D2B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 21,1984 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5 00PM o( each week s publication FRI MARCH 15 Monthly Cow Sale at Mel Kolb Inc, Maryland Farm Woodsboro, MD, ‘/? mile North West ot Woodsboro on Rt 550 m Frederick Co FRI MARCH 16 Public Auction of Full Line of Farm Machinery Located at RD 1, Blain, Perry Co PA James Koser, Owner Kling's Auction Service FRI MARCH 16 SPM Public Auction of 65 Trac tors and Trucks, Material Small Items and Tools, Etc Located at the Kemp ton Community Center FRI MARCH 16 630 PM Public Auction of Feeder Cattle and Feeder Pigs Located at Keister's Mid dleburg Auction Sales Inc , Rt 555 3 mi east of Middleburg, PA, 5 mi west of Selmsgrove PA Don and Walt Keister Owners Ray Long and Dave Imes, Auctioneers FRI MARCH 16 Public Auction of Farm Equip ment Antiques and Household Goods Located along Red Run Rd , 2 mi northwest of Terre Hill, near the Red Run Campground Lloyd PUBLIC SALE FARM MACHINERY HOUSEHOLD ITEMS & ANTIQUES THURSDAY, MARCH 1,1984 9:30 A.M. LOCATED: Off Rt. 15, 5 mile south of Dillsburg at County Line Rd. Turn west - 2nd farm on left or 3 mile north of York Springs. "Watch tor Signs". Farmall 856 Diesel wide front, duel hydraulic, good rubber, rear weights, Farmall 504 Diesel narrow front, 3 pt. & power steering, Int. 444 Gas w/Power steering, 3 pt,, Live PTO & 2050 Int. Loader, Farmall H tractor (bought new on farm), International 55 pull type chisel plow 10 tooth, Int. 37 Transport Disk (36 blade), Int. 3x16 Model 60 trailer plow, Little Genius 2 Bottom trailer plow, Int. 56 - 4 Row planter dry fertilizer & disk openers, Int. #lO single disk 16 drill, Int. 82 pull type combine w/Grain Bin & PTO driven, Int. 35 hyd. Roto Bar Rake (5 bar), Int. 37 PTO Baler w/thrower, Int. 110 mtd. mower for 424 or 444, Int. #8 Flail Chopper, Int. 1150 Grinder Mixer, Int. 4 Row front mtd. culti., Int. 2 row front mtd. culti. for 240, Int. 401 -12 ft. Spring Harrow, 2 - Int. 330 dump wagons w/thrower rack sides 8 ton, Grove dump wagon (all wagons have 16 ft. beds), hydraulic cylinders, Int. 3 Bar Steel Wheel Rake, New Idea 36 ft. elevator w/drag & Vv hp motor, Bucks 8 ft. cultipacker, Mayrath 6”xl6’ gram augers w/carnage & IVz hp. motor, rubber tire wagon & bed, steel wheel wagon, New Idea 12A manure spreader, 2 MH Int. mtd. 2 row corn picker for 504, David Bradley grain cleaner, 4”x2o’ grain auger w/ 3 /4 hp. motor, 3 pt. potato plow, 2- 13.6x38 used tires, Locust & Iron fence posts, wagon tires, wooden & metal barrels, 40 ft. ladder, step ladder, cattle & hog wire pannels, Sidney cattle & hog feeders, 6 hog huts, Smidly Range Shelters, metal tool bins, Int. Bush bumper, electric fence, Stewart cattle clipper, pig feeders, feed cart, log chains, poultry wire, brooder, cast bath tub, lumber, wash tubs, milk cans & buckets, feed bags, new pipe vise, buckets, 160,200,300 gal. fuel tanks, 20 & 30 weight motor oil, scalding trough, butcher equip. & tools & misc. small items. Allis Chalmers 812 w/mower, tiller, Snow Blade & Culti Cadet 60 Riding Lawn Mower w/32” Mower. