Livestock market and auction news Four States Livestock Hagerstown, Md. Wednesday, December 21 Report supplied by auction SLAUGHTER: Fed Steers- No Choice offered; Good 51.00-54.00; Medium 50.00 down. Heifers- Good 47.00- Medium 46.00 down. Cows- steady to 1.00 lower, in dividual 44.00; High Yield 38.00- 41.25; Average 34.00-37.00; Big Middle 30.00-33.00; Fatty Herf 28.00- SheUy 31.00 down. Fat Bulls-2.00 lower; Good 45.0046.75; Medium 42.0044.00. Veal Calves- Choice 3.00 higher; Light Calves 2.00 lower; Choice 83.0088.00; Good 75.00-82.00; Medium 65.00 74.00. Farm Bulls- to 80.00. Light & Weak 42.00 down. Lambs- Strong demand; Choice & Good 58.00 59.00. Butcher Sows- 350750 lbs. 35.00- STOCKER; Steers 300-550 Ibs.- Steady to 2.00 lower; Choice 58.00- 60.50; Good 53.00-57.00; Medium 47.00-52.00; Culls 46.00 down. Steers 600-850 lbs.- Choice 55.00- 58.00; Good 50.00-54.00; Medium 49.00 down. Heifers (All Weights)- Choice 45.00-47.50; Good 41.00- 44.00; Medium 40.00 down. Dairy Cows- to 475.00. Springing Heifers to 785.00. Pigs Hd.- 2.00 under last week; 20-30 lbs. 10.00-15.00; 40-50 lbs. 16.00-18.00. Shoats by Lb.- to 43.00. Slaughter Hogs- 3.00 higher; 220-230 lbs. 49.00-50.00; 250-260 lbs. 48.75-49.75 ; 270-280 lbs. 47.75-49.50. Stock Bulls- Choice 57.00-63.00; Clood 50.00-56.00; Medium 49.00 down. Carlisle Livestock Auction Carlisle, Pa. Tuesday, December 27 Report supplied by auction CATTLE: Steers were steady; Cows were 2.00 higher and Bulls were 1.00 hgiher. Steers- Good 58.00-62.75; Medium 57.00 down. Heifers- Too few to test market. Cows- Utility & Commercial 37.00- 41.85; Cutter 35.00-37.00; Canner & Low Cutter 32.00-35.00; Shells 31.00 down. Fat Bulls- Good 52.00-54.25; Medium 45.00-49.85. FEEDER CATTLE; Light run due to weather conditions. Steers (2so-650 lbs.) Medium 39.00-50.00. Heifers- (460-600 lbs.) Medium 32.0041.50. LESS LABOR VERY SANITARY SCOTT SECHLER CALVES: Steady prices. Vealers- Choice 80.0095.00; Good 65.0080.00; Standard & Good 56.00 70.00; Standard 45.0055.00; Light & Weak 44.00 down. Farm Calves- Hol. Bulls 90.00108.00. HOGS; Very active 5.00 higher than last week. US No. 1-2 51.50 55.25; US No. 1-3 47.25-52.00; US No. 2-3 43.50-48.00. Sows- Strong demand! 5.00 to 10.00 higher; US No. 1-3 44.5049.00; No. 2-3 39.50 45.00. Boars- 32.25. FEEDER PIGS: US No. 1-3 2025 lbs. 10.0011.00 head; NO. 1-3 3040 lbs. 12.0016.50 head; No. 1-3 4065 lbs. 21.0029.00 head. SHEEP: Lambs- Few Choice 60.00-60.50. Ewes- Few 7.009.00. Goats- Large 30.0038.00 head, Small 12.0019.00 head. Sale every Tues. 7.00 PM for Livestock; 5:45 PM for Eggs and Rabbits only. Oklahoma Cattle Wednesday, December 28 Estimated Receipts: 500 Same Day Last Week: 755 Wednesday’s actual sale ring total 276 head. Not enough feeder steers or heifers in any one weight group to establish a market. Cows steady in limited test. Bulls not established. Cows and bulls made up 18 percent of actual sales. SLAUGHTER COWS: Few breaking utility 2-3 40.80-41.00; Cutter and boning utility 1-2 37.30- 41.30. SLAUGHTER BULLS; Yg 1-2 pkg 1455 lb. 48.25. Thursday, December 29 Compared to last week, not enough feeder steers or heifers to establish a market due to adverse weather conditions and holiday shortened week. Slaughter cows were 2.00-3.00 higher with limited sales of breaking utility 2-3 from 40.80-43.00; Cutter and boning utility 1-2 35.50-40.20, pkg. topping at 41.30; canner and low cutter 33.00- Bulls were 2.00-4.00 higher with yg 1-2 1450-1625 lb. 51.00- pkg. 1455 lb. 48.25. Salable receipt this week estimated at 650 head compared with 3,776 head last week and 1,018 head last year. Cows and bulls made up 31 percent of estimated supply. For quotations of next week's prices PA WATTS NUMBER 800-342-2249 SECHLER'S POULTRY, INC. call collect 215-488-7617 Buyers of Leghorn Fowl Box G ( Strausstown, PA 19559 RICHARD SECHLER Peoria Cattle Thursday, December 29 Compared to last week slaughter steers 1.00 to 1.50 higher. Heifers steady to .50, instances 1.00 higher. Cows and bulls unevenly steady trade opened the short holiday week only moderate at best and turned slow at midweek. Majority of supply good to average choice with several consignments carrying mude. Cows and bulls 15% receipts this week about 1150 as compared to 1555 a week ago and 1764 a year ago. