DlP—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 21,1984 MF DES MOINES, la. Massey- Ferguson has introduces three new tillage implements designed to meet farmers’ fall tillage equip ment needs. The new implements include the MF 144 moldboard plow, the MF 115 conservation coulter chisel and the MF 133 chisel plow. MF 144 Moldboard Plow Designed for operation with most tractors in the 60 plus hor The MF 133 Chisel Plow has shanks spread over the four bar frame, creating a 36-inch rank spacing between shanks and allowing for work in trashy fields with less plugging. r f , ’V ,-r ''-V-P U'' - find the one Safeguard equipment can’t protect! It s impossible Because whether you raise rabbits, pheasants, chickens, quail—or any other type of small animal or gamebird— Safeguard products provide lifelong protection There s the economical, modular Series 1200 cage Or the rugged, space saving Model 190 multi-stacking enclosure system Feeders, drinking valves and countless other accessories Plus 100 ft rolls of galvanized wire mesh for the do-it yourself-er They all reflect Safeguard’s engineering » and design philosophy—to help your introduces tillage tools sepower range, the MF 144 moldboard plow is available with 3 to 7 bottoms for semi-mounted hitching and with 5 to 18 bottoms for pull-behind use. In-furrow or on-land hitching is provided to match the width of cut to tractor rear wheel spacing. The MF 144 is available with economical shear bolt beams for use in rock-free areas. Optional automatic spring reset beams, A;,"' animals and birds thrive in a sanitary, protected environment Why not visit the Safeguard factory showroom’ In the Earland Industrial Center, just off Rt 23 east of New Holland Or write for your free copy of the new 1983 Safeguard catalog Safeguard Products, Inc , 114-116 Earland Drive New Holland, PA 17557 Open Week days 7 30 AM to 4 30 PM • Saturdays 7.30 AM to 11 30 AM $ Safeguard Small animal gamebird and poultry ujuipmtnt with the unique ability to float over sloping rock surfaces, provide non stop plowing in stump or rock infested fields. The spring reset model features 33 inch vertical clearance from the tip of the share to the bottom of the frame, while the shearbolt beams provide 35- inch clearance. The 31 1/2-inch fore and aft stagger of the beams combines with the vertical clearance to provide a generous tunnel for corn stalks and trash to pass through. Eighteen-inch bottoms, available in general purpose, high speed and deep tillage con figurations, permit plowing down to 12-inches deep at speeds up to six miles per hour. A high strength six-inch square tubular fore and aft frame nrovides a strong backbone to ensure bottom alignment. Wide spaced pivots on two and three section hinged models reduce twisting between sections and provides accurate trailing. Tan dem walking beam land wheel axles provide adequate floatation for uniform plowing depth and reduce shock loading due to dit ches and obstructions. Conservation Coulter Chisel The MF 115 Conservation coulter chisel meets farmer growing need for conservation tillage equip ment. The need to conserve soil, moisture, fuel and operator time during fall tillage has created a demand for the MF 115. Build with a heavily weighted frame for better soil penetration, the MF 115 is especially effective in heavy com trash conditions. MF 115’s 4x4-inch square tube frame is packed with metal pun chings, giving it more weight added than any other unit on the \ i V / V v . f i* «MU~ Fast track to egg cost reduction NORTHEAST AGRI SYSTEMS, INC PO Box 187 Fitchville, CT 06334 Phone (203)642-7529 The MF 144 Moldboard Plow is equipped with 18-inch bottoms in different configurations and sizes to meet in dividual preferences and tractor capabilities market. With this extra weight, the MF 115 can work in heavy trash and tough soil conditions without riding out of the ground. The welded square frame is stronger than bolted frame units, reducing repair time and providing longer life. Both the mam frame and the 1 (Turn to Page Dll) tubular Local Representative DAVID NEWMAN (717) 299-9905
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