Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5 00PM ot each week s publication b AT MAR 3 10 00 AM Horse Sale Located at Penns Valley Livestock Auction Centre Hall PA Scott L Yocum and Ron Gilligan Auctioneers SAT MARCH 3 9AM Public Auction of Farm PUBLIC AUCTION MODERN FARM EQUIPMENT; HOUSEHOLD GOODS BUTCHERING EQUIP. & ANTIQUES FRI. FEB. 10,1984 at 9:30 A.M. Between (Hamburg & Shartlesville), turn N. off 1-78 & Shartlesville exit, follow Mt. road approx. 2 miles to farm, in Upper Bern Twp, Berks Co. Pa. FARM EQUIP. AC 185 diesel tractor, 3 pt., cab, air, 620 hrs; 2- AODI7 tractors; AC-WD- 45 tractor; 2-WX tractors one w/culti; Ford 8N tractor w/Sauder loader; NI #702-U6 Uni tractor w/710 combine; 726 w r busker, 711 gram head, 720 busker snapper, 766 windrow pick up & 762 w r silage head; Oliver 565 four bot 14” semi mt. spring trip pi; Case 7’ 3pt. chisel pi; AC 8’ transport disc; 10’ roller harrow w/inside frame tires; AC four r c planter; JD-FB-17 dbl. disc gram drill w/fert, & grass seed attach; NI Cut- Ditioner; NH 56 rake; NH3IS baler w/thrower; 3-16’ bale side wagons, one is metal w/w track running; gear; AC forage wagon; Calhoun forage wagon w/8 ton running gear; NH 352 grinder mixer; Int. #lO mixer wagon; NI 30’ bale elev.; 22’ bale elev; Ford 3pt. pto hopper blower; AC rubber belt silage blower; AC 7’ mower; MC one r c busker; 3 pt. rear scoop; 3 pt. post hole digger; 3 pt. 5’ rotary cutter; 10’ lime drill; 10’ two wheel trlr; Unico 10,000 watt pto transport generator; Gruber hay flat w/cut down to rubber running gear; Papec hammer mill; 6” endless belt; feed chest & cart; 4-rd. hog self feeders; pile of PVC 2” plastic pipe; pile of 4” ci pipes; pulley c sheller; tractor tire chains; cases of grease cartridges; seed corn; baler twine; mineral feeder; sm. air com pressor; v 2 HP bench grinder; sm. table saw; welding table; Lincoln 225 amp welder; AC Big 10 riding mower tractor; Dynmark Bhp riding mower; cement mixer w/motor; 3/4” socket set; work bench; 6” swivel vise; Ig. chain block; Ig. builders screw jack; saw buck; western horse & pony saddles; dbl. & single trees; BUTCHERING EQUIP. & ANTIQUES scalding trough, .> hp sealed unit meat grind er; Wellsaw for splitting, DO - ALL butcher band saw; sausage stuffer; ci butcher kettle; gas burner for same; one kettle butcher stove; rd. 40” butcher block; 3’xs’ butcher block; 301 b. hanging butcher scale; lot of metal tubs; scrapple dishes; meat hooks, & butchering knives; sm. wooden tub; butcher bench; 26”x31”x42” safe signed P.H. Bncker; 3pc. wdn porch chr. set; picnic table & benches; quilting frame w/legs; treadle sewing machine; stenotype machine; wooden egg crate; threshing flail; sq. oak ext. table; rd. oak ext. table w/5 boards; rope bed; 2- oak ornate dressers; oak ornate bed; press back platform rocker; Windsor style rocker; marble top dresser; mirror back oak side board; or nate iron parlor heater; dry sink w/lid & raised panel drs; 6- half spindle back plank seat chairs; glass butter churn; record cabinet; pic. frames & mirrors; lanterns; ci dog; banjo; Ig. glass jugs; bam framing drill; single driving harness; 5 - 4’ hex signs; 2-flat ton desks one typewriter style; Hotpomt auto washer & dryer 3 yrs. old; Hotpomt elec, stove; phonograph record layer; radio & record player comb; cellar refng. plus farm hand tools, dishes & many, many items not mentioned. SALE ORDER small hand tools-lst, leading into butchering equip. & household goods & antiques, farm equip, approx. 