—rk. Green Castle, PA From $175 717-597-4427 Chain Link Dog Kennels Insulated Dog Boxes Chain Link Gates (Any Size) Reasonable Prices LAPP'S PET SUPPLY New Holland #l, Pa. 17557 (3 mile N. of Good’s Furniture) 717-354-4374 Ans. Service WANTED TO BUY Puppies 6 to 9 weeks old m litter lots Pure breeds and halt breeds Cash money paid Will pickup every Wednesday For resale in my pet shop Write to Charles Hackett 3743 N ‘sth Street , Philadelphia PA 19140 or call between 12 noon 4 6 pm Mon Tues 4 Thurs only 215 229 0449 Give breed age color when writing Also some kind of direction Thank you Buyers wish to contact garlics ginger planters in Lancaster area, for Autumn delivery, Moses Chu, P 0 Box 202, Paradise, PA 17562 717- 687 8751 miscellaneous Two garment bags, one womens, 53, one mens $2 One broiler oven, continuous cleaning, $25 One 2 burner hdt plate, $25 Call 717-626-1485 after 6 30 P M For Sale - Delta Slate 11" x 22"'like new Also Amway Qu6en stainless steel waterless cookware never used, retail for $407 00. will sell tor $2lO Quentin McCleary. Stewartstown, Pa 717- 993 2704 AKC Pomeranian Pups two black females $l5O Black Male at stud 717 359-4374 Apply to MISCELLANEOUS For Sale - Brass Quoits for family fun, 6" diameter, wt 31b Solid yellow brass sand casted $25 set of 4 Make check or money order payable to Chestnut Hill Castings Write Box 366 R 57, Lancaster Farming, Lititz, PA 17543 For Sale • Windmill, running condition, David S Esh, 25 Spring Rd, Leola, PA 17540 “Windmills for sale!” Dealers needed also for America’s best new wind mill, "EAGLE #1" “Free Brochure 1 ” (Toll Free 1-800 241-6759, American Wholesale Windmills, Box 261, Stone Mountain, GA 30086 For Sale - Beekeeping supplies Inverbrook Apiaries, RD2, Box 230, West Grove, Pa 19390 215 869 3353 Call or write tor tree catalog LOW OVERHEAD CASH AND CARRY PRICES on new and used automatic washers dryers-gas & electric refrigerators and ranges used wringer & engine washers. New bedroom .furniture. Delivery and in home or shop appliance repair available. Financing available with approved credit'. Open 7 30 until 4 30 Sat. 7 30 to 12 noon evenings by appointment MYER’S WASHER - DRYER Along Rt 772 between Brownstown and Leola Bright yellow house , 717-656-7X69 estate j Pheasant Hunting - Sept 1 - Apr 30 Eggs, Chicks, Started, Mature Reading Hunting Area, Birdsboro, Pa, RD 1, 19508 Ph 215-856-7670 For Sale - Rmgneck Pheasants, hatching eggs, chicks, started and matured flyers Professional all breed bird dog training Tom Crawford, Hillendale Game Farm, Tyrone 814- 684-5015 For Sale - A O Smith com mencal oil-fired, glass lined water heater, 369 7 gal per hour, 75 gallon capacity, $4OO 150,000 gram Canadockly water softener, $5OO 717-665-2914 or 665 5427 For Sale - Complete beekeeping operation, 85 two story hives, 200 deep supers drawn comb, new assembled supers with foundation, modern stainless steel extracting equipment Will sell com plete or by the piece 215-756-6187 The Pennsylvania Farm Museum of Landis Valley desires to purchase approximately three (3) acres of hand-cut Balboa rye (or any other rye of equal height)for historical thatching purposes Interested persons should either call the Farm Museum at 569- 0401 or write same at 2451 Kissel Hill Road, Lancaster, Pa 17601 Address all inquiries to Nadine A Stemmetz Wanted - Firewood Large Quantities - Hardwoods - Logs, sliced or split seasoned or green-will haul-fair prices paid 215 383-5044 eves For Sale - Telephone Poles, 717-392-7803, 584-6108 For Sale - Used bee hives Amos U. Click, 2061 Jarvis Road, Lancaster, PA 17601 New & Used steel and plastic DRUMS, bought and sold-local and long distance deliveries Reliable Recyclers, 114 S Maple Ave, Leola, PA 717-656 4211 For Sale - Old fashioned Columbia kitchen range, JD 40 tricycle, good