PUBLIC SALE SAT., FEBRUARY 4,1984 11:00 A.M. MODERN FARM EQUIPMENT HARVESTORSILO Located: R.D. #2, Palmyra, Lebanon Co. Pa. Between Lawn and Cambelltown, Along Patrick Rd. From Rt. 322 in Cambelltown go South on Rt. 117 to Patrick Rd. or North of Lawn take Lawn Rd., to Patrick Rd. (Look for sale arrows) 20x40 HARVESTOR SILO w/Tube Auger Unloader, 4430 JOHN DEERE TRACTOR Wide tires, Cab-air-radio w/Power shift. 1980 801 NEW IDEA 4-Wh. Drive UNI TRACTOR 713 S COMBINE HEAD (Floating Header Bar) 774 4-R. SILAGE HEAD (narrow row) 767 CHOPPER, (new knives, etc.) 744 N SNAPPER ROW HEAD 818 COMBINE w/MONITOR 741FAS-TACH THROAT 840 FAS-TACH THROAT Note: Each piece to be sold as an individual piece. Ford 6 B. 16” Semi-Mount Plow, 230 J.D. 24’ wide Disc; 12’ Brillion Cultimulcher; Bush Hog 10 Tooth Chisel Plow; 694 J.D. 6-row narrow Corn Planter w/fert; IH 3 pt. 4-Row Culti.; 10 ft. Midwest Harrow; Brady 18’ double tine harrow; Myers Hydro Snow Plow w/Bracket for J.D. 4430; 1209 J.D. Haybine; 18’ metal rack bale wagon; N.1.5-bar rake; IH baler Model 37 w/thrower; 717 N.H. Super chopper w/l-row com head; Dion Blower; 2 Badger ensilage wagons w/tandem axles. An Hydrous tank w/pump (fits 4030 to 4430) GT37O Model Dryer; 21’ Mayrath Auger; 34’ Mayrath elevator w/head spout & down spout; NI 198 B”xs3’ Auger (top drive); Kill Bros, bin wagon; power generator; N.I. 210 Manure Spreader- J.D. Hay Fluffer; Plus items not listed. AUCT. NOTE-Equip. In excellent cond. NOT MANY SMALL ITEMS, BE PROMPT. Lunch Available. Sale By DAVID M.& BRENDA D. GISH C.H. WOLGEMUTH & H. SHAFFNER, AUCTS. PH. 665-5664 Public Auction Register Closing Date - Monday. 5 00 P M of each week's publication FRI JUNE 21 - Monthly Cow Sale at Mel Kolb, Inc , Maryland Farm, Woodsboro, MD, Vz mile North West of Woodsboro on Rt 550 in Frederick Co FRI JUNE 22 - 700 PM Dairy Sale Located at Penns Valley Livestock Auction, Centre Hall, PA Scott L Yocum and Ron Gilligan, Auctioneers SAT JUNE 23 Colonial World Class Sale 2 Located at Adams Charolais Farm, Spring field, OH Sponsored by Colonial Charolais d > I DEALER IN ALL KINDS | j OF LIVESTOCK * i Also Crippled & Down Cattle \ L j MARLIN S. IRWIN | 4 Quarryville, PA i PH: 717-786-3016 | 4 I . . THURS AUG 2 Monthly o*o* 9* OH o*o*o* OHO* o*o*l Cow Sale at Mel Kolb. Inc mm m Lancaster Farm, 2220 SPECIAL * ry Road ' Lancaster ’ I MACHINERY * Fsns~;r^;» 9 Will I™ til* I JP Cow Sale at Mel Kolb, fnc , *A jkjkßiaiAAißflpiAiHi O Maryland Farm, % CONSIGNMENT 5 sste JSb&ss m m _ 2 on Rt 550 in Frederick SALE * * } FRIDAY, FEB. 17,1984 % Me 24^1 Z II nratinn - Mai Kolb's Woodsboro » Penns Valley Livestock Location - wiei *oid s wooasooro jp Auctlon Centre HaM PA Maryland Farm. Directions: Vz mile North ® Scott L Yocum and Ron QWest of Woodsboro on Rt. 550 in-I Glll| B an Auctloneers * Frederick - SEPT . * . . . , • THURS SEPT 6 Month!, 1 Tractors and All Types Farm Equipment, also jw Cow Sale at Mel Kolb, me accepting Hay and Straw. • Lancaster Farm, 2220 ICall collect before February 1, 1984 so we can .JP Gair Y Road, Lancaster, advertise your consignments. 717-569-6800 or • 569-2106. -f Z WATCH FOR NEXT P * WEEK S ADVERTISEMENT % o*6*9lo* 9* 9* o*9* *o*o*9* Association Managed by Garey Cattle Sales, Inc , 100 Walnut Lane, Mor nsville, PA 19067 SAT JUNE 23 - 10 A M Registered Heifer Sale at New Holland Sales Stables, Inc 12 miles east of Lancaster oft Rt 23 in New Holland, Pa Abe Dif fenbach, Manager SAT JUNE 30 - 11 AM Public Auction of Horses Located at Keister's Mid dleburg Auction Sales, Inc , Rt 555, 3 mi east of Middleburg, PA, 5 mi west of Selmsgrove, PA Don and Walt Keister, Owners Ray Long and Dave Imes, Auctioneers JULY THURS JULY 5 - Monthly Cow Sale at Mel Kolb, Inc Lancaster Farm, 2220 i Dairy Road, Lancaster, PA FRI JULY 6 7 PM Horse Sale at New Holland Sales Stables, Inc 12 miles east of Lan caster off Rt 23 in New HollandPa Abe Diften bach, Manager fn JULY 13 - 130 PM Public Auction of State Grade Consignor Feeder Pig Sale Located at the Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc FRI JULY 19 - Monthly Cow Sale at Mel Kolb, Inc , Maryland Farm, Woodsboro, MD, ‘/ 2 mile North West of Woodsboro on Rt 550 in Frederick Co FRI JULY 