FARM EQUIPMENT Model 25 SP Oliver com bine, good running condi tion, 12' gram head, very reasonable 814-667-3594 Welsch 300 gal sprayer on 3 pt monitor, electric valves in cab pressure controls, hydraulic centrifugal pump, 2 sets of stainless nozzles $l4OO, 2 1000 gal. steel tanks $200" 814-237- 6080 JD 45 square back com bine, 244 corn head, 12’ grain head, cab, 703-837-2335,837-1428 JD BWA transport disc, excellent condition $ 2 0 0 0, JD 1209 mower condi tioner, less than 200 hrs $4OOO, 301-756- 2743 JD 39 3 pt. 7’ tackle mower, excellent condi tion $6OO, 215-692-8476 Wanted - Feed bin, 2 compartment about 2 ton each. 717-626-4911 USED FARM EQUIPMENT NH 469 Haybine $1675 NH 479 Haybine $2775 Hesston 310 SP Mower Cond .... $1350 NH 273 Baler w/or w/o thrower.,. $lB9O NH 269 Baler NH 54A Bale Thrower $450 IHC 37 Baler & Thrower $950 IHC Tedder $l5O Cunningham Crimper $175 JD “60 s PTO Blower $475 NH 27 PTO Blower NH 1880 210 h.p. 3R Fg. Harv.. $13,850 IHC 550 Fg. Harvester w/pickup & 2R Adj. Heads $995 Fox 2300 Fg. Harv. w/2R Head, like new. . $4750 NH 800 W Pickup Head $985- NH 518 Spreader w/hyd. endgate. $1950 AC B Tractor Plow & Cultivator $985 2R Planter w/fertilizer Call for prices on other equipment SPECIAL PRICES ON NEW NH L 35,1325 Skid Loaders NH 315 Baler, 846 Baler, Mowers NH 488,489 Haybines NH 14.230,235 Wagons NH #8 Forage Box w/roof NH 513,519,679 Flat Bed Spreaders 1 * NH 782,892 Harvesters and Heads Tedders, PTO and Traction Driven 3200 gal. Spreader with ejector Garden Tiller, Anens, 4 H.P. Killbros Gravity Boxes RQYA, _ SALES * Phone: 717-626-7766 or 626-1859 700 Woodcrest Avenue, RD3, Lititz, PA NEW EQUIPMENT USED EQUIPMENT Bn fe 4 f nd6RoW Mid-West Buster _ ,S lltW 2£S S i * Bars in Stock JUST TRADED KiUbros Model 350-& NI 710-711 Uni CENTURY 300 37 ]l j G » ain Boxes „ o nL gal. 10 row Field w/hyd. Augers VIGOR-RATED Fo s ♦ 9 * Sprayer with 801 Uni Power Unit SOYBEAN SEED Rotary Cutte , new pump w/767 Super chopper & SOYBEAN ic. C tw, wnt ,n n on &766 6’hay pickup INOCULANT 16 ~2"fJhW'ton SiineSear LAWN & GARDEN joTfS? MF 7 h.p. Riding Hesston 1091 mrchhot Tin<> Tractor 9 ft. 3” 18 «»™t dy T Tanaka Flex-Line vSSSs 3pt. Rotary NI #44Hay Rake T^finmer^^iS RebatesineHecL | imlMßfe K AC A Gleaner 8 H .P. Category O 3 l— CeSuS 200 gal. pt- HototiUer, like Hesston 6550 7’&9’PEQUEA sprayer Gilson 12’cutSP PTOHAY JDHayFluffer Rntottllera in Windrower, Dsl, - TEDDERS IH #56 Forage w/Hydrostatrc Drive INSTOCK Blower aH>CK Will demonstrate „ BRUNINGBARN, !' WE AT UMBERGER‘S MILL I[ WESTOCKA FENCE AND WOULD LIKE TO THANK EVERYONE > OF RRUN?NG v WHO CAME AND HELPED MAKE OUR | INTERIOR? SPECIAL 1 GRAND OPENING A SUCCESSFUL ONE. EXTERIOR PAINT} $59.95 1 UmBERGER'S AAILL farm equipment Dial 717-867-5161 or 717-867-2613 RD »4 (Fontana) - Box 545 LEBANON, PA 17042 New Idea,Nesston, Gehl, Brillion, Bush