1 P.M. TERMS - Cash or check Ordered by MRS. (WOODROW) ELVA WERLEY Conducted by Ralph W. Zettlemoyer Auction Co. Inc. (215)395-8084 Refreshments available Machinery, Truck, Blacksmith Shop Tools Gasoline Engine and many Antique Tools Located at R D 1 Felton York Co PA Turn off Rt 24 north of Stewartstown opposite Greer Chevrolet S proceed thru Cross Roads Boro approx 1 mile to place of sale on right Watch for signs Charlotte E Smith Owner Bob and Tom Sechnst, Auctioneer §AT MARCH 3 2PM Public Auction of 58 acre Farm offered in 2 tracks Located South of Willow Valley Turn off Rt 272 on Byerland Church Rd on the corner of Byerland Church Rd and Radcliff Rd Pequea Township Lancaster County PA John M & Shirley A McMichael Owner Robert E & Jeffrey R Martin & Frank L Steller Auctioneer TUES MARCH 6 10 AM Public Auction of Full Line of Farm Machinery, Hay and Straw Located 1 mi south of New Holland off of Rt 23 between Kmzer PUBLIC SALE Discontinuing farming 1 mile north of Waynesboro, PA (Franklin County) off Route 997 onto Tomstown Road, first farm on left. SATURDAY, FEB. 4,1984 9:30 A.M. 5 TRACTORS, TRUCK & FARM EQUIPMENT Massey-Ferguson #llO5 D w/air cond, and heated cab, 1668 hrs., W.F. & M.P.; Case #SBOC Diesel Industrial loader tractor w/78” bucket, 670 hrs. and heated cab; M.FJI7S D, 1900 hrs., W.F. & M.P.; M.FJIBO D, 2605 hrs., tricycle, M.P.; M.FJSO G; 1970 Chev. C5O truck w/350 V. 8,16” hyd. gram body, 37,500 mi. and 825x20 tires; New Idea #245 tandem axle 10 ton, 2 beater spreader w/hyd. gate, (1 yr. old); M.F. #BBO hyd, reset 4x16” plow; Brillion 7’ 3 pt. chisel plow; Amco 12’ transport disc, (like new); Clark 8’ pull disc; Chatt. 12’ sgl. steel cultipacker; 8’ and 9’ dbl. cultipackers; 2-24 tooth wood frame harrows; John Deere FB-B 13x7 drill; A.C. #333 6 row no-till com planter w/liquid tanks, (1 yr.); planter monitor, Papec forage harvester w/2 row (narrow) head and windrow pick-up; N.H. #27 whirlfeed hopper blower; 9” pipe for 2 silos; New Idea #327 (30”) 2 row corn picker, (like new); N.H. #33 flail chopper; 1-10 ton and 2-8 ton wagons w/Killbros #350 gravity bins; Arts-Way Dion 12 ton 16’ tandem axle 3 beater P.T.O. wagon w/roof, (like new); N.H. #355 2 ton grinder mixer w/electromc scales, (like new); N.H. #273 baler w/hyd. thrower; Hesston #lO9O 9’ haybme; N.I. 5 bar hay rake; 4 bale body hay wagons; N.H. 36’ elevator w/2 H.P. elec, motor, (new); Hesston #4040 3 pt. hyd. stack mover; Cardinal 16’ and Little Giant roll-away conveyors, N.H. 36’ elevator, (damaged); J.D. #602 2 ton fert. spreader; Century 500 gal. fiberglass 2 wheel field sprayer; 3 pt. 6’ scraper blade; Int. #355 power washer; Int. fast hitch 3 pt. convertor; 8’ alum, pick-up cap and livestock racks; 950x16” 10 ply impl. tires, (new); 12.5x15” impl. wheel and tire; 12’ farm gate; 100’2” plastic pipe; rear wagon chassis, (new); 1 axle tilt snow mobile trl; rubber tire wheel barrow; ground drive lawn sprayer; 21’ S.S. milker 2” pipe; new and used steel pipe; baler twine; blacksmith forge; anvil; ropes; chains; pulleys; 2 chain hoist, S.S. and steel cable; burlap bags; scrap iron; hyd. floor jack; bagwagon; milk cans; heavy vise; many shop tools; ladders; 4 rolls snow fence; 50 gal. stl. drums; kettle furnace; iron