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS & ANTIQUES Victrolla in working condition, old records, oak stands, copper wash boiler, cradle, wooden egg crate, unklen, iron stone wash bowl & pitcher, por celain pitcher, gold water glasses w/birds & berries design, depression bowl, vase, ironstone platter, market basket, old picture frames & old pictures, cast iron & ten fry pans, bear bank, glass lid jars, canning jars, crocks, meat grinder (Enterprise 22), sausage staffer, iron kettles, stirrers, egg scales & baskets, baby crib, doll crib, egg washer, butcher bench, wooden table, play pen, home made brooms, platform rocker, living room suite, studio couch, guitar, stool, magazine rack, typewriter stand, adding machine, shelving, record cabinet, clothes hamper, dressing chair, metal utility cabinet, Hoover upright sweeper & attachments, Dudly chunk stove, wooden barrels, plus other items of interest. G.E. Electric Range w/Self Cleaning oven 30”-Like New. G.E. Refrigerator w/freezer-Like New. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE; This farm equip, is in very good condition & was well cared for; so don’t miss this sale. SALE ORDER: 9:30 Household Items -10:30 Wagon Items -11:30 Field of equip. & tractors. MR. & MRS. MARLIN PENTZ RD #l, York Springs, Pa. Ph. 717-528-4595 AUCTIONEER: Blaine N. Rentzel Emigsville, Pa. Daytime; 717-764-6412 Evenings: 717-266-1671 H Martin Owner Nevm Martin Paul Horst and Lowell Horst Auc tioneers FRI MARCH 16 Public Auction of Dairy Cows Mules Farm Machinery, and Household Goods Located at 361 Mount Sidney Rd Lancaster Witmer, PA David B and Naomik Smucker, Owner Frank and Paul Snyder Auctioneers SAT MARCH 17 930 AM Public Auction of Farm Equipment, Household Goods and Antiques Located between East Petersburg and Manheim turn off of Rt 72 on West Auction Rd , Ist crossroad left Titus M Mary H Eugene N and Donna J Nolt Owners Robert E and Jeffrey R Martin 656 7770 Auc tioneers SAT MARCH 17 Public Auction of Farm Machinery and Misc Items Located at RD Mechanicsburg Cumberland Co PA Robert Eppley Owner Klmg's Auction Service SAT MARCH 17 9AM Public Auction of Farm Equipment Tools and FARM MACHINERY TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK FULL SETTLEMENT SALE DAY. oniuii items Located at the Kempton Community Center 12 Auctioneers SAT MARCH 17 9 30 AM Public Auction of Farm Machinery and Antiques Located at Chester Wilson Farm, approx 4 mi south of Strasburg PA off Rt 896 take May Post Office Rd south to Weaver Rd to Winter Hill Rd Chester and Anna Wilson Owners Ron Funk Auctions SAT MARCH 17 9AM Public Auction of 160 Acre Farm, Machinery, Dairy Equipment, Shop Tools and some Household Located in Mifflin Co 4 miles NE of Milroy, PA or 1 mile North of Siglerville, PA Mrs Elder Goss, Owner Mark Click, Auctioneer SAT MARCH 17 Public Auction of Farm Equip ment Located near Men don N Y Saxby Imple ment Co , Owners Ralph Horst and Blame Rentzel Auctioneers MON MAR 19 930 AM Annual Consignment Auc tion ot Farm Machinery M M Weaver and Sons Inc Located 1 mile north ot Rt 23 along Groffdale Road John and Paul E Martin Auctioneers MON MARCH 19 BAM Public Auction of Hogs Located at the New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, PA