Hog Dealers FARM EQUIPMENT Wanted to Buy - JD modeF 820 3 cyl diesel 1969- 1972 Call 215-539-9479 Wanted - Good potato digger and grader and planter, Jacob E Kauff man, Box 282, Rd 1, Christiana, PA Along Bell Rd Stoltzfus 10’ boom type lime spreader body, good working condition $l2OO, Dan Ulrich, Conowmgo, MD 21918 301-378-2402 NH crop cruiser forage wagon, 3 beaters, on JD tandem gear, excellent, $3500 717 653-5923 For~Sale Used McCurdy fertilizer auger, complete for gravity wagon $3OO York Co 717-292-2573 afterS pm For Sale - JD 150 hp 4630 quad range, sound guard cab with air cond., and radio, 1050 hrs, 20 Bx3B dual tires, ex cellent condition 717-752- 3825 FARM EQUIPMENT MF 510 diesel combine with 4-30 corn and 13' gram heads and straw spreader $16,500 814-237-6080 JD 4040 4 WD 1979 SG cab w/heater, AC, AM/FM stereo, hydro cushion seat, quad range trans, dual remote cylinder 18 4x38 rear, 10 00x16 front, 6 front weights, calcium rear plus more Always inside, only used for haying, 150 hrs, price $27,000, now lists for $43,000 215-847-2403 Bucks Co For Sale - 1469 NH haybme, like new JD 4020, 3020 IH 1066, 966, 856 & 656. Case 2674 WD w/cab & air & 1370 w/cab & air Ferguson 135 801 Ford Roy Derstme 717-292- 1856 USED EQUIPMENT IHF-1066 Tractor Farmall Super C with Loader MF 65 Tractor MFI3S Tractor MF 230 Tractor MF 255 Tractor MF 265 Tractor MF 1105 Tractor Ford 4000 Tractor with Loader MF 81 Hay Tender Used Plows Used Balers Used Drills N£SW EQUIPMENT MF 154-4 Tractor MF SOB Tractor Loader MF 1050 Grinder Mixer MF 750 Combine MF 620 Disk MF33DnIL MF Mowers MF Plows MF Rakes MF Balers MF 925 Conditioner NI Manure Spreaders Caldwell Shredder Bearcat For. Harvester Snapper Mowers N.H. FLICKER & SONS, INC. Box 68 Maxatawny, PA 19538 215683-7252 FABNI EQUIPMENT Will buy & sell all types of horse drawn equipment 215-593 5754 1 NH 1034 bale wagon, demonstrated $9185, 1 NH 1495 haybme with cab, A/C and diesel motor new $23,000 814-793- 3791 Blair Co Crawler loader, 69 Case 850 good condition, $11,900 for details call Reading 215-921-8495 For Sale - New Holland #1037 self loading and unloading bale wagon, new condition Price $9OOO 703-289-5298 For Sale - #B2 Massey Harris combine with 12’ gram head 215 252-7288 One JD cornplanter 7000, 4 row wide, dry auger fill, can deliver Pete Keifer, Bangor, PA 215-252- For Sale - Int 656 utility diesel w/Dunham loader Int #37-10 ft. disk 717- 365-3714 TRACTORS Ford 8000 w/dual wheels Ford 7700 Dual Power Ford 5000 D 8 Speed Ford 2600 D w/Loader Ford 2600 Gas, Power Steering Ford 4000 w/Loader Ford NAA w/Loader FordßNw/mower Ford 3400 G w/Loader IH666DWFE 1H560w/3pt. 1H504G, 3pt. IH 330 w/fast hitch IH 300 Loader/Backhoe IH Cub w/mower AC 5040 ' ACI6OD AC Dl7 3 pt. Case 1740 D umloader Case 830 CK MF 2135 w/Loader MFI3S MF6SG, PS MF3SLivePTO Satoh 650 w/loader Satoh6sow/blade