Livestock market and auction news St. Louis Cattle Thursday, December 29 Receipts This Week 2,500; Week Ago 2,900; Year Ago 3,500 Compared with last weeks close, slaughter steers 2.00-2.50 higher. Slaughter heifers mostly 1.00 higher. Cows weak to mostly 1.00 lower. Too few bulls on offer to test prices. Slaughter supply mainly choice slaughter steers, around 25% heifers and 15% cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Mostly choice, few prime 2-4 1050-1175 lbs. 66.50, load 66.75. Choice 24 950-1200 lbs. 65.00-66.50. Mixed good and choice 26 900-1150 lbs. 64.0065.50. Good 2-3 900-1150 lbs. 62.0064.00. Mostly good 2-3 1050-1325 lb. holsteins 53.00-59.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Mostly choice, few prime 2-4 875- 1025 lbs. 64.5065.00. Choice 24 850- 1000 lbs. 63.0064.50. Mixed good and choice 2-3 800-950 lbs. 61.00- 63.00. Good 2-3 750-950 lbs. 58.00- 61.00. COWS: (Closing Week Sales) Breaking utility and commercial 2- 4 35.00-38.00. Cutter and boning utility 1-2 35.00-38.00. High-yielding boning utility 1-2 38.00-39.00. Canner and low cutter 1-2 32.00- 35.00. Shelly canner 1-2 28.00-32.00. BULLS: Very few YG 1-2 1150- 1450 lbs. 42.00-44.00. Individual YG 148.00. D EVERGREEN E 9 TRACTOR CO. r INC. 30 Evergreen Rd, Lebanon, PA (717) 272-4641 TRACTORS: (1) JO 4630, Quad Range & Duals,Sharp (1) JO 4040 P.S., Sound Guard, Heat 6 Air, Demonstrator, 18 4x38, 10.00x16, Dual Remote ... (1) JO 2840, Loaded (Super Sharp). (1) White 2-105 w/Roll Guard (1) Steiger Cougar, Model 251 w/30.5x32 Singles, 4 Rear Remotes, Like New, 800 hours . . (1) IH 460 Gas N.F. TA, Power Steering (1) IH Farmall C ... (1) Farmall H w/Cultivators MF 30-B Industrial Osl w/Loader 3 pt. & PTO .... JO 4020 Tractor, Syncro, wide front, one of a kind JO 430 wide front, 3 pt COMBINES & PICKERS: (1) JO 6620 LL Combine w/213 Flex Head 800 hrs (1) IH 203 Combine, Gas w/10' Platform, P.U. Reel, 2 Row Cornhead, Cab . (1) New Idea #325 Two Row Narrow Picker w/Sheller, Heavy PTO. (1) Gleaner Model K w/10' Platform and 2 Row Corn Head, Cab. . (1) JO 443 Corn head (1) JO 443 Corn head, new style (1) Used 350 BU. Myer Morton PTO Batch Dryer Thonday, December 29 Wednesday’s weekly sheep auction. Receipts around 130 head. Feeder and wooled slaughter lambs strong in extremely light test. Not enough of any other class to test market trends. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Mixed choice and prime wooled 100-125 lbs. 60.5064.00. 2 packages shorn with No. 1-2 pelts 130-140 lbs. 65.50- 67.00. FEEDER LAMBS: Choice and fancy 7065 lbs. 54.50-58.00. SM 60.0064.00; AN 60.0064.00; SO 60.0064.00; SP 60.0064.00. FEEDERS: (Including about 400 at the regular Thursday auction.) Not enough of any class to test market trends. FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Large Frame 1; Few 500-1000 lbs. 56.0060.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Large Frame 1: Few 500600 lbs. 46.0063.00. Weekly Summary Fri., Dec. 30 Report Supplied by PDA Markets: 14. Information covers 8 sales prices and headage, plus 6 sales with headage only due to holiday and bad weather. CATTLE: 5478. Compared with 5595 head last week, and 4012 head a year ago. Compared with last week’s market: Slaughter steers HARVESTERS & FORAGE EQUIPMENT; *18,500 (1) John Deere 3940 Harvester, Hydro-electric Controls, 1,000 PTO Used very little (1) John Deere 34 w/One Row RC & Pickup (1) Grove