Al2—Lancaster Faming, Saturday. February 18,1984 Lebanon Valley Livestock Fredericksburg, Pa. Tuesday, Feb. 14 Supplied by PDA CATTLE 190. Compared with last Tuesday’s market, slaughter cows 50 cents-|1.75 higher. Choice Yield Grade 24 1240-1405 lbs. slaughter steers 64.00-67.10, few Good 61.75-64, few Good & Choice holsteins 58.00-61.25, Standard 53.50-59.25, few Utility & Low Standard 42.00-46.50. Choice Yield Grade #3-4 900-1200 lbs. slaughter heifers 61 00454.75, few Good 57.60- 60, two Standard 47.75&55.25, few Utility 42.50-47.50. Breaking Utility & Commercial slaughter cows 40.00-43, few 48.75, one at 49.35, Cutter 8t Boning Utility 36.00-40.50, few 41.75, Canner & Low Cutter Now is the Time (Continued from Page AlO) somewnat difficult during periods of cold weather. Purchased feeder pigs raised on different farms and placed together for sale must be handled carefully. The goal of management is simply to maintain or improve the health of the animal before placing it on a rapid gaining ration. Young feeder pigs must have a warm, dry, draft-free sleeping area with good ventilation. Straw bedding can be used in con ventional buildings. A “hover area” with heat bulbs may be used when floor heat is not available in concrete-floored feeding units. Air currents or drafts must be eliminated in either open-front structures or with conventional buildings. Water medication has proven successful for many swine feeders. Newly arrived feeder pigs are often stressed and in many cases will consume medicated water before they will eat medicated feed. Livestock market and auction news 32.75-36.75, few Shells down to 22.25. Choice slaughter bullocks #3- 4 900-1200 lbs. 61.00-64.75, one Good at 54.25, few Standard 48.75-53.75. Yield Grade #1 1190-1735 lbs. slaughter bulls 51.25-55, one #21475 lbs. at 49.50. CALVES 210. Vealers grading Standard & Good mostly sl-$2 higher. Few Choice vealers 91.00- 99, few Good 73.00-89, Standard & Good 90-125 lbs. 60.00-64, 70-90 lbs. 56.00451, few down to 53.00, few Utility 65-90 lbs. 25.0040.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein Bulls 90-125 lbs. 67.00-107, mostly 90.00- 105; Holstein Heifers 90-130 lbs. 75.00- few Beef cross bulls & heifers 90-110 lbs. 64.00-75. HOGS 127. Two Lots US No. 1-2 225-235 lbs. barrows and gilts 46.75- 47.10, No. 1-3 225-265 lbs. 47.00- 47.25, few 220-225 lbs. 45.7546, No. 2-3 210-295 lbs. 44.0046.10, one lot No. 1-3 190 lbs. at 43.00. US No. 1-3 310-625 lbs. sows 40.5044.25, No. 2-3 260460 lbs. 37.5041, Medium 250- 450 lbs. 26.00-32.00. Few Boars 28.00- FEEDER PIGS 7. One Lot US Utility 29 lbs. feeder pigs at 37.00 per hundredweight. SHEEP 0. NO SALES ON OF FER. GOATS 3. Adult 41.00 per head, Kids 21.00 per head. Apple Market News Monday, February 13 Demand for apples today is good and prices are remaining stable. Movement of bagged apples this past week have shown marked improvement while traypacked apple sales have fallen off. Bagged apple sales of 29,059 cartons were reported by 13 representative growers, packers or shippers while only 800 cartons of traypacked apples were reported sold by the same people. This is a very favorable report on your Apple Marketing Board’s 12/3# bagged apples, we would certainly like to know about it. Please call Kay Swartz at (717 ) 783-5418 or Charlie Kingston at (717) 783-9945. SUMMARY Bagged Apples - Regular Storage Cartons, 12/3# bags, 