CL Stoltzfus Chairman TUES “ARCH 20 io AM sieve Petersheim Auc Public Auction of Horse tioneer ' Drawn Farm Machinery MP »<Appu~ori aon Horse Mules and Heifers MARCH 20 930 Located % mi west of AM Public Auction of Gap along 741 Levi E P alr V Cows. Mules and and Mary Fisher Owners Farm Implements PUBLIC SALE -OF GARAGE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES Rothsville, Pa. WED., JANUARY 25,1984 AT 6 P.M. Located at 2077 Main St, Rothsville, Lancaster Co., Pa. 1978 Dodge Power Wagon (4-Wheel Drive) Bishman Air Tire Change (Model 2000) Bishman Tire Balancer; Transmission Jack; Snap-on Mechanics Upper & Lower Tool Cabinets with drawers; Timing Light; Mac Engine Anahzer; Grease Guns; Gear Lube Pump; Parts Washers; Head Light Aimers (Hoppy); Heavy Duty Mac Battery Charger (on wheels); IV4, IV2 and 2 Ton Floor Jacks; 12 Ton Hydraulic Jack; 1 Ton Cham Hoist; *6 H.P. Bench Grinder & Polisher; V’ and 3/8” Im pact Wrenches tAir); Air Chisel & Bits; Victor Acetylene Gauges and Hoses; Mechanics Waste Can; Radiator Pressure Tester; Tap & Die Sets. Bench Vise; Work Benches; Shelves; Cabinets; Auto Creeper; many Sets Car Stands; Air Hoses; Socket Sets; Wrenches; Adjustable Wrenches; Screwdrivers; Ham mers; Gauges; Wheel Pullers; Vise Grips; Pliers; Files; Torque Wrenches; Solder Gun; Exhaust Hoses; Tool Boxes; Rivet Gun; State Inspection Gauges; Sledge Hammer; Barrel Pumps; Oil Drain Set-up; Els Brake Pressure Bleeder, 11 Shop Manuals. Drop Cords; New & Used Auto Parts; Tire Repair Items; ‘72 Olds 350 Engine; Refrigerator; Shop Vacuum; and many other garage items to be sold! Office Equipment - Office desks and chairs, 3 file cabinets, forms cabinets, shelving, card drawer, files, board room table, check writer Terms By SHREINER SERVICE CENTER Owner, DALE R. SHREINER T. Glenn Horst, Auct. 859-1331 Timothy G. Horst 738-1245 200-300 HEAD SPECIAL HORSE SALE DRIVING & WORK HORSES FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3,1984 Tack 9:00 A.M. Sale 10:00 A.M AT NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES. INC 12 Miles East of Lan caster, Pa. just off Rt. 23, “ New Holland, Pa. 1 Load Work Horses consigned by Jim Howard 1 Load Work Horses consigned by Billy Meadows. 2 Loads Work Horses consigned by Ward Wright. 1 Load Work Horses consigned by Christ Smucker. 1 Load Work Horses and Mules consigned by Norman Kolb. 1 Load Standardbred Driving Horses con signed by Jonas Beiler. 1 Load Standardbred Driving Horses con signed by Clayton Waterbury. 1 Load Standardbred Driving Horses con signed by Reuben Stoltzfus. 1 Load Standardbred Driving Horses con signed by Levi B. Stoltzfus. 1 Load Work Horses consigned by Donald Mason. Plus many more consignments. For more informal Abe Diffenbach, Mgr 717-354-4341 Next Horse Sal Friday, February 17,1984 at 10:00 A.M. :ion contact: Norman Kolb 717-397-5538 Located aUthe corner of Public Auction ot Sheep Peters Rd and Hollander p alve ® Located , at Rd across from New Holland Sales Zeltenreich Church John S s ,' H°Jja ncl M & Mary B Ebersole L Stoltzfus, Chair Frank & Paul Snyder Auc t ifi or ♦ THURS MARCH 22 Farm Machinery Consign ment