TRACTORS JD 2640 WFE JDIS2ODWFE JD 4010 D WFE JD 3020 D Try. JD2OIOG Case 930 Dsl, WFE MFl7sDBspeed MFI3SG MF23SG ACDI7.PS AC Dl5 Series II AC WD46 Farmall Cub w/Attch. Farmall Cub w/mower Farmall 504 3 pt. Ford 9700 Dual Power Ford 8000 Tractor Ford 7000 Fully Equip. Ford 5000 D Ford 3000 8 Speed Ford 2000, PS David Brown 1200 David Brown 780 Satoh Elk w/mower JD 18’ wing disc MF 33 Gram Drill N 1206 Spreader N 1216 Spreader TRACTORS &LOADERS (2) 3400 3 pt. Ford 9N Ford 3«)0 D w/Snowplow Ford NAA w/Snowplow Ford CL4O skid loader Ford 801 backhoe Satoh 650 PS MF 2200 3 pt. PTO MF 203 3 pt. PTO KELLER’S FARM MACHINERY, INC. 116 Richlandtown Pike Quakertown, PA 18951 215-536-4046 USED EQUIPMENT MF 510 Diesel Combine w/MF 44 Cornhead MF 33 Drill, Like New MF 65 Gas Tractor MF Super 90 D Tractor MF 1085 D Tractor MF 440 Cultivator NI No. 10 Picker N 1214 Spreader JD 6600 Diesel Combine w/Gramhead & 6 Row Cornhead Caldwell Cutter Riding Mowers USED COMBINE SPECIAL! • JD 6600 Combine Eligible For 6.9% APR Financing For 36 Months OR Waiver of Finance Charges Til 2/1/85! NEW EQUIPMENT MF 205 Tractor MF 240 Tractor MF 210-4 Tractor MF 294-4 Tractor MF 298 Tractor MF 1020 Tractor MF 698 Tractor MF 224 Baler MF 925 Mower Cond. MF 226 Blade NI 660 For. Harv. NI Manure Spreaders Snapper Mowers OPEN HOUSE MARCHI&2 See Full Details On Page B-25 N.H. FLICKER & SONS, INC. Box 68 Maxa tawny, PA 19538 215-683-7252 (Combines on our lot; Used J.D. 6620 Hydro w/heads 1982 Int. 1460 w/820 flex & 963 C.H, (SOLD). New JD 4420 fully equipt. 443 C.H. Used White 9700 rotary w/4 whl drive, grain and 6 row C.H. 1977 JD 4400 Dsl. cab and air real nice; 1975 JD 6600 D rotary screen, good cond. 1976 Int. 715 D, w/air & 13 ft. grain, field ready, never used in com. 1977 Gleaner L 2 hydro w/6 row C.H. 1976 Gleaner FD w/C.A. and 2 heads, 1976 Int. 915 D w/810 grain head. 1979 MF 550 D, excel, w/grain and com heads. 1975- MF 510 D hydra, w/grain and 43 com hearts MF 410 D. w/cab & Q.T. Grain head. MF 510 D w/cab, Quick Tach grain Sale Price $5850. Case 960 w/cab and grain, real nice, $3950. 1968 Gleaner CII diesel w/cab and 4 row C.H. for $5250. JD 7700 D w/grain & com head. 1969 MF 510 D, cab & 2 heads for $9500. MF 300 w/cab & 2 heads for $2900. 1969 JD 55 sq. back com special w/cab and 2 heads; Int 715 gas w/cab, 810 grain Int. 810 13 ft. floating cut- ter bflr Int. 303 w/cab, 1972 Gleaner F w/grain & 4 row C.H. for $11,900. Gleaner E w/cab and 2 heads nice and good; Gleaner E 111 w/cab. AC 90 pull combine. NI 702 D w/cab w/chop per and 2 row C.H. $6250. 702 w/729 A shelter. We have 4 N.I. Uni 729 A shelters from $l5OO. TRACTORS AND EQUIP. JUST PUR CHASED, New JD 4240 C.A. and P. Shift, used JD 4440 C.A. P. Shift 700 hrs. w/dual wheels 1 local owner like new. New JD 750, new A.C. 8050 P.S. w/radial tires list 56, cost 44, our price $35,850. Red. to $34,850, New JD 4250 w/iront wheel drive. Just arrived - New JD 4240 C.A. P.S., new JD 4050 C.A. P.S. used JD 4440 C.A. Q.R. looks like new. Used JD 2940 Used 300 hrs., JD 4430 w/Rops, P.S. New Case 2090 Cab