LANCASTER Soil, climate, Utural practices and hybrid determine how thick com should be planted, but the arithmetic for top com yields is simple, says Wayne Fowler, director of agronomic education, DeKalb Agßesearch, Inc., DeKalb, HI. It takes 21,000 half-pound ears to produce 150 bushel per acre com; it takes 28,000 to produce 200 bushel per acre com, “You’ve got to have the plants to get yield,” Fowler says. Yield potential is limited by the interaction of moisture availability, soil fertility and length of season, so realistic yield goals represent downward ad justments from maximum yield potential based on experience with insects, weeds, disease and other yield-limiting factors. “Several years of studies at DeKalb’s experiment farm, Dayton, lowa, show the company’s .hybrids consistently produce jfe\gher yields under high plant populations,” Fowler explains. This has proven to be true regardless of fertilization rate. Bilf The Big Dutchman Tri-Deck layer Why?...Because the greatest compliment cage system is the most complimented is to be imitated, and everybody has his own system around. : version of the Big Dutchman Tri-Deck system. BUT IF YOU ARE BEING SOLD A COPY, TAKE A MOMENT TO SEE HOW IT REALLY MEASURES UP TO THE ORIGINAL, BIG DUTCHMAN And remember, once your Big Dutchman system is completed, the competently trained staff of Hershey Equipment Company will con tinue to service it and provide spare parts at DISCOUNTED prices as it has been for over fifteen years. HE! WOT EQUIPMENT COMPANY, "WE SELL THE BEST AND SERVICE THE REST" Designers of Qua Planting rates affect com yields “Although excessive populations put undue stress on plants, evidence indicates that more yield goals are missed by planting too little rather than too much seed. ’ ’ Narrow rows and high population rates, 'when used in combination with adequate fer tility levels, earlier planting, and weed and insect control, are responsible for part of the upward com yield spiral of recent years. Improved hybrids have con tributed significantly. There appears to be no good reason for a corn-soybean grower to plant any of his crop in rows wider than 30 inches, according to DeKalb’s seed experts. Narrow rows provide a full canopy earlier in the season and reduce evaporation and air movement which saves water. The canopy also shades weeds sooner which improves weed control. In one three-year test conducted by DeKalb researchers, a harvest stand of 28,000 plants per acre in either 20 or 30-inch rows gave optimum yields with seven of the company’s most popular hybrids. STILL # 1 Putdiman. TRI-DECK THE ORIGINAL TU7 . hershey equipment I COMPANY, INC. <lHy Systems for Poultry, Swine and Groin Handling. The hybrids were tested at harvest populations of 21,000, 28,000 and 35,000 plants per acre in 20; 30 and 40-mch row spacmgs. In all cases, the lowest yields were made in 40-inch rows at the 21,000 population. Highest yields came from the 20 and 30-inch rows, with little difference between them. Fowler points out that these tests were conducted on excellent soil and in an excellent corn-growing area fertilized to produce 150 bushel per acre com. HARRISBURG - March 1981 egg production in Pennsylvania totaled 377 million, according to the Pennsylvania Crop Reporting Service; The March production was two percent above the 369 million eggs produced in March 1980. The March average of 16.8 million layers was two percent above a year ago. Egg production per 100 layers was 2246 compared with 2240 in March 1980. • DURABLE, HIGH QUALITY WIRE • GALVANIZED TUBING FRAMES • 16 GA. DROPPING BOARDS (OR HEAVY FIBERGLASS) • LOW PROFILE CAGES • DOUBLE DIPPED GALVANIZED WIRE FLOOR • STANDS B'APART • HEAVY GAUGE HIGH LIP FEED TROUGH (5-3/8" DEEP) • HEAVY FEEDING CHAIN SYCAMORE IND PARK 255 PLANETREE DRIVE LANCMII PA 17603 (71713f3 5807 Route 30 West of the Centerville Exit At the 28,000 population, the average yield of the seven hybrids tested was 149 bushels per acre in 20-mch rows; 148 in 30’s. At these same populations, the 40-inch rows yielded 10 bushels less com per acre. Fowler suggests these tips to help you get the desired stand: • Be sure to drop enough seed. Not every seed will emerge, so set your planter to drop 10 to 15% more seed than the desired stand. • When planting early, drop Pa. egg production up 2 percent The nation’s laying flocks produced 5.98 billion eggs during March, 1981, less than one percent below the 6 billion produced a year ago. The number of layers for NEED . MORE ROOM? Read The Classified “*• •;« »»■ wn/ Real Estate Ads BUYING or SELLING p coins please consider ! WISE’S COIN & GIFT SHOP we have 3 in-house teletypes keeping us up to the minute on current market prices. We are full time professionals & your satisfaction is our full time concern. We also provide consultations on INVESTMENTS and APPRAISALS - private facilities offer CONFIDENTIAL consultations. WISE’S COIN & GIFT SHOP 1430 Walnut St. Lebanon, Pa. 17042 (717)273-9705 (717)273-0785 CUSTOM MADE FEED BINS • Made of 14 Gange Steel • Longer Taper for Easier Flow ■ All welded seams which make it water proof and rodent proof • Can be installed inside or ontside boil ding • Most installations can be made without angei WILL DELIVER AND INSTALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL BETZ’S WELDING SERVICE 717-345-4854 Home: 717-345-3212 We Sell, Service & Install Bucket Elevators, Grain Augers, M-C Grain Dryers, Distributors, Pipes & Accessories. approximately 2,000 more kernels per acre than you would normally. Reason: Earlier planting results in smaller plants with less total leaf area per acre. So, for optimum yields, you can put down more seed per acre. • Finally, calibrate your planter for each seed lot and for seedbed conditions. Then use the correct seed plate or planter setting and proper speed to get the seed drop you want. March averaged 287 million, slightly above the 286 million last year. Egg production per 100 layers during the month was 2081 compared with 2079 a year ago. ANYWHERE
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