Livestock market and auction news Dewart Livestock Dewart, Pa. Monday, Feb. 13 Report (applied by PDA CATTLE 318: Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter steers about steady. Slaughter cows 1.00-2.75 higher. Choice Yield Grade 2-4 1150-1480 lbs. slaughter steers 65.00-69.75, few Choice holsteins 58.25-65.25, Good 58.00- 63.50, Standard 50.00-55.00, few Utility 45.00-48.00. Choice slaughter heifers 65.00-69.25 few Choice holsteins 60.0061.50, Good 54.0068.50, Breaking Utility St Commercial slaughter cows 40.00- 44.50, few 46.00, Cutter St Boning Utility 38.0042.00, couple 43.00, Canner St Low Cutters 33.50-38.00, Shells down to 32.00. Individual Good slaughter bullock at 57.25. Yield Grade No. 1 1100-1940 lbs. slaughter bulls 47.25-5660. CALVES 238: Individual Prime vealer at 107.00, Choice 87.50-99.00, Good 65.00-85.00, Standard and Good 75-105 lbs. 54.0062.00, Utiilty 6065 lbs. 50.00-55.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein Bulls 90-125 lbs. 62.00-109.00, mostly 75.00-95.00. HOGS 194: Barrows and gilts .50 lower. US No. 1-2 210- 240 lbs. barrows and gilts 49.00- 49.60, No. 1-3 200-245 lbs. 46.50- 48.60. US No. 1-3 245-280 lbs. sows 39.7546.00. BOARS 32.00-37.00. FEEDER PIGS 122: US No. 1-3 25-45 lbs. feeder pigs 22.00-30.00 per head, No. 1-3 (lot) 60 lbs. at 32.50, one lot No. 1-3 79 lbs. at 30.00 per head. SHEEP 23: Few Good 40-110 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 45.00-55.00. Slaughter ewes 16.00-32.00. GOATS 5: Few Large 30.00-47.00 per head. Oklahoma Cattle Wednesday, February 15 Report supplied by USDA Estimated Receipts Same Day Last Week r NEW & USED EQUIPMENT ] " SAVINGS! JOHN DEERE PRE-SEASON JOHN DEERE SALE Waiver Of Finance Until 1/1/85 on Tractors JD 2550 Tractor 2 - Upper Beater Att. MFWD JD 4050 Tractor Sound-gard body, MPWD, Power Shift JD 4250 Tractor Sound-gard body, MFWD, Power Shift JD 148 Loader Mountings-(2840-2940) JD 260 Loader Mountings-(2840-2940) JD 37 Loader 60” Bucket only JD 75 Loader Bucket only-53” JD 3960 Harvester Elect. Controls, 1000 RPM JD7Ft. Hay Pick-up JD3R 30” Corn Head JD 550 Sprayer 40 Ft. Boom 2 -JD 7000 Planters (6RW) Conservation, Coulters, Dry Fert., Insect. Att. 2-JD 7000 Planters (4RW) Conservation, Coulters, Dry Fert., Insect. Att. JD 1440 Planters (4RW) No-Till Planter, Coulters, Plateless Units, Dry Fert. JD 450 Hydr-Push Spreader Hyd. Endgate JD 660 Spreader Upper Beater WENGER IMPLEMENT, INC. RD 1/Quarryville Buck, PA. 17566 717-284-4141 Feeder Steers and Heifers averaging steady to 50 cents lower. Trade uneven. Bulk supply Medium Frame 1 450-900 lbs. Feeder Steers and 400-700 lbs. Heifers. FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Large Frame 1 300-400 lb. 74.50-79.00; 400-500 lb. 70.00-75.00, few 68.25-70.00; 500600 lb. 66.00- 73.25, lot 525 lbs. gaunt 74.90; 600- 800 lb. 66.5069.00; 800600 lb. 66.00- 68.00, very fleshy 64.2066.50, load 810 lb. 69.00; 900-1050 lbs. 64.20- 67.00, Small Frame 1 445 lb. 70.10; 500600 lb. 65.0067.25. Medium and Large Frame 1-2 385 lb. thin 75.50; 450600 lb. gaunt 72.50-74.00; 500600 lb. 65.2567.00; 600600 lb. 63.75- 67.50. Medium and Large Frame 2 605 lb. 64.40; 700650 lb. 60.0061.00. Large Frame 2 Holsteins 630 lb. 51.30; 850-950 lb. 48.9063.40; 1130 lb. 48.10. FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Large Frame 1 275-400 lb. 62.0065.00, couple lots thin 350415 lbs. 65.9066.00; 400600 lb. 59.50- 64.00 ; 500600 lb. 59.0062.80; lot thin and gaunt 565 lb. 63.75- 600-750 lb. 59.5063.20, lots 825680 lb. 55.50- 58.80. Medium and Large Frame Mixed 1-2 375600 lb. 55.2569.00. Medium Frame 