A.P.S. $22,900.00: JD 2840, nice; Used JD 4040 w/R.G. and QR nice. JD 4230 w/QR for $11,400, Used JD 4640 P.S. fully eq. like new; JD 4630 cab, air P.S. w/front whl. drive; JD 6030 C.A. Duals all original; Farmall 1586 C.A. real nice; Farmall 1456, nice w/new cab and air d'ial PTO, Farmall 1486 C.A. w/radial tires, real nice, one local owner; 1086 C.A. original, 886 real nice; 1566 black stripe cab and air real nice, Int. 784 utility D, 1066 Hydro original, Farmall 70 Hydro. D, JD 4010 D WF nice, Oliver 1850 w/dual wheels, Far mall 706 gas WF and 3 pt., 766 original, JD 72DD, WF and 3 pt., Int., 504 utility D. Oliver 770 gas, NI 325 picker w/sheller like new. NI 325 picker w/12 roll bed; N.I. 324 picker w/12 roll bed; Case 1370 C.A. PS - factory duals and full wts. We have 3 real good JD 4010 D. w/WTF., NH 258 rake, Oliver 5B hydraulic resetjolow. NI Combines Just Dealt. NI 717 combine w/13 ft. gram; N 1738 4RN CH; NI 10 ft. direct cut head; NI 3 row 30" silage head. NI 713 Q Tach gram head. (Tractors and Just Received)MFll3s CA MP real nice. Farmall 1468 C.A. $8850; Farmall 186 Hydro w/cab enclosure; Farmall 886 w/R.G., Farmall 686 real nice, 560 D w/F.H. Nice 756 D WF and F.H. mce original, 756 D WF 3 pt. Farmall 806 gas WF real sham. INT. 656 utility D, nice original Farmall 504 tri D original Far mall 450 w/2000 loader; Int. 656 loader, (SOLD). Farmall 460 gas TA, FH for 1975. JDw/Eq., Used NI 323 1 row picker $2150 Us ed Int. 1190 hay bine for $3250. AC 7010 C.A., P.S.. 20:8x38 tires, full wts., light package looks like new. Ford 5000 D, Ford 3000 w/P.S. Ford w/loader. Farmall 504 original w/P.S. and 3 pt. Oliver 880 W.F. fully equip., Farmall 1066 w/cab & air $12,800. Int. 444 utility gas, w/P.S., (SOLD. Farmall 656 eas; 706 gas; JD 730 •, > nice. JD 620 w/PS, JD M w/plow and cult, JD 60 w/loader; D.B. 990D.Hay eq. just traded, used NH 320 baler, Rakes, new NH 256, MC 9E Rotary Scythe. New Holland 1012 and 1010 Bale Wagon, hay bale wagon 18 ft. 8 ton running gear. JD 3020 Tri D. JD 4020 D W.F., D.L. and 2 values w/cab. JD 4020 D W.F. P.S., JD 2640 w/R.G. nice, JD 6030 C.A. real nice, JD 2010 utility D. JD 3010 Tri Gas, Far malls 1586 4 post R.G. w/duals, 1086 w/cab, 1206 extra nice. Int. 606 w/loader, JD 1520 w/loader, MF 175 D w/R.G. White- 4 whl. drive, 4-180 fully eq. for $15,850. Int. 4586 - four whl. drive, JD 4020 D., W.F., P.S. and diff locks.) 1972 JD 3020 D. WF, JD 4840, fully equipped w/dual wnls. real nice; AC 220 original nice $8950, JUST TRADED- used Int. 3588 2+ 2 Int. 986 w/cab, M w/NI 319 mtd. picker, Case 1410 D. (Harvesters) NH 890 w/3 row 30” C.H. 2 row snap perhead and pickup head. JD 243 snapper head. Forage Wagons. JD 216 - tandem axle. NI 325 picker w/12 roll bed, JD 237 mtd. picker and shelter, (new) NI 323 corn pickers at old price. New NI 324 2 row picker. Used Fahr rotary 7 ft. haybine. JD 34012 ft. offset disc, Glenco SS9 Soil Saver, JD 210 14 ft. Disc, Hesston #3O Stakhand. CHISEL PIDWS- new Ford 13-ft. 3 pt. w/gauge whls HAYBINES- New NI 272 cut/ditioner- $3800; Used NH 489-$3875; N.H. 