D3o—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 21,1984 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 6 00PM o( each week s publication FRI APR 20 630 PM Public Auction of Feeder Cattle and Feeder Pigs Located at Keister’s Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc , Rt 555, 3 mi east of Middleburg, PA, 5 mi west of Selmsgrove, PA Don and Walt Keister, Owners Ray Long and Dave Imes, Auctioneers SAT APR 21, 1984 18th Colonial Charolais Spring Sale Located at'Frederick Fairgrounds, Frederick, MD Colonial Charolais Association Sponsors Garey Cattle Sales, Inc , 100 Walnut Lane, Mor nsville, PA, Managers FRI APR 27 - 6 PM Public Auction of 250-300 Head Heifers, all sizes, Springing, Bred and Open Heifers, some registered Located at the Belleville Livestock Market FRI APR 27 130 PM Dairy & Heifer Sale Located at Penns Valley Livestock Auction, Centre Hall, PA Scott L Yocum and Ron Gilhgan, Auc tioneers SAT APR 28 - 10 AM Public Auction of Horses Located at Keister's Mid dleburg Auction Sales, Rt 555, 3 mi east of Mid dleburg, PA, 5 mi west of Selmsgrove, PA Don and Walt Keister, Owners Ray Long and Dave Imes, Auc tioneers SAT APR 28 - 700 PM Club Lamb & Shoats Sale Located at Penns Valley Livestock Auction, Centre Hall, PA Scott L Yocum and Ron Gilhgan, Auc tioneers MAY THURS MAY 3 Monthly Cow Sale at Mel Kolb, Inc Lancaster Farm, 2220 Dairy Road, Lancaster, PA FRI MAY 4 7PM Horse Sale at New Holland Sales Stables, Inc 12 miles east of Lancaster off Rt 23 in New Holland, Pa Abe Dif fenbach, Manager FRI MAY 4 700 PM Feeder Cattle & Pig Sale Located at Penns Valley Livestock Auction, Centre Hall, PA Scott L Yocum and Ron Gilligan, Auc tioneers FRI MAY 11 130 PM Public Auction of State Grade Consignor Feeder Pig Sale Located at the Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc FRI MAY 17 Monthly Cow Sale at Mel Kolb, Inc , Maryland Farm, Woodsboro, MD, Vi mile North West of Woodsboro on Rt 550 in Frederick Co FRI MAY 18 630 PM Public Auction of Feeder Cattle and Feeder Pigs Located at Keister’s Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc , Rt 555, 3 mi east of Middleburg, PA, 5 mi west of Selmsgrove, PA Don and Walt Keister, Owners Ray Long and Dave Imes, Auctioneers FRI MAY 25 700 PM Dairy Sale Located at Penns Valley Livestock Auction, Centre Hall, PA Scott L Yocum and Ron Gilligan, Auctioneers SAT MAY 26 10 A M Grade Heifer Sale at New Holland Sales Stables Inc 12 miles east of Lan caster off Rt 23 in New Holland, Pa Abe Diffen bach, Manager PUBLIC AUCTION CONSIGNMENT SALE TUES., FEB. 7,1984 9:00 A.M. Sharp Located on Rt. 472, 5 mi. S. of Quarryville 6 mi. N. of Oxford at Shaubs Auction Grounds in Kirkwood, Lane. Co. Pa. Sale of Hay, Straw, Grain & Firewood Horses & Mules, Tractors, Mechanical & Horse-drawn machinery. Building material, Locust posts Buggies & carriages, New & used Chain saw parts. Air & elec, tools hand tools of all sorts. Milking equipment, compressors Vacuum pumps, Sputnicks, Milkers & washers. Truck