D3o—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 18,1981 Public Sales Register Closing Date - Monday, 5.00 P M of each week's publication AUG 20, 21, 522 930 A M each day Martin's Carnage, Sleigh and Anti que Auction, at Inter course, PA Limited to 300 horse drawn vehicles, horse related items, anti ques and furniture Mar tin Auctioneers, 717 354-7006 THURS AUG 20 - 645 P M Public Sale of Real Estate Located 1 mile west of Ehzabethville, along Rt 209 in Washington Twp , Dauphin Co . PA 6 miles east of Millersburg Charles & William F Botts Owners George & Mike Deibert Auctioneers THURS AUG 20 7PM Public Sale of 10 Acre Farmette, Located 214 Skyview Lane, Warwick Twp , Lancaster Co , PA Take Rt 222, Rt 772 (Newport Rd) turn right onto Skyview Lane Terms by S K Shotzberger, Inc T Glenn Horst and Timothy G Horst Auc tioneers FRI AUG 21 630 P M Consignment of Feeder Cattle & Feeder Pigs at Keister's Middleburg Auc tion Sales, Inc Rt 522, 3 miles East of Middleburg, 5 miles West of Sel mgrove, Pa Don & Walt Keister, Owners, Ray Long & Dave Imes Auc tioneers FRI AUG 21 6PM Ar nold’s 19th Production Sale of Bred Gilts, Open Gilts, and Boars at the Lebanon Fairgrounds, Lebanon, PA For info contact Leon Arnold 717-273 5880 FRI AUG 21 900 A M Public Sale of Excellent lot of Farm Equipment, located 1 mile west of Mercersburg, Franklin Co, PA on Rt 16 Mrs W L Grossnickle Owner J Robert Meyers Auc tioneer SPECIAL HOLSTEIN DAIRY SALE TUESDAY, JULY 21 8 P.M. D.S.T. To be held at SMOKETOWN QUALITY DAIRY SALES Route 340, Smoketown, PA. 5 mi. East of Lancaster - 5 mi. West of Intercourse. One load of fancy Reg. and Grade. Fresh and Springing cows and heifers. Out of New England states. Cows milking 50-70 lbs. milk per day. Special Mention - Twenty-eight cows out of New York State -100 head Dispersal. Cows due July - August. Four head out of Vermont Dispersal and Six cows out of Mass, dispersal. Some cows with records from 17,000 M. to over 19,000 lbs. of milk. Sires include - Canyon View Rock Shane - Bred to Thonyma Starcraft. Record - 3 yr. 3 m. incomplete Estimated 17,089 M. 606 F. Dams records - 3 yr. 9 m. 282 d. 18,690 m. 591 F. - 4 yr. 8 m. 300 d. 20,535 m. 620 F. 5 yr. 7 m. 310 d. 21,358 m. 668 F. Sire - G.P. Raylane Man-O-War - Bred to A-Lime Hollow Admiral. Sire - Bom - 2-20-78 Zion - Meadows Admiral. Sire - Bom 8-29-78 Reynoland Cockney Prince. Also selling - Fresh Ist calf heifer - Grade - Her sire son of Gay Ideal. Dam made from 12,000 to 14,000 lbs. m. Vacc - Grade Heifer - just bred to Son Elevation - out of an Ex Bootmaker Dam - record 22,950 m. 707 F. Vacc - open Heifer Grade - ready to bred, sired by Senog Double Benefactor Chief. Dam Est. 15,000 m. 565 F. Bulls to be sold at beginning of sale. Reg. Holstein Bull - Marvex out of Jerry Daughter V.G. 89 as 3 yr. old over 18,000 m. 650 F. Proven Bull dam could go EX. Grade Holstein Bull - Sire Marvex - Bom Nov. 1979. Dam-Pawnee Farm Arlmda Chief. Records - 2 yr. 5 m. 368 d. 16,393 m. 4.4 T 712 F. 2nd Dam - Astronaut -14,309 m. 535 F. 3rd Dam - Ivanhoe -17,689 m. 650 F. Grade Holstein Bull - Sire Sky Lark Comet - Dam over 49%. Cows milked at Regular tune. Cash or good check night of Sale. Carl Diller- Paul Snyder Auctioneers Henry Kettering, Pedigrees Lunch Bird-m-fland Auxiliary FRI AUG 21. b3O P M Gap Auction Antiques and Household Goods sold at every auction Located off Rt 41, Lan caster Turkey Hill Mmit Market, cross RR bridge, Ira Stoltzfus & Son, Auc tioneers SAT AUG 22-10 00 A M Public Sale of Tools, Household Goods, Anti ques, Located 1 mile NE of Intercourse, 3 miles south of New Holland on corner of N Hollander Rd and Ridge Rd Sale by Abner F and Katie Z Beiler Auctioneers - Robert E Martin and Son 656-7770 and Frank L Steller 656 8195 SAT AUG 22-9 00 AM 13th Annual Community Sale at the Leesport Auc tion Grounds, along Rt 61N of Reading Spon sored by Berks Co Powona Grange Farm Equipment, Household Goods and Antiques 7 Auctioneers SAT AUG 22 10 00 A M Public Sale of Antiques and Collectibles, Household