con dition, TD 9 International w/blade, Fox Terrier and Chihuahua mixed pup pies Call 717-626 5678 LOCUST POSTS FOR SALE - 7’ $3 00, 8’ $3 50 717-687-9044 For Sale - Refrigeration unit for apple storage area Call after SPM for details 717-477-5520 Wanted to buy - Old wide plank attic pine flooring, no paint or stain with good condition sot face, in lengths of 10’ plus, need 525-550 sq ft Call Don Lefever 717-299-5201 days, 717-397-1234 evenings For Sale - Amish buggy, rewired & repainted, good condition 717-362-8336 after 4 P M , R D 1, Box 580, Halifax, Pa 17032 For Sale - Honeybees, Amos F Beiler, 134 Blackhorse Rd . Paradise, PA 17562 REAL ESTATE Duncannon Acreage 108 acres, 59 acres tillable, 49 acres wooded, more acreage available Large barn negotiable Call for details SI 12,000 Stuart Derrick Real Estate, Inc 717-957-2887 NORTHERN NEW YORK We are offering this 400 Ac plus dairy farm for sale. Priced under $500,000 depending on what you want, Price includes complete line of almost new equipment, 91 head of cattle in D H I A for over 15 YR's Buildings in excellent condition , 347 Ac FARM, Buildings in excellent condition, S & E $360,000, 165 Ac FARM equipped $115,000, 175 Ac FARM, 10 yr old barn, stone house, second barn, country store all stocked, S 4 E $250,000, ALSO HAVE hobby farms priced from $29,000 up Fournier Real Estate Gouverneur, NY 315 287 4065 180 acre beef farm, 130 tillable, level acres, 10 secluded buildings, financing or machinery available. Corning NY, owner retiring $125,000 607-962-6668 or 215 885-1458 By Owner - Rural Manheim area, 3 bedroom rancher, fireplace in basement, garage and carport, fruit trees, large plow, financing available, 717-665-7280, -717 367- 7370, 717-367-9423 125 Acre Farm, Good Land, Buildings, Location, 25 Acres with Roadstand, 50 acers with cottage, 9 acres with pond, River front Estate, Lots at desirable locations, Large commercial Garage, showroom. Livestock, poultry, gram, vegetable farms, good farming areas in New Jersey What farm do you want to buy, sell, rent 1 Philip F Gardiner, Real Estate Broker, 609-881-7023 early morn mg, EVENINGS To Settle estate, approx 200 acre farm, 75 acres tillable, 10 room house, large bank barn plus sheds Excellent spring water, deer and small game hunting, fishing Along Pine Creek, Lycoming County, Pa 717-753 3335 FOR SALE - 50 ACRE FARM, WITH COM PLETELY AUTOMATED 35,000 BIRD LAYER HOUSE, MUCH MORE BERKS COUNTY, PA 215-562-7776 Large home, 13 rooms, 3 full baths, 3 complete cellars, along highway 5 acres of land $65,000 Clarence Kuhl 717-622- 3995 Herndon, Schuylkill Co 136 acre farm, home, barn, plus 7 other buildings, 80 acres tillable, $146,000 Owner financing, will trade for smaller farm or single family residence Harvey C Cresswell Realtor, 717- 874 0147, 717-628-5057 YORK COUNTY FARM: Ideal for livestock opera tion Buildings include 2‘/z sty, 3BRfarm house, large bank bam, corn crib, hog house, chicken house, 2 car garage, 33 ac m/l, on ly $75,000, owner will take a sales agreement 1 Value Real Estate 717-246-1576 "590 acre dairy farm operation for sate 360 acres of good early corn and alfalfa soils 180 cow free stall complex, Surge parlor, 2500 gallon bulk tank, modern calf and heifer raising facilities, farm shop and several storage buildings, modern feed center, 2 Har vestore’s 25 x 90 and 20 x 80, large bunker silo, free natural gas for all buildings large modern home, 170 Holstein milkers plus 214 head of young stock, full line of modern farm machinery and equipment, can be purchased as Real Estate only or with cattle and equipment, REALTY 50, 334 West Mam Street, Batavia, New York 14020, 716 343-9221 or 716- 343 3616” REAL ESTATE For Sale - Farmland, 500 acres, about 100 acres woodland, 3 complete sets of buildings Can be purchased in one parcel