kettles; grinder; stuffer; meat bench; seasoned oak, cherry and poplar lumber; elec, poles; 2 new 12’ feed bunks; 4 galv. water troughs; 2 steel feed carts; ABS breeding wheel; Pro-lick tank; 2 feeder wagons; hay rack; forks; shovels and many other useful farm items. AUCT. NOTE: Farm equipment in exceptional condition. HAY, CORN, STRAW SILAGE & HOUSEHOLD Alfalfa and mixed hay; 60 tons ear corn; 1000 bales straw (bale); silage in trench silo 24’x9’x60’ (sold by ton); 2 bu. Conestoga alfalfa seed; Lawn Boy mower; 5 H.P. Roto-Tiller; Aladdin Kero-heater; elec, sweeper; 12’xl4’ wall to wall carpet; oak ext. table; oil lanterns; chairs; crocks; milk cans, and a few other household items. TERMS: Cash day of sale. Nothing removed until settled for. Not responsible for accidents. Owners; H. ELMO & EILEEN ANGLE Telephone: (717) 762-4992 AUCTIONEERS: Edgar Stull & John Downin CLERKS: Richard Harshman & L. Downin Lunch stand provided by Christian Home Bldg. Class Ave and Brimmer Ave Ray and Linda Geissmger, Owners Jeffrey R and Robert E Martin Auc tioneers TUBS MARCH 6 930 AM Public Auction of Farm Machinery Butcher mg Tools, Furniture and Antiques Located m Cen tre County 7 miles East of Pleasant Gap (Bellefonte) PA, on Route 64 Clarence Korman Owner Mark Click Auctioneer I Hoi O lU JU A M Public Auction PA World Relief Heifer Sale 100 Head Located at the Guernsey Sales Pavilion along Rt 30 Wilmer Kraybill Manager FRI MAR 9 9AM Abe Diffenbach, Manager Public Sale of Farm ™ Machinery at New Holland ™ *>ARCH 9 9AM Sales Stables, Inc 12 F*ubl l l: Auction of miles east of Lancaster off ™acmnery Located at Rt 23 in New Holland, Pa i Keist ® r , s M'ddleburg Auc tion Sales, Inc Rt 555 3 — _ » _ _ _ 331st SPECIAL GUERNSEY SALE SELLING 65 HEAD THURSDAY, JANUARY 26,1984 12:30 P.M. 64 COWS & BRED HEIFERS 1 BULL Sale at the Guernsey Sales Pavilion, 6 miles East of Lancaster, PA on Route #3O Pav. Barn Phone (717) 392-9560: Pav. Office Phone (717) 394-2721 Early consignments include: Robert B. Smith, Annviile, PA - 8 bred heifers. 2 by B. Atlantic, 3 by Premier, 1 by Dan Fayvor, 2 by Fre-Lyn Choice Samson. All due near sale time. 8 dams averaged 12,605#M. J. Carroll Shortall, Cordova, MD - 8 bred heifers. 3 by Premier, 1 by Choice, 1 by Star fire, 3 by son of May Rose Prince. All due about sale tune. Allen S. Smith, Hollidaysburg, PA - 2 fresh Two Yr. Olds, 1 by Choice, 1 by Deacon. Luther Huston, Hebron, MD - 5 bred heifers. All due January. Queripel & Leedom, Pipcrsville, PA - 4 bred heifers and 1 bull. 2 due before sale, 1 due at sale tune, 1 due Feb. Bull by Big Tex bom Dec. ’B2 out of Choice dau. with 20555#M 833 F 4-11365 days. Walton & Karin Hackman, Hatfield, PA - 13 Cows. 10 Registered, 3 Grade. 3 fresh Dec., 4 due Jan., 5 due Feb. Richard Merritt, Farmington, CT - 7 bred heifers - all by Eastern AI Sires. 3 fresh by sale tune, 4 due within 10 days after sale. All vac cinated. Jeff Martz, Dalmatia, PA - 2 Cows. 1 fresh 12/20/83.1 due 2/20/84. Joseph C. Thompson, Smyrna, NY - Wistar Fabian dau. due 2/18/84. Darimost Titan dau. fresh 11/3/83. Dr. Clinton Pease, Leesburg, VA - 1 cow due Jan. 21,1984; Prince Extra Two Yr. Old fresh Dec. ’B3. H.S. Dunning, Walpole, NH - 4 bred heifers -1 due Feb., 2 due March, 1 due Apr. 2 Two Yr. Olds fresh before sale. Sired by Choice, TH Jupiter, Super Star, Dan Fayvor. All vac cinated. Shawn Thayer, Cununington, MA - 1 bred heifer due 3/25/84 to Jonkar Telestar Pride. Sired by TH Jupiter. Dam with over 15,000#M, William Rhine, Quarryvllle, PA - Jeans Jason dau. due before sale as a Two Yr. Old. Dam with over 14,5(KWM. Write or Call For Catalogs Or Information SALE MANAGED BY: PA Guernsey Breeders' Assoc. 