The following categories are available tor your classified advertising m Section C. Deadline- Thursday morning at 9 of each week's publication Farm Equipment , Silos & Unloaders Buildings & Supplies Gram Equipment Dairy Equipment Livestock Equipment & Supplies Cattle Horses & Mules SheepS Goats Swine Artificial Breeding Hog Equipment & Supplies Poultry & Supplies Feed & Seed Fertilizer Plants Fruits & Vegetables Nursery Lawn & Garden Services Offered Custom Work Help Wanted jSituations Wanted Business Opportunity Autos Recreational Vehicles Notice Lost Found Pets Flousehold Miscellaneous Computers The following categories are available for your classified advertising, in Section B. Deadline- Afednesday afternoon at 5 of each week's publication Real Estate TrucksS Trailers FARM EQUIPMENT IH 656 wide front 3 pt 814-793-4293. MF 175 diesel, wide front, multi - o w e r 814-793-4293. JO 4320 wide front, 18 4-38 tires, dual remotes. 814-793-4293. For Sale - 1500 gal Snyder poly storage tank New Condition 717653-5359 or 717426-3135. For Sale - Popular 4 Auger stationary mixer with elec tronic scales used one year. Will deliver and guarantee for less than Vi new price. 717-758-2136 For Sale - Custom built 2 row corn planters using J.D Max-E merge units Pul-type or 3 point with or w/O fertilizer attachment No-till or conventional. Pe quea planter Gideon F Stoltzfus, RD#2, Box 2276 Gap, Pa 17527 SEARCHING CL PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394 LOCAL CLASSIFIED • ADVERTISING RATES 20c per word 2.40 minimum charge Use This Handy Chart To ■ Figure Your Cost Words 1 Issue 3 Issues 12 or Less 2 40 5 76 13 2 60 6 24 14 2 80 6 72 15 3 00 7 20 16 3 20 7 68 17 3 40 8 16 18 3 60 8 64 19 3 80 9 12 ' 20 4 00 9 60 KEYED ADS (ads with answer coming to a Box Number, c/o Lancaster Farming) 50 cents addi tional Ads running 3 or more , consecutive times with no ' change billed at 20 per | cent discount This newspaper will not be responsible tor more ' than one incorrect mser i tion of any advertisement Lancaster Farming P 0 Box 366 Lititz, PA 17543 717 394 3047 or Lititz 717 626 1164 FARM EQUIPMENT JD 4230 w/power shift, roll guard, 2500 hours, good condition. 215-286-5641. For Sale - Myers snow plow 7Vt w/f rame to fit JD tractor model 2640 215-584-5550. 500 E Crawler, like new, $10,900, International power unit w/clutch, $375: 900 x 16 tires, $45; 2 ton Yale forklift, preamatic tires, $2,000: 55 gal. drums clear var nish, $lOO drum or small lots $2.00 gallon, small generator, no motor. $150; 18' Glasspar boat w/115 h.p. motor, 40 hrs on motor, $3,900. 717-733-3980. Wanted - 350 Farmall Diesel any condition, Bucks Co. 215-348-3196, after 7 PM. IRRIGATION PIPE - 24- 6”x3” and 12-5”x3" Tico Valving Stations. 5000' of 4"x40 pipe w/Rainbird 408 sprinklers 717-532-9108 Cat 933 G Loader 717-933-5734 IH 3400 Backhoe Loader 717 933-5734. 1981 White 8700 Com bine 400 hrs. air heat 15' flex head 4 row wide corn head straw chopper monitors $52,000 609-397-3778 Y. SELL. TRADE FARM EQUIPMENT * Wanted to buy - Liquid fer tilizer tanks, brackets, and plumbing for JD 7000 corn planter, 6 row. 717-837-0724 Snyder Co. IH 2000 loader with 88 inch slip-on snow bucket very good condition. Berks Co. 215-944-9606. For Saif - Case 2390 T rac tor w/1000 hrs. Krause Disc 25’, all in very good condition. Field ready. 