461 real nice: N.H. 479. Used JD 1209 $2475; Int. 1190, 990 New & used Grim 4 star hay tedders. New Grim Hay Teddefs Used N 1279 Cutditioner, NI 272 cutditioner, three grinder mix ers, NH 357 for $3850, NH 352, Papec Gr. Mixer, used JD 66 Blower; (Just Trad ed) N.I. 702 uni W/729A shelter and 743 3 row Q.A. com head, real nice and field ready. New AC 7010 w/20 sp. trans. Used 966-1 owner original, 1972 JD 4020, 3020 S.C. power shift, JD 4020 S.C. w/cab, 1968 JD 4020. MF 1135 w/cab. Farmall 350 w/P.S. and F.H., Farmall 450 gas PS and F.H. Balers (new), NH 315 w/#75 thrower for $9300. NH 280 w/hydraulic tension and thrower. New Idea 0456 round baler. JD 336 w/thrower, real nice, N.J. 320 w/thrower. TRACTORS & EQUIP. Farmall 1566 w/cab and duals, Used White 2-105 w/roll guard. New John Deeres 4240 cab & air Q.R. for $30,000; New JD 4440 C.A. QR w/radial 20x38 tires for $36,250.00. Local trade ins - Used JD 4230 CA QR, JD 4320, 4020 side console, 3010 gas, Ford 6000 W.F. Equipment - JD 8200 grain drill and grass seed, JD 1209 Haybine, JD 336 Baler w/thrower. Six real nice balers, JD 500 Round Baler; Hawk Bilt round baler. 2 used NH baler w/throwers #280,269. Int. 420 w/thrower. Corn Heads JD 643, 444, 244, 243, 843, 343, 443, 435 N, 313 for 45C, 235, Massey Ferguson 1144 like new, 63, 43, 44, 24, 222, 422, Gleaner L 438, F 430, F 438, K 238, F 335, F 330, M 430, K 330, Int. 863, 864, 844, 744. 843,227, NI 4 row 40’* heads, Case 4 row 40”, MF 44 & 43 Lo Profile, NH 4 row 38” C.H. New JD 444 S5O reduced to 75. JD 443 used 2 seasons; Gleaner A 430 used 4 years. 60 com heads on lot. NI 738 and 728 4 row 30” New Int. 810 13 ft. grain head. Used Gleaner L 2 gram heads. 2 used MF 63C Corn Heads to pick from. 4 used #BlO int. 13 to 16 ft. reg. and floating heads (New Farmalls) 5088 C.A. for $34,850 New 3688 fully eq., $30,800.00. New 3288 C.A. Used Far- mall 5088 C.A. like new. (Used Farmalls) 986 w/cab. 706 gas. 1206 real nice, used JD 4230 w/R.G. and creeper gear, 1966-4020. We have 7 JD 4020 side console diesels. JD 2640,1970 JD 5020. JD 4430 C.A., Q.R., JD 3020 w/power shift and cab, Farmall 130 w/1 row cult., Farmall 460 D. w/loader, (SOLD). Ford TW2O w/cab w/220 hrs., damaged 4020 D, WF TRACTORS JD 4320, Farmall 544 gas W.F. h crmall 706 D WF & 3 pi.; NT 324 picker w/super shelter used 80 acres 1972 JD JD 4020 W.F. power shift, good tires ; Case 1070 P.S. $6975; JD 4010 Tri D, Far mall 766, Case 930 Standard, New Holland 770 w/2 row 30” C.H. NH 890 Harvester w/2 heads, Deutz 9006. CULTIVATORS - New Case 3 pt. 8 row Hydro fold. JD 4 row & JD 6 row rear. CORN PICKERS - New NI 325 w/12 roll for $ll,BOO, used N.I. 325 w/12 roll bed current model. Used (2) N.I. 324 w/12 roll bed (325 N. w/sheller), NI 3 row 30” picker w/super shelter, New Idea shelters and Super shelters, N.I. 2 row 30” picker w/ grinder. Ml 319 mtd. picker, JD 300 w/2 or 3 row C.H. JD 300 w/243 C.H. NI 311 - 2 row. JD 4020 w/58 Loader, JD 4320 w/cab, JD 5020 - Pull Tractor. Farmall - 1568 w/cab & air used 1000 hrs., 1566 w/cab, 1466 w/cab. 886 w/cab, 800 