3107 Sollenberger Drive Chambersburg, PA 17201 PH. (717) 263-3367 Lee Yost, Bus. Mgr. The Merryman Company PO Box 566 Sparks. MD21152 PH. (301) 771-4625 John Merryman, Auctioneer TILLINGHAST FARM DISPERSAL Avoca, NY. 6 miles West of Bath off Rt. 390 at Exit 1. FRIDAY, JANUARY 27,1984 11:00 A.M. Selling 71 Holsteins- 42 Cows- (40 are handling claves with over 35 due in the next 60 days! 2 fresh just now!)- 29 Heifers (15 nice Shortbred and 14 younger)- A good herd here! 3 WFE Tractors (Case 1170 D, AC Dl9, IHC 300 gas) NH 276 Baler (showroom new) NH 12’ SP Haybme, Bnlhon 21’ transport cultivator-drag, all machinery plus 1000 gallon Mueller tank with washer, barn cleaner with 375’ chain, etc. NANCY & ALBERT TILLINGHAST, Owners For any info contact Remsey Sales, Bath. N.Y. 607-776-3478 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 21,1984-027 mi east of Middleburg, PA 5 mi west of Selin sgrove, PA Don and Walt Keister Owners Ray Long and Dave Imes Auc tioneers FRI MAR 9 130 PM State Graded Pig Sale Located at Carlisle Livestock Market Inc ex it 12 off of I 81 FRI MARCH 9 130 PM Public Auction of State Grade Consignor Feeder Pig Sale Located at the Carlisle Livestock Market Inc SAT MARCH 10 9AM Public Auction of 54 Head Holstems Dairy Equip ment and Farm Machinery Located in Centre County at the East end of Aaronsburg PA along Route 45’ Malvm & Pauline Ream Owners Mark Click, Auc tioneer SAT MARCH 10 Public Auction of Farm Equip ment, Household Goods, etc Located approx 2 miles east of Myerstown between Richland and Millardsville, Lebanon Co Lloyd M Martin, Owner Weik & Witmer, Auc tioneers SAT MARCH 10 830 AM 16th Annual Gor donville Fire Co Spring Sale Public Auction of Machinery, Livestock, An tiques and Quilts Located 10 miles East of Lancaster off of Rt 30 on Old Leacock Rd at the Gordonville Fire Hall Ron Funk & Local Auc tioneers SAT MARCH 10 930 AM Public Auction of Real Estate Antiques, Household Goods, Tools, and Coins Located at 206 S Spruce St, Lititz PA 17543 William & Anna Mary Bredthauer, Owners T Glenn Horst & Timothy G Horst, Auc tioneers SAT MARCH 10-9 30 AM Public Auction of Pickup Truck, Farm Machinery and Tools Located ap prox mile east of Fawn Grove York Co , PA along Rt 851 Watch for signs Margaret Norris, Owner Bob and Tom Sechnst Auctioneer SAT MARCH 10 9AM Public Auction of Real Estate Farm Equipment and 3 tracks 50 acres with farm buildings Located mile east of Hellam Township York PA Allen Miller estate Blame Renteel Auc tioneer lUES MARCH 13 9AM Public Auction of Farm Machinery Farmall Trac tors 20 Head of Heifers and Antiques Located 2 mi east of Intercourse on 340 John L Zook Owner Steve Petersheim Auc tioneer THURS MARCH 15 10 AM Public Auction of Trac tors Farm Equipment Trucks and Clipper Seed Cleaner Located approx I‘4 mile from Littlestown PA on Route 194 (Road from Littlestown PA to Hanover, PA) turn onto Mehrmg Road and go short distance to sale site Mr and Mrs Wesley Am brose Owners Dennis J Plunkert Auctioneer
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