load of Groc. & Salvage Groc. Load of fruits, vegetables, fish & oysters. Cousin with dry goods. Much more too numerous to mention. Bring a load, buy a load. Receiving Feb. 6, & Feb. 7 till sale time Guard on duty. No out of state checks accepted with out Bank approval. Sale order 9:00 A.M. Small items Groc. Dry Goods etc. 12 Noon Hay & Straw, Building Material, Machinery, Horses & Mules. Sale by KING’S AUCTION V, KOKIDH A KLIM* AUCTION SIRVICI Phone 717-786-3394 or 717-733-1006 Lunch Available SAT MAY 26 11 AM Public Auction ol Horses Located at Keister’s Mid dleburg Auction Sales, Rt 555, 3 mi east of Mid dleburg, PA, 5 mi west ot Selmsgrove, PA Don and Walt Keister, Owners Ray Long and Dave Imes, Auc tioneers JUNE THURS JUNE 7 Monthly Cow Sale at Mel Kolb, Inc Lancaster Farm, 2220 Dairy Road, Lancaster, PA FRI JUNE 8 130 PM Public Auction of State Grade Consignor Feeder Pig Sale Located at the Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc FRI JUNE 15 630 PM Public Auction of Feeder Cattle and Feeder Pigs Located at Keister's Mid dleburg Auction Sales, Inc , Rt 555, 3 mi east of Middleburg, PA, 5 mi west of Selmsgrove, PA Don and Walt Keister, Owners Ray Long and Dave Imes, Auctioneers * For Lar-Bon Farm Larry & Bonnie Miller, Mount Joy, Pa. Including Open & Bred Heifers - Calves, 4-V.G. 15-G.P. TUESDAY, JAN. 24,1984,11:00 A.M. To be held at Smoketown Quality Dairy Sales Smoketown, PA. Rte. 340-5 mi. E. of Lane. 5 mi. W. of Intercourse 84 Reg. Holsteins - 46 cows - mostly fall & winter. 40 Registered heifers in all, from springing down to baby calves. There are 18 heifers from ages born 2/27/83 to 12/30/83,8 heifers born from 3/16/82 to 8/11/82,10 heifers born from 9/20/82 to 12/10/82 and 4 close bred heifers. Certified-Accredited-Tested within 30 days. Mostly all Vacc-Innoculated for shipping fever. Pregnancy Check. AAA coding system. Last year -15,500 m. 565 F. - Present 51 lbs. per day. Official DHIA Records 12.9 calving interval. Avg. age of herd about 5 yr. with the exception of a few brood cows. #46 - G+B2 - Dividend Performer 356 - 25,860 - 3.5 - 914 305 - 24,041-3.5 - 844 G+Bl-Elevation Fr. 10-26-84 lbs. 3.9 314 - 21,302 - 3.8 - 803 G+B2 - Astronaut Fr. 10-8 69.5 lbs. #6 - G+Bl - Moonshot Joe - Due 2-7 to Very 329-19,941-3.7-740 3yr. Rocket Fr. 11-15 - 75.5 lbs. 3.6 - Heifer by Jo DAN - 2.2 - 316 -15,503 - 3.6 - 563 Chief Charlie - Due 6-15 to Astronaut Proj. 13,014 -510 -DAM -EX 305-18,403 - 4.2 - 775 295-17,076-4.3-737 #l3B - V.G. Moonshot Joe - Due Aug. to Memorial Syr. 347-19,499 - 4.2 - 817 4yr. 346-18,302 - 4.0 - 730 Heifer calf by Wileeda Citation R. #8 - G+B2 Rockman Fifty Five - Due 1-19 to Colonel 339-21,515-3.5-763 305-15,780 - 3.7 - 585 Sires represent! Elevation, Glen Valley Star, Astronaut, Rocket, Money Maker, Ace, Performer, Tamlane, Rocknu Services Sires - Astronaut, Marvex, Very, Chapel, Also selling same DAY - Reg. born 7/27/81 vacc. Sire-Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation. Dam-Weeping Williow Jet Sue 