hrs., like new. 856 w/38” tires, very nice; Farmall 460 Gas w/F.H., Farmall 756 gas, Hi Crop- 656 diesel, 756, Farmall cub w/mowers. HARVESTERS. Used JD 3960 1 w/long tongue, JD 3800 w/2 row C.H. and pickup for $2850, N.H. 890 w/3 row 30”: NH 890 w/2 row; NH 770 w/2 row 30” C.H. Int. 720- 2 row. Fox 2 row snapper head. NH 770 1 row snapper C.H.N.H. 890-2 new snapper head, new N.H. 890 new corn head used N.H. 770-H824 2 new com head and pickup head, Fox 2 row 30'’ Silage Head. JD 1 row snapper head for 38 & 3800. JD 4 row Stalker head, like new. ALUS CHALMERS AC 180 D w/cab and air, (SOLD); 185 Ac. 7040 w/cab, power shift like new, low hrs. 220 original, 210 w/new 20.8x38 tires. AC H 3 Crawler w/biade and winch. 2 JD 4 wheel drives 8630 fully eq. w/duals; & 7520 fully eq. w/duals. FARMALLS: 1066 red cab & air, Used 686 w/cab & air, 1206 w/cab, 806 w/3 pt. & 38” wheels, Farmall 656 Diesel & 656 gas, Farmall hydro 70 w/w.f. and 3 pt., (SOLD); 826hydroD nice. New White 2-65 w/front whl. drive and new 1730 loader, list $29,000. Dealers net $23,700. Our special price $21,850. New White 2-105 w/cab $22,850. MASSEY FERGUSON - 1085 w/cab, original 2 MF 1155 w/C.A. M.P., MF 1130 for $6250. MF 1080 D, MF 165 D, (SOLD); Case 930 D real nice. Case 930 Standard D. real nice, Case D.B. 1200 for $3900. Oliver 1950 T w/cab and Oliver 1950 T w/tank fenders w/over and under choice, $6950.00, 2050, 1855 w/2 0 8 tires, 1850 w/cab, 1855 w/duals, Oliver 1600 D W.F. MM Vista 1000 w/cab and loader, MM 5670 diesel. Farmall Super A V. New NI 324 picker w/super shelter list 815,390. Special $8,475. Farmall 706 w/310 German D. w/cab, JD 2520 D, MF 1135 w/R.G. and dual wheels, Int. 656 utili ty Hydro D. NH 890 2 row snapper head. JD narrow 30” 2 row head, like new. NI 325 pickup w/12 roll bed used 4 yrs. Fords - 3000 w/p.s. Jubilee 850,1952-BN. N.I. 702 Uni tractors w/ combines & 729 A and 729 Uni shelters w-3 & 4 row 30” and 40” heads. Used JD 13 to 15 ft. grain heads. IND. EQUIPMENT - Int. 500 E crawler loader w/270 hrs., like new. Cat 933 crawler loader. Cat D 4 C.-direct start w/blade. Int. 2400 D L&B. AC 600-21 ft. forklift. Int. 34000. L&B Howard 3 pt. backhoe, Long 1199 A-3 pt. Backhoe like new ?3850. Bobcat 720 Hydro Skid Loader. Fere 30 w/loader. Mechanics Specials. JD 3010 gas. Case 1410. Farmall 706 gas needs trans work, $2900. MFIISSCAMP $BB5O. Farmall 706 gas, $1995, (SOLD). Farmall 460 D, $1995, (SOLD). PLANTERS- New JD 6 row Conserv. no-til w/dry insect and monitor, Used JD 7000 8 row liquid fully eq., used JD 2000 6 row w/dry, monitor and no-til, JD 2000 6 row plate w/fert. in st., Ford 6 row w/dry monitor and no-til. Used Int. #BOO 6 row fully equipped w/no til and momtor- NICE. (new) White 5100 4 row planter w/monitor, JD 1460 6 row no-til liquid plateless Inst. - $1975, JD 6 row conserva tion inst. fert. fill, population monitor and acre fully equip ped. Used White 5400 4 row air, w/dry, In- st. no til and monitor for $2OOO. JD 7000 4 row w/dary and Inst., (SOLD); JD 4 row 7000 w/no til and monitor. Oliver 6 row no til w/dry