Forage Wagon w/Roof & Gear. . (1) John Deere Three Row Row Crop Attachment, New Belts ... . *3,850 (3) Badger Self Unloading Wagons w/Tandem Gears and Roofs (Sharp) . ea. *3,500 (1) Kelly-Ryan Silage Dump. Container HAY MACHINES: *29,450 *13,900 *14,500 *49,850 *2,350 *950 *950 (1) John Deere 1209 Mower Conditioner (1) Hesston 1090 USED ON 20 ACRES LIKE NEW *8,950 *9,350 *2,350 (1) John Deere 485 9' Mower Conditioner (1) New Holland 479 9’ Haybine .. (1) MF #l2 Baler w/Thrower, Hydraulic Control (DIH46T w/Thrower *52,000 TILLAGE: (1) Oliver 4-14" Trailer Plow, Hydraulic Lilt (1) JD F 350 5-16" Auto Reset Plow Sharp.. (1) IH 710 5-16" Auto Reset Plow Sharp . (1) John Deere AW 10’ Disk .. (1) John Deere 12' RW (1) IH 10'Transport Disk (1) JD #21014' Level Action Disc (1) JD #2lO 11'5 ” Disc *3,950 *4,350 *6,950 *3,450 *6,750 GRAIN DRYERS: (2) New Farm Fans ABB Auto-Batch Dryers. MUST *3,450 MOVE CALL FOR PRICE. ... (Dealer Inquiries Welcome) strong to $.OO higher; SI. heifers .50-2.00 higher; SI. cows mostly steady; SI. bullocks steady; SI. bulls unevenly steady. SI. steers: High Choice & Prime No. 3-4,67.00- 72.75; Choice No. 24, 65.00-71.00; Good 60.0066.00; Standard 55.00- 60.00. SI. heifers: Choice 60.00- 64.75; Good 56.0062.25; Standard 50.0065.00. SI. cows: Commercial 37.0041.50; Cutters 33.00-37.50; Canner 8c L. Cutter 28.00-35.00. SI. bullocks: Choice 59.1065.10; Good 54.0069.00. SI. bulls: Yield Grade No. 1, 1000-2400 lbs. 45.0064.75; Yield Grade No. 2, 900-1500 lbs. 40.0060.00. CALVES: 3020. Compared with 4111 head last week and 2512 head a year ago. Vealers uneven, mostly 2.00-5.00 higher, (few) Prime 98.00- 118.00; Choice 87.00-101.00; Good 70.0065.00; 110-130 lbs. 50.00-71.00; 90-110 lbs. 45.0065.00; 65-90 lbs. 35.0047.00; Utility 50-110 lbs. 28.00- 35.00. FARM CALVES: Hoi. Bulls 90- 135 lbs. 60.00-113.00, mostly 80.00- 100.00; few Hoi. Heifers 90-140 lbs. 49.00-60.00. HOGS: 5786. Compared with 8868 head last week and 5759 head a year ago. Barrows and gilts mostly 2.00- higher. US No. 1-2 200-245 lbs. 53.00-55.75 No. 1-3 200-250 lbs. 51.00- No. 2-3 200-280 lbs. 50.00- Sows US No. 1-3 300-585 lbs. 40.0044.00; No. 2-3 300450 lbs. 32.0040.00. Boars 31.00-33.25. EVERGREEN TRACTOR CO. INC. . Ivergreen Road FEEDER PIGS 1014. Compared with 1273 head last week and 908 a year ago. Feeder pigs mostly steady. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. 8.00- 20.00 per head; No. 16 3560 lbs. 20.0065.00; No. 1-3 5065 lbs. 35.00- 45.00. SHEEP: 799. Compared with 2083 head last week and 427 head a year ago. Steady to weak. Choice 80-110 lbs. 58.00-70.00; Good 5060 lbs. 42.0062.00; Utility 4060 lbs. 20.00 23.00. «*eep; 10.00-26.00. Lehigh ASCS groups ALLENTOWN - The Lehigh County ASCS county and com munity committees for 1964 have been selected, according to Michael Macker, Lehigh ASCS executive director. Clarence Weida is serving as chairperson of the county com mittee. Other members include Dennis Trexler, vice chairperson; Frederick Frantz, regular member; Roma Loch first alternate; and Clark Bittner, second alternate, Community committee mem bers include: Community 1 - Honovor, Whitoholl, N t S WMMuH Township* Harold Romaloy Chair person Hubert Sell Vice Chairperson Ernest NEWARK, Del. - If your woodpile is getting low, chances are there’s a supply of fireplace fuel conveniently delivered to your door each day. Delaware Ex tension Garden and Home Im provement