302-856-2772 or 856-7653. Crawler Tractor Parts. New and Used Parts Available for Cat, Allis Chalmers, IHC, Case, John Deere and others. Rubber tired construction equipment parts available for Hough, Michigan, Gakon and Cat Road Graders. Call or write for equip ment & parts brochure. VILSMEIER EQUIPMENT INC. Route 309 Montgomeryville, PA., 18936 Phone; 215-699-3533 Knight model 500 spreader, in excellent cond., 717-872-9152 daytime, 872-2579 even ings and weekends. Hillside 6600 hydrostatic combine in excellent con dition, $20,000. Larry Stalter "The Combine Man" 219-862-2151. JD 4230 4 post roll guard, dual hyd., 2000 hours, 814-793-4293. Oliver 1600 diesel, wide front, 3 pt., 814-793-4293. JD 4010 diesel, wide front, excell cond , 814-793-4293 JD 730 diesel, electric start, wide front, 3 pt. hitch, 814-793-4293. JD 3020 Diesel, wide front, dual hyd., 814-793-4293 Oliver 1850 diesel, dual hyd., wide front, 814-793-4293 Oliver 1950 T cab and air, dual hyd., original paint, 814-793-4293. 6600 John Deere Hillside combine, excellent condi tion. $17,500 219-862-2151. USED TRACTOR PARTS, also rebuilt clutches and torques. We ship UPS. Hill-T Farm Sales & Ser vice, 4295 Richmond Palestine Road, New Madison, Ohio 45346 513-548-0718. Gehl 6' Rotary Mower Pull Type $625, Pollard 5 Wheel Rake, $450; Case 3B Plow $350, 5' rotary mower (demo) $525, ME 2B 16" Plow $325; All equipment is in good to ex cellent shape 717-687-0102 Lancaster Co. Oliver 1750 diesel, like new condition. 814-793-4293. JD 4020 power shift, dual hydraulics. 814-793-4293. MF 1080 diesel, wide front, multi-power, dual hydraulics. 814-793-4293. Minneapolis Moline G9OO diesel, original paint, like new. 814-793-4293. MF 65 diesel, 3 pt. hitch, wide front. 814-793-4293 G-1000 M/M very good condition, Case 800 3 pt hitch w/PS 301-833-1847 1972 Ashley rubber tired front end loader. Also has mounts for grader, make offer, 215-385-3884. For Sale - IH 1456 w/cab, duals and PTO, good con dition. 717-464-3697. FARM EQUIPMENT JD 4240, 1100 hours, dual hyd., like new, $16,000,717-532-6892. IH 986 POPS, 2 outlets, perfect condition, $12,500,301-833-9091 JD 4010 gas WF 2400 hrs., JO 40 w/2 row cultivator, $l7OO. JD 1240 plate corn planter dry fertilizer insecticide, $BOO. Tew Veg fruit washer dryer grader like new, $3OOO 201-647-0552. For Sale -14’ Badger self unloading wagon with roof new cross conveyor $900; 479 NH haybine $900; IH 440 baler with thrower, new 2Vt" round steel tur bine, 17 cents a pound, Berks Co., Frystown, 717-933-8943. 1020 JD diesel with 145 loader. Good condition. $5,500; Oliver 70 original lites. gauges and switches with semi mounted mower. $750, good condi tion; 6-row JD liquid planter with monitor, $350; Mid-west planter harrow lor 4-6 row planter, $125. 717-534-1253 LANCASTER SILO CO., INC. 2008 HORSESHOE ROAD - LANCASTER. PA 17601 WE MANUFACTURE & CONSTRUCT WE MANUFACTURE. INSTALL t SERVICE "LANCASTER” CONCRETE STAVE SII-OS SILQ ROOF. ALUMINIZED OR COLOR CHUTE: ALUMINIZED OR STAVE DOORS: HINGED REDWOOD STEEL RODS: DICROMATE FINISH PLASTER INTERIOR FINISH STAVES: WHITE. VIBRATE! DISTRIBUTOR & FILL PIPE “SPECIAL” CLEARANCE SALE 30 BU. silag £ cart If; '"<l t >*C' |HS^° C $l5O 00 lO% - Casii & Carry ROUND HAY RACKS - 2 PIECE 18 Openings - Can use for Regular or Large Bale *l49°° in ll I ~~ “GATES STRONG-LIGHTWEIGHT 15/8” TUBING-PAINTED Gates w/Latch & Hinge 10 ft 12 ft 14 ft ea. $75.00 10% CASH DISCOUNT ON ABOVE ITEMS 16 ft. I inn FARM EQUIPMENT Allis Chalmers no-til planter, 8 row, 30" air units, monitor liquid fer tilizer. Used 1 year Call 301-822-2395 or 301-822-3584. New Idea 323 Corn Picker, excellent condi tion. Asking $3,000, 201-782-6609. Nl #l2 manure spreader. Syracuse 2 way plow, exc. cond.; AC C tractor. 