and Misc Items, Chev Impala Located 7 miles north of Hegins, PA, 2 miles west of Rt 125 (Watch for sale signs along Rt 125 day of sale), 3 miles southwest of Franklin Square in the Mahantongo Valley Clif fert Hepler Dockey & Dockey Auctioneers MON AUGUST 24 2P M Danville Livestock Market, cattle and hog auction Located Old Route 11, Danville, PA Melvin M Lehman, owner WED AUG 26 1100 A M Penpstar Registered and Grade Holstein cow and heifer sale, 60 registered and Grade Holstein sell at the farm, 1 mile south of Quarryville, PA Carl G Troop, VMD Owner Remsburg Sale Service Manager THURS SEPT 3-Monthly Cow Sale at the Melvin Kolb, Inc Sales Barn, 2220 Dairy Road, Lan caster, Pa 17601 Dennis Kolb, Sales Manager, Robert Mullendore, Auc WED AUG 26-6 PM PA tioneer Sale by, GORDON W. FRITZ 717-393-0930 4th Pertoi mance Tested Boar Sale held at Dept of Agriculture Meat Animal Evaluation Center, 651 Fox Hollow Rd , State College PA 16801 Selling Approx 60 boars FRI AUG 28, 530 Gap Auction Antiques and Household Goods sold at every auction Located off Rt 41, Lan caster Turkey Hill Mimt Market, cross RR bridge, Ira Stoltzfus & Son Auc tioneers FRI AUG 28 Annual Lebanon Co Holstein Club Sale to be held at the Lebanon Area Fairgrounds Harry H Bachman Auctioneer SAT AUG 29 -11 A M Consignment Horse Sale at the Keister's Mid dleburg Auction Sales, Inc Rt 522, 3 miles East of Middleburg, 5 miles West of Selmsgrove, Pa Don & Walt Keister, Owners Ray & Dave Imes Auctioneers SAT AUG 29 9 00AM 6th Annual Public Sale by the Bareville Fire Co 2H E Mam St. Leola, PA Furniture, Quilts, Tools, Dry Goods Groceries SAT AUG 29 11 00 A M Public Sale of Real Estate, Antiques, Collectibles, Household and Misc Items Located on Rt 147 Mam St, Herndon, PA Cloyd E Zeigler Estate Doc Key & Doc key Auc tioneers SAT AUG 29 Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Guns and Misc Items at Mary E Forney Farm near Lewisberry, PA West oft Rt 83 at Newberrytown exit Ralph W Horst Auc tioneer MON AUGUST3I 2PM Danville Livestock Market, cattle and hog auction Located Old Route 11, Danville, PA Melvin M Lehman, owner SEPTEMBER MON SEPI / 2 PM Danville Livestock Market, cattle and hog auction Located Old Route 11 Danville, PA Melvin M Lehman, owner MON SEPT 7 Public Sale of Household Goods, Antiques and Farm Equip ment Located along Rt 124 2 miles west of East Prospect, York Co Daniel Hoover Owner Nevin Z Martin and Lewis B Groff Aucts MON , SEPT 7 - Labor Day Antique Farmersville Auction In Farmersville, 3 mi East of Brownstown, Lancaster County, PA JohnJ Rutt, Auctioneer THURS SEPT 10 Dispersal of Holstein Dairy Cattle Directions take Rt 272 North from Ephrata to Schoeneck Road, take Schoeneck Road to Schoeneck, turn right at Fire Hall to first farm on right Sale by John M and Lena H Nolt, Donald Yost, Atty. Blakey Yost Bupp & Kilgore 42 East King Street, York, PA 17404 Wm. F.C. Marlow, Jr. Atty. Marlow & Peddicord 504 Baltimore Ave., Towson, MD 21204 ESTATE AUCTION VALUABLE INCOME PRODUCING APARTMENT BUILDING Village of Bryansville, Peach Bottom Township, York Co. Pennsylvania. This highly desirable, 4 apartment, • unit is situated on Bryansville Square. An ideal investment property this attractive old landmark could serve as a home with three apartments remaining. There is a large barn on the property that is useful for a garage and storage. The personal representative will offer for sale on the premises at public auction on SATURDAY, JULY 25,1981 At 11:00 A.M. O’clock Located on the square. Village of Bryan sville, York County, Pennsylvania. TERMS OF SALE: Cash or certified check deposit in the amount of $3,000.00 will be required of purchaser at time and place of sale. For further details & legal description and inspection of property, contact auctioneers Estate of CARL W. MILLER Deceased Fay Miller, Personal Representative JERVIS S. MARSHALL, Auctioneers 3531 Mt. Zion Road Upperco, Maryland 21155 301-239-8187 Held at Shady Lane Dairy Sales, Inc. V* mile west of Quarryville on Oak Bottom Rd