JD1530 EQUIPMENT JD 95 bu. Spreader Ford4B3pt.Plow AC 4B Plow Ford3o9 Com Planter Ford 532 Baler Ford 3 pt. Rake Bushog 12’ Disk JD 7’Flail Mower Ford 501 Mower KELLER’S FARM MACHINERY, INC. 116 Richlandtown Pike Quakertown, PA 18951 215-536-4046 NEW EQUIPMENT JD 506 Rotary Mower $695 JD 307 Rotary Mower $BOO JD 1250 3B Plow $1320 JD 1250 3B 16” Plow $1320 JD 1608 Chisel Plow $l7OO JD 2600 4B 18” Spring Reset Plow $5680 JD 336 Bal«r w/#3O Kicker $6650 JD FSSO 12’ Roller Harrow $4150 JD 567 Wheel Rake $1275 USED EQUIPMENT JDA JD73O JD 38 Sc 3Boo Harvesters JD4BFI2SPIow JDSBI4SOPIow JD 164012’6” Disk JDAW9’lO”Disk JD 7000 4RN Planter' $4995 JD 494 4R Plate Planter IH 6R Air Planter $3OOO Farmhand Loader to fit JDIOIO & 2010 JD 300 Elevator 34' BnllionO’ Packer JD 16A Flail Chopper WENGER IMPLEMENT, INC. The Buck, PA m SPECIAL CLEARANCE BUYS NEW JOHN DEERE EQUIPMENT 336 Baler w/eiector HD 336 Spring Tooth Harrow 1207 Mower Conditioner 1209 Mower Conditioner 2500 4B Hyd. Reset Plow 2500 5B -Spring Reset Plow 660 Rake CBl Spin Spreader 40 Spreader 714 Chuck Wagon 1065 A Running Gear 1075 Running Gear 1710 Mulch Tiller OTHER EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE JD 45 Rear Blade 7’ V JD 88 Rear Blade 9’ 'Bush Hog RM3O Rear Blade 6’ Bush Hog 1123-7’ Rear Blade JD 143-145 Loaders JD 609 Rotary Cutter JD 850, 950, 1050 Tractors Century 500 gallon Liquid Fertilizer Sprayer USED EQUIPMENT _ JDB JDLA JDS2O JD72O JD3OIO JD4020 FarmallH, M, MD AC C, WC, WD FordßN Ford Dextra (Diesel) JD 55 Combine JD 95 Combine AC Gleaner CIT Bush Hog 1600 Cutter Wood C-114 Cutter NH 6'Cutter Brilhon RSS-112 Cutter JDSO7 Cutter Special Deals on More Equipment not listed. See us Now! Call For Details. MILLER'S SALES » SERVICE INC. West Penna. Ave. on Highway S5l Stewartetown, Pa. 717-993-2470 or 993-2732 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 23,1981—81 l combine, 10’ grain head, 234 corn head, excellent condition, 237 corn picker, Roger Krumnne, Westminster, MD 301-346-7514 Ml 1 row transplanter: 1 mechanical row transplanter, NH 402 crimper, NH 404 crusher, Nl 751 & 752 crusher, Me 70 rotary scythe (new Knives), McD #9 ensilage cutter 717-687-6553, eves & weekends 717-687-8021 For Sale-JD 4430 with 2 post rollguard, quad range,' very good con dition 717-532-7054 For Sale - J D 2 row (horse) corn planter with long tongue and double-tree, good condition $235 717- 548-2559 Farmers & Dealers - Your advertising pays for itself when you advertise your equipment in the farm equipment section 717- 394-3047 or 717-626- 1164 For Sale- Rotary scythe, 9 ft, AC 170, IH 10 drill 717-438-3115 Call For Special Low Prices!... AC 5050 Tractor, 51 hp, 220 hrs AC 5050 Tractor, 51 hp AC 7010 PS Tractor w/cab, air, 20 Bx3B tires AC 7060 PS Tractor w/cab and Air AC 10’ Mtd Chisel Plow ACS’ Mtd Chisel Plow AC 5-Bot, 