2V*” min.; Red Delicious U.S. Extra Fancy mo. 6.50-7.00, few 8.00; Red Delicious U.S. Fancy 5.50-6.00, occ. 6.25; Red Delicious U.S. #1 few 6.25; Golden Delicious U.S. Fancy few, 5.50-mo. 5.75-6.00; Red Romes U.S. Fancy few, 5.50-5.75, mo. 6- 6.25; Stayman U.S. Extra Fancy some, 6.00; Ida Red U.S. Fancy some, 6.00, mo. 7.25; Yorks U.S. Fancy 6.00. Cartons, 8/5# bags 2V*” min.; Red Delicious U.S. Fancy some, 11.00. Bagged Apples CA Storage, Cartons 12/3 bags, 2V«” Min.: Red Delicious U.S. Extra Fancy some, 8.00 mo. 7.50 oc. $9.00; Red Delicious U.S. Fancy 7.5041.00; Golden Delicious U.S. Fancy some 7.00, mo. 7.50-8.00; Law Romes U.S. Fancy 7.50; Red Romes U.S. Extra Fancy some 9.00. Cartons 8/5# bags, 113’s & larger You're The Winner witr FLORIN FEEDS Tested, Top Quality FLORIN FEEDS Are Scientifically Compounded To Increase Milk Production And Fortified With Vitamins And Minerals To Keep Your Herd Healthy And In Top Milk Production! BE A PROFIT WINNER... CALL US NOW! WOLGEMUTH BROS., INC. Mount Joy, PA PH: 717-653-1451 Red Delicious U.S. Extra Fancy 11.00. Traypacks, Regular Storage: Red Delicious U.S. Extra Fancy 125’s 9.00; Red Romes, Comb. Fancy & Ex. Fancy 100’s 8.50-9.00; Red Romes, Comb. Fancy & Ex. Fancy 88’s 8.50; Yorks Comb. Fancy & Ex. Fancy 100’s larger 10.00. CA Storage: Golden Delicious Comb. Fancy & Ex. Fancy 113’s 10.00; Yorks Comb. Fancy & Ex. Fancy 100’s 10.00; 40# box, loose pack U.S. #1 Red Delicious 2M-” 5.00. G&M Livestock Monday, February 13 Duncans vllle, Pa. Report supplied by auction SLAUGHTER CATTLE: Steers- Low Choice 64.0068.00, Good 58.00- 64.00. Standard 52.00-58.00; Utility 48,00-52,00. Heifers- Choice 63.00- Good 57.00-63.00; Standard 50,00-57.00; Utility 42.00- 50.00. Cows- Choice 44.00-46.00, couple 38.00 and 48.00; Good 42.00- 44.00; Standard 40.00-42.00; Utility 38.00- Cutters 36.00-38.00; Canners down to 30.00. Bulls 1200- 2000 lbs. 47.00-54.00 ; 900-1200 lbs. 46.00- FEEDER CATTLE: Steers- Choice 300600 lbs. 52.0064.50. Heifers- Choice 300600 lbs. 46.00- 56.00. CALVES: Vealers- Prime and High Choice 90.00-106.00; Good and Choice 70.00-90.00; Standard 50.00- 70.00; Utility down to 35.00. Farm Calves- Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs 90.00- Heifers 90-120 lbs. 55.00- HOGS: Barrows and Gilts 210- 250 lbs. 48.0051.90; 170300 lbs. 42.0048.00; Sows 300650 lbs. 40.00 47.00; Boars 29.0035.00. FEEDER PIGS: 25-35 lbs. 15.00 26.00 per head; 35-50 lbs. 26.00 43.00. SHEEP: Slaughter lambs 80100 lbs. 58.0065.00; Ewes none. GOAT® 00-44.00. Farm Calendar (Continued from Page A 10) Bradford-Sullivan Forum, 8 p.m., Bradford Extension Office. Adams County forage meeting, 7:30 p.m., Biglerville High School. Dairy Topics, 8 p.m., Hunterdon Co. N.J.'Extension Office. Cecil County Agronomy Day, 9:30 a.m., Calvert Md. Grange Hall. Hamilton Bank Agri-Education Seminar, 8:30 a.m., Lancaster Farm and Home Center. Lebanon poultry meeting, 7:30 p.m., Agway Building. Wayne County Sheep and Wool Growers, 7:45 p.m, Pleasant Valley Grange. Schuylkill Co. Dairy Day, 10 a.m., Friedensburg Fire Hall. Blue Mountain FFA bouquet, 6:45 p.m., Schuylkill Haven. Friday, Feb. 24 Delaware swine meeting, 9 a.m., Georgetown substation. Saturday, Feb. 25 Wood cutting and chain saw safety program, 10 a.m.- - noon, Vo-ag Department, Blue Mountain High School, Schuylkill Haven.
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