or in lesser amounts Near Troxelville. Snyder Co Park F Thomas, R D 1, Beavertown, Pa 717-658 6544 North Baltimore Co Farm, 172 acres, 3 miles off 1-83 with 125 acres of cropland 4 47 acres of woodland, some farm buildings included Also has 55 acre parcel with 39 acres tillable, $2OOO per acre 301-343 0713 eves For Sale - 33 acres in Berks Co, half tillable, half woods, 5 ponds stocked with fish, 4 A frame cabins, block bungalow, old farm house w/oiT burner, modern stone front home with livmgroom, kitchen, 2 bdrms, recreation room, l‘/j baths, garage, storage room, electric heat 5000 pine trees around house, all kinds of fruit 4 nut trees, private setting All buildings have all con veniences, hot water haters, baths, heat 2 springs plus 98’ well possible owner financing Must be seen to be ap preciated Call for in formation 215-944 8692 between 4 4 6 PM or write Leroy Baer, Box 3471, Fleetwood, Pa 19522 FREE Exciting Seasonal Edition, Catalog l Over 5,400 coun try properties described pictured' - Land, Farms, Homes - Waterfront, Recreation, Retirement buys l Yours FREE from the World's Largest l STROUT REALTY 1801 N. Front St. Dept. 6490 Harrisburg, PA 17102 (717)234-0138 Ready To Work for you l Stocked, equip ped 200-ac Grade A dairy Fertile cropland, pasture Ponds, wells Ex cellent 3-bedrm & bath home Grade A barn, silos, other bldgs On blacktop & 2 other rds , 5 mi to town $299,900 Owner retiring, will finance STROUT REAL TY, Inc, Box 127-A - Sigel Star Rt, Brookville, PA 15825 (814) 849 5964 Res, 849-3282 Free Local Lists ' Dairy sss At village edge on paved rd A river Service rts by 267 West Virginia acres Pasture 50-60 cattle Tillable 80 acs Bank Barn, 50 freestalls Grade A double - 4 herringbone setup. Silos Neat 5- bedrm home, basement garage Owner retired $306,000 29% down, 8- 3 A% interest STROUT REALTY, Inc. Broker, P 0 Box 165, Terra Alta, WV 26764 (304) 789-6177 Res , 789-6733 Free Local Lists STROUT REALTY NE. PENNSYLVANIA FARM Wayne County, 114 acres worked tillable fields, woods, stream, all fenced Sturdy farm house, breath taking views, barn with cleaner, 46 stanchions A ties, pav ed road Anxious to sell $116,000 Cali George H Zerebak Realty, Rte 370, Lakewood, PA 18439 (717)798-2113 FARM FOR SALE In- Milton, Pa 153 acres, large road frontage, easily sub divided $2500 per acre Write Box J-173, c/o Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa 17543 Bradford County Large country home with barn and 33 acres, wooded area, abundance spring water supply To be sold by owner 717-265-9014 Roost by owner, 24 acre old homestead, deep well, great view, l‘/z mile from Staunton. VA, secluded 560.000 703-886-7959 or 703-337-2252 For Sale - 2 tracts of woodland with road frontage (1) 10 acre, (1) 19 acre Levi P Kauff man, R D 2, Box 123, Honey Brook Pa 19344 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 23,1981— 841 60 ACRE HOG FARM 3 100' buildings, heated floors, pit, 3 bedroom brick house and pond, Adams Co. 717-632 6968 241 acre active dairy farm, 39 stanchions, fully equipped barn with silo, 5 bedroom house, $125,000, Many other farms available Atkinson Real Estate, 93 E Mam St , Gouverneur, NY 13642, Call 315-287- 1310 anyti me Large bank barn and silo suitable for pig farm, storage or any other purpose, cheap rent Elverson, 215-MO7-5329 Investment Opportunity 2500 Feet River Front on 450 Acres in St John County - Florida 300+ Acres tillable and leased annually Real Estate Holding Corporation Stock may be purchased R Runyon, PO Box 301, Manasquan, NJ 08736 Potter County Tavern for sale or lease near Galeton, Pa Phone 814- 435 2869 For Sale - 270 acre beef operation, 145 tillable in gram, 25 acres meadow, rest in woodland, 2 houses & barn, Juniata Co 717-436-8309 Farm For Sale -120 acres, 85 acres tillable, 8 acres woods, 