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-4 1000-1300 lbs. 66.0067.50. Good and choice 2-3 1000-1200 lbs. 64.00- 66.00, few 850-1000 lbs. 63.0064.50. Good 60.0064.00. Holsteins: Good, few choice 1-3 1050-1400 lbs. 55.00- 57.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 925-1000 lbs. 64.5046.00.850- 950 lbs. 63.0044.50. Good and choice 2-3 850-1050 lbs. 60.0044.00. Good 58.0042.00. COWS: Breaking utility and commercial 2-4 36.00-38.00. Cutter and boning utility 1-3 35.00-39.00. Canner and low cutter 1-2 29.00- 35.00. BULLS; Yg 1 1100-1900 lbs. 43.00- 46.50. Morrison Cove Livestock Martiiuburg, Pa. Monday, December 26 Report supplied by auction CATTLE 171. High Choice & Prime si. steers 65.0046.50, Choice 62.50- Good 58.5041.75, Standard 52.50-57.50, Utility 42.50- 51.75. Choice slaughter heifers 59.50- Good 54.50-58.75, Standard 45.50-52.50, Utility 38.50- 44.50. Utility & Commercial si. cows 42.50-44.75, Commercial 40.50- Cutters 38.50-40.25, Canner & Low Cutters 33.50-38.50, Shells down to 26.00. Choice si. bullocks 54.50-58.50, Good 48.50- 52.50, Standard 42.5046.50, Utility 38.5042.50. Yield Grade #1 si. bulls 46.5048.50, #2 43.5045.25. FEEDER CATTLE. Choice feeder steers 52.50-56.50, Good 50.50-52.50, Medium 43.50-48.50; Good feeder heifers 54.50-56.50, Medium 44.50-48.50; Good feeder Monday markets not covered by USD A & PDA due to holiday bulls 48.50-51.50, Medium 41.50- 44.50. CALVES 250. Prime vealers 82.50-90.50, Choice 75.5fr80.50, Good 65.00-70.50, Standard & Good llfr 130 lbs. 50.5080.50,90-110 lbs. 42.50- 47.50, 70-90 lbs. 38.50-43.50, Utility at 20.00. FARM CALVES; Holstein Bulls 90-130 lbs. 75.00-102.00; Hoi. Heifers 95-125 lbs. 58.50-75.50. HOGS 204. US No. 1-2 220-230 lbs. barrows and gilts 52.5fr53.25, No. 1- Apple Market News Tuesday, December 27 Report Supplied by PDA The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture hopes that you and your family enjoyed a joyful Christmas and we would like to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a Happy and Successful New Year. Movement of apples, both bag and traypack, remains poor. Particularly during the short Christmas week. Some packers report no activity at all. Demand for traypack is slightly higher than bagged apples. Prices remain stable. Other areas of the Appalachian district shows demand as being light and the market about steady. Western New York and Michigan reports a light demand with a steady market. Michigan reports that trucks are being delayed by snow and poor road conditions. The citrus freeze in Florida and Texas could have a bearing on movement of apples during January. It is still too early to tell just what effect this could have. Keep your eye on this. NELSON LEGG 2 220-230 lbs. 50.75-52.10, No. 2-3180- 360 lbs. 48.50-50.25. US No. 1-3 320- 550 lbs. sows 43.50-46.50, No. 2-3 320- 550 lbs. 38.75-42.75. BOARS 28.25- 29.50, light weights 33.00-35.00. FEEDER PIGS 36. US No. 1-3 25- 35 lbs. feeder pigs 7.00-9.00 per h«id, No. 1-3 30-40 lbs. 10.00-12.00, No 1-3 40-50 lbs. 18.00-28.50 per head. SHEEP 6. Choice 100-135 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 50.00-55.00, Good 6080 lbs. 43.00-45.00. Prices quoted below are wholesale, truckload, f.o.b. at the orchard or packing house on Pennsylvania apples. TRAYPACKS: Red Delicious U.S. Extra Fancy - 100’s & up - $11.00; U.S. Extra Fancy - 113’s - $10.50; U.S. Extra Fancy - 125’s - $10.00; Comb. Fancy & Extra Fancy 100’s & up - $10.00; Comb. Fancy & Extra Fancy 113’s - $9.50; Comb. Fancy & Extra Fancy 125’s-$8.50-$lO.OO. Golden Delicious Comb. Fancy & Extra Fancy 88’s & up - $10.00; 100’s -$9.50; 113’s $9.00. Red Rome U.S. Extra Fancy 88’s up - $11.00; 100’s - $10.00; Comb. Fancy & Extra Fancy 80’s & up - $9.50; 88’S -$9.00. Stayman U.S. Extra Fancy 113’s up -114.00; 12S’s -113.,00; Comb. Fancy & Extra Fancy 113’s up - $12.00; 125’s-$ll.OO. BAGS: 12/3 bags Red Delicious U.S. Fancy - $7.50-$7.75; Golden Delicious U.S. Fancy - $6.50; Stayman U.S. Fancy -18.00; Red Rome Extra Fancy - $8.00; Fancy - $6.00-|6.50. LESS DOA'S LESS COND. SUMMARY FEEDER PIGS ft CATTLE Best of Quality BOYCE LIVESTOCK CO. MC. Shelbyville, Tenn. 615-294-5121 800 BOYCE 615-294-5301 I JWriKlflWHWr! Arena I » I Set the RedV&[ IBOOKS 1 SHOE SERVICE I 107 E. STATE ST I QUARRYVILLE. PA I
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