Auction Located at RD 1, Landisburg, Perry Co, PA Khng’s Auction Service THURS MARCH 22 & PR! MARCH 23 Public Auc tion ot Farm Equipment Located one mile East of Marion, PA Ralph W Horst, Manager THURS MARCH 22~ AM Public Auction of Beef FRI MAR 23 130 PM Located at the New Dairy Sale Located at Holland Sales Stables, Penns Valley Livestock ox 6 '?! Holland, PA ,CL Auction, Centre Hall, PA Stoltzfus, Chairman Scott L Yocum and Ron THURS MARCH 22 3PM Gilligan Auctioneers COMPLETE HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL On the farm located on Lentz Road off Route 439 one-half mile east of 1-83 (take Exit 36 off 1-83) just north of Parkton, in Baltimore Co., Md. FRIDAY, JANUARY 27,1984 11:00 A.M. 80 REGISTERED HOLSTEINS 80 41 Cows -14 Bred Heifers 24 Open Heifers & Calves 1 Service Age Bull Cows selling milking over 100 lbs. per day. 12 first-calf heifers sell, 11 milking with second calf. 9 sell with records from 838 F to 946 F 16 sell with records from 600 F to 795 F 5 sell with records from 25.240 M to 26.640 M 14 sell with records from 20.000 M to 24.990 M These High Record Cows Sell: VG 3-2 365 26,100 3.6 946 VG 8-4 365 25,240 3.59 907 GP 4-2 350 26,640 3.1 860 GP 5-3 359 24,630 3.5 865 GP 5-4 334 24,350 3.5 854 VG 5-5 320 21,680 3.88 841 GP 4-2 365 25,780 3.1 795 GP 3-3 365 23,750 3.5 838 GP 4-2 327 20,600 4.1 839 GP 5-2 317 25,640 3.1 728 Inc GP 4-9 329 22,760 3.4 786 VG 3-1 334 21,100 3.2 690 Ist calf 1-11 365 19,010 3.99 759 (C1+1557) Daughters of these popular A.I. sires sell: Pete, Elevation, Astronaut, Compete, Jemmi, Cavalier, Apollo Rocket, Willow, Leprechaun, Electra, East Star, Samuel, Cap and many other top A.I. sires. Show Heifer Sells LINOMABE CAP WHITE LIGHTNING Born 9-22-82 Sire- Eagle-Acres Elevation Cap Dam- VG with 18.350 M and 710 F. gr dam VG with 17.680 M and 698 F Heifers Selling from High Record Dams Including; Cavalier dtr.- Dam Ex with 22.740 M and 752 F. Pete drt.- Dam VG 2-1 313 17.760 M 595 F, gr dam GPB3 with 24.350 M and 854 F. Persuader dtr.- Dam VG 2-8 36418,230 4.1743. Mark A dtr.- Dam GP-82 with 22.110 M and 864 F. Ace Dtr. bred to Leprechaun- Dam VG with 25,240Mand907F. Leprechaun dtr.- Dam has 21.170 M and 968 F. Elevation dtr. bred to Samuel- Dam GP-82 with 17,020 M and 671 F as a 3-yr. old. Electra dtr. bred to Dairyman- Dam 1-11 365 19.010 M and 759 F Cl +1557. Pregnancy Examined Tested for Interstate Shipment Catalogs available Sale in heated tent Auctioneer’s Note- Seldom do you have an opportunity to purchase as many high record animals as in this sale. Plan to attend and buy on January 27. For Information contact: Owner STEVE WILSON 21128 Lentz Rd. Parkton, MD21120 Phone: 301-357-8375 Sale Manager REMSBURG SALE SERVICE P.O. Box 177 Jefferson, MD 21755 Phones: 301-473-8214 301-473-7959 301-489-7121 FRI MARCH 23 7PM and SAT MARCH 24 9 30 AM Public Auction of Farm Toys Located at Historic Strasburg Inn Second Annual Lancaster Farm Toy Auction Sale and Show FRI MAR 23 10 A M Horse Sale at New Holland Sales Stables, Inc 12 miles east of Lan caster off Rt 23 in New Holland, Pa Abe Diffen 11 bach, Manager
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