27 - 700 PM Dairy Sale Located at Penns Valley Livestock Auction, Centre Hall, PA Scott L Yocum and Ron Gilhgan, Auctioneers AU FRI SEPT 7 - 700 P M Holstein Promotional Sale at New Holland Sales Stables, Inc 12 miles East of Lancaster off Rt 23 in New Holland, PA Abe Dif fenbach, Manager SAT SEPT 10 - 9 AM Public Auction of 78 Acre Farm and Personal Pro perty located south of Selmsgrove, PA on Rt 35 for 9 mi to intersection of Rt 35 and 104 (at blink ing light) in Mt Pleasant Mills Then make a left turn on Rt 104 south and go Vi mi to sale Estate of Frank Leach Dale Longacre and Wayne Hoff man, auctioneers TUES SEPT 20 - 1 PM Public Auction of FirsLvJ Calf Holstein Heifers , Located 3 mi north of i Chambersburg, PA Gerald and Eddy Ham j mond, Owners Ralph W • Horst, Auctioneer TUES SEPT 20 1 PM Public Aution of Farm Equipment and Vehicles Located 1-90 East exit 4, Slingerlands, Rt 85 south to Exit Krumkill Rd , turn right and proceed 1 mi to auction site on left Uncle Sam Auctions, Inc TUES SEPT 20 - 1 PM Public Auction of Cattle Located at Hammondale Acres Farm, 3 mi north of Chambersburg, PA, 1 mi south of Letterkenny Ar my Depot, Gate 1, bet ween Cheesetown and Salem Church along Funk Rd Gerald and Eddy Hammond, Owners Ralph W Horst, Auctioneer TUES SEPT 20 - 5 PM Public Auction of Anti ques, Collectibles and Household Goods Located at 2 E Mam St, Adamstown, PA Larry Pryor, Owner T Glenn and Timothy G Horst, Auctioneers TUBS SEPT 20 7PM Public Auction of Antique Guns Located at Tread way Inn, Lancaster, PA Dave Martin, Auctioneer Ti UES SEPT 20 - 5 30 PM Farmersville Auction in Farmersville, 3 mi East of Brownstown, Lancaster Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, January 21,1984—D31 County, Pa John J Rutt, Auctioneers TUES SEPT 20 - 8 PM DS T Registered and Grade Milking Herd Dispersal and Open Heifers to be held at Smoketown Quality Dairy Sales, Smoketown, Pa Rt 340 5 Miles E of Lan caster, 5 miles West of In tercourse Sale by Smoketown Quality Dairy Sale, Gordon and Helen Fritz Carl Differ and Paul Snyder, Auctioneers OCT THURS OCT 4 - Monthly Cow Sale at Mel Koltj, Inc Lancaster Farm, 2220 Dairy Road, Lancaster, PA SAT OCT 13 - 10 00 A M Annual Fall Heifer Sale at New Holland Sales Stable, Inc 12 miles East of Lancaster off Rt 23 in New Holland, PA Abe Diffenbach, Manager FRI OCT 18 - Monthly Cow Sale at Mel Kolb, Inc , Maryland Farm, Woodsboro, MD, ‘/ 2 mile North West of Woodsboro on Rt 550 in Frederick Co WED OCT 31 12 Noon Annual Dairy Show and AUCTIONEER’S DIRECTORY i< NOTICE To assure that your Public Sale appears in the Public Sale Section we must have your ad vertisement by 4 P.M. Tuesday of each week's publication AUCTIONEERS JOHNE. MARTIN Ephrata Penna vA 717 7333511 \'A AND PAULI MARTIN Stevens Penna 717 733-3305 Professional Auction Service KLINE 1. KftEIOEK auchoniehs COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL AUCTION SERVICE REAL ESTATE - FARMS & RESIDENTIAL PERSONAL PROPERTY - ANTIQUES - FARM STOCK SALES - LIQUIDATIONS RANDAL V. KLINE LLOYD H. KREDER AUCTIONEER REALTOR AUCTIONEER* 717 733 1006 717 786 3394 717 569 8701 Sale at New Holland Sales Stables, Inc 12 miles East of Lancaster off Rt 23 in New Holland, PA Abe Diffenbach, Manager NOVEMBER THURS NOV 2 - Monthly Cow Sale at Mel Kolb, Inc Lancaster Farm, 2220 Dairy Road, Lancaster, PA FRI Nov 9 - 900 AM Public Sale of Farm Equipment at New Holland Sales Stable, Inc Located 12 miles East of Lancaster off Rt 23 in New Holland, PA Abe Diffenbach, Manager FRI NOV 15 - Monthly Cow Sale at Mel Kolb, Inc , Maryland Farm, Woodsboro, MD, '/? mile North West of Woodsboro on Rt 550 in Frederick Co DEC THURS DEC 7 - Monthly Cow Sale at Mel Kolb, Inc Lancaster Farm, 2220 Dairy Road, Lancaster, PA FRI DEC 20 - Monthly Cow s3le 3t Mel Kolb, Inc , Maryland Farm, Woodsboro, MD, */» mile North West of Woodsboro on Rt 550 in Frederick Co AUCTIONEERS FRANK & PAUL SNYDER Livestock Farm Equipment Household Goods Antiques No sale too small or ioo large 717 859 2688 717 733 7052 C.H. WOLGEMUTH RD H 2 MANHEIM PA AUCTIONEER Member of COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE CALL 717 665-5664
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