C6—Lancaster farming, Saturday, January 14,1984 COLLEGE PARK, Md. - Small farmers growing fresh-market produce appear destined to play starring roles in a cautious rebirth of the state’s vegetable industry. That’s the view of Bruno Quebedeaux, Jr., horticulture department chairman since September at the University of Maryland in College Park. Quebedeaux was a speaker Tuesday morning during the sixty fifth annual meeting of the Maryland Vegetable Growers Association at the Maryland Wholesale Produce Market in Jessup. Quebedeaux pointed out that 75 to 80 million people live within a 350 to 400-mile radius of Baltimore. And U.S. per capita consumption of fresh vegetables has been rising during the past five years in line with increased nutrition awareness. A vegetable specialist with in dustry and academic experience, both nationwide and overseas, Quebedeaux noted several factors that favor vegetable production in A LESSON WELL LEARNED... LANCASTER FARMING'S CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! 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The technical expertise is partly a carryover from a generation or more ago when commercial vegetable-growing in the Delmarva area was at its peak. Since that time, the industry suffered a steady decline through most of the 1970 s as processng plants closed up and moved westward. But the rebirth which Quebedeaux forsees would depend primarily on small farmers throughout the state growing fresh-market produce not large acreages of vegetables on the Eastern Shore grown for f /V it CALL US FOR FREE ESTIMATES on TOP QUALITY BARN SPRAY & BRUSH PAINTING Try Our New Concept In Penetration And Adhesion. 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In line with this philosophy, he reported plans for horticulture department f'Tnansioi during the next five years m cooperatiion with the Maryland Agricultural Ex periment Station. These plans include upgrading facilities at the university’s Eastern Shore vegetable research farm near Salisbury and possible purchase of additional land at that location. Quebedeaux’s philosophy also envisions spreading some of the vegetable research work to existing University of Maryland research farms near Wye Mills (Queen Annes county) and Sharpsburg (Washington county) in order to make it more applicable 4. 'm ON RODENT CONTROL RODENTS carry diseases which can endanger the health of your dairy herds. Your business is raising them. Ours is protecting them. We Specialize In Sanitizing And Disinfecting Since 192 S Pest control is too important to trust to anyone else Houses Lancaster, PA 397-3721 Lewistown, PA 24841983 State College, PA 237-7607 seen in Md. to a wider variety of soil conditions than is possible on the sandy soils at Salisbury. Quebedeaux’s hope is that both the research work of the Ex periment Station and educational programs of the Cooperative Extension Service might be combined on an interstate, multi discipline basis in the Mid-Atlantic area for greater efficiency. The research effort, par ticularly, needs to emphasize increased quality and proper storage of fresh vegetables. This infers a more basic and biochemical approach toward understanding the problems, Quebedeaux said. He sees development «f '■om- First Class Cooling! 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