Al4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Dacmeber 31,1983 NEWARK, Del. The amount of pesticide left on a target plant after application is the deposit. If the deposit remains on the target for a period of time after ap plication, it becomes a residue. From the standpoint of pest con trol, a long-lasting residue is desirable. But this becomes a problem when crops are harvested for consumption. How is their safety ensured? To make sure any residues which remain are well within safe limits, the Environmental Protection Agency, manufacturers and independent research con tractors (including universities and private laboratories) conduct rigid tests on all pesticides which are intended for use on food crops, says University of Delaware ex tension entomologist Mark Graustein. Individual pesticides are ad ministered in decreasing doses to test animals until they have no measurable effect of any kind. “Residue equipment now is so sophisticated," he says, “that it can actually detect parts per billion and in some cases parts per trillion.” The level at which no further effects can be measured (in terms of milligrams, kilograms or parts per million of test animal body weight) is called the No Observable Effect Level, or NOEL. York Dairy YORK The York County Extension Service will try something new this year by con ducting two Dairy Days. The first will be on January 4th at the 4-H Center. The new dairy program and how it will affect dairymen will be discussed by Jack Kirkland, Penn State University Milk Marketing Specialist. “Computers: The Management Tool of the Future” will be the subject of a presentation by Jud Heinrichs, Penn State Extension dairy specialist. Shannon M. Neumann, York County Agent, will be presenting some information on calf and heifer management. Registration is being requested by calling 717-757-9657. On February 16th, York County will have another Dairy Day. It is in cooperation with Atlantic Breeders. The programs to be presented are on milk quality with Sid Barnard and nutrition with Dick Adams, both are dairy specialist with Penn State Ex tension. More information on the second Dairy Day will be available later. PORTABLE HONDA GENERATORS, WATER PUMPS and ENGINES Power When & Where You Need It 600 -6500 Watts With Battery Chargers SAVE WITH OUR CASH DISCOUNT SALES, SERVICE & RENTALS at STOLTZFUS WOODWORK Rt. 897 North, Gap, PA 17527 (717) 442-8972 Open; 7 AM - 6 PM, Mon.-Sat. XT'S A. We Ship HONDA Hon & Parts Residue testing explained Once the NOEL is determined, it is divided by a safety factor. ITie magnitude of this factor depends on the pesticide’s relative toxicity to human beings, Graustein says. It may be as low as 10 for com pounds which affect test animals Days and humans in a similar fashion, or as high as 2,000 for those which are particularly toxic to people. The value obtained by dividing the NOEL by the safety factor is then multiplied by 60 (since the average person weighs 60 kilograms or 132 FOR HIGH MOISTURE CORN New 6-ft. diameter polyethylene feed bin • 22-IN. DIAMETER FILL HOLE & LID • CORROSION-___— RESISTANT • 60° CENTER- DRAW HOPPER • STURDY, STEEL LEGS • CHORE-TIME’S STANDARD 1-YEAR WARRANTY against any product defect is another valuable feature you get. Chore - Time 9 s famous 66 coreless 99 now available in two models for feeding corn up to 27% moisture FLEX AUGER means you can move more teed per unit ot energy used A 1-hp power unit moves 50 pounds oer minute with Model HMCand 190 pounds per minute with Model 125 FLEX AUGER is also so reliable and long-lasting that Chore-Time now warrants the auger itself for 10 years And, the system is completely corrosion-proof from the feed bin to the nylon-coated boot to the special PVCT auger tube FLEX AUGER high moisture corn systems a new way to cut costs and boost efficiency STORE HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 4:30 Sat. 7:30 to 11:30 (Parts Only) FLEX AUGER COMPLETE SYSTEMS, EQUIPMENT. SALES, INSTALLATION, SERVICE FOR CATTLE, HOG, POULTRY AND GRAIN AGRI- 2754 CREEK HILL RD. f LEOLA, PA 17540 PHONE: 717-656-4151 Authorized Chore*Time Distributor For PA, N.J. and N.Y. pounds). This gives the sate amount of a particular pesticide that may be consumed each day. Finally, says Graustein, the EPA determines what percentage of the average daily diet a given food might represent. The total of all residues, including those on foods having the same residues, cannot exceed the safe daily dose BIN STORAGE AND FLEX AUGER DELIVERY SYSTEMS A VERSATILE FEED BIN FOR A VARIETY OF USES Chore-Time's new polyethylene feed bin is ideal for a variety of uses requiring a low capacity (1 5 ton) feed bin, including: high moisture corn feed rations, supplement storage, pig nurseries, milking parlors, and horse feeding. The bin’s low 8-ft. fill height means you can also place it inside your feed room. Bin will also accept a variety of bin boots available for use with Chore-Time’s famous FLEX-AUGER' Feed Delivery Systems EQUIPMENT,me. tor a given pesticide or for the combination of all pesticides. “While this sounds ominous,” the specialist says, “if you were to put the pesticides that do occur on your plate alongside your food, they’d amount to little more than a speck about one-millionth of a gram at most. This is well below the danger level.” Model 125 190 Ibs./minute • STURDY BIN “ ROOF OPTIONAL SIDE LADDER 16-IN. DIAMETER BOTTOM COLLAR Model HMC 50 Ibs./minute
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