HARRISBURG - The Penn sylvania Governor’s Energy Council is developing a program to encourage the installation of anaerobic digester systems on Pennsylvania farms. Such systems, by producing methane gas from animal wastes, provide farmers with the ability to produce a significant share of the energy they consume, to generate a year-round source of income through the sale of energy, and to reduce the nutrient run-off problem frequently associated with animal waste handling. Anaerobic digester systems are in operation on several Penn sylvania farms, and on the basis of these and other systems in other states, the evidence is growing that anaerobic digester facilities make good sense for farmers in these days of high energy prices. The economics of such systems are most favorable for herds of several hundred animals, so up to now only the large farms can take advantage of this technology. The agricultural energy program of the Fast growing, long lasting, big yielding alfalfa • Now, the best winterhardiness, disease and insect resistance available in an im proved early-matunty alfalfa • Outstanding proven yielder • Fights Phytophthora root rot ("wet foot” disease), anthracnose. bacterial and Fusanum wilt, pea aphids and leafhoppers • Winterhardiness fully equal to Vernal, plus good drought tolerance • Fast growth, rapid recovery after cutting • Full season performer - starts early in the spring, grows later into the fall • Available with OroZone seed coating Ahead in yi anthracnose • Fights “summer decline” caused by anthracnose • Proven yield leader • Early Maturity; fast regrowth • Good bacterial wilt resistance • Fine stemmed, leafy forage • Available with GroZone™ Seed Coating Also Available New REDLANDII The Improved Red Clover Variety For Outstanding Pasture Renovation. P. L ROBBER & BUD., INC. Energy council develops anaerobic digester program Governor’s Energy Council is designed to encourage the development of digester projects which receive and utilize the animal wastes from farms with smaller animal herds. There are two parts to the Governor’s Energy Council’s program. The first part will be the preparation and publication of a workbook which will provide in formation about the various technical, economic, and managerial issues that must be understood in starting a digester project. In addition, several workshops will be offered this spring throughout Pennsylvania on starting such projects. The second part of the agricultural energy program will be grants offered to fund site specific feasibility studir of proposed projects. The Governor’s Energy Council will pay up to $lO,OOO or 80 percent of the cost of such studies, whichever is less. The key requirement for project funding is that the proposed projects must be designed to use New ARMOR Your first choice to beat 'wet foot" disease • High Resistance to Phytophthora root rot & “wet foot disease” • Very high yield potential • Excellent winter hardiness • Rapid recovery after catting • Greater resistance to anthracnose, pea aphids and leafhoppers than most other alfalfas. the animal wastes from more than one farm. Feasibility study grants will be awarded on a competitive basis, and the request for grant proposals will be issued in January. Proposals will be due March 9,198* and the actual feasibility stnHv FARM SHOW A snack quiz and information on health risks, telephone options and com puterized money management caught the eye of the visitors to the home economics section at the Farm Show. Participants in the snack quiz were asked to choose six snacks from a list of twelve to total less than 600 calories. “Most people are suprised to learn that a wedge of watermelon contains about 110 calories, the highest on the list,” said Patricia Huff, Dauphin County Home Economist. “What we’re trying to do is create an awareness of just how many Smoketown, PA PH: 717-299-2571 Phone (301) 734 7772 work will begin soon thereafter. The agricultural energy program is being managed by the renewable energy section of the Governor’s Energy Council. The key staff people involved in the program are Roger E. Clark and Snack quiz is featured calories are in natural snacks." Computers were another popular part of the family living demon strations. Visitors saw how close their spending habits paralleled the average for the rest of the country. “People can see if they are spending more in a particular category such as food that the average,” said Margaret Ezelle, Penn State Extension family living specialist. “If they are spending more than the average, they may want to take a closer look at their New APOLLO II The right alfalfa wherever Verticillium wilt threatens. • The best Verticillium wilt resistance available in combination with bred-in protection against other major diseases and insect pests. • Fights Phytophthora root rot (“wet foot disease”), anthracnose, bacterial wilt, Fusarium wilt, pea aphids, spotted alfalfa aphids and leafhoppers. • Rapid seedling establishment. • Good winterhardiness and drought tolerance • Excellent yield potential. • Available with GroZone seed coating icorom Fred Claycomb Phone(Bl4) 623 8375 BELLEVILLE Union Mill Soil Service Phone (717) 935-2770 BERLIN RobertO Poor Phone (814)267 5187 MG COVE TANNERY Clyde Bivens Phone (717) 485-4277 COLUMBIA CROSS ROADS Longenecker Feed Store Ph0ne(717)297 3864 DOYLESTOWN Schmalz Brothers Phone (215) 794 7259 GETTYSBURG JohnJ Hess Phone(7l7) 334 8553 HAMBURG Jim Landis Phone (215) 562 8347 •A6ERSTOWN Nelson Miller Phone (301) 824 2311 Martin s Elevator Phone (301) 733 2553 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 14,1984—C7 IP Dealers in Pennsylvania HARLEYSVILLE Abram G Metz Phone (215) 287 7588 LANCASTER Farmer s Supply Co Phone (717) 394 7127 MAXATAWNY Siegfried Bros Phone (215) 682 7549 MERCERSBUR6 Glenn I Martin Phone (717) 328 2092 MEYERSDAU Twin Springs Farm Phone (814) 662 2262 MIDDLETOWN John Alwine Phone (717) 944 6270 MILLERSBURG Steve Snyder Phone (717) 692 4385 MILL HALL Webb s Super Gro Products Phone (717) 726-3167 MORGANTOWN IraNissley Inc Phone (215) 286-9328 NEWRURG Boyd Morrow Phone (717) 423 5502 RP Dealers in Maryland FAIRPiAY Kevin Clipp Phone (301) 582 0363 Martin s Elevator Phone (301) 733 2553 KEYMAR North Glade Feed Phone (301)775-7981 OAKLAND Ernest Shrock Phone (301) 334 9060 Linda J. DeLiberty. Their telephone number is (717) 783-9978. It you would like more information about this program, please contact the Governor’s Energy Council, P.O. Box 8010, Harrisburg, PA 17015. buying habits. There is also a program that can show you what it costs to run your car, and a comparison of an intended new car purchase. Nancy Alcorn, Allegheny County Home Economist, and representatives from the telephone company explained consumer telephone options. “People have to start thinking of their telephones the way they think of their other appliances in the home,” said Alcorn. Sn, NORTHAMPTON Edward Werner Phone (215) 262 6552 RICHFIELD Samuel E Knou&e Phone (717) 463 2885 SHADE GAP Shade Gap Mills Phone (814) 259 3258 SKICKSHINNY Larry Barron Phone (717) 864 3336 SPRING GROVE Carlton Seed Co Phone (717) 225 3730 TAMAQUA Richard Koch Phone (717) 668 3849 TURBOTVILLE John Hershey Phone (717) 649 5596 WARRIORS MARK Helena Chemical Co Phone (814) 632 5177 WELLSVIUE Donald Knaub Ph0ne(717)432 4509 THURMONT Thurmort Cooperative Inc Phone (301) 271 7322 WESTMINSTER Raymond Brown 111 Phone (301) 346-7209
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