Agent Willie Adams says newspaper logs are a good alternative to firewood. As a source of energy, newspaper logs are almost as efficient as the real thing and the price is right. Even a skinny edition will make one log, while a Sunday paper could furnish six or seven. Rolling newspaper logs is easy, but messy. Wear old clothes and rubber gloves. Adams says it’s best to work in a basement or garage. *8,950 *1,550 *1,850 Dissolve three-fourths cup of laundry detergent in a laundry tub full of water. Divide the newspaper into sections about half an inch thick, and fold them into half pages of 12 by 15 inches. Soak the paper in the detergent solution for *2,950 *3,250 *5,350 *1,250 *1,400 *1,350 *1,050 *450 *2,850 *2,850 *1,175 *875 ‘450 ’2,950 *2,450 Distributor of Sales & Service Blue Ball, Pa, 717-354-4971 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Dacambar 31,1983-Al3 Roll Your ZZZZZ- * ■z sss srsKSJMSWSB;* TBTSZ SSSSawfMM—« Aluminum Livestock Body nrniMA 2 GRADED FEEDER PIGS SALES: 1767. Compared with 2040 head last week, and 2133 head a year ago. All sales by CWT. Feeder Pigs uneven, extremes 7.00 higher to 7.00 lower. US No. 1-2 25-10 lbs 71.00-84.00, few 15-25 lbs. 104.00 107.00, 40-50 lbs. 60.0d82.00, 50-60 lbs. 51.00-71.00, 60-70 lbs. 53.00 60.00; US No. 2-3 30-40 lbs. 53.00 75.00, 40-50 lbs. 60.0085.00, 50-70 lbs. 44.0081.00. Geiger Regular Member. Donald Bachman First Alternate Community 2 Washington ( Heldalborg Richard Bachman. Chairperson, Donald Fink Vice Chairperson, Leon Turner Regular Member, Wilmer Dise, First Alternate Nathan Bachman Second Alternate Community 3 - Lynn Township Henry Kohler Chairperson, Lester Loch, Vice Chairperson. Clark Bittner Regular Member. Ralph Dietrich First Alternate Paul Zimmerman Second Alternate Community 4 • LowhHl A Woteonborg Townships Roma Loch Chairperson. Raymond Kressley Vice Chairperson Bruce Chattin Regular Member Stewart Bear First Alternate, Dale Dengler Second Alternate Community 5 • Upper A Lower Macungie Gerald Hunsicker Chairperson, Arlan Seidel Vice Chairperson, Dennis Schaffer, Regular Member, Lester Schanta, First Alternate Leßoy Kidd, Second Alternate Community 6 • Upper I Lower Milford, Salisbury. Upper Saucon Franklin Lichtenwalner, Chair person Leßoy Stabler Vice Chairperson. Ralph Urmy, Regular Member, Keith Hausman First Alternate. Julia Kyner, Second Alternate Own Logs a tew hours or overnight. The detergent will help the paper absorb water and reduce the amount of fine ash. (Note: It’s best not to do this job in a bathtub; the newsprint will leave a mess.) When the paper is well soaked, roll each section, one after the other, around a broomstick or other thin rod. Squeeze out the excess water as you smooth the surface. Then slide the rolls off the rod and stand then'on end to dry, tipping them a bit to allow air to circulate inside. The logs should be about 12 in ches long and two to four inches in diameter, Adams says. They are ready to bum when they are completely dry. This could take a few days, or a couple of weeks for thicker logs. Each log will bum at least half an hour, depending on thickness. Rolled-up newspapers aren’t as glamorous as big oak logs. But when they’re blazing in your fireplace, you won’t know the difference. Manufacturer of ALL ALUMINUM TRUCK BODIES Livestock, Grain and Bulk Feed Refri [orated Ti named
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers