Kiester’s Hay Middleburg, Pa. Tuesday, December 27 Report supplied by auction 31 loads of hay; Alfalfa 100.00- 120.00; Mixed 51.00-110.00; Timothy 70.00-75.00. 11 loads of straw: 75.00-85.00. 2 loads Ear Corn: 105.00-117.50. One load of Spelts 1.80 bu. 18 pickup loads of Firewood; 35.00-49.00. Leinbach’s Hay Shippensburg, Pa. Tuesday, December 27 Report supplied by auction 39 loads. Alfalfa 91.00-147.50; Mixed hay 85.00-120.00; Bromegrass 98.00- 115.00; Timothy 105.00-120.00; Clover 100.00; Straw 54.00-89.00; Ear corn 130.00-140.00. Frederick Co. Hay Buckeystown, Md. Thursday, December 29 Report supplied by auction 22 loads, icy roads but market steady to stronger. Alfalfa 4 good 129.00-147.50, one dark 115.00; Timothy 4 good 121.00- 139.00; Mixed 4 good 127.50-140.00; Bright Straw 8 loads 66.00-82.00; Hardwood 70.00 cord. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. - THE ACTION AUCTION I MONDAY I EARLY BIRD HOG SALE For Your Protection Your Hogs Must Be Identified 10:00 AM 11:0 Good’s Hay Leola, Pa. Wednesday, December 28 Report supplied by auction 53 loads. Straw 100.00-131.00; Mixed Hay 100.00- Timothy 115.00- 124.00; Alfalfa 120.00-150.00; Corn 121.00- 0at52.95/bu. New Holland Hay New Holland Sales Stables Monday, December 26 Report supplied by auction 50 loads Alfalfa 92.00-180.00; Timothy 106.00-131.00; Corn 100.00-123.00; Mixed Hay 96.00-130.00; 1 load Fodder 71.00; Straw 96.00-126.00; 1 load Oats 2.65/bu.; Rye 2 25/bu. King’s Auction Tuesday, December 27 Report supplied by auction 11 Loads. Alfalfa 130.00-150.00; Timothy 110.00- Mixed Hay 120.00- 144.00; Clover Mix 121.00; Straw 102.00- 1 big load wood 115.00/load. HAY STRAW GRAIN 1:30 PM BEEF SALE CALF ( SHEEP, GOATS Vintage Hay Vintage Sales Stables Thursday, December 29 Report supplied by auction 11 loads Alfalfa 112.00-149.00; Alfalfa mixed hay 92.00-147.50; Straw 97.50-122.00. Hagerstown Hay Martin’s Elevator Wednesday, December 28 Report supplied by auction 10 loads. Alfalfa 156.00; Timothy 95.00- 119.00; Grass-hay 116.00; Straw 56.00. Penns Valley Livestock Centre Hall, Pa. Tuesday, December 27 Report supplied by auction Beef Cows: Utility and Com mercial 38.50-42.85; Cutters 36.25- 38.10; Canners 31.75-35.75; Shells 28.00. Heifers: Commercial 37.50-47.50. Steers: Good 51.50-52.25; Standard 48.25-50.50. Bulls: Good 52.10-54.10. Standard 46.50-49.25. Veal Calves: Prime 93.00-101.00; Choice 76.0089.00; Good 55.00- 73.00; Standard 46.00-54.00; Utility 38.00-45.00. Farm Calves: Bulls 80.00-103.00; Heifers 51.00-58.00. Hogs: 47.50-51.10. Sows: 35.00-36.25. Boars: 26.00-27.50. Shoats: 25-30 lbs. per head 12.00- 16.00; 30-35 lbs. per head 18.00- 21.00; 35-50 lbs. per head 19.00- 30.00. Goats: per head 17.00-28.00. I Wednesday! 12:00 NOON c °*» HEIFERS, BULLS NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, Inc. 12 Miles East of Lancaster on Route 23, New Holland, Penna The Action Auction 717-354-4341 Mgr. - Abe Diffenbach - 717-393-4464 Norman Kolb - 717-397-5538 Field Representatives Alan Diffenbach 717-656-9806 Luke Eberly 215-267-6608 - 738-1865 WEDNESDAY FEEDER PIG SALE 1:30 P.M. We endeavor to keep our barns cleaner than yours. State graded until 12 Noon Livestock market Valley Livestock Valley Stockyards Athens, Pa. Monday, December 26 Report supplied by auction Holstein Hfr. Calves to 55.00; Veal Calves 65.00-93.00; Vealer Bull Calves 60.0081.00; Slaughter Calves 35.00-50.00; Grassers & Feeders 32.00-45.00; Lambs 47.00- 59.00; Sheep 8.00-20.00; Hogs, 200 to 250 45.00-52.50; Sows 36.00-41.50; Boars 28.00-35.50; Pigs ea. 10.00- 26.00; Heifers 36.00-42.00; Steers Med. to 46.50; Steers, feeder 32.00- 45.00; Bulls 38.00-47.25; Cows, utility 36.00-38.00, top 40.00; Cows, fat 35.00-37.00; Cows, medium 32.00- Cows, poor or small 25.00- Cattle Market real good; Calf Market steady; Goats 13.00- Hay 80.00-90.00 per ton. New Holland Dairy New Holland Sales Stables Wednesday, December 28 Report supplied by auction Reported receipts of 37 cows, 21 heifers, and 0 bulls. Market stronger. I THURSO AYI 11:00 AM BULLS - steers - BEEF cows w .~-V. r V CALVES / SHEEP jJUHfJb *■ Joliet Cattle December 29,1983 Report supplied by USDA CATTLE: Salable receipts this week 2,450, a week ago 2,463, and a year ago 3,292. Trading active for the week. Slaughter Steers ended the week 1.00-2.00, instances 3 00 higher. Slaughter heifers 1.00-2.00, few 2.50 higher. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice, few prime 3-4 1150-1350 lbs. 68,25^ 69.00 Tuesday; 68.25-69.50, load 70.00 on Wednesday. Choice 2-4 1000-1300 lbs. 66.50-68.50. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 950-1250 lbs 65.00-67.50. Good 2 900-1050 lbs 63.50-65.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 2-4 900-1100 lbs. 65.00-66.75 Load Wednesday 67.25. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 850-1050 lbs 62.50-65.00. Load of PA Fresh cows 800.00- 1280.00. Load of PA Fresh cows 790.00- 1020.00. Load of PA Fresh cows 700.00- 1000.00; springers 660.00-1030.00. Locally consigned cows 365.00- 990.00. Springing heifers 500.00-780.00. °39 :30 P.M. GOATS
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