3 yrs 313 dys 13,042 3 8T 499 F 4 yrs 92 4 lbs first test, due Feb. to Dale-Pride Fobes Freddie E.T. Sire-Pawnee Farm Arlinda Chief EX 94. Index +1433M +67F + I.34PDT +533 TPI. Dam- Paclamar Dtr. EX 92-10 yr. +94BM +SSF. 6 records from 2 yrs. to 9 yrs. 18.030 M to over 27,810, test 4.0% up to 4.6% and 909 F to 1,287 F. 2nd Dam - 13.090 M to 18,930 4.3% to 4.7%, 655 F to 881 F. 3rd Dam 13,385 to 20.247 M 3.8% to 4.8% and 573 F to 829 F. VACC. 2 yr. Roybrook Tempo. Due by sale time to Mil-Nor DAM G+ Astronaut Daugh. She sold for $3200 at Public Sale. 3 yr. 352-19,370 3.9 757 2 yr. 309-13,435 4.3 575 VACC - 2yr. East Star - Fr. 1-6 DAM G+B3 - Bootmaker syr.- 341-18,269-3.6-644 2nd DAM - Ex9l - 9yr. 305 - 23,360 - 3.5 - 828 Syr. 305-19,630 - 3.8 - 738. Big Breeding Wheel-Farmers Stock Breeders Management Aid-Shows Monthly Breeding Program If you need cows that milk 70 Ids. to 100 lbs. per day. Don’t miss this sale. This is a rare opportunity to get milk, Bloodlines and foundation cows. These cows have the potential for higher classification. Sale Managed by SMOKETOWN QUALITY DAIRY SALES CO. INC. GORDON & HELEN FRITZ 717-393-0930 Carl Oilier - Reed Luce • Auctioneers Henry Kettering - Pedigrees Catalogs at Ringside Cows milked at regular time Cash or good check DAY of sale COMPLETE REGISTERED MILKING HERD DISPERSAL , Persuader, Milu Betty Chief, Gay Ideal, Creek, an, Senator. Jumbo, Vigo, Reflection. #9 - Syr. Glen Valley Star - Fr. 11-27 66 lbs. 5.1 #lO - V.G. 87 - Astro Kingpin Fr. 9-13 4 records over 19,000 lbs. G+ Elevator AL - 4-11 - 305 -19,410 - 3.7 - 720 3.2-305-16,870-3.9-653 #7B - Lucky Hope - 5 - 319 -19,856 - 3.6 - 712 6 - 309-18,310 - 3.6 - 646 #7 - G.P. Segis Lucy - Fr. 12-18 308-17,110 - 4.0 - 683 273-17,111-3.6-622 #Bl - King Pearl - with 3 Daughs. 5-332-18,430-3.8-696 6 - 339-18,654 - 3.3 - 625 G+ 82 - Elev. AI - Due 5-9 -17,386 - 3.7 - 555 Creek daugh. due soon - DAM - Merry King 322 -19,555 - 623 - 305 -19,011 - 626 - 310 -17,421 - 54€ #4O - Milu Betty Chief - proj. 3 yr. 14,979 - 470 heifer calf by Wileeda Citation - R. Open Superior by G+ 83 - Ivanhoe Star 356 - 23,159 - 3.9 - 894 Heifer Calf by - Wileeda Citation - R DAM - Harrisburg Gay Ideal Registered 4yr. old Kit Builder, 3 yrs. 6 mos., 305 dys. 21.648 M, 4.1 T, 890 F; 355 dys. 23.392 M 4.1 T, 971 F. Due 2-25-04 to Marshfield Elevation Tony + 1962 M +S2F type+l.67 TP1578. Reg. Wagnerscrest Ivanhoe Astronaut - 3.7 - 83 Show Age DAM - Sunny - Craft MAT Jody - G.P. 83 - 3 yr. 3.6 - 281 -15,703 m. 3.7 - 583 Inc. 2.6 - 326 -16,160 m. 3.5-558 3rd DAM - EX 4E - syr. - 298 -16,020 - 4.0 - 634. Heifer - Calf - Born -12-14-83 - Killdee Astrochief Wiseman V.G. - 85 - Daughs. Avg. 17,305 - 3.7 - 634 - + 1411 m. +S2F. Heifer Calf - Born -12-9-83 - Sire Hardys Starwars EX9I. +1309-P.D.T. +1.43 TPI+4OB-Daughs. Avg. 18,104 m. Also - One load of Reg. & Grade Fancy Cows out of New England States for Johnny Jr. Lunch by Sublette UowK.P. Sue -750 -Due 1-28
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