Champions Named in Fruit and Nuts BY KIMBERLY HERR FARM SHOW Tucked away in a corner of the Farm Show building is a small room that contains champions, winners of the fruit and edible nut categories. “One of the purposes (of the show) is to teach growers what good market quality means in fruit and nuts,” said John Shearer, chairman of the fruit and nut committee of the Farm Show. Shearer explained that the fruit part of the show was mostly all apples, with a few pears. “The fruit is very good quality in spite of the drought and heat,” Shearer said. “The fruit is judged on the condition of the fruit - whether it has aged too much or not. Condition also refers to how sound and firm the apple is.” He also said the fruit is judged on the uniformity of size, shape and color in any particular exhibit. Some exhibitors bring as many as 40 exhibits to the show, according to Shearer. They also look for unperfections, such as bruises. E.M. HERR EQUIPMENT, INC. | -i 12 Door - Round 45 Cu. Ft. Cap. Galv. With Galvalume f(^ eec * Doors - * i Reg. Price t io _ J $301.69 »'- : _J SALE ' '~' PRICE .249*5 60,000 BTU Cambridge LP Gas Heater w/thermostat •259.95 TTifM agstar BAS,L JTtr' CRATE stock only Less Feeder & Waterer ALKE BROODERS Warm As The Sun LP Gas Pig Brooders Save Energy Cut Mortality Dependable Economical 3000 BTU 6000 BTU *4B” *49” spout, pulley & belt 4"xir *loB** 6"xll' *l7s** 4”xl6’ *l32** 6"xl6’ *2l6** 8”xll’ *279** B”xl6’ *343** E 'A' t Available The two most popular apples, judging by the amount brought to the Farm Show, are the Delicious and the Golden Delicious. Also claiming a place m the winning circle were several exhibits of nuts. “They are judged somewhat on taste and color of the nut meat,” Shearer said of the nuts. Nuts, unlike the apples, are cracked open to be tasted by the judges. Nuts are also judged on how easily they crack open and how well the nut cavity is filled with meat. “Size becomes a factor with nuts,” Shearer said, explaining that large apples are not popular because the consumer usually does not want to buy a large apple. Winners in the fruit and edible nuts categories are; Joseph Bering, Lebanon County, best of show; George Dickum, Bedford County, best seedling of the show. Fruit Adams County Fruitgrowers BABY PIG FOUNTAIN fet 1 24 Gallon •119.95 SOGalli *169.* rJn) riv joc P •; \ CAMLINE PIG HEATING MATS 12”x36”‘23.95 12"x48” ‘29.95 26”x36"‘39.95 26”x48”‘49.95 89.99 -i Nuts 16 BU. FEED TRUCK NEW, HAY RACK 36" PORTABLE FAN. % HP ' —x • s*/i Ft. Bunk FOR FEED BUNK 10,000 CFM- 20 Ft. Power Cord / Reg $93.00 SALE •76** Reg. $100.67 f— \ // • 11 Ft. Bunk SALE | \ * Reg. $159.00 «eb m be I “tf ’ Reg. $468,50 [j r s*« Reg. Prices2oo9s >' t'lOA AK wipe *159.95 ’ 3 ' 399-95 —^— -B | s. ‘ #&ss! (f^ U FILL KITS Association won the Gabriel Heister Award for the best collective exhibit. They also won the award for the best county fruit exhibit. Hollabaugh Brothers, Adams County, best of show and State Horticultural Association Award for best bushel of apples, Golden Delicious. Strites Orchards, Dauphin County, best gift package; On telaunee Orchards, Berks County, best gift basket. 1984 Pa. Farm Show C gi^'=!§ci 6' Dia. 6’ Dia 6' Dia. 6' Dia. 2.7 Ton, 3.3 Ton 5.3 Ton. 7.4 Ton. 7' Dia T Dia. 7’ Dia. T Dia. .8.1 Ton 10.9 Ton. 13.7 Ton 16.5 Ton 9’ Dia 18.2 Ton 9’ Dia 22.8 Ton 9’ Dia 27.4 Ton r Dia 30 Ton *2339°° 12’Dia 40 Ton *2595°° 112'Dia 48 Ton *2999” n 12* Dia 58 Ton *3259°° 55,000 PSI HIGH TENSILE STEEL A AG-90 GALVANIZED COATING For Extra Savings, Build It Yourself, Or We Can Install On Your Pad EACH PRICE KNOCKED. DOWN ONP/UFOB , E.M. HERR Trays and trays of apples were judged in the fruit category. J^Ge#?s lQ’‘ PULLEYS •539” •549” •595” *669” •839” *929” *1099” *1229” *1299” *1439” *1699” YOUR REPLACEMENT DROPPING BOARDS Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 14,1984—821 AGSTAR A «S TA ?«»“ 140 LB. 3Bu. 6 Bu. Rotary Rotary Feeder e i._ w/Porcelain - F ® d p ® rr , ;tin w/Porcelain Base, \ Base Stain Steel Lower, * l less steel Galvanized irjL Lower, Upper (jL Galvanized Model NR-6P u » >p * r Reg. Price $160.00 ce *l39** Modal CPE lomb. Hog & Cattle Waterer r/Electric Heat Reg. Price $388.00 PRICE *339” 12 Hole Galvanized 1120 Lb. Hog Feeder V _ X\ 6 Holes [ll/ Each Side Ref. Price $307.65 i SALE PRICE 1 •239** p Model CPE-1 CATTLE H WATERER For up to 180 Cattle H Reg. Price $258 00 CALL US FOR *7 V' Model NR-3N Reg Price $l3O 00 SALE PRICE $ 109 95 Model CPE Cattle Waterer For up to 80 cattle ill Reg. Price $212.00 SALE PRICE *179*5
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