THURSDAY. JULY 23 8:00 P.M. DST 130 Head of Registered & High Grade Holsteins This sale consists of a Herd Dispersal of 60 Head fresh & springing, all stages of lactation. A lot of summer & fall young cows, you will be buying this herd in their working clothes, due to quick sale. Also small herd of 21 Virginia cows, mostly fresh and springing with several fall cows. A real group with cows weighing up to 1600 lbs. Also 10 head from New Jersey herd due this summer and fall 40 head of close and fresh cows bought form farm dispersals Special Mention 6 Registered & Grade stock bulls. Including 2 Marvex twins with dams records of 23.675 M 3.7% test and 872 F. Farmers and dealers-if you want good cows or stock bulls plan to attend this sale This is the place where you make the price No cows sold prior to sale. All must go Free transportation to Lancaster Co Amish. Must call by sale day John E and Paul E Mar tin, Auctioneers THURS SEPI 10 Farm Equipment Sale at Horsts Machinery lot, located 1 mile east of Marion, PA Ralph W Horst Manager FRI SEPT 11, 530 P M Gap Auction Antiques and Household Goods sold at every auction Located off Rt 41, Lan caster Turkey Hill Mimt Market, cross RR bridge, Ira Stoltzfus & Son, Auc tioneers FRI SEPT 11 6 30PM Houvale Farms 7th Yorkshire Production Sale of Bred Gilts, Open Gilts and Boars at the Lebanon Fair Grounds, Lebanon, PA for Info contact Elwood E Houser 717-272-5798 or 273-2921 SAT SEPT 12 - 10 A M Public Sale of Household Goods & Antiques Take Rt 322 East from Ephrata, Pa to Hinkletown, at Owners, SHADY LANE DAIRY SALES, INC. Glenn & David Fite 717-786-2750 or 1725 Hmkletown turn South on- MON SEPT 14-2'P.M to f-armersville Rd ,go to Danville Livestock T Rd, property on right Market, cattle and hog next to Sensenig’s Fur- auction Located Old niture Sale by Levi M Route 11, Danville, PA Hoover Auctioneers John Melvin M. Lehman, E & Paul E Martin owner PUBLIC AUCTION OF HEIFERS &FARM MACHINERY SAT., JULY 25 Located 1 mile east of Strasburg along Rt. 896, first farm on the left. Registered Arlinda Chief Jemim and Lawcrest Marvex Twin bred to Marvez, due October. Arlinda Jet Stream bred Elevation due November. Identified grades- 2 Toppers, 1 Willie Star, 1 Ideal Superior, 1 Snowman-all bred to Marvex, due Aug. and Sept. Several grade heifers due Aug.-Nov. 1 bred to Elevation. Open Heifers. 8 gas tractors-Int. 140, new cond. with 1 pt. hookup cultivators, plow, platform, disc harrow; Int. 656 fast hitch, WFE; Farmali W 6 w/TA and PTO; Farmali 300; Farmali 200 fast hitch with cultivator; Ferguson 30 w/3 pt. hitch; Farmali F2O and Fl 2. 1978 Odyssey Honda, 250 cc engine, all terrain vehicle. 2 row Int. 650 harvester with recutter, like new; 1 row Int. 350 harvester; Int. 1 pr cornpicker; Int. 531 4 btm. plow, new; JD com binder, PTO; Int. fast hitch 2 row cornplanter; comb, roller/harrow; Int. fast hitch disc harrow; Ferguson 3 pt. 8’ spring harrow, good cond.; Int. 440 baler; JD hay fluffer; McComuck- Deenng grass seeder, 7’; NI model 101 lime spreader, Dunham cultipacker; Nl manure spreader, ground driven; Bush Hog 14 h.p. hydrostatic drive w/48” mower, reel type power mowers; mower knives; Troybilt rototiller, 6 h.p., new; Hahn Eclipse tiller, 3% hp; belt drive circular saw; chain saw; garden duster, fast hitch, spray frame and boom; tractor radio; tires and runs size 12-15; bag wagon, wheelbarrow, cattle racks for 8’ pickup; tool box for pickup; tool set; platform scales, shovel harrow, oil barrel with hand crank;-dog house; poultry equipment; hog feeder; Star 8 can milk cooler; 3 sets of double and 2 sets single tobacco ladders; tobacco lathes; tobacco clippers and spearsfsome hay. Many items too numerous to mention. Not responsible for accidents day of sale. Refreshments availabe. No out of state checks. Terms By EUGENE M. ROHRER Auctioneers: Lloyd H. Kreider Randal V. Kline Gary L. Shirk KREIDERA KLINE AUCTION SERVICE COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL 11 a.m
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