717-949-3074. For Sale - Franklin Coun ty, PA - 1972 JD 4620 with 18 4x38 duals, side console, no cab; 1982 Glenco SS 9 soil saver, JO F 350 6x16 auto reset plow, furrow hitch, 400 gal. Kuker saddle tank sprayer with disc kit for li quid fertilizer, complete 1 year old. 717-273-1872, prefer evenings. IH 886 cab, air, 2 outlets, low hours, has been van dalized, needs cosmetic work, $B5OO/offer. 301-833-9091. JD 4230 quad, fenders, new engine, new radial rubber, $11,500. 301-833-9091. SUPREME SS TURBO RING DRIVE VAN DALE MAGNUM SURFACE DRIVE RECONDITIONED ea $55.00 ea $60.00 ea. $65.00 ea $70.00 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 14,1984—C9 FARM EQUIPMENT 150 Bu. Nl power take-off manure spreader. $5OO, Lancaster, PA, 717-394- 6625. Orchard Sprayer - 4 piston high pressure Friend pump. 300 gallon cedar tank, 2 cylT Wisconsin engine drives airblast fan. $6OO. Dave 215-79 Ip 0776. NOTICE - 1984 is here and time to think about: 16’ or 18' bale thrower wagons. We also built on your gear on repair. Round steel hay racks. Hay rack and feed bunk combinations, plus other styles of mineral feeders. Also other wood or steel products mfg. For free brochure write to Bell Road Wagon Shop Box 280 Bell Road Christiana, VI, PA 17509 1 mile S. of Ninepoints off 896 on Bell Road Dealers Welcome. MF Super 90 69HP, gas. wide front, power steering, 3 point hitch, independent PTO, hydraulics, power adjust wheels, good tires $3200, 717-467-8839 or 717- 467-7085. ‘LANCASTER” BELT FEEDER UNITS ' “LANCASTER” DOUBLE CHAIN CONVEYORS “LANCASTER” TAPER-BOARD FEEDERS "LANCASTER” ROUND HAY FEEDERS “LANCASTER" WATER BOWLS W/FLOAT “LANCASTER" FIBERGLAS SILAGE CARTS UNLOADERS “LANCASTER” TOBACCO BALE BOXES ‘ LANCASTER” STEEL GATES W/LATCH INLOADERS "NEW" LANCASTER ENERGY-FREE CATTLE WATERER New Porta Pump tackles your lough manure-handling Jobs. Tough pit jobs are made easier with Vtan Dales new Porta Pump top performance with convenient portability The Porta Pump agitates, chops, loads and even pnmes itself VAN PALE STOP IN OUR PARTS DEPT ALL KIND OF TOOLS'" FOR QUOTATIONS - CALL 717-299-2721 WAYNE LLOYD - SALES HIESTAND - OFFICE FARM EQUIPMENT JD 720 diesel tractor. Nice running condition $2,600.215-445-5834. For Sale - Oliver 387, 23, IHC, and JD 2 way sulkey plows for horses, JD KBA Disc, JO and IHC corn planters. 717-687-0102. David Brown 1200 Diesel w/loader, 814-793-4293. For Sale - Used steel tank 64" diameter, 23 ft. long. Cheap. 717-367-4797. 1974 John Deere 740 Log Skidder very clean $35,000 00. 1978 John Deere 5408 Skidder, New Paint $25,000.00, Others, Curry Supply 814-793-2829. Owatoona 330 Hydrostatic Loader, Clean $3500.00. Thomas 17 Diesel Bob Cat Hydrostatic $5575.00. Curry Supply 814-793-2829. 2510 JD Tractor 16' feeder wagon. 301-838-4036. For Sale - 2 row 30" row crop corn head, fits all JO pul I type harvesters, good condition. $l9OO or best offer. 717-656-7305.
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