 13x7 Single Disk, Rope Lift, Good *595 Good USED HARVESTORS Fox 1F546 One Row, Com & J.D. One Row Head Off 38 Harv., Pickup Att. *1,495 As Is N.H. One Row Head Off 770 Har., J.O. Tow Row Head Off 38 Harv., good *450 As Is J.D. SVi Ft. Pick Up Off 38 Harv., Fair USED SPREADERS J.D. 4018” Beater, Fair N.l. M Three Beaters, As Is USED TRACTORS J.D. 3010 Diesel, 3pt Re conditioned, Good J.D. 4430 Four Post, Power Shift, Good J.D. B 1950, Roll-O-Matic w/ Power Tool I.H.C. 300 Gas Regular Draw- Bar, Good Oliver 77 Gas w/Hyd., Good Note: All Above Equipment Paid For At Time Of Sale And You Haul Away Will Receive FINCH SERVICES-HANOVER, INC. USED BALERS * 1 .295 J.D. No. 2 Ejector of 24T, Fair *650 USED BLADES *475 Myers BVz Snow Plow, Good *225 USED MOWER-COND. *3,500 Ford 510 Hay Crimper *3,500 USED COMBINES J.D. 643 Corn Head, Three To Choose From J.D. 235 Head for 55 Combine *7,500 *3,500 *3,995 *2,995 USED DRILLS J.D. 1500 No-Tilt Seeder, *895 *1,650 *495 *6,500 *19,500 *1,450 *1,695 *1,295 AlO% Discount 515 Frederick St. Hanover, Pennsylvania 17331 PHONE: 632-2345 J.D. 215 15 Ft. Grain Platform, Good USED MOWERS N.H. 4503 Pt., 7 Ft. Sickle. Good Woods 60 5 Ft. Pull Rotary, good USED PLOWS J.D. 125 3 Pt, 4-16". good Oliver 3 Pt. 4-16", Good J.D. 44H 2-14" Pull-Type, As Is USED HARROWS J.D. 12 Ft. Drag Spring Tooth, Fair J.D. 95015 Ft. Roller-Harrow, Fair (2) MF1155 w/cab & air MFIBO MF 550 combine w/1143 corn head *350 IH 3200 Skid Loader 5,000 feet 6 inch irrigation pipe *350 L&M BURKHOLDER Ephrata, PA. 717-859-2960 717-859-2712 *395 *7,250 *750 *3,950 *1,995 *395 *3,450 *350 *495 *950 *950 *895 *795 *250 *235 *1,850 NEW EQUIPMENT CALL FOR SPECIAL WINTER PRICES AND TERMS. FREE FINANCE ON SOME PRODUCTS AS LATE AS SEPT. 1, 1984 OR LOW FINANCE CHARGES ON MOST NEW SNH EQUIPMENT. 0% for 12 mo., 3% for 18 mo., 6% for 24 mo. on most New Holland Equipment. Also Winter Buyers Dividends and Cash Allowances in lieu of finance on most equipment. . v USED EQUIPMENT NH L-325 Skid Steer 'Kl\ Loader w/54" bucket $6,250 NH 469 Mower Conditioner $1685 NH 479 Mower Conditioner NH 362 4 Ton Flail Spreader Hawk Bilt 590 Gal. Tank Spreader $1350 NH 273 PTO Baler, Ld. Chute.... $1475 NH 355 Grinder Mixer Special NH L-35 (Rental) Skid Loader large frame $9,500 Special 3200 (Rental) gal. liquid Tank Spreader w/ejectors ... $5,950 LL MV PARTS and SERVICE STARLINE VANDALE ★ SERVICE^^ Phone: 717-«2C-77HorC2t-U59 700 Woodcrest Avenue, RD3, Lltitz, PA W •]
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