fert., inst., fert. fill and popula- tion monitor. Cabs for JD and Int. 66 series Tractors. Glenco 12 ft. 9” Soil Finisher like new. Brady 14 ft. pull chisel plow w/Buster bar. 2 Int. #5500-13 ft. chisel plow, Int. 9 ft. Chisel plow, used Athens 10 ft. offset. New Pequea Spreader DISKS - Athens and Bush Hog 12 ft. and chisel plows. Pick-up heads for NH 770, 717, Miller 12 ft. offset disk, JD Disks #2lO - 12x14 ft. New Westfield grain augers 41 ft. 8” KD=|l39s, 56 ft. 8” KD=l995. (new) N.H. 363 tank spreader for 13675. N 1214 nice, JD 54,12 ft. roller harrow, good. Brillion 13 ft. roller har row, We have new 4,6,8 ton running gears at low, low prices. 2-used Danuser Post Hole Diggers. New 3 pt. 8 it. heavy du ty blades. JD#ll5-3pt.9ft. blade. New JD front dozer blade for 4520 thru 4620,4430 and 4640. New Leon front dozer blades for Case 4 whl. drive tractors. NH 36 Flail Chopper; Brady 722 Flail Chop. D6r PLOWS - Ford 6xsp, reset, onland hitch, like new, Int. #7lO 7x16 sp, reset on land hitch, JD 2500 6x sp. reset, JD 5x hyd. Int, #7OO 5X auto reset, fully eq., Int. #71(1 6x16 sp. reset, Int. #720 6x16 sp. reset on land hitch, (SOLDj; Ford 5X sp. reset, JD SxSemi trip rollover. Oliver 4x16 rollover, Int. 4x16 roll over, (SOLD); JD 3xld rollover, AC 6X reset Chisel Plows y 12 ft. & 10 ft, chisel plow 2- Brillion 10’ 3 pt. chisel plows Rockland rock picker. New Johnson Used JD 330 hydraulic fold disk. Used Int. 496 20’ hydraulic fold disk. Oliver Dual Whl. Disk, AC 12ft Disk. 3 JD 9-12 ft. Disk, JD 3 pt. 10 ft. Disk, Howard 13 ft rotovator. Used JD 310-12 ft. disk like new, new 12 ft. 3 pt. field cultivator. New Landoll 24 ft hydraulic fold chisel plow. 2 new DMI 12 ft. pull chisel plows, JD and Oliver 4, 6 & 8 row front mtd. cult. Straw choppers for com bines; JD 4400, 7700, 6600. MF 510,550. JD Disks- TWA 12 ft.-U ft. heavy disk. Ford 12 ft. Heavy Disk Used JD 400 15 ft rotary hoes, Kawanee 22 ft. Wing Disk. Ford 20 ft. wing disk. . DRILLS- Used JD 8300 DD w/press, 21x7 wheels. | Int. 510-16x7 D.D w/Fert. and grass! seed. i Int. 510 18x7 DD like new, (SOLD); MF 43-21 SD grain. JD B 16 DD w/grassl seed. Loaders, new Int. 2355, Used JD 148, JD 58, Int. 2350, 2250, like new, also set of forks, like new, (new) G.B loader, 3pt. hitch for, 630 and 730 JD trac tor. New and Used J.D. Quick Couplers 2 Used 30.5 x 32 fires. TRUCKS - 1979 Chev C 65 24 ft. rollback w/61,000 miles, like new. Int. Scout 4 whl. drive, 1976 KW Truck Trac tor w/350 Cummins D. 13 spd. all chrome wheels and fully e<l looks like new, (SOLD); Delta 44ft combine trailer, 1960 Silverado Chevy diesel w/every op- tion, looks like new. (New) NH Direct cu head for 770. (New) Kill Bros, gravity bins. New Kill Bros.# & 8 & 10 ton running gears. Pick up heads for Int. 550, 650, 358, Fox pickup head, (20) sets of dual wheels all sizes. JD front & rear weights, IH front and rear weights. For your needs call: STITZEL FARM EQ. INC. East Windsor St. & Krick Lane Hamburg, Pa. 19526 Phone Bus. 215-562-8371 home 215-562-7451
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