2 490600 lb. 53.00- 53.80,6751 b. 53.00. FOR THE WEEK: Feeder Steers and Heifers under 500 lb. steady to 1.00 higher; over 500 lb. steady. Late trade uneven with definite trend directions unsettled between different weight groups. Slaughter Cows 2.00-2.50 higher; Bulls 1.00-1.50 higher. Omaha Livestock Thursday, Feb. 16 Report Supplied by USDA CATTLE: Pressure from a declining dressed beef market set the stage for losses in fed cattle prices, with closing trade levels 50- 1.00 below last week. Mud, “Short 7,000 5,475 (54 Spreader) JD 8200 Grain Drill 18x7 Plain Drill, Gauge o-Matic Opener, Grass Seed Att. JD 8250 Grain Drill 14x7, Fert. & Grain, Dou- ble Disk Opener, Grass Seed Att. JD 1600 Plow 4 Bottom, Spring Reset, 18” Coulters JD 1610 Chisel Plow 12 Ft, (3 Pt.), Gauge Wheels, Spring Trip Standard JD 506 Rotary Cutter 5Ft, (3Pt.) JD 606 Rotary Cutter 6 Ft., Slip Clutch Drive, 3 Pt. Hitch JD 1008 Rotary Cutter Pull Type (10 Ft.) JD 225 Disk Harrow 10’6”-Offset, 24” Blades JD 115 Disk Harrow 11’5”-Double Offset, 20” Blades JD 315 Disk Harrow 12T0” - Double Offset, 24” Blades JD6620 Side Hill Combine JD2IS 15 Ft. Flexible Grain Head JD643 6 Row Corn Head red" and lightweight cattle again posed problems for the trade, although some increase was noted in the demand for “wanned up” kinds to return to feedlots. Cows 1.00-3.00 higher, bulls 3.004.00 higher. Estimated 5 day receipts 9200; actuals last week 7756 and last year 9715. Steers comprised 44 pet of the week’s receipts; heifers 36 pet., cows 13 pet., feeders 6 pet. STEERS: At the close, load choice 24 high dressing near 1175 lbs. 68.50. Choice 24 1050-1250 lbs. 66.5068.00. Mixed good and choice 2-3 1000-1150 lbs. 65.0067.00. Good 62.0065.00. Mixed good and choice 2-3 1200-1400 lb. holsteins 59.50- 60.50. HEIFERS: Scattered loads and packages choice 24 950-1050 lbs. 64.5065.50, part load 66.00. Several loads carrying considerable mud 64.00. Mixed good and choice 2-3 900-1050 lbs. 62.5064.50. Good 60.00- 62.50. Average of LB-214, detailed quotations for 900-1100 lb. choice steers 66.55; 1100-1300 lbs. 67.85. Average cost steers 66.47, average weight 1145 lbs; as compared 67.36 and 1149 lbs a week ago. Average cost heifers 64.76, average weight 1001 lbs; as compared 65.46 and 992 lbs a week ago. COWS: Breaking utility and commercial 2-3 40.5043.60, few high dressing to 44.50. Cutter and boning utility 1-2 37.5042.50, few to INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE l-JD 42300 Tractor w/4 Poet Roll Guard l-JD 22400 Tractor w/Enclosure 1-JO 26300 Tractor l-JD •A” Tractor 1IHC"H" Tractor MHCW6 Tractor 1-Ford 8N Tractor 1-Ford 1100 0 Tractor w/4 Whtai Drive l-JD 4400 0 Combine w/Qrain Platform 1-JO 443 4 Row Corn Head 1-Used Nl Cut/drtioner 1 Used JD 800 Sell Propelled Windrower 1-Used JO24T Baler 1 Used JD 30 Kicker 1-Used JDI4T Baler 1 Used NH 271 Baler w/Kicker 1-Used JD 6500 Blower Fora*e 1 Used JD 64 Blower 1-Used JD 65 Blower 1 UeedJD99 Sickle Bar 1 Used JD 300 Elevator 1-Used JD BV* ft Hay Pick Up 1 Used JD 3960 Harvester 1-Used JD 38 Harvester 1 Used JD 35 Harvester 1 Used JD 3 Row Corn Head 1-Used Hensen Cab Off 26300 Tractor 1 Used JO 2 Row 40" Corn Head 1 Used JD 2 Row 30" Corn Head 1 Used JD 1 Row Corn Head 1 Used ISA Flail Chopper 1 Used JD 344 Corn Head for Picker 1 Used Grove 3 pt Blade 1 Used JD 37 Loader 1 Used Farm Hand F2O Loader for 2010 Tractor 1 Used JD 845 2 Way Plow 1 Used JD FR 5 3-4' Bottom Plow 1 Used JD F 145 5' Bottom Plow 1 Used JD 115 Chuck Wagon w/1065 Running Gear 1 Used Lamco Forage Wagon w/Running Gear 1 Used JO 216 Forage Wagon 1 Used Bnltion Packer 