27 acre meadow with stream, red soil with sand content, new broiler house, 54,000 capacity, 22 crate farrow-to-fimsh operation, 2 family house, N Lancaster Co $470,000 by owner Write Box 215, Manheim, PA 17545 Susquehanna County 34 acres - 20 tillable, some pasture and wooded land 2 story barn plus outbuildings Fronts pav ed road, stream with ex cellent pond site $26,000 owner will finance 48 acres - 20 tillable acres now under plow, balance pasture and wooded land Electric & phone available $29,900 Strout Realty Lenoxville, Pa 18441 Call (717) 222-3898 Write for free lists of farms, homes, acreage Farm for sale by owner - 290 acrs plus or minus in Bradford Co near Troy 2 houses, 40x100’ bank barn, 13 hay 40x80’ equipment barn, 2 streams, 1 acre reservoir, excellent hunting, currently used for beef 717-297-3394 For Sale - By Owner - 200 A farm, 96 cleared, 70 tillable, creek, springs, fenced, cross fenced, very good buildings, milkhouse, stanchions, 10R 3B house, orchard, alfalfa, terms possible, trailer hookup, $225,000 Bedford Co 814-784- 3158 22 acre farm, 50 miles east of Scranton, PA in Wayne Co Nearly new ranch house, full basement, good con dition 2 large barns, need some repair $44,000 or will accept offers Call 315-684-9243 LANCASTER CO. DAIRY FARM 78 acres, Chester loam soils, large silo, pipelines, etc. Write Box 366 L-154 Lancaster Farming Lititz, PA 17543 COLUMBIA CO., PA. Farm For Sale - 30‘/a A, 8 room house, barn, 3 bay garage, other buildings, scenic area, flat and tillable, ideal for development or farming. Price $65,000 Write Jim Roberts 458 Mill St. Catawissa, PA 17820 or call 717-356-7161 REAL ESTATE For Rent - 4 room house, middle aged couple, nice yard and parking Neff sville, Lancaster Co , 717- 569 1170 2 Farms consisting of 120 acres of very fertile land, 2 sets of buildings for sale by the owner, John Strawbndge, 301-995- 2022 If you’re looking for a farm, land or have any other real estate needs, you’ll find what you want in the Real Estate classifieds 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164 For Sale - Perry County, 1 to 8 acre .woodlots, ap proved PH 717-438- 3115 Farm For Sale - to settle an estate, 74 acres more or less in Nine Points area Call after 3PM 717-529-2714 HUNTINGDON CO FARMS 192 acre hog farm, hous ing for 150 sow operation, farrow to finish, truck scales, 3 gram bins, will hold 35,000 bu, also storage for 2 tractor trailer loads of soybean meal, 2 story home with 5 bedrooms and bath 2nd floor, 4 rooms ar - ' x h bath Ist floor F ti has private lane anu borders large creek Owner financ ing Colonial Real Estate Agency 814=447-5511 FARM FOR SALE - Pullet & hog operation with possible owner financing at 9Vz% interest Raises 51,800 birds, 2,000 hogs per batch 3 year old automated poultry house, 38'x308’ Hog barn with ventilation system, large farm house & 20 acres Fine net income Bethel area Call Bill Snader or Jason Rutter at DERRY REALTY CO, 717-273 9351 FARMER-INVESTOR 530 acre modern farm, York Co, PA Approx 400 prime tillable acres, flexible terms Leaseback option Respond P O Box 61, Dallastown, PA 17313 22 acre farmette, 12 tillable, block home, located on Wolf Rock Rd , Paradise Twp , Lancaster Co Ph 717-442-4279 eves for details DOWNINGTOWN CHESTER CO. 17 acre mini farm Ideal set up for horse and or dog trainer-breeder Owner will help finance $215,000 Mary Ann Trone, REALTOR 215 431-1860 8 ACRE FARMETTE 2 story brick house built in 1797, new bank barn, pasture with spring and stream Adams Co. $59,000. 717-632-6968 For Sale - 123 acre farm five miles West of Loysville in Perry Co, Pa 100 acres tillable, stone house, bank barn, & other outbuildings stream in pasture, $175,000 Only interested buyers need call Evenings 717-789- 3474
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