DB—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2,1981 picked swine to show in her first livestock show. The W •, j| T sophomore in animal production said she thought they'd be I YPI.I~. I & easiest! She walked away with the reserve champion fitter honors. York County’s Charla Janney, the 1980 beef an j ma |. she was chosen as the reserve Lamb and Wool Queen and this year’s Suffolk champion showman and noted “it’s sure Queen, tackled the job of showing this Polled di ff ere nt than showing sheep". Hereford bull her first attempt at showing a Designed to Your NeedsJo Your Specifications” • Pole Barns • Poultry Houses • Dairy Barns • Horse Stables To help you plan your building and write your own specifications, a professional Snavely field representative is ready and willing to assist you. He can help with 'everything from selecting the site, determining the size, and drawing the plans, to selecting materials, figuring costs, and scheduling delivery. Snavely’s has been doing business for over 100 years and has satisfied thousands of area farmers. And their factory fabricated panels, walls, trusses, etc. not only make erection easier and faster but also save you considerable money. For a no-charge, no-obligation consultation on your building require ments, phone, visit or mail the coupon below. ;% Sr I SINCE 1878 indisviHe, PA 17 Lancaster, PA 17* I am interested in (Type of Building) I plan on building about Name _ Address City State Phone Number I - utmlpa Smtely Soya... Make ARM BUILDINGS • Riding Arenas • Utility Buildings • Hog Houses • Cold Storage Snavely &Sons,lnc.^ >3B 150 Main Street 717/898-2241 03 351 W. James St. 717/394-7277 (Date) County _Zip_ Lori Coon, Worthington, Armstrong County, said she • Equipment Sheds • Storage Buildings • Work Shops • Residences on new Case farm tractors purchased between April 1, and May 31,1981. Eligible Model 1190,1290,1390,1490,1690 2090,2290 2390,2590 4490,4690,4890 plus Waiver of finance charges If you buy any of our new Case farm tractors or a used farm tractor of any make between April 1,1981 and May 31,1981. and finance it through J I Case Credit Corporation finance charges will be waived from date of purchase until June 1,1981 Special factory allowances on selected models. Ask us for details. Mill A SERVICE A.L. HERR A BRO. MRK AVI., QUAMTViLU, PA Mmmi riMN4sai Reserve champion horse showman and fitter is Cindy Franklin, Murrysville, Westmoreland County. She is a junior animal bioscience major at Penn State. Cash rebates up to Cash Rebate until June 1,1981 and If you buy one of our new Case farm tractors between Apnl 1, 1981 and May 31,1981, Case will send you a check for the dollar amount shown opposite the Case model you buy, or you can apply the rebate towards your down payment NOTE Government Agencies/Departments do not qualifyforrebate $lOOO $l2OO $l5OO
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