16" Plow, 2000 Series AC 16 Vi' Field Cult., with hyd. fold AC 2600 Fold Disc, 16’8” AC 333 Corn Planter, no till & air units Glenco 9 Tooth Soil Saver Nl 299 Mowditioner (2) Nl 106 Fert Spreaders, 690 Lbs Nl 116 Fert Spreader, 1380 Lbs. Nl 743 Stripper Plate Head, 3 Row Wide BBgma AC 7040 PS T ractor w/cab &air AC Dl5 Tractor IH 450 Gas Tractor Nl 279 9’ Cutdition er Gehl 800 Recutter JD 38 Harvester w/PU 4 2R Wide head NH 770 Harvester, 2 row wide Lamco 14’ Forage Wagon 33S AC KKS Gleaner w/10’ Head & 330 Cornhead AC A Gleaner w/10 Gramhead AC C Gleaner w/440 Cornhead IH 315 w/13' Gramhead and 2 row Cornhead MH 82 SP w/10’ Header MH 80 w/12’ Header (2) MF QT 24 Cornheads Nl 702 Uni-Tractor Nl 727 Um-Husker Nl 723 Uni-Stripper Head (2 row) Nl 729 Uni Shelter Nl 726 Uni Husker A Dealer for ITCO Corp. • Over 9,000 items At Discount Prices SHARTLESVILLE FARM SERVICE RD X, Hamburg, PA 215-488-1025 H Daniel Wenger, Prop. FARM EQUIPMENT JD TOOL BAR PUNTER 4 row, units could be sold separately BRILLIONIB’ HARROW 4" IRRIGATION PIPE with sprinklers ORCHARD TOPPER, cutter bar type CALL 717/382-4878 MAPLE LAWN FARMS. INC For Sale - Tobacco rails, orders taken now for June & July delivery Rails out of pine or hemlock Write for prices - Enos S King, Box 128, Rebersburg, Pa 16872 Centre Co USED EQUIPMENT TRACTORS: IH 1566 0., Cab I Air, 30.5x32 tires, new TA, Real Nice -$23,000! JD 4520, 20.8x38 Radiate, No Cab - $13,500 IH 706 Gas. Eng. Overhauled, New Paint $5,950 IH 560 Gas, 400 Gas, 300 Gas IH 656 D Hydro 1H350 High Utility 1H350 Farmall IH 544 Gas Hydro w/2000 Loader 400 F Gas, Fast Hitch. PS, Nice Shape IH Cub, 1978, Real Nice 185 Lo Boy w. Mower, Real Nice! MFI6S Diesel JO 1010 Gas w/Tncycle Front End Oliver 1800 Gas, Wide Front End, over & under TILLAGE: IH 47513’5 Disc Harrow IH 770 12' Offset Disc, Like New Bush Hog 18' Folding Disc Pittsburg 12' Disc Oliver 251 9' Oise. Real Nice IH 370, 350, 37. 35 In Various Sizes JDl2' 3-Rank Chisel PLANTERS: 4 4 6 Row Cycles, Field Ready! JD FBB 17x7 Comb. Single Discs, Good Shape! JD 494-A, DD, 4-Row Planter IH No. 1013x7 Plain Drill IH No. 10 16x7 Single Disc, Comb., Hyd. Lift IH No. 10 16x7 Single Disc, Comb. Oliver 24x6 Combination Drill Oliver 17x7 Combination Drill COMBINES; WAIVER TILL 9111*1 IH 915 6-Row Head, Low Hrs. 810 15' Floating Cutting Bar 810 13' Floating Cutting Bar IH 403 w. 4-Row Wide Head IH 315,2-Row Wide Head IH 205 2-Row Wide Head HAY A FORAGE EQUIPMENT: 717 NH Chopper 38 JO Chopper 5501 H Chopper 36 NH Flail Chopper 33 NH Flail Chopper 72 A Bear Cat Flail Chopper 1014 Hesston Mower Cond. 420 T Hesston S.P. NH 7’ l9’ Haybines MISCELLANEOUS: JDIIS Forage Wagon Gehl 800 Recutter Blower York Rake ,r|-| ERB& HENRY HI EQUIP., INC. I New Beriinville, PA 19545 Ph: (215) 367-2169 Daily 7-5 Fn. 7-9; Sat. 7-4
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