D4—Lancaster Famine, Saturday, May 23,1981 Reduced tillage HARRISBURG During the related to the amount of crop past five years, the use of residue left on the land. With corn minimum and no-till planting has yields of over 100 bushels per acre, increased significantly. the amount of residue produced Reduced tillage has proven can exceed 3 tons per acre. When effective in reducing erosion; And 60 percent of the residue remains last year, in those areas with on the surface after minimum inadequate rainfall, the effect on tillage and planting, farmers wiU moisture conservation became realize increased infiltration and evident. reduced water losses as a result of The effectiveness of reduced tillage in conserving water as well' as controlling erosion is directly The use of no-till in crop residues HARRISBURG - The use of crop residues can be applied in conjunction with other con servation practices, such as strips and contours, diversions and terraces. Crop residues serve as a mulch to reduce soil moisture losses. They also help to improve water infiltration during a ram storm. Crop residues include corn stalks, small gram straw and soybean stalks. The effectiveness of these residues depends on how well the material is distributed or spread and whether the residue is left standing or is incorporated into the soil. Due to increased costs for straw and bedding materials, many farmers are faced with the decision whether or not to remove crop residue for their own use or for sale. If residues are removed, especially where continuous row crops are grown, similar benefits can be achieved by applying ONE HORSE BARNYARD SCRAPER 4 FOOT PUSH/PULL BLADES *345 GOULD’S SUBMERSIBLE ELECTRIC WATER PUMP. Vi H.P *lOO WHITE HORSE MACHINE RDI, Gap, PA 717-76^-8313 r WHITE WASHING ~1 I WITH ! I DAIRY WHITE I I -DRIES WHITE | I - DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY | X -NO WET FLOORS X | -IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT AND FLY I ■ SPRAYS fl f - WASHES OFF WINDOWS & PIPELINES EASILY * I ALSO BARN CLEANING SERVICE I I AVAILABLE WITH COMPRESSED AIR [ I To have your barn cleaned with air it I } will clean off dust, cob webs & lots of the x I old lime. This will keep your barn looking I X cleaner & whiter longer. X I MAYNARD L. BEITZEL i I Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 X | Bam spraying our business, not a 2 I side-line. Spraying Since 1961 I I HIGH PRESSURE WASHING AND r I DISINFECTING POULTRY HOUSES I | AND VEAL PENS. | mulching effects. Crop conserve moisture manure or by using a winter cover crop. Mulch may be more essential WASHINGTON, D.C. - Each year, more than 6.4 billion tons of soil erode from the nation’s far mland and other nonfederal lands. “In many areas, the rate of erosion seriously threatens long term agricultural productivity,” said Norman A. Berg, chief of USDA’s Soil Conservation Service. “We have unacceptable erosion rates on more than 140 million acres of cropland.’ ’ Berg said erosion rates exceed acceptable levels on more than 295 million acres of cropland, pastureland. forest land, and Conservation practices to keep in mind residues Erosion threatens productivity Here's What - You Get For Less Than 15* A Week! * V ARTICLES OF INTEREST on the latest trends in farming and feature stories about your farming friends and neighbors! A WHOLE SECTION OF HOME NEWS and features, recipes and columns written just for our readers! REPORTS ON OUR YOUTH.. .photos and articles about the next generation of farmers...our farming youth! Our total farm coverage also gives you NEWS' (including Dairy & DHIA Reports)...MARKET REPORTS...BEST BUYS ON PRODUCTS AND EQUIP MENT-FREE MAILBOX MARKET...and much, much more! aids in water conservation is an ideal practice trom the standpoint of water conservation. Since the full amount of residue remains, there will be more than adequate cover for a mulching effect. If crop residues are removed, especially where row crops are being grown continuously, a mulching effect can be produced by planting a winter cover crop or applying manure. on soils that are occasionally subject to drought. rangeland. Scientists consider erosion tolerable when eroded topsoil can be replenished through natural processes. Of the more than 6.4 billion tons of soil losses from wind and water erosion each year, more than 5 billion ' tons erode from agricultural land, Berg said. Some 1.1 billion more tons erode from streambanks, gullies, construction sites, roads and roadsides. . Sediment, the greatest single water pollutant by volume, is an end product of soil erosion, Berg added. [ fc/ ;ftHU»SO- .. "isufiSii ' 4 «< Reduced tillage, such as that used on the Aaron Hoffer farm in Middletown, in conjunction with the use of crop residues can increase soil moisture by 19 percent, according to a Soil Conservation Service spokesman. COLLEGE PARK, Md. - The U.S. Department of Agriculture is currently cooperating with the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. Department of the Interior in a joint subcommittee responsible for establishment of a National Aquaculture Plan, as specified in Public Law 96-362, signed last September by former President Carter. Several other federal agencies 14 in all are also represented on the joint subcommittee for aquaculture, including the Farm Credit Administration ... P-0.80x366, Lititz, PA 17543 JEVi Mmi n n Phone 717-626-1164 or 394-3047 Aquaculture Act calls (or plan At LANCASTER FARMING, we-think we do a good job of keeping you in formed...and we have over 39,000 paid subscribers who think so too! The* subcommittee has a man date to have its National Aquaculture Plan ready within 18 months from last September. Opportunity is provided for public comment during the plan development. A preliminary report is due on September 1,1981. Under the new program, it is expected that the U.S. Department of Agriculture will have sole or partial responsibilities for catfish, crawfish,- baitfish and trout production m aquaculture ac tivities.
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