1 Used JD 3 Section Spring Harrow 1 Used Pittsburg Disk Harrow 1 Used Athens Disk Harrow 1 Used Fnch Disk Harrow 1 Used JO 790 Flail Spreader 1 Used FBB Drill w/Press Wheel 1 Used AC 4 Row Corn Planter 1 Used JO 7000 4 Row Planter 1 Used IH 400 Planter 1 Used 1240 Plate Planter I Used 1240 Plateless Planter 1-Used JD 1440 4 Row Planter ImcartT Fairing, Saturday, Fafcnwry U, IM4—M3 43.50. Canner and low cutter 36.50- 41.50. BULLS: 1-2 1100-2470 lbs. 44.00- 53.00, few high dressing to 53.25. Central U.S. Carlot Pork Report Wednesday, February 15 Report supplied by USDA Compared to Tuesday’s 4:00 report: Fresh Pork trade active. Demand good at steady to lower price levels. Offerings moderate. Regular Pork Loins stead to $3.00 lower, Retail Trim Loins $l.OO to $2.00 lower; 4-6 lb. Picnics $l.OO to $2.00 higher, B&up lb. Picnics steady; 17-20 lb. Skinned Hams steady, instances $l.OO higher and Sdls Bellies 16-18 lbs. steady. Sales reported on 65 loads of Fresh Pork Cuts and 11 loads of Trimmings and Boneless Processing Pork. Fresh Pork Cuts LOINS: (Regular) 14-17 lbs. 93.00- steady-2.00 lower; 17-22 lbs. 92.00-95.00, steady-3.00 lower. LOINS: (Retail Trun) 14-17 lbs. 104.00- 1.00-2.00 lower. 14-17 lbs. 105.00-107.00, short cut, no comparison. PICNICS: 4-8 lbs. 41.0042.00, 1.00-2.00 higher; 8/up lbs. 40.00- 40.50, steady. BOSTON BUTTS: 4-8 lbs. 68.00, no comparison. HAMS (Skinned); 17-20 lbs. BELT CONVEYOR iA’ P&D Belt Con "EVERYTHING A BELT CONVEYOR SHOULD BE" Strong! Lightweight! High Capacity! Low Profile Design! Quiet Performance! Economial to operate! • LargeS” Drive Pully forconstant • 3 /», 1, or IV2 HP is all that’s re service under heavy loads quired to operate the conveyor up • 26 Gauge Side Covers - for pro to 120’ tection from moving belt • Conveys material up to 35° incline • Tubular Frame Sections-strong using Rough Top or Cresent Top lightweight, reduced belt drag Belt • Large Flared Hopper with wipers • Variable Belt Speeds by changing • Large Capacity Cupped Belt avail- drive pully ratios able in Rough Top Mini Rough Top or Cresent Top • s’Pressure Fit Covers protection for the materials being conveyed HOWARD NEGLEY-MILLER RIBSTONE SILO TERRE HILL HARKLEROAD SILO CO. OF PA SILO CO. Westover, PA Shermansdale, PA Troy, PA Terre Hill, PA 814-743-6340 717-582-4108 717-297-2108 215-445-6736 65.00, steady, inst. 3 loads early 66.00. 1.00 higher; 20-26 lbs. 65.00, no comparison. BELLIES (Sdls - Skin On): 12-14 lbs. 53.00-54.00, no recent test; 14-16 lbs. 53.00-54.00, no recent test; 16-18 lbs. 52.00, steady. Pork Trimmings Boneless Processing Pork (Chemical Lean) 42% Lean Trimmings Fresh 35.00, no recent test. 42% Lean Trimmings Frozen 34.50,5.00 lower than Monday. 72% Lean Trimmings Fresh 65.00, no recent test. 72% Lean Trimmings Frozen 63.50, no recent test. 72% Boneless Picnics Fresh 65.00-66.00, steady-1.00 lower. 72% Boneless Picnics Frozen 65.00. 3.00,10wer. North Jersey Livestock Hackettstown, N.J. Tuesday, February 14 Report supplied by auction 1171 head. Calves 33.00-110.00; Cows 25.00- 45.50; Easy Cows 3.00-36.75; Heifers 33.75-51.50; Bulls 35.25- 56.75; Steers 48.25-63.00; Hogs 32.00- Hosting Pigs, each 15.00- Kids 11.00-40.00; Boars 32.00- Sows 35.00-43.00; Sheep 10.00- Lambs, each 28.00- 60.00; Lambs, per lb. 34.00-75.00; Goats, each 26.00-69.00; Hides 4.00- 22.00. by P & D Mfg. Co., Inc. P.O. Box 307, Plainfield, Illinois 60544 A RAILOC COMPANY A Some illustrations may be pictured with safety guards removed This is for